i w PAGE F0U2 ..JHB DAILT KET7S I .. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMaDlJ WE GlVfYOUR COAUISPiCKED von MCTS i'H w-KUKliO us J VELC- KAVE.VOU THIb la T WEUf F THAT MV HOOS6 NOT HOT -OLD MV HOUSE WRITTEN A J WOMDEfAFUL.- 1 THI3 T' jOtfT THE KINO d A AIR DESCRIPTION OF IT mouse voo'ne. . PLACE I'VE AUVvAVb WsNT: s TO PUTIN THE SO i OONT THINK. 1 1 v PAPER- SOMB JUT READ j I'UU SELL- , J ! IT AND SB HOW IT 'jCRiPTION OTmKE.i VOUF? Eh? nKirv. - We pass our coal over a screen fotmes larger than any othefl5ia) screen In town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11C and 117 rowe's Sheet Metal Works Manufacturer of Pitch and Gravel Roofing (inlvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Eavc Troughing Conductor Pipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and HI hows Metal Hoofs and Siding Phone 310 Hox J 67 Trappers ! Are you (jetting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have Urge orders from manufacturers in the Bast, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large wire me and I shall lot. eall personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." 1 Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Asa'n. of B.C. Birds 'With Official Records under Government iQaptctian. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandotte. Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorca. Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Price. For Price List write 8ec retary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C.. Vancouver. B.C. Radio Radio As well aa specialising on the No. 17 Radiola. w wish to draw your attention to the Radiola No. 18 It Is another of the up-to-date, last six months models, a alx tube receiver. Price, less Hadlotrons 9S.OH Price, with Radlotrons .. ill I A3 I rice, complete with Radlotrons snd 100 A Loud- . speaker IISJ.M f. W. rilAMlLEK Exclusive Wholesale Dealer tor Rsdlolaa Office: SIS Hltth St. IVox MS I'rlore Itu ttrrt. ll.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or , Motor Service. Coal Sand and (Irsvel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving, ESIBBBBBI SBE1BBVJJf.zJ BmHm V.HHtaj I 0 1121 by Ir. I IV.,,,R 5.. Ik IRISH CONCERT WAS DIFFERENT NEW NOTE STKI ( K IN KT. (WytH'K'S li.ll EN J till AINMKNT THIS EAIC IMUCK XEM MANAGEMENT QUALITY. NOT QUANTITY plenty or CJOOli IKISII I I N. Ml .sir .Wit HAXCKS AT ANN! AL EVENT The annual St. Patrick's Day concert under the auspices of the Catholic Church armnted by M J. Dougherty Ith Bishop Bunas as patron and J. J. Muldoon a business manager was different from anything that had (one be fore Instead of the large number of mga and dance, these were confined to but a few numbers and the remainder of the program being interesting and amusing sketches put on by some of the clever local artist. The whole affair was well arranged and weU executed and re- llected much credit on the management 4nd on those who took part. Promptly at the appointed time the Weetholme Orchestra struck up the medley of Irish airs without any an nouncement and the concert was on. It also closed at the appointed tune giving slightly over two hours of real enjoy ment. The girl' drill team under direction of Douglas Prlaaell waa Just aa popular s ever, the pyramid and other gymna- itum work being a revelation of pic-lureaqueneea and precision. The team composed of Hisses Laura PrtxarU. Catherine Irvine. Ada Menagohr. May Thompson. Evelyn Dalby. Edna Unger. Dot Edgar. Julia Walters. Chris McLeod and Evelyn March. D. B. Finn in "The Kerry Dance" sang well and his work was appreciated. He gave for an encore "Oh the Time la Long. Mavourneen." His accompanist waa H. Ji Broeklesby. What was recorded in the program . . n Irish Jig by Master Peter Bym. .ura- -.ut to be a team dance n : : tit us year old lad and his ultirr Itatursll) he was a little sl mid con- ftteed coming before the public l ucL an early age. but he waa. as one of the audience remarked, "just too cute for anything." Both he and his slater An nie Byrne danced nicely and the num ber proved very entertaining. The quartette by E. Smith. D. B. Piatt. L Smith and M H. Biott accompanied by H. N. BrockJeaby seems to be s new discovery. They proved very en- tertalnlng and were given a good re-option The more they sing together, (he better their voices will blend. Their fnoore was "Peaceful Might." "The Pair of Lunatics." an amusing sketch by Mlaa Virginia Hell and J. Par- quhar. each of whem takes the otbat for a lunatic, was well executed. Ai times the audience might have imag ined they were lunstlos but they rr not. aa the denouement showed eoteriainM very soceptahty and were live a good l ef spplauae song "Would Q 2d I Were the Tender Apple Blossom." upheld her previous rood reputstlon as a vocalist. Her stage presence snd entrancing gown added to the enlovment of her aliulne. Mer en. core number also went well. MIA Torn Tttc accompanied. One of the most spectaculsr adW pleasing numbers on the program was! the Mah dance by Misses MacLarehJ Thorn vxi. Orieve. Ptilmer. McCatfery sndl Rlel. They kept good time and the danorf went with a swing. The dlslogue "Just Nonrense." between Alex. Connon and J. Daughterly waa s tide-splitting little sketch with Dougherty at the comedian, tt contained some local references and was witty and bright throughout. Mrs. J. J. Muldoon wa better than ever In her song, "Believe Me If all Those Endearing Young Charms." accompanied by Mlas Virginia Rlel and her encore number "When First I Saw Sweet Peggy" was equally well sung. The one-act play. "Yes. Oeorge," prov ed to be a winner and the end must have been eminently satisfactory to Oeorge. It wai the story of a young man who found tt difficult to propose to hi pretty sweetheart, a very difficult thing to simulate but well acted The difficulty Oeorge found was that hi yoftng lady friend Anna (Miss Monie Jackson) was too popular and her many friends almost entirely obi Iters ted him. The rua adopted to get rid of the friend while retaining Anna was effective and In the end all turned out well. Louis Smith took the part of the 1ov.t to per- faction and Anna used sll the wiles of a charming girl to lead him on. The obtruding friends who nocked In al an unfortunate moment were Misses LUliis Cross. Wlnnl Thomson. Jean Ul Hum oiI.ii mmH I behalf of the town council. andluncha Valley: secretary. H. D. MaeNell: Stephen Holmes for the Board of Trade. E. 11. Wynne, forest ranger, addressed the gathering and there were representative of the Department of Agriculture in c: tendance. A successful concert waa held here recently by the United Church Choir and the Canadian Olrts in Training Those contributing to the program included Mlaa Jeanette Johnson. Mrs. Oeorge Ogston. Mrs. A. B. Laird. Mrs. Warren Johnson, the church orchestra. choir. Rev. J. T. Smeeton. Mrs. McClelland. E. A. MlteheU and B. M. Mrs. Oeorge Hamilton of Port James left this week on a trip Vancouver. There hsa MA. it ftar r t smksmMsssMs. Hi Orleve. Or. J. R. Gov. Fred Smith. Carl let fever and cbtckenpox of a mild Brand and Arthur Sharps. , ype in this district. The nouee was entirely aold out and the return must have been quite aat- The local Bard al Trad has passed 1 isfectery to the promoter. i resolution oppcalng th school tax! Inn nMMMl hmiiArtv aitut MlffMHtlm ! VANDERHOOF that a uniform tax of not nxt than Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Holmes edter- lalned at their residence last Tuesday ovening. Pred Joudry. Prince Rupert optician was a visitor here last week on pro fessional business. Rev. Joseph T. Smeeton. local United Church pastor, was. In attendance at a m salon of Cariboo Presbytery which was held last week In Prince Oeorge. Mrs. Lara Borfun of Hulatt Is making satisfactory at attack of pneumonia. Fi.'d C !l.r!i a .u:l S B-irhriVfp. 1 mile n. - ..d'.f i : ."fl Union: U-.,; J. P Myers a 111 ar::tc " Fius-. to Joiii the i Smith.. ix al mholcijli- n:- The local Battt dealer tllff Premises Itree which have 1' orders for nve can of the new model II eight cupied by the Canadian Bank of Com- for mills Mr. and Mrs at the flrafiof 4 -qsx y ssaiia Hi' ' flSS ri r aei.T VI v Tr r be imposed all over the ine annual convention of District province. "C" of the British Columbia Farmers' 1 institutes was held here at the end of' BURNS LAKE last week with President Henderson In j the chair and E Roberts acting as ; Robert Lowe has been re-elected pre- secretary. There were delegates from aldent of the Bums Lake and DUtrtct all part of the Kechako Valley who Board of Trade. Other otOeer for the were welcomed by George Ogston. on year are: vice-president, H. C. Baton, council. A. R. Brown. V. Schelderup and Dr. J. T. Steele. Burns Lake; Anton Keller. Pnxnonta Lake: B. A. Smith: Palling; A. O. Annan. Endako; John Uostrom. Otsaey Plains, and A. 8be. ford. Wtatarfa. The Burns Lake Nunery Co. turned on beatln the first unit of lu newly established greenhouses here last week and planting of seeds of various flowers and vegetables is now in progress un der favorable eonditlona. W. E. Funnell is superintendent of the company. Robert Love and J. 8. Brown also being identified with the venture. A. M. Ruddy has been re-eleeted pre sident of Use Burns Lake Community Hall Association, other ottcers being: vlce-preaMeat. M. P. Nourse: secretary. P. V. Tallon; treasurer. Mm. S. Oodwln: executive. H. a MscNeU. Mrs. H. J. Jewell and Phil BruneU: auditors. Root. Lowe and J. Xaol. Douglas Lay of Haaeiton. resident mining engineer, made an inspection it the Taltapin mine In the Baltlne. The Oolden Olory group at Decker Lake and several other mining properties in this vicinity last week. While ho Id my ,ni 'orest r:. timers here Oterce for a Bomber of year hare been three dam purchased try Oenrf Liu) of Terrace , he subsisted for a cotuidratk of about StOOO 1 examination for i.t meek. E. C. following jMamiint ashram uif forester for jtr.r produce was takm 1U and had to Il.in.v:i Zr B:. .Mid L.d-...i. made a ';: In i) Po::.i ai il.iy -;:ii a :.ie Tdlt4p.11 mine rr.rtlng kkhi an'i the tru.i :u Hue the lc.vin De'imd :i.tn in ids stable a .m Aith w)'..h be rouid nave made received ww .ii'iy m one third of the tune. Join. Felix Turin incii .iu walked over. iisrd '1111 11." home, some sixty miles been oc-1 distant. i.r Bums Lake to obtain relief a fieri''' 'oothauhe. During the u. i- Felix was on the trail- on dry flour and water. . . r 1 Hi leg having heaa Injured by a fall J. A. Crttea of the pmlneca Country ,lng tree. Ivor Johnson was brought Was fined tie by Sttpnidlary Magistrate from Carroll's lie camp for treatment Joha D. Charbaa' here for an uBraction in Burns Uke Hospital W She Oarar Act. 't iKof tear ayd Hunt wlU lea 1 iiit Heife is the Beeg, "XXTHEN you add Oxo to soups, " V stews, and meat pics, you put in' Concentrated Beef, thus making them more nourishing and tasty, with the rich nutriment and flavour of prime lean beef. Oxo is the Houscmfe's Great Economy Puts In the Beef ji NX anted For Sale For Rent UNUSUALLY pet for Neve. a ream US. 93 LA HOC WILTON Apply Pullen. LOST Mr. and Mrs. M. Ecklund and tarn 11) have taken up residence here in the use formerly owned by Charles Mc Donnell which Mr Ecklund has pur- :sma. ara paueat la fn 8. JDUS at Talkwa was a miUaiJcimUttm .ssmsa., . CAB Dam tf LOST. BEtOW.'l IsUSH WATER SPAN- M4. Pbone Black tea. g7 sington where Mr Hunt baa been pointed manager of a general store. J. R. Nelson and J. N. Cummins of Wistaria were business visitors in Burns Lake last week. Mr. and Mr, a. C Shlnn of Uncha Valley were visitors last week In Burn P, 8. Wataoa of Pacific t week. waa s visitor After spending several weeks visiting with his parents st Spokane. Charlei Hunter was here last week returning to his extensive land holdings at Colley-motint. W. T. Clair of Foreatdale was a buai-nea visitor la town last week. Father Vaiaaras . OJrf.I of Smlthera held services bar last week. Alex McLean of Tschenlkut Uke, having been taken in, was brought to the Burns Uke Hospital where he 1 now receiving treatment. Ti. M. Morgan aiHvd tier W wash from Vancouver erirowle to the TiuV tapin mine wtwre he will take etrnrge ' of ofieraUoii. E. V. Campbell of Vancouver arrived here last week from the south tnrottte to the Bahlne country where he will lake charge of opsrstlo.ta at ths Stiver Inland mine. 1, f- I larly in the local Community Hall with psung. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED WANTED TO EXCHANGE FOUR roomed bungalow In South Vancouver for one of similar value at Seal Cove Apply a. Sunbury. No. 1 Sub post offlce. Prince Rupert. 73 WANTED. FURNITURE OP ALL crtptlons. Highest prices paid. Spot cash phone O. Dawes, Black ISO. tf WANTBD HEAR FROM OWNER OOOD farm for sale. Cash price, part leu lara. D P. Bush, Mlnnes polls. Minn. FOIt SALE FOR SALE. OAS BOAT "V ASA ' Length 41J: beam 10 ft. 16 HP Atlas 4 cycle engine; price tlSOO Thia boat would make excellent packer. Apply PuJUnoto. Atlin Ave or Ward Electric. Cow Bay. tf XJfi SALE - -CHEBTERFm.D,. WICflBJt Setee. dining room suite. Asmtnstsr and linoleum rugs. Beds, dressers rang, dinner set. typewriter, etc Apply tag. Fifth Avenue Wast. SsTTTtNO BOOS tlOO PER BeTTTUfO from bred-to-lay Usoroughbreds: SX Leghorn and Banod Rock. R OT. stock. The Royal Pur and Pouitn Ranch, Pacific. B.C. Si old KvmeMmm may be used in stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special price on lara quantities Dally. Mew. t MDtwaam -irow noosnNo ORDsna for summer and fall delivery, finest dark muskrat. The Royal Pur and Poultry Ranch. Pacific. SC. Si FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOOBT wlth bath: two krta and garden t payment; balance ar- FOIt HUNT FOR RENT. - FURNISHED APART menu, four rooms fiid bath. Water paid. Phone M7. tr FOR RENT rvrmWHtD ROUSEKKBP Ing rooms by the day. week or month Phone Red 807 tf FOR HeBfT. ROOMS WITH OR WITB-out hoard. Central location Phone Blue Itt. tf FOR RENT keeping Orocery. lOOSE FOR FORNISHED HOUSE. Apply Mnssallem BATH. Apply Monro Bros AUCTIONEKltS, Ranges, 1 Inoieum and Rum. Carpet. Bunds. Curtain AND tl pui.xrE nrrsHT aittihn miry I nters) Hawk Furniture of all kinds bought, aold or exchanged. Crating and packing don. Oooda aold on Commission G. J. DAWIS, 3CSMPUTOK1 SCALES. SCALES. MEAT aueara. cheese ruttors and cabinet, meat choppers, coffee ml Da. sash registers and peanut butter mills. Expert repairs and adfuatmento. Ear-vie contracts New. used or rebuilt machines. Easy terms or eaah discount. THK SCUM SHOP LTD. tSS Caeweva SI, W.. Vaffeaover ILT. FUHNlTUnB AND UANpRS ' ratsrrsRMBLo strms, bbdhoqh Suits. IMnlng fiaitsa. Kitchen Taasja, Reatmote Ootasprtng sue? Msttreaass. Elankeu. Cretonues Window Curtam good. W have still a few maU left st the old price. High low High Low High High High Low High Law High nous young people's tesmi psrtlcl- to. A. JI CK UNTIE, I I UNITt'lir: Plsasse T7S. C1IIMXBY SVIjRP 11. J. 7.uiK:iiR Oeneral H4yMn ' urasaa and Stow Cleaned sad Repaired. Chlannle Swept. Osaneaery Plots Oared For. Phone Rod S4J Fiinee Rupert, BO IIXCIIANCIJ ST.W AMI SCCflXII IIAMII rUflMITI'lll" bought asm sold sad wsfiststH. Ptsyar Pmna asm Two Cash Rasjfenirs la steak. , cpiK)riJLos smis , EM tWl Ate. naise SM CfliKQPKA(r(p ir. it. ti jnmrtsM iiffejif 1 MS Third Avenue. Telephone tor appointment now to wu A. mMideno phone Black 131 Evening call made aa arranged Make your appointment row. MINCE HUPRirr TIBH8 eaTf s TI'ISMltY, UVIrtll SS 0:41 am. iej ft. IStsl pjn. U4 " tM pja. M " it:ot pja. M " iTEtlNRaflAT, M.irtni It 1:16 sjb. HE ft. ltl pat. si J " :ll ajn. J " 1S:0 pa. .! -Till ItSKAT, MAIICM tt I SO am. tl.T ft M!0s pas. EM " 0:01 SJh. " 10:18 pm. IJ - rniiMV. Muini u IMia, Rl.t ft. H pm. tl.T " s:i m. ir 0:11 pm. 1.0 " EtTFIitl.tV. SlVlifll M I SO m M S tt. 18 SI p.m. 30.S " am. IS " llMpj. 4 8 " KI'NH.W. MAIiril M 1:17 la. 89 J ft. 10:10 p m. 10 4 " 10:10 sat. 1 " tl:ll pm. t " MONliAV, MUlf'H f 4:00 aav 11.1 ft. 17:10 pro. 17.7 " 10 80 a m S.S 13:01 Sin. 7.0 " Aitkin Loit and Found,&t STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS - or raneouvrr Tuesday- as. Cam.j.it, Frlday-as Pm,., ... Saturday-ss vr . S Prlnow Brtr March 15 - m p, ., ,.v M March It. as pi.. m I'rnm Vaaosotrr Sunday as cmr,. Wednaaday s i-Bsturday- ss v: Saturday as Prm March It- m v-March ll ss P: I'ram Ihe rHt i Pa ! Ml ""IS "' IS 11 H II "' a ' sj March 31- w pr . . Far Pert rHoipsen anil u lt- Sunday m. Camu., rSM IWt llMn..ii ,n. V, Tuasdaj ss Cam.u. 1: fwr Aayot snd Hirwart- Suaday - w tim. n. Wednesday- ss p- . r h 1 Irani A ay ex and Tuisdsy s. Cam .'!. Friday as Princr h,ij i lor liaeen FharMir- Marcb 10 as P- . Marah 04 as v . . . 1 I rem Qurrn raariwtiro- Msieh a- -March -as. prm-.- fee lawks March 11- as Pru - Jl March 21 P - m March II i Pr M ivstsi Alaska March IS -as. Pr : M -March IS-ss Pr.i - u. MAIL SCHEDULE IAK( 11 i" fwr the ran Wedn'i l IfS II -- l',VjU 1131 ut: lis 1 pa : s pa j 1a n SatuMan Tanrtiys. Thursday r-i ? " tfa Te nalrr .rVMsj ftAwRatfmTS44 OM-. . M r li IS Trauss. Mondays, winradiit as - ICM M n Vltwfer - " vrmasmisy. sViturdass CFsV-atarcb tl. ai 11 -ri.,lv 1"' " ka. ak.... iwsaaa wn'T-. - ay Te AhpM. A Her Ann ttrsatl 11 un a 1 ia IK iy "" . 5 Fran Aay.Allee " """t Itfmlef- iraeae Ft Ida ye To Nats Rlvrr Pwials Sanday From Nm Kltrr rwlnis- Tuasday , Te Alaaks Paiala March II. II and rvasa Aktska Itdrts Fab SO. March 15 : TH ChafMIr Wsnrt . ia a rram iiaeee Charlstt' H" March 0 and Otaham AUln Avr 1st Ave. Sth St Oth Ave. r Iton R Ith Ave. ' tompsoti s: llth Ave. 3hrbr . Ilth Ave. it Conrad Oth Ave. as Rays r c Oth Ave at Hays Cov. 1 Ave. at cotton St sth Ace, s oreen St ii ith Ave. at McasMd st Prav. Oovt. Bultdtng Peav. Sort wihrrf O.T. Wharf. o.T.r. SUttab,' .... tM Ae. tSsl'tt. trd Ave. at Fultao St. Ird Ave. Ai 0th St Sundays- One coiirrtiu p4n. collection. CN.R. TRAINS Fer Ihf 11 Motidivs. Wednesday" , t II JO in. From the F.sl IHesdsys. Tliurdy at 3 to p m. ... If .7 H mall u . a U00 ' '.lOi ' 9 10 1 1 9 JO ' 9'Ji ' 9 W 1 J.13 1 1 8 .4I) m5 I n .SO ' :. l)()0 f 10 1 lis in l Hi U in jo 1, v.n , Sat"11