PAGE SIX The Truth 0 You'll find no lye buttle under our apron when we do jour family washing. We use only sudsy soap and rainsoft water to wash clothes clean. We don't rub your clothes threadbare, either. Just swish suds and water through every fabric pore. Our method make clothes last longer. Makes 'em cleaner, too. Just let us do a trial job then you'll see! THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 Dessert c pecials Slock your pantry at Special Prices Pears, 2 lb. tins, reg. 45c each. Special, 3 for 81.00 Pears, 2 lb. tins, reg. 36c each. Special, 3 for . . 8.? Peaches, 2Vi lb. tins, reg. 45c. Special, 3 for $1.10 Peaches, 1 lb. tins, reg. 26c. Special, 6 for $1.00 Loganberries, reg. 36c. Special, 4 for .51.00 Red Pitted Plums, reg. 26c. Special, 6 for $1.00 Sliced Pineapple, reg. 20c. Special, 6 for $1.00, Fresh Vegetables arriving on every boat Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box, 575 AreYouWell? If you want to be well but are discouraged because health is denied you if you have tried everything else, then this little message conveys a KAY 01' HOPE Nearly every kind of disease is being permanently corrected through the new drug-less science of CHIROPRACTIC When the cause is removed, Nature can do her work. Consult W. C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange Block Telephone flreen 211 Residence: 1037 1st Avenue. -rtir Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up' 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co. BANQUET GIVEN Q.C. ISLANDS IWTlltK AMI (SOX AMI MOTHER AMI DAiailTEK AFFAIR TROVES TO IJE OUTSTAMHXO EVENT 8KIDEQATE. May 18. At Queen Gbtrlotte City a father and eon and mother and daughter banquet proved to be one of the moat successful events; of the year. It was planned and car ried out under the aupervlaion of Rev. 1 j and Mra. R. Scott of the United Church Marine Mission and the launch Thomas Crosby was used In bringing the j visitors from neighboring points. The success was due largely to the activity , of the missionary and his wife who! received the visitors with cordiality and were the life of the event. Among those present were J. Barge. H. Palrbalra, O. Miller ,C. H. Bevln. E. C. Stevens, Rev. 11. Matthews, O. Tur ner, A. C. Pallant, J. Klteen and Capt. Oliver, each having his son with him. The mothers who had daughters pre sent were Mrs. H. Fairbalrn, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. J. F. Barge. Mrs. O. Ede, Mra. J. Gillespie. Mrs. Moon and Mrs. J. Karkle Prominent among the visitors was Colonel Rider, former American Consul at Vancouver, who gave an Impressive address regarding the friendly relations between Canada and the United States. There were toasts to the King; to Meat and Butter Shamrock Bacon, sliced, per lb. Shamrock Peamealed Racks, HOC Dominion Bacon, sliced, per lb. o0 Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, per lb. ' JWr sliced, per lb r,i)i Boiled Ham, sliced, per lb. . . 00 Roast Pork, sliced, per lb. . . OOc Jellied Tongue, sliced, per ib. 0f-Jellied Veal, sliced, per lb. 4i)f Lorned Beef, Frey Bentos, sliced, per lb 4t)t Bologna Sausage, sliced, per lb. iWt Pork Sausage, l's, tall, per tin 0f Shamrock Hams, per lb Picnic Hams, per lb l!Tf E.C.D. and, Glendale, l's, 2 for Capitol Butter, l's, per lb. . . Bulk Butter, 3's, New Zealand 1)."0 .' $1.-10 14's, Capitol Butter S0.ur The above are all quality pro ducts and guaranteed to satisfy the most fastidious taste. Another large shipment of Fresh Killed Milk Fed Fowl ar riving Wednesday. Boiling Birds, per lb Heavy and Light Fowl SIH(- Singapore Pineapple, 2's, sliced, 7 tins for o."ir WATCH OUR SATURDAY WINDOW FOR A HIO SOAP SPECIAL This will be worth your while. Toilet Paper. 1 doaen rolls for 180 Snprerna Polish, $1.00 sise, spe cial tir,e Suprema Polish, 50c siie, special :t."ir Libby's Asparagus Tips, l's, square. 3 for IK5f Baby Carrots and Baby Spinach, 4 tins for 1)00 Unpolished Jap Rice, per lb. U? lust opened a new barrel of high-grade Dill Pick res. cer dos. 10c 2 lbs. of Sauer Kraut and 1 lb. of Weiners for ."Or Saanich Clams, 3 tins for ... 55c Aylmer Soups, 2 tins for . . 2:1? Malkin'a Best Vinegar, quarts, each -. ":l Manchurian Walnuts, halves, per lb HOf- Preserved Sugar Ginger, per lb. 50c Ginger Snaps, per lb lOt New Potatoes, per lb 100 Head Lettuce, larn. 2 for . . il."r Green Onions, Mint, Leeks, Pars ley, per bunch 5( Arriving Wednesday and Friday Tomatos (Hot HoumO. ffelerv. Cucumbers. Radishes. Bunch Car- rrots, Bunch Turnina. New. Gran kCabbage, Green Peppers, Texas flCabbafre, Asparagus Tips, New warden Peas. Cauliflower, Water cress, Rhubarb, also Fresh and Citrus Fruits. WATCH OUR WINDOWS B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45-571 r MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All you need is waste fats and PURE FLAKE full Directions With frery Can YOUR GROCER SELLS It! "Sister Nations" proposed by Rev. R. Scott and seconded by Col. Rider: "Our Mothers" proponed by Miss Clas sic Carmichacl nad responded to by Mrs. Bevln; "Our Fathers" proposed by Kobert Oliver and Harry Bevln and responded to by Mr. Matthews; "Our Comrades Group" proposed by Mis Muriel Johnson and responded to by Mrs. Scott; "Our Talllcum" group pro posed by H. Mathews and responded to by Mr. Scott; "The Olrls" proposed by Ted Kltson; "The Boys" proposed by Miss Velma Fairbalrn. Musical num-cefs were given by Misses Barge, Fair-oairn, C. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Scott a:-.d at the close a vote of thank was r. oved by Philip Turner seconded by Robert Scctt and put by Ted Kltson. Inspector James M. Tupper, RCJ.I.P. commanding officer, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. Union Oil co.'a tanker Ollott arrived last night from the south with a cargo of fuel for the company's local Form No. 13. Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION' TO APPLY TO PlKCIIASt LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording pu. triet and situate about 8 miles from the mouth of Kbutae River. TAKK NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Mining Company, in--"da to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distant from the Witness post on the West side of Lot 173: thence westerly SO chains: thence southerly 30 chains; '.hence easterly 00 chains: thence northerly 10 chains, atd containing 100 leres. m?re or less. F. PARDOG WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. Dated 18th April. 1028. s"sBBBaaBBaBaeaiSBBajBBBeaBBBwsBaBaaBajj Premium Average weight about 5 lb. each. Taking whole, special, per lb. V2t Flour Five Roses or Purity, 49 lb. sack S2.75 Brald'H Best Coffee, 1 lb. tin (15? "Braid's Best Tea, 1 lb. tin . . 70? Lemon Biscuits in wooden box. about 7 Ib. net, per box $1.10 Graham Biscuits in wooden box SI. 10 Dollar Sodas in wooden box. . 75f Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs i!5? Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs :i5f Kel log's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 'Z7t Butter-Krust Toast, pkg. . . 40? Ormond's Dog Biscuits, pkg. I0 Corn Starch, 2 pkgs l!.o Casco Potato Flour, 2 pkgs. it5f Domolco Molasses, 2's, tin . . .'(0? Domolco Molasses, 5's, tin . . 05? Pride of Canada Syrup, 2V4 lb. tin per 5 Ib. tin Bird Seed, pkg. Bird Gravel, pkg Clark's Catsup, per bottle . 1)0? $1.70 . i!0f . 15? Nabob Malt Vinegar, bottle 'Jl? Welch's Grape Juice, bottle 10? Clark's Potted Meats, 3 tins U. C. 4 II. Potted Meats, in glass Cooked Ham, sliced, lb ."."5? Premium Bologna, sliced, Ib. !S5? E.C.D. or Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lb. for D.'C Golden Churn Butter, 3 lb. brick $1.10 Covichan Eggs, Extras, 3 doz $1.10 Buy Extras ajiiUcct more for your 1 ! Itryafl,,,for . Plnce's Soap Flakes, pkg. . . Rinso, 3 pkgs ."r Oreen Vegetables arriving every boat. Our prices are right Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 THRTJATLY NKWS Around The World With Sport Fans (y The Tramp) Paul Heydrlck, one man track team, from potomas State school of Keyser, W Va., set a record for Individual scoring at the Penn State tntcrscolaatlc tree ifAon Saturday with 33 points!1 THe j indumalneer boy took flrat taerilgh Jump, broad jump, prtfjurK, ; hammer throw, di.-cus and )eHn i events. He also finished second In J the sliot-put. Beycinck's toss of 130 lt 2 14 Inches lu the discus throw broke the old meet record by four Indies. Fourteen schools figured In the j final scoring. i ; Toronto la only one of several cities bidding for the services of Jack Delaney, Canadian Ught-hcavj weight, whose sortie Into tile ranks of the heavies has convinced him that light-heavyweights are hl dish. Delaney Is now looking forward to a rest of some weeks at his camp In Maine, followed by a training campaign which wlU fit him for several battles. Dick Dunn, manager and matchmaker of the Detroit hockey rink, has offered the Canuck a bout with Jim Slattery of Buffalo. Philadelphia promoters would send Delaney against Tommy Loughran In the Seaquleentsnnial Stadium. This would afford tfce .Quebec man an opportunity Of segamlng his llght-beevy-weight crown. The Toronto bout would put htm in wltb Larry Gains. St. Louis offers a bout with "Chuck" Wig gins, and Saa Francisco sends in a bid. wno win start the sort ban game in Prince Rupert? This seems to be the very place where it should be played. If It takes less space than baseball, it might not be difficult to locate grounds in different parts of the city, particularly near the Mas.nlc Hall on Sixth Avenue where the city has four corners that could be used If we are to be up to date aU the sports should be played and this would appeal to those who possibly cannot Join in many of the others. Many local people are atlU looking forward to the oomlng Derby at Epsom when they hope their favorite horse to win. Among tb entries Black Watch Is said to be touched in the wind and Is one of the doubtful quantities; Ran- Jlt Singh I saw to be a good stayer but he la not looked upon at exactly a "classic" colt. But la not by any means a sure thing that the favorites, fairway and Bulend. wUl win. Outsiders usually take quite a lot of the money. A Relchawehr soldier named Hlrsch- fleld put the shot at Breslau Monday dulng the training for the Olympics a distance of 61 feet 9 S-S inches, mak ing a new world's, rsaord. Whether this mark will stand Inspection It Is not known, since the conditions under which the record was made are not stated. However, Hlrchfleld has shown extraordinary abUlty m recent testa, and on several occasions approached closely the record mark. He Is looked upon aa one of the surest be Is in the German Olympic earn, and is counted -jn to bring home first place at shot- putting. Charles Murray Buchan, who is retlr- Form No. It. Section IS) LAND ACT. MiTin: or intention to aitly to rmriiAM; i..m In Prince Rupert Land Hecordlng District and situate about 4 miles from the mouth of Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Mining Company, Intends to sddIv Jor Dermiaslon to our- chaae the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot acutb of S.W. corner. Lot 304: thenoe southwesterly 100 chains: thence easterly 10 chains, more or lees; thence northeasterly 100 chains: thence westerly 30 chains, and containing 190 acres, more P. PARDOG WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. Dated 18th April. 199B. LADIES DRESSES, Coats, M llinery and Lingerie All at Bargain Prices at FIKST ANNIVERSARY SALE , Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St, Telephone 637. vsll H-J JGiigerifc. Bp thrills the heart of every Bridc-to-be r I And truly cvciy Bridc-to-bc loves May Belle Lingerie 1 Every slim, silky little garment is so entrancingly dainty and bride-like so smart, too and yet practically designed, and ivry moderately priced. The May Belle Strp-in-Qimbinition and Step-ins illuurJted are but two of the many May Belle undies available. There are myriad of adorable lingerie garments suitable for the most fastidious bridal cheat and Always in Line With the Mode tng from active football, was born at Plumstead in 1891. and entered senior football while atlll a puptl at the Woolwich Pory technic Secondary School. The tales of his prowess In those early days' make his development Into one of the finest forwards in modern football only a logical squance. He assisted the Arsenal while still at school and. after playing in the Kent league, became a protest tonal at the invitation of Leyton. In 1811, before be was 1. '. signed on for Sunderland, wrtb which club be remained for 14 seasons. Before coming south again as -ptain of the Arsenal in bad scored over 300 goals, while the number he has inspired in other forwards U legion To see this tall, angular figure dribble the ball down the field has become one of the chief delights of the game. Buchan has played in four internationals, and last year led the Arsenal in the Cup Pinal, his first appearauue In tbe final having been for Sunderland at the Crystal Palace In 181S. His Ability as a strategist Is equalled only by his powers aa a team builder, and It is in him that Arsenal have found the lever to lift them out of the dangerous position In which they found them elves three years ago. OFFICIAL OF EXPRESS COMPANY AND REGINA GIRL MARRIED IN CITY The marriage took place quietly 730 last evening In tbe Presbyterlm Manse. Bev J R prjll officiating, of Miss Oladya Emms Bishop or Renin and Clifford William Smith of Bdmon-ton. Witnesses of the ceremony wrrr Mra. PriSMii and Mrs. A. p. Williams. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs Smith sailed aboard tbe Prince Oeorge for Ocean rails whence they will return tc the city at the end of the week and proceed to Edmonton where they will make their home The groom Is quite well known here through frequent visit to Prince Ru-pert in his capacity aa travelling . for the Canadian National Ki press Oo. ):i.i:cti:i ri:inv Wllsiun beSmon snJuL ..'Ijl' Judge 1 1 Young In County" Opurt, this morning and elected for snesdv t.ui s charge of falsifying the accounts of the Northern DC Salmon Fishermen's Asoclation. The case win b. with tomorrow morning. Among: troun oirtur lunnsr members of the PI vers' club of the University of British Ooiumhi. 1UU" llshed In connection with an article In the last Vancouver Sunday Province "re to be aeen Mr. and Mrs. John V Olyn (Miss Betty Somerset , r. ....! Msrsb, now of this city. all in a host of exquisite, maty wmbeHi pastel fhade plin or charmaagly hand-pain tec. Ano May Belle fuirtnti art all ntsdt from our own lovely, toft lockstitch rijron long-wearing and easily Jsmdertd. This lovely trousseau Un aerie b ioWincd is the ihopt by tit little May BeUt label inside all May Belle Lingerie. Ontario Sllicnlt Limited, Toronto Itrgat msAtn of Rsyon Fabric t md Rsym Garmtntt in Oft, i fJtt sj!f JTY fWI IMI faW IE I Js-. HBT WESTHOLME THE Throuih tlrkets sold to to' '"""rn io dpulliistlor St A AIRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 7 nnd 9 p.ra. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. LON CHANEY In MOCKERY" A photo-play showinjr Lon ChHnev in his most vivnl rule. RICARDO C'ORTKZ. BARBARA BKIIDFORD, MACKSWAIX, CIIAKLB8 PUFFY, EMILY ITI7R0Y. and many others. , COM HI) Y "OLD WALLOP" AUSOI-S FILM I AHLES MBTRO-tJOLDWYN NEWS 50c and 35. Matinee r.r and I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 1.1, , .., , , .. from Waif HuperL M K10ltl.t, HwaiKOH liny. Ihittttele, Alrft !.' Ti, i Tuexlst. S p.m. till iiii'I y!rMA""4 NA4H lllv,K I1HNTH. frWt. .,. H'.K VlM' ANV11.. HTKW.tlti, V.I KM IhUkH, IMIKT r IMI-fV I'H 2nd Air mi K. M. NMITII, Agertl. lYIiM-e Kin "". lrterla and Neat lie. ami begin 'tu,t By REQUEST OUR Dollar Sale CONTINUES TILL SATURDAY, MAY 19 , In addition toJh brKtfljalrj.dyfdvortised, w LAdleg' Itrstsierssfr. 98cSjHRf, j!for ladles' Brassieres, 'rig. up to $1.76. Sals Infants' Slips. Sale, 4 for White Flannelette. Sale, 6 yards for Misses' Itunnlnir Shoes. ! 11 i o o-i. " w . oniv DO NOT MISS THIS SPLENDID OPPORTUNE t labour Bros., Ltd. Phone G15 3rd Avenue and 11.0 HJi iij liJi h Sirf'' .