IWndnesday, April 4, 1D28 II Oar now bookM n Color Harmony tonloino many mift'ono for ttomtiljing I ho htm. M itun toay from your dralrr or nc direct 10 tho com-n; a( MontrvaL "You'd never believe it, but it hasn't been painted for five years." " Now I know why John insisted on B-H English Paint . . . there isn't a crack or chip anywhere. But I simply couldn't resist the lovely color schemes in the new B-H book, $u we're going to have it done over this year and John won't have to fight for B-H 'English this time I'll order it myself." RRANDRAM-HCNPERSON HI Special B THIS WEEK Enelisri' MOT Ooraatsed t contain Wm ftaai'i OcmiarB.tV Wnil Lemi mad Para Whiw Zinc, combined In the ideal proportion of 70 to 30. formiaf Ike (IAB mmpet covcrtag planet Vsewe MMf ts Ktcocc GORDON'S HARDWARE argams CURE US Montreal :: Importers A (iKEAT ASSORTMENT 01 HOYS' SUITS In hard wearing Tweeds in pleaniiiK patterns. QMI ft CI u To dear at from MEN'S 3lfaltt.NO COMBINATIONS k :-l.r (2.00 and $2.25 values. To clear at v OJ $1.25 We hate a great aanorlawit of nothing for Men and I toy by I he bet maker In Canada. Everybody can he dressed up for Easier at a great Having. Inspect these values for yauraalf and be convinced! MEN'S ENGLISH (.ABAHD1NE RAINCOATS. Imported from the bent makers Stfi 01 U from f Montreal Importers Telephone Illue 41 K Third Avenue J- ! Miller, Proprietor A rtNK ASSORTMENT OF PascalTs Pascal's Easter Novelties Has just arrived direct from England A new shipment of lA(iU & SHAWS CHOCOLATES LWIKK TOYS, l.r and 0c PA AS" Ei! DYES. 10? ones lid. ! THIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 TtssssasBsassBr i Hi DEFECTIVE VISION, DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATARRH und other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKay Wallace Hlock. Phone 1.11. Open Evenings THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE r r n-niirMis. ii i i i in i i & & n sa" mm', W IJintMULlJ E iV 53. m m i I Local and Personal vm am Dentist. Dr. J. B. O'Mse. Phone BBS Skating dally. 2 to 4 ami 8 to 10. tl rit tii mi? 4 nabitl- Whan thlnktnt of a Taxi. Dbone 4 ; tl Marcelling and' Halrcutting; Mrt. I ' . ill Skinner. Phone Black -025. 81 Alwavs have the mnrlc ess : WRICLEY package In your pocket tt 81 Soothes nerves, allays thirst, aids digestion. Get Your Supply of EGGS for Easter Libb.v'n Sour Chow Chow I John L. Ci'riHtle sailed by toe Catalaj last evening on a business trip to Van-couver. ! dN.R h'l'iniipr Prince John, Capt. E. Maob, !a tl 'if hi-re tomorrow from Vnncouvn m Viv Queen Charlotte lilnr.fls It i, i-.ptuted that the John will be replocii ttmporarlly In the la- Libby'n Sour Mixed, '. for $1.01) Your choice, Kxtra special j Father Godfrey, O.MJ. arrived In the ,clty from Terrace Oft yesterday after ; noon's train. r land servtoe by the Pnnce Charles about the end cf tbla month. 4 We are Headquarters for shoe re-palrliiff. Send thrni to us fur value, service anil satisfaction. MaeArlhiir'a hhue . Store. U Father Joavok ABard. Oiil.I. of Ami then U andlai a few day in UK city, having rrtftnm the lntertoi yeaterday aflrTKon'a train. A. R. Holtby. tmssbiieudent of the bridges and building department of tnc Canadian National Rallwiya, returned to the Interior on official duties. 8T ANORCWS CATHEDRAL. Oooc Friday evening. April 8. A special rr, usual service wlU be lven by aug men ted cbolr. Btalner' Cruclflaton and program of antbem. solos and duets. This service should especially appeal to all Interested in vocal music Bob Hanna Is HOB the richer as 81 result of the Salmon Sweepstake on the resent Grand National race at Liver pool. He drew Oolden street, an en trsnt but non-starter In the race. First and second prises of 114.000 and S7.000 respectively wsjm woa by Vancouver people. Announcement Is made that Provln clal OonaUble WUllani lUniKOn. who has been attached to the e'ltr detach ment here, Is transferred to Ni where be wlU assirma his dut)ss sdmost , ,. , ... . immediately. Constable Robert Olbaon t. Urge Eggs. rtsh ir.stn. : dot. ofPort bsington Is transferred to t for Ptlnce Rupert. Libby's Asparagus Tips, 'i for 05c Ripe Olive., IJuffet size, per tin CUR. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. 15 Harry Nedden, arrived In port at 13 noon today from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ket- 'Pure J::m. 4 pound tins. "Beat oclock tomorrow ' evenlnc and sailing j Brand" ,cUth at 11 pjn. , Cjkeenjfiijfe, Kaspberry, Peach, Red I Plum, Apricot, and Marmalade. Bandmaater Wilson snnouaces that a I per tin j5t- street collection tctaUIng W was taken Eastern Labrador Turkeys ( Her- 8,turdr nlh toow" the program ! u I 0f piles have yet been received In the , "r".i. - Better of the proposed trip of the special, . lor wg to attend prise eompeUSIona at Royal ( ny Pork and Beans, retr. Vancouver or Xdmor .on I 174c sjwcial, 4 for ...... Mf Royal City Corn on Cob, per tin Sergeant W. J. Ben ice. chief of the I - :Utf Smlthera district detachment of the ;U'W 'v.nt'v "lilV. .ni. - tins provincial police, arrived In the city B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phone 15 - 574 mm from the lnterlc Ju.st arrived. Braids iligh C.radc Bllly wmiiro,. Mcifd Kisptoa in-li;ilk Tea, rt-g. '.0c. special "OC wno tried in Judge Young's Book your order for egetables court this morning on a charge of a. .'I Hot Cro-'.s Buns early 'practising witchcraft. Fresh killed miik-fed Chickens, per1 ) lb JlSC) j Book your order early j A iiii-itiir fnf PiiAtur-Pniflll Ak ueen Mary Chapter annual Daffodil ! o t t c I, i ..t tuce, Green () ions," Leeks, Part- !lty. Wa'ercresH. Cauliflower, Cu- Angncan Church Rasttr sale April 10 cumbers, Spinach, Hunch carrots i. and Outdoor Rhubarb. I Catholic Women's Leatae sprint sale Also full line of Fresh and Citrus j0' rt P"l Fruits WATCH OCR WINDOWS ' 4- ANNOUM'EM ENTS Whist League Cup-prises distribution ! Moose, Hall. Aprtl IS. tf. j Royal Society of SC Ogorat Whist r Drive and Dance. Aprtf g. Prince Rupert Dance April 37. din Drill Tea Tennis Club Annual Ball, Friday, tay 4 Moose Hall. gwsyajfi ay sy yjjry y wr y qr"r Real Quality Malt Syrup Mod syrp inercaf food ",C4 Its finer itavor comes from constant control from raw materials to finished product by America's foremost maltsters. Plain and bop flavored. Strictly union made. AMIEUSER-BUSCII, 5. w FRANK H. WILEY Dijirifcufor 1114 Hamilton St. Vancouver, B. C ..bv ssVrVjstJfevwsvAfv. (srfS .-fs S S BM-sr Lasting Beauty for All Your Floors Delightful colourings, artistic designs and the decorative effects you naturally expect, are yours with beautiful, inexpensive Dominion Linoleum. Oriental moth's, gay floral patterns, strikingly original Dtntn OlustrcltdU Dominion Linoleum No. 4U9, ovatiaUt in two digtrtnt ooouriaf s. block and tile designs, in different colour schemes, afford a wonderful choice for . - every room. . Dominion Linoleum comes in widths up to twelve feet and is quick and easy to lay. Years and years of wear are built into every squ-.re inch of it. It is easy to clean and keep dean a light mopping or brushing 'only; is Tequired to keep it looking like new. Place this modern, low-priced flooring in your home. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Dominion Inlaid linoleum (in widths up to 6 feet only) comes in a wide range of striking design at very moderate prices. Lasts a lifetime because the colours go right through to the back. Dominion Linoleum Ruts are much in demand. Many new and attractive designs are available at your favourite store at surprisingly low prkes. ' At House Futnishint and Departmental Stores Everywhere Dominion MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telf phone 657. Scottish dance taaaoriuw night. O. B. Hall. Dancing conunences pjn. I. O. at Stores wlU be open on Thursday un til 6 pjn.: closed all day Friday and open until 10 pjn. as usual on Satur day. Retail Merchants' Association. Alice which Is due here northbound next Wednesday morning. Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICK. To Whom It May Concern: I will not be responsible for sny debt contracted by my former wife, Hllctur Johansson, us she baa. left my bed and board. , SDVARO JOHANSSON, April 4, 1988. M TOO ITE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALI.- -CREAM WtCKBR BABY carriage: HrKe. in nood condition. Psrker's SI FOR RENT FURN1BHED FOUR ROOM liuuac on Taylor Street near Pulton Phone Dlack 170. ' 0 Lome A. Mc Alls tar. Canadian customs oavcer st White Pass, and Mrs. McAlls- tsr were Dassengers aboard the Prutrjai alary this morning going through to Vancouver on a holiday trip. Provincial Constable Robert Oibson ef Port Rsslngton arrived in the city from' the Sheens River o.i yesterdsy afternoon's train from a brief trip to the Interior on official duties. Mrs. D. D. McTavtsh and daughter. Ruth, and son, John, arrived In the city from Victoria on the Prince Oeorge his morning and will be the guests for he next tan days of Mrs. McTavtsh 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Craig. Aiaon apartments C PR. steamer Princess Hary, Capt Arthur Slater, making her final caU here this season, arrived at 10 SO this morning frbea Alaska ports, sailing an hour later for Van ouver and Victoria The Prlnseae Mary is now to be replaced In the SkAfway service by the Princess Midi' in Canada by tmatmint mf thtjtmtui Dominion Ballltihip Linoleum Linoleum FOR ALL YOUR FLOORS For Rest Results i all your baking use fobin Hood Flour 1C POSITIVE JI0NEV HACK GUARANTEE IN EVERY SACK DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage oMA. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Palling from lrlnre Rupert. Fur V.tNCOl KK, VICltmiA. swauMMi liny, imiedale. Alert Hay. ele. Fr 'tCft'Vi;V!"'vH'T()HI., ItuteOale. Alert liar, etc., Saturday, S a.m. yM POUT KIMPMIN and NAAM U1VF.R IMllMs. Friday. ,.,, lie ALICE ARM, ANTOX. STEWAKt. H tl.l IM.AM. PORT SlMWCXN, US tn5dVenne!M" It. M. k.MITII. s;. nt Prl.i.-e Uitpft. II.C. Through tickets sold to Vletorta and ixwttle, 4Ud baggage cheeked thrnuili to deslliatlor.