i I nixn unrm " . fifC . TiATT.Y Nh.Wh .: . ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughing Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Hiding Phone 340 Rox 467 I T I Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. JfJet noweat' mink, marten, ermine, 'coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have targe order from manufacturers in the East, and If we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top firing lor everything. If yao have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom 'The Trapper"' Friend." Second Avenue World'H Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS iipm pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, JUrred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Price. For Price List write Secretary, Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver. B.C. Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Radlola. we wish to draw your attention to the Radlola No 16. It la another of the up-to-date, last six months models, a aU tube receiver. Price, leas Radlotrona . Pries, complete with Radlotrona and 100. A Loud speaker f 00.011 gIMJM gl.1S.Tfl Occlusive Wholesale Dealer for Radlola . Office: 3IK KUth Ht. Box frill ITInre Rupert, IM!. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and FurnRurw Moving. W country, Gorg ftinn i kutmrti- I rtvod In the city lrom the south yr: terday on hi way back frt lii . mine from Vancouver. Be Is the nrr of the engineer group of mineral clntm on the Booth, Fork of -the Marmot River adjoining Marmot Metals About fllx miles tack Iron tidewater. It Ik ton a good hone trail and the wagon road will be instructed to within 2.000 feet of It this summer, thus enabllu" ieaay access to be obtained. I While Mr. Bunn works alone on ttu claim, driving into the moon tain, hr thas already done oonaidarable develop-ant work and the ore he has take:: out goes 25.8 per cent of copper and 31 otwoSK of silver. There are aonvr good showings ard he la now planning to secure capital Jor further development Like all prospectors he carries nroun-1 a pooketh'l nt nice looking rock. Hp ! mentions thnt there Is a stream slo by his property suftablr for power development and mining timber In , abundance. I Mr. Bunn did placer mining In the Yukon in the early days and has also prosjierted In Alaska. RECORD MONTH AT LIBRARY 1)1 RJNfi MARCH THERE WERE 4.8S7 HOOKS LOANED OF WHICH wt tmw ji venile March was a record month at the public library, according to the report jof the librarian. Miss Crulkehnnk. who isald the number of books put out wan 75 ahead of last March which was tne ! highest up to that time The tot.--' j number loaned in the 22 days th" library was open was 4.387 or un sver-age of 219 0 a day The books were classified as non-fiction 481, juvenile ,902 and those known as the duplicate pay for which a small sum was charged 201. In that time there were 21 new borrowers a', whom 13 were Juvenile. !Ntw books were re?elved 8 by gift an1 3 by purchase, showing an estimated list today of 6.322. It li planned to l take stock during the coming summer land check up on the figures which will undoubtedly prove to be leas than those published A number of matters of routine were discussed by the board. there, beln passant Jamas Osc, jehgiigosa) Wilkinson. V. BassoVBert. tt. Oeorge Sutherland and the librarian The fire department ws called out ta 6:30 yesterday afternoon to extinguish a grass fire near the corner of Second Avenue and Third Street. There wa' no damage. A. D. Watt, divisional roaster of the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city from Prince George on yesterday afternoon's train, returning to the interior this morning. James A. Brown, well known Ecatall Hi vsr mill operator, arrived In the elty from tne Bksena River on yesterday afternoon'! train. Mr. Brown Is still using crutches, having tar from re covered from the effects of an accident last year when he was Injured In an mploMon aboard his jrasbont. Classified : Ads. WANTBP WANTED TO EXCHANQE POOR roomed bungalow In South Vancouver (or one of similar value at Baal Cove Apply B. Bun bury. No 1 Sub -post offloe. Prlnee Rupert. M WANTED FURNISHED OR nlshed house or apartments close In Phone Green 88. W WANTED A FOX TRBRIBR. 238 Sixth Avenue West. AUCTION SALE (MALE I 81 AN AUCTION BALE WJLl. BE HELD on Thursday. April fi at 2:15 p.m. - In the rooms of the Prince Rupert Aac- Ker Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. Q. Ames, 85 Bt. Oeorge Street, Chatham, Ont., writes: "Last winter aiy three boys bad terrible sold sail a cough that hung on so long thai It began to worry ma. ' I wont to my druggist aad h asked m if 1 aa4 tiled Dr. Wood's 11VI ttu J ' PJno Syrup "I toM him I had not, bat that I would, and I most my that after they had finished the third bottle they vers entirely rid of the aoofk. "I will sever be without a bottle of nr. Wood's' on haad." Pries 85c a bottla, Urge family siio aoe.; rat up oaly by The T. Mllburn Co. i.iinita.l. Xoroato. Oat. Ranch. Pactfle, .B.C. OLD NEW8PAPIR8 MAY BE UMO instead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special price on large quantities Da Newa MWTSBATB -NOW BOOKIWO ORD8IW for summer and rati delivery, finest dark muskrnts. The Royal Ftir arid Poultry naoea, Psciflc. B.C. Bi FOR BALE. SOME GOOD BUYS IN trolling boats, packers tad seiners. Of course you'll remium jle!s1. IMgabjafgi FOR MALE -TH "BRANDT" CABIN, at flalt Lakes: gad looatKm. Apply to M M atepttens or B. A. Nicker-' son. 84 U.NUUALt.Y LA HOE WILTON CA pet for Sal. Apply Pullen. News. mR mm CAR- fULLY MODERN FIVE ROOMED house tor sale, or rant. Phone Blue ATS. 83 ! FOR SALE SEVEN BOOMED HOUSE; bargats). AMdy Sis, Be tenth Avnrae, W. T 84 IIOtmBflOU) JOTHNITURE FOR SALE - c" PhOM Red ftfl. I'. , FOK KENT WtSm rmsm APART OTfTONIBHHD ItOUBEKESP- lug room bf the day. week or mon'n j roil RENT -ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out board. Central location. Phone ! Blue 13 U 'FOR RBNT. FURNIBIICO HOIBE-I keeping rooms Apply Muasallem Oroeery ' POUR ROOMED 1IOUBE FOR RRNT; bat allfd cOId water, riioue Ittd USB. Ho. or E Premium Hams retain their full flavor when served, became they require no parboiling before broiljng or frying. Insist on Premium when ordering. The splendid flavor and general high qualities will make it worth your while. Buy "Premium" from PRINCE RUPERT IlC IlutthfH and Grocer Ltd. Itush' Groceteria. Frlizell' IfdN llutchcrft. Gordon Grocery. Hupert TlilHS Supply. Alberto ,MarM, Grocers. Hunt, P. li-Ud., Cow Hay. llalllierg. K 7th Ave. Market. Joallii's lifefit Market. Johnin fffocery. Unzey ;)avieK, Grocers. Munro llrj4 Torn Ixe Co, Gnners. Edward IJpnett P.H.) Ltd. MuHalem Grocery. Phillipx Grocery. MaMeekinV Grocer'. . Uolkley Market. Uuichcrs. Sunrise Grocery. Wong Ie & Co, Grocertt. : Miller, W, Grocery. Mochida Grocery, SiSsl Cve, N'eNon Trading Co. Ltd. Pettcnuzzi. Ii, Grocery. TUITION m S. A. MePIIKUKON Teacher of idtMi anh voirj: ntoiu mov For term Phone Blue 330. SCOWS, TOWING, Etc. r r. kctcium . and and Qravel for Bale, sows for hire General Xwwing Prtees Eiceedlng Mnderair rixMte 171 nnrt lllue 3tS. fgpijry4 wl want aster or B Wduw(lu. v P Won aster Wall Board ensures a lifetime of satisfaction when used for walla and ceilings ; fits true and Mtand-4irnt"durinfr the life of the building. CRACK WARP CHUMULE HUUN or WEAR OUT In damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 110 and 117 'PROSPECTOR IS VISITING CITY (iEORnE 111 N. OWNER OF KMnsmt ROl P ON MARMOT RIVER HERE VBMTIItKiV One of the aid tlmem of the north ace OUTLYING DISTRICTS AlfreiUdsniH. Moelt, UjC IHg Itay Lumler Co, Georgetown. J. I- llethurem, tVk, ILC. Carolan, IL Stewart, I1.C. (Jrnnby Slore. An ox. HudKonit Hay Co, Hazelton, H.C. Inverneew Ciirinery, Inverness. Kenny Ilrok. & CL, Terrace, H.a Lnrkworlhy, W. J. New llnn-lton, I!.C. ItfndHfty. W. l Tirriice, H.C. HUH. DING MATniUALS SI'llTIAL M'MIIKK I'HiriiN. Par M Sl4 Com Slaed. s good graoe llf.00 U6 Bhlplap, No. S aM '.is Plr V. Joint tlO.60 8 in or 4 in. Flooring or V Joint MM 16 m Wall Blilngjes t 1 aft IS In. Roof Shingles. No 9 pert I 9.00 in. Mo. 1 Bhiplap. any width to 12 In 113M Rough Fir Boards, mixed widths I 1.80 4 Light Bash, eaoh 1.10 6 Light Bath 1.40 Inside doors, a ft. 6 in a 8 ft. a in 3.40 Bank Doors, a ft. 8 In. 6 ft . 8 lu. (glass) I 4 DO Front Doors, ditto 6.75 Also a blR stock of finish lumber always on band, as well as Lame tea, . wall guard,, veneer, etc. Write us for prices l. IXKIOII l.t'.MIU'.H Si HIIINdl.i: IN).. Lliullril Ft (ii victoria. - Vanoouvv n.c AUtTTlONBEUS. . PIIIM'K HI'l'i:itT AITTION MART IVdrrill llliM'k Furniture of ull kinds bought, sold ' or exchsnged. Orating and paoking done. Oaods sold un Commission fi. J. DAWES, Auctlonrer. I'lmne 4.T3 The merchants listed below have strengthened their stocks of Premium Hams and Bacon in anticipation of the big Easter demand. They are ready to take care of your order. We suggest that you arrange for your Easter ham or bacon at once, so that you may be sure of getting Premium. Itfon. J. 0, Stewart. ILC. MeCubbln, Thot. H, Grocery. Pacirjc, l.LC lUchmond, J, Terra re, H.C, Hhb Hi, Port Clements. ILC. Scharffe, Hubert, gkldegale. Kkinner. J- G, Ctp City. IkC. Sargent, 'H. S, llaielton, IU:. Smith. C. V, llaiejlon, H.C. I-eaik. C, Orocf jjijclJuknlla. CmpMI & I)uke;8(ewnrl. I1.C Priestley, A. Ann.h, H.C. . t. ' . Malc6 ,mt$! of Premium for Easter tton Mart, ftasial Bkwfc. consisting or the following articles: Drassefs. thras tabMa. denSoris. aswlni; machines, radios, arm rockets, earns t. linoleum rags. buflieM. gramophone and other mHiilUnsnus articles. If you have roads to dispose of and wish to list them at that sale, a phone , call will get me. . GEO J DAWKS. AUCTIONCRR Phone lUack Its. so: 1-OU "SALE TROLLCR FAR BaXE. 'fOOT BOAT. 12 h.p. engine, power Kunty ami cverythlnK complete. This la an crptlmially fine boat and can be had at an attractive price for cash. Moored at Ketchikan. Alaska Address. II. 8auter. 696 Molly Street, Portland. Ore. BKTTINO BOOB II 00 PBR BBTTINO from bred-to-lay thorouahbred: B.C. Leghorn and Barred Rock BOP stock The Royal Fur and Poultry . SU -A wl i' HEtillLllHS' EUUIPMf COMPOTIIKI BCALB8. HC'AI 1 sllsers. ewVfsa cutters am! nfeat . ahopfiers, coffee niiiu lasers and peanut butter m pert repairs and adjastixri vice OOntraoU New. used maehlttea. Easy terni nr eont. TliB scauih mini' in 3M CHTilnVS Nt IV.. Viinriiim CHIMNEY SWEEP II. i. zntKniii fSeiieral llnnily Msn I rurnsees and atovee ok n i paired Ohlmnles dwrpt Cemetery Plots Cared Pot PhOne fttd 348 Prince Ruit' N:W ASli JjiU ONIi-MAAilt botigW shd majMjpirciiHii PriyerPlr and . Two Cash Registers In tlon MFAIIOPI'MIN MAKAS H5 Third Ate. Phone nin CHIHOPKACTIC lilt. R, E. RVOLFNON Clilroprarlnr eaa Third Avenue .-l.Li . In nhl' 84. Reslclenee phone Blank 3M Acute and Chreato Diaordera sue" fully UeaMd Established 1M4.