1'iltic .:!:, . Am-iI I I'r Unpardonable Perspiration Odour readily avoided What quality can match the beauty of a lovely skin ? And what social error can so readily embarrass its possessor, as that subtle offence perspiration odour ? Of course, every one perspires. In this way nature rids the human system of one to two pints of moisture every day. But this perspiration, so necessary and so healthful, need not be offensive. Why not be sure of absolute personal daintiness? All you need to do is use Lifebuoy for face, hands and bath and perspiration odour will vanish. Lifebuoy, besides being a delightful, all-sufficient toilet soap, possesses iSi 1 ILi. m V To Keep Well 3 Driolc plenty of water, pcrtpirt 3 freely, S bath often with : Lifebuoy Soap. 2 a mud but effective antiseptic qualities which clear away dogged pores, purify them, and make perspiration odourless. And there is no price penalty, because Lifebuoy costs no more than toilet soap that is Just "soap." LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProiecls Lever Brothers limited Toronto n!iiliteiiisin City Meat Market (8RI.V1G lIKOSj antAtemie1 Phone ,05 MEAT- FIBII. VWJKTABIJ5S and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE t low prices, and immediate delivery Obaone IAll articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. ((canadian Vacific Canadian Pacific Railway Jkjj - f ft. CsMaMAlal I I Sailings from Prince Rupert To KHrlilkan. Wrangell. Juneau, and Kkagway Marrh ill. April II. l tHiieniner, Victoria and Keallle An t. VKtUU IfflVAI. lor lor llulnlak. llutrdak. rant ram llrlla llrlla llellu. lieiM. tlrerni "renn jimp.. rm. Na, -. Aleri Hay , tUinjiiii umr ami vamwum every I'riay. w g ,,, lrom mmnm AtMiey inr all Mleentalilii Unea. , . J" t'wnrr of 4li Hlrett anil 1T Avnn-- t' t ttupert. M . fHB DAICY RET73 PA0T5 TTXm wE$sKtKxjitKKKKtKiKiBN&HU6&& a. 8rEjpgaSHacftgBl 61 WHAT I MIGHT HAVE BEEN As Told to Harold ('. Ilurr Ity AMIJLITA GAIXI-CUIH'I "II my father'8 fortune had not been 1 swept away I might never have been a R ichmond s Louvre Hinder. Dancing was my flmt love and I K"ve piano lessoiuajBso. : . b!f I JW nm. iff. UBL, m ij IIIMI llllllll" llii' iilru of inking II ii ircfrv.liiliull I l-r.iled. I tn I (here Ik ihi! wh-Ii u wlile Kll lii-lmwn dttm-lnr, h ltd niiii.ii' In fciith are rhihni mid liurmoii). ,, My fatlfer. wW ( was banker iri Italy, used to tuke me with him Vo ee I opera performances at the famous La Bcala In Milan. It wax not the ainger:i hut the dancer who aet my young litari i.) b.avi!! 'ihe graceful move-' -:it;: a,'th dl!rt ta the rhythm of music -i me illume. "At Inline I at oni'e lirtun ti wtitK Ihe iiiiimIi riiiii-iiihrrril. anil lo il:mi It. A lile. iilil-lu.liiutirtl ml vHvrt Mfn nerved s .luge, for ulnars I Insisted I hut theri- Im- u tgr. Ami man) Uimblr I if gotten from Ilia! Mifa when ni iliinii". reui-lirrt un exrltlng rlimek. With the llclilevt eneonragenieiit MtiH-li I llrwr got I miiiiM have gone t a buUei x iiimiI liir training, aiul may-lii' t ixlii lit' iliim lug behind the tntlm light. m "I think my father wanted me to Im . a fine lady and marry a tlUe. But that wax not to be for this little lady. He had misfortune with hut bank, and I Kave pibno levijiih to eke out household expenses. "inn I hud tWw a little HlugtnR. I hrKlnia- it hnuie ar held a 1'HrlirBtliHll Matter r Irre. I aajia lilt titUe mi In a program In whli'h mi ll ae ut Ma Iwtk Hirt. II aav al t lit- lMiie of Ke iM nit plaim pupllx thai I flmt met Mawacnl. I he great iinuiMwer. iImmI me lu lake ap atagtag. "Still, there wan no m.iney to apend 1 But at 19 I waa ready for my debut. ! My Tint contract called tor WJ& per-I formanoe : "That early love -of the dance, however, atui remain. In 'Dlnorah.' which I love to lng. there la the Shadow Song, in which 1 llkewlae do a dance. How I joy. In It! And when I alng Ro-atna tn The Barber of Seville,' I never walk aliut -e atage I dance The gay A PATRIOT U one whoat hope of nrc-m or tear of Vaas doea not affect hi pollUcal onualon. A poUtlautn la ae who votae tor the Mavea ana iianea THS flrat thing that atruek me when I vMHtod the big city waa an automo bile. Alter that I waa more oarelul. I love to alt at home and amoke And. renal a atlrrlng tale Of ptaMe den and battle anwka, with auita. ar man: Bat think It brutal If I aae Two lad begin to fight. Then aadly I deplore the age. And pray (or greater light. DID von ever hear of the colored man who. when aaked if he waa hurt in the melee, replied that he waa not 'nit waa "hit In the auwnacb." AN aVunonlon newapapar aay the water euppty of that city may amell and taate badly but ft la not un-hnlthy. Why theu were people given he organa of imell and Uate If not to protect themaelven againn iwd food and AMKI.1TA UAM l- I Hf'l "My flritt love wa duneing" Ire, too. Never t I ei-cent wy lH-.tatktn given me att to ir by net-taj and muKhiil liglit. 0iagli 1 woW gtll it a. If I would Mig I Mast afca rent. I aave to mirVeniler many tMttg Mr" my rt, lint that Ik I Mi hardship, ft vtnajltia; lr me means life. "Once I departed from grace, and yatz did It. At Atlanta laat spring I aang Vtoletta In Trerlatta.' at the feettval i i vn oy the Metrapajltaii Opera Com pany Violetta la wasMher role 1 love, i he Immense. ntbaUuitlc audience on that opening night hayed me ta a btgb pitch, the tiagtc djaath seane fava me a lie ail-itpell of weeping after It waa TmUatied j I felt I could gS laawhere ett atralght bask to the hoael. on voter culture. Bo I aet about teach- "I had been Invited In a midnight mg myel( training my own voice for : iiiuer part). aa4I lir.ikr aay rule far It ha not oftan been dona. ' the kakr of my fiwad When I gat tlmr an nrrkeatn au plating Jaax miMr. And It kept on playing iu lu my umUlng. The tingling In in feet a ton OnHag In II urge. I atarted In to danra. At S a.m. I wan "till eaWlHg. tt a 4 ad-ii I idapwed. 'That Is how I 9ore to dance, and what we love we Ilk to do. So I mlRhi eaaUy have !x .ait a dancer bu rhythm of Boarura mualc aet my feet tor my father's reverses and Maicagni. to going ney annpiy won t oenave. Tumnrrow "Vaaw Aweraraa Jan geta lata my Copyright by err ,l. n I Man in the Moon a iii g MABJUAOI la a lloenar to tell you lady friend Juat what you think ef hrr. THK gueat mom la the one with ninttoe on the walla and cigarette mark on the dreaaar. THBODOHOUT hlttorv men have been flghUng for liberty und even yet have not got to a atage when; they an .n altera of themaetvaa. water. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert A PHIL 4. MtS. The Cobalf Ooncentoatara Ltd. are carrying out cot vrterehte development work on the South Baaatr mining pro perty near Skldegate and the auuLaaa of 'operatlone U cauaing great mtMwatlon to thoae ooneerned It I planned to I apend aunt 30.000 j Merchant of the city held a meeting Jyeaterdny afternoon for the pXirpoae of going into the matter of food conservation. Commlttaaa, covering the vartoua branch r bualnm ware .formed. D. O. Stewart maalded over the meeting and J O. Oavlgan acted I a aecretary 1 Thtmta Deaay. Indian Agent for the Queen Charlotte Inlanda. 1 a vial tor It. the dty He report muen activity in the rtnnber IMuaft k4M Maiatti Inlet vJhear aatne B luttored men are employed. IIOTF.I. AltniVALH. ITHtre Klljtfft Mrs R. L. Heulv and children. Dr. anfl" Mr H. B Trelry and Alea ft. Cameron. Anyox. r P. WUIaon and A. C. Knight. Vannniver; C. P. WUIaon and A. C. Kuljilu Vaneouver: H. Oun-deraan. I. B. Clmklaw, W. S. Henry, C. H. Mark. W J nnnlgan. Mr. B. J Hetmeeay and W Service. Bmlthers: James Derby. Vk. Mr. W. Payne. Dominion canncrv B. Brealy, New Weatmlmter: W H Watt. Amabury; A. D. Matheson. Caiii-ic Cannery: A. Watt, It creates and satisfies keen morning appetites. Makes children better at school and more active at play. 151 IC.N.R. 1 savoy Thomas Newell. Denholm. Saak.; Hugo Kltters. Anyoa; Mia Christine Hadlantl. 1 Ml Ann Had 1 a ml and A. Baratad iOona River: Mr. and Mr J. McKenaie. Port KdaaaTd; C. Jetler and R. Olbaon. Port Raalngton; A. D B'-ewart. Bplller , River; P. Mattaon. Alice Arm; Mrs F. Dudoward and Mia Pnrta M. Dudo-1 ward. Invert: J. Bnortnay, Anyox. i renlral I B. Bailco. Sliver Creek; T. lngvaldneti. I 'Winnipeg; M. O. McLecd. Prlnoe aeorge: ,W. McKay, Hugh McLeod and O Bardal, ! C.N.R.: Mlaaea T .and M Watson. Port j 'aimnaon: Bert Johnson and W H , MrCallum. city. Cant. H CaMferauod of the DIk J Island terry boat Rltana rriurned to the city on ta Prlne. George this morning trom a Itoluiay trip to Victoria,, being ace om pan led home by Mm. Icalderwood and child. Huge Hitter, who .arrtvad laat weak from An vox and waa found by police at (Phelan at Man after havlnx wandered; jr ti: w i" vttliout food or ne:w. jwiu releaaea yrterduy frtmi the city lock-up. of Ladies' Hats, Coats, Dresses Continues until Easter Owing to the great success of our Clock Sale on Friday and the very maiy buyers who thronged our store that morning, we have decided to put our whole stock of LADIES' HATS, COATS AND DRESSES ON SALE right up until Eaglcr. Every article in the store will be offered for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent on the regular selling pneei The regular prices of the Louvre have always been reasonable and at this Sale Price it means that every article sold is an absolute bargain. For, instance, the sale price of Jersey Sport Dresses which tome in navy, brown, fawn, peach, green, etc, will be tmly $5.95. Tweed Coats, sizes from 16 to 40, from $9.75 up. A new lot of Georgette Dresses, twenty-five in all, have just come in and they will go on sale, too. They arc in all sizes and colors and the sale price will be $12.93, Ladies' Navy Blue Coats, moleskin trimmed and silk lined, will go for $27.50. These arc only specimen prices of the many articles which will all be offered at similar reductions. If you are in doubt as to what you require for Eastertide we invite your inspection of our stock to make your own choice. ichmond' s Louvre H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MEItCUKY FULL PASIIIONHI) SILK HOSE Chiffon and Service Weiithth in GunnteUI, Black. Atmos-fime, Ntuta, Kvenalow. Mer-ida, Flesh, te. - . From $1.75 to $2.50 The Hose for Stttiufnction H.S.WaIIaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. Third- Avenue. , Ranadian National Qfo Largcfl Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Balling from mlMT. KtTKKT for nnd Intermediate points, each For KKTtillKAX and ANVOV each For tr.U WIT each ATI Kl at For XOKTII auu HOl Til IJI KfcN (' iah:nkiitkaivi i. Bach MOKltYY. vrritiitA V at QmOH. l;iM(tT). WINNII I'm Canadian National Cxpreaa etc.. also tor yaur next ahlpmeat. city Tit'KET ornre. ssi tiiimi VAXrOUVER. VlfTOHIA. UKATTIJ, 1111 IlilltV and M'MHY at 11 p.m. WKItMiMlAY. 4 p.m 10 pm IIAKI.OTTK Ihi.akiw. PortnighUy. r.wx I'KIMt: Hf rt.HT MATDKDAY at II JO in for I'ltlNei: IXi. ail aelnW Baatern Ctuieda. ttaited NTEAMKIIII' LINRA. tor Money Olden, t'orrtrn Cbeqnea, 16 PRINCE RUPERT. Pba IM pMMssMBaaaaHHiiHnsHS ' gggi i Prices at Prince Rupert of Spring HatS j j the New Chevrolet Demers n t.,. w w w M'j Ton Truck ChaaHis l I $KO(UM :: Costumes :: Roadster $S0N.()(i ' ' Roadster Delivery $H08.00 Touring $8(l8.t( Coupe nsnsf.no Coach !f!j:tf.OO Redan ffOSn.no Latest Fi ocks Cahrioidt iono.no Uriforial Undau jSI0K(l30 Front Bumper and Rtar - BumperetteB abaTCl ealilp ; mnnt oir afl 1 rasstiraer ay AiPYannpr 11 w" ttanJrd JLl eilitsAUllUlil equipment on Imperial and ! Cabriolet only. On other models ISO.OO extra. Smith Block R1H)r Tire and Tube, Phone S75 $10.00 extra. DENTIST Kaien Garage Phone 82 ii iii mis" " IT t - aaaaBaaaBaavMMBBaaBMBaaBi