r FAGB PODa rWE GlVfVouR coal is picked) YOU PACTS)V5WP0u3 Wkpa our 1 Wlaflli scr erewn&fir times larger than If any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and 0 ravel Hoofing (alvanlzed Hoofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughing Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Hoofs and Siding Phone 310 Box 4G7 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we wanjt mink, marteiv ermine, eoy ote, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Bgg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.23 Alberta SootletM Egg $12,001 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Radio Radio A axil as specializing on th No. 17 Radiol, we wuh to drew your attention to the Redlola No. IS. It la another Ol tlM UB-VO- date. hut aix months models, a aU tute receiver. Maw. leas Radiotrons S V4.1MI Price, with Radlotroni .. HUM Prior, complete with Badlo-trona nd 100 A Loudspeaker sisa.is '. w. qi.KitiJCK Bsaluelv Wholesale Dealer tor Radlolis OffW: lis mttth St. Hot MS Prince Kupert, IXC. Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coel .Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in i'iano and Furnilum.M nvlng. THE OATIX NEWS 'i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManij, " ( 16 THAT KID 1 ZZ NN Y- CLO t YOUR j II (f 5 THERE A S v f ' ; LAOGMiN'OR " MOUTH AM' LET ME SEE YOO- RE.WARD OUT THEN YOO'RE LCaYiN? MAVB- ' KN1 OR YOU ? f LT- GLIMPSES INTO EARLY HISTORY THIS DISTRICT W. K. (OI.UMIN TEIJ.M piom::kh MIME INTLKKMTIMI IIISTOKKAI. EYKSTM AT THEIH HAMJI KT Rv. W. E. CoiUaon. speaking at the Pioneer' banquet iaat night, npoke most interestingly of a few ef the hlatoric events of the early daya of the district around Prince Rupert. He aald that he waa a native aon. having been barn only a few mllea away. He wac ac quainted with the aite of Prince Rupert long before the city had been founded. Tucks Inlet waa a lively place atnong4 the natives in the early dayV. He had olteu travelled in an Indian dugout to Shawatlans, which waa a favorite salmon fishing place for the natives. Kalen bland, on which Prince Rupert u bulli l named after an Indian word mean ing "The Fallen Tree" or "A Windfall." He had always thought there would be a big city here because nearly all big cttlea were built near the mouth oi a large rlrer. No doubt Prince Rupert would become a great and Important part. The day would coroe when they would look back with pride to the da) when the city bad Ita beginning. Mr. Coll toon aald aa they looked around every mountain, inlet or ttland whispered toe name of aonve pioneer. Captain Dixon, after whom Dixon's En trance was named, had aalled in the Queen Charlotte around the Islands of that name and had also named North Island. Htppa. Reynolds Bound and other piece.. He had first established that the Queen Charlotte were Island Later Sir Joseph Batiks canted the great waterway after Dixon. The development of the coast had really commenced with the coming of the Hudson Bay Company who had lo cated first at the mouth of the Naaa but after two years had moved to Port Slmpaon. Captain Vancouver cajne after Dteon to carry on the work of exploring and to take over Nootka Sound from the Spaniards. Coming north he bad named Riven inlet. OrenvUle Channel. Steven Island. Dunda Island and Port Evstog- ton. the last mentioned being after Captain Btalngton. RJ4. Frcm there be proceeded up Portland Canal, and stayed for six week at a point on Obervatory Inlet about twenty mil irera urenaf waste ft bad eeteMstbed aa eettonomlaal observatory in order to correct a is kwtruments and find hat position. The Indians there met Osp- tala Vancouver and It became a ptaee of historic Interest. Mr. Conieon also paid hi respecta to 'he hardy band of missionaries who had made the country safe for settle-meat, ' Th llodseo Bay Company ttad had to meant sin lav and order and in order to do so it was neceaaary to build waned fort. IMSoettpg thai the natives were a Stan, ill Ikraiflnsran ' lytrni twt trading poata were located at Massett, Sheen Porto (now Haaeltoni and other points. Speaking of conditions in the early daya. Mr. Colllson said Port Slmpaon was the oentre of trade on the coast and port Eaalngton was also important. The old steamer Otter called every two or three months trading with the natives as ah made the trip. Other communl cation waa in dugout canoes. Th tint cannery was built on the wens by Colonel Lane at Inverness. Various Interesting anecdotes of early life embellished the address which was listened to with great interest, the speaker concluding by asserting that the pioneer waa never a pessimist When the progress of thai district In so short a time was noted there was every rea son for being an optimist. I SPORT CHAT PosslMy the meat Intteeetlng boxing mau-h that has been ever pulled off in Prince Ruperg. akl that is aavlna s will Btbe wn-round bout fn. .aaaWL il.. I - - .v, rnwm . . , w.i , 111. 11 1 Ulag Dido Ourvtob of Prutoe Rupert and Jimmy McDonald of Vancouver. The middleweight chamnlonahlD of Northern British Columbia Is the title the boys will scrap for1 and there should also b s neat little purse. For Dido Ourvlcti however, there will be aooie-thlng rveii more liuporUiit That will be the proot wliethr or uot he if u reel bcjxrr which, while he haa had a fiumbtr of battlai. hu sever yet been 8." ftu- ' - '. 1 JaveYou taken xour JferveFood PIONEERS AT BANQUET TABLE TWO IHM)l!i:i HAT DOWN I'MIKK iMtwuiiiENT or r. w. ihht IV IIOMTON II W.I. INTBHESTINC; SPEECHES insTour or KAKI.V HAYS TOIJI IN ' XIIMI AMI NTOKV AMI OM TIME DANCIC KNJOVl:il - the Pioneer's Association. A sumptuous proven. Thla Jimmy McIJoiuld mini !s banquet was served and the speeches i old to be somewhat of a master of the and music were sll excellent. I Daft mrt an1 ni.i. . . . . t . . . . . I luuurr m inr gr-me. Alter tne banquet the table were What edge McDonald may have In i cleared and a dance program waa way of skill, Ourvleh win st least! joyed which Included a grand march ef make up for In extra weight which, all 'plotters followed by a elrele two step, other things being equal or nearly so. is step dance by the MeLeod children. la often a eonaldetsble advantage. Mc-la award dance by Cathie Eastman and aid will probably weigh In at 'a sailor's hornpipe by Keanor Moxley. around 144 or its pounds, while Dido 'a song by Peter Kerr and a number of will. In all likelihood, scale eight rid time dances including a French or ten pounds more. Both boys are minuet and quadrille, song by Gill is J working out nightly at the Orand Ter- Couture. "Atouette." attention' crowds banauet were Mm. W Ulllu- V!r j.r. 7.. ... fS efecof two hundred being! report- via McLeod. soloist. Miss Oeorgma i- V anted For Sale For Rent d to have watched ts)tm some even- Hunter and SSdney Hunter, a duet: w, u,V Uor imiLu ' ,h kT kTi mga. BasiM. the mto event next Udell. Thurber. resiustwa. Msvae. B-;," th" v 9 v"l Bct Wednesday night, en Interesting bill ret and Parkm. violm solo and Hsrrv Z. 1! .... ... 1 nrelimlnufe. h.. h -n -.- - w . l " or . - niuBunw savica. ine ph i ..,... ... ml.niliin .III K. . . . . . ' W - m ." ivuuu 'run. WWJW SUWB OUBOS, M1TQT I4C- event betaaen Benny Wendle of this Morale Rev. W. E, Oetnaqa. Pred, Stark, city and Bitt Mulbera. a recent arrival Rev. J. R. Priaell and the Presldeat from Nsnauno. Jaok aWroyd and Mute Music by Eastman s orchestra. Blahon Comadlna win also do fcur rounds and Bunos asked bleseing sad aho ssked sunshln ve hwui rauapwi win spar mree , lor a aunut of Mleace out f respect rounus spiape: too margan rs. pete for departed idw Muate am two. Cnenoskl; Edetle Smith vs. W. Bard: vlded both for the banauet and the Nina aurvleh vs fe ok dsnce by Eaatmsn s orchestra Fred 0 BEER IS CLEAN , 1 ughiv I B BBBBBBteimt VJS -Oe &aastl Ibbwb& ""lit I f lUR Brewery is as clean as the cleanest kitchen. Our Beer is stored in hermetically sealed storage tanks until science and the test of time pronounce it PERFECT BEER in age, purity and strength. SfrM at U Government liquor Stem snd hVrf Perlon. Mtm Tl Tn dc"0 U say part af ouv4RB5?w'E5: Limited 3 awvenisraurnt .. rr puUr, I .,, J: pUyeJ by ti Liquor Control IW1 01 l,y Lit. wi. ,i UnuJ, C.jubu. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED HOtmxmem wanted, phone rsv U4. 83 AGENTS WANTED aeiacrn na tnere Been a more en- SIOO WEBKLT EAST j yaoie event man mat iaat nignt Marvelous product: Oena like magic: prei ui u swu gair- Belli on .sight to every autotat lru ... ' Home, oarage: free samples p a. .eighteenth anniversary of the Incorpw- mtlTM CO. Axandria Ont latkm of the city by dining together tol- . . .x. .. jthe number of about two hundred pre- FOK HUNT ' Isided over by F. W Hsrt, president of FOR RENT. rORKOHED APART- menu, four rooms and bath, paid. Phone 647. . utOTmij uw:iaia who mi ana sub. mn tOB nsweBAnua nmi u Water tf .tnl r, .D.int hin, ,i , ... ... .w- , . .. . . i wn nun- ' ...mi. i. .in .i.i ij.j a . vii unet uiv rat Mor vxsa sirs, t Ma9. . . . r, . , , who say be ha a future will probably McMordla. Mr. and Mr. Db-1 7, be right. In any case, this is HOine havn. S. M. Newton. BUhan Mluns I i. i tf to be the moat important battle so farjMr. and Mrs. P W. Anderson, Mr. and 'FOB RBMT. PUttNISHKD HOUM-u the career of th local boy who, IflMr. Fred Stork. Rev. and Mis. J. R.i keeping rooms. AddIt Mussaliem he can weather the storm, should tra-' !Tlae!l and Rev w I. CotUson. ! Oreeery. HOUSE FOR RENT S ROOMS AND BATH Apply Munro Bros. u Wsach was master of ceremonies for the dance. Tin: HFrr.HH The first speaker of the evening waa Bishop Bunos. who spoke appreciatively -t the work of the pioneers snd waa raearT lei ulai s 1m antku.tu mimu Club and their doing, are cot- The, providing enterumme. at toe LZI TrTZZ "l. !.T mate." Tet at Ottawa he found the thermometer 20 below rrro and blowing hard while nere there waa nothing more disagreeable than a little liquid The Mayor aald before he he had prospected for a year in Northern Ontario and he found the pioneer there much like they were here. The people could not be beaten for kind rxm of heart and generosity After relng la the east It waa a pleasure te eome back and meet the pioneer of Prince Rupert. Colonel Meaierdle said be could not tell thean of bla visit to Ottawa but he them that they had made ne mistake in coming here. He prophesied that wltMn two yean they would be shipping twenty mutton bushels of grain out of this port and within the next ten oyer be fait sure they would tS awd the case to. Prince. Runart PIS atfrd atf Vs L Sty sf destiny tWj Cotllsoa told mest rnterestlngty M the bletory of the early daya In the ffrJ Bupgg; district Rupert. He spoke humorously of land ing on the old stem wheeler Caledonia of setting up In business on Rupert Road next to a bakeahop which was destroyed by a rock from the blasting John Houston waa a character that was unique, a pioneer of pioneers. How he staked a mineral etarm and set up hi printing press on It was recounted. After dwelling briefly on the early days Mr. Stork turned to Prince Rupert a it waa today and mentioned the four grain vessels now In the harbor as an evidence of progress. He luggested thai sll were justmed In looking with confidence to the future. Rev J. r. Priaell spoke very humorously as one who waa not a pioneer here. All beginnings were Interesting Here he found a place where the people had all the comfort of a city of half a million people. Thla was possible because of tlw pioneer who biased the path. He spoke eloquently on the work of pioneer in the progress of the world. Following was the committees in charge: P. w Weech. chairman, F. w. Hart. P. W. Anderson. H B Eastman. Wm. Millar. John Vlereek. A. O. Franks and Oeo. Johnstone. Udlee raeepUon committee: Mrs. p. W. Anderson,. Mrs j. O Reddle. Mrs j. Vlereek. Mn. Beaner. Mr. Akerherg and Mrs. A. J. Oalland. VAMEII AITKK OLIVER Announcement is made in the latest lit of Oeoeraplii,- Btmrd of Canada (ietUslons of the selection of one of the peak In the Premier Range. British Columbia, to be named after the late Premier Cllver. FOK SALE WANTED. MOTOR FOR TROLUNO .TROLLER FOR SALS. 13 H P PRICCO boat. Bend partlculara to Box SM. Standard, registered dimensions .32 2 Anyox. BC. m j x a x 4 , geared power gurdy. and complete equipment. Fine living quarters, four oomfortable bunks, locker apace and toltet. Address Al-vin A mass. W acker. Alaska, or P.O. Box I0S6, Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE. OAS BOAT V AS A " Length A; beam 10 ft is MJ. Atfas 4 eyote engine: price 180. This boat uld make extuuent pscker. Apply Fujlmotn, Atlin Ave. or Ward Electric. Cow Bay. tf FOR SALE - TWELVE ACMS AT Te trace: 3 room cottage, small clearing: frontage on river and provincial highway. SSBO. Bast term. C. J Norrtngton. P.O. Bos 478, Prince Ru-Ptn.Bjr 64 FOR SALE. PISrUNO BOAT. 30 FTSET by 0: S h p. PaJmer engine. Fully equipped. Apply Albert Bach. Oen-eral Delivery. Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE-TWO HOUSES ON TWO lore! fenced lota Seventh Ateaue west. II. Tus ao. Terms. Apply SM Seventh Avenue West. SI FOR SALE. - OAS BOAT. SS long: five bp Palmer engine Also camp at Salt Lakes Apply E David aon, Cold Storage FOR SALE DODOS SPECIAL SEDAN In first olese eondMlon. Easy rgood snap ter cash. Phone SS. UNUSUALLY LA ROC WILTON CAB pet for Sale. Apply Pulleti. Dairy FU(N1TU HE AND KANG rB CHrJTEl1BLD SUtTESX BEOttOOM uuea. Dining Suites. Kitchen Tables, rtaagea. Linoleum and Unoteum Bug. Carpets. Bllnda. Curtain Rods. Roatmore Coilaprlngs and Matuesaea, Blankets. Cretonnes, window Curtain sooda. We have still a few mat left at the old price. A. MACKENZIE, It nITI ItC I'hewe ns. World'H Kecortl Strnlns BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from Hru of R.O.P. Poultrv ,0rar'; Ass'n. sf JlCVBIrfl-. with Official Records unidr (VVtot irisrie'tftfon.I White and Drown Lexhorns, narnd Itocks. R.I. Reds. Wyundottea, Huff Orpine-tons. Ulmk Jllnorcas, Illue Andalusian Order Now. ReuHonahle Prices. r"or Price List write Secretary, Prof. Lloyd, University of J.C, Vancouver. RC. tf WMKimsJO SCALES. SCALES. MEAT Ulcer, chess cutters and cabinet meat choppers, aoffse mill, cash rag. latent and peanut butter mill. Ex. part repairs and adjustment s vice oontraeta. New. used or rebuilt machine. Easy term or cash discount. THE SCALE MIOr LTI. MS fwrdots ft., IV.. Vsmwirer IIP. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. ZUMKffllU Oriirfal Handy Man vMrBa and stove Cleaned eaised. aVL-. . ILIrVSJI'iVJ wept. " Cemeany ptot osid fwr 3M Red 141 Prmee Rupert. BO RXCUANOE T.W AMI KErOKIl N) I1IRMTI RE bought and sskt and eaeheofed. nrrr Ptano and Two Cash rtoftaier lu etosk. PAPADOPl'I.OS Mints w TWnf Ave. Plvwie MA C1HH01'I(ACT1C IMC. K. E. KVOI.r-KOV riilnirner 823 Third Aveaue. Telephone for sppolnunent now to BU, Bealdenee phoa BmeJt SM Evening call made aa arranged Make your appointment now. A ... . ruci Lottand FouDcUr l I I u hi l.iir im.iu h '.ilu uiuiiiuuiiii in u i I' ll r ii i For Vanroater Tuesday a, run, .. Friday aa. Pr.nn- 8stuid:iy- w - es Pri- ,; Mareh IS s March 25. i-I rem Vsnroutrr Sundsy -as Ci-mn- Wedneaday--x : Ss'urdsy- v V' ' Saturday aa Prt- h-. March 1 1- r Mareh -as F March 31- v- -p For Fort Slmpaon and s'ju Sunday Can.-.. . rrom ran MmMim v.. - Tuesday as. (.n.-I'er Anyot and strH in Sunday aa. cam - .- Wednesday -- m v-. Irem Anyet and sir,, ,-- Tuesday aa Cn: . Friday aa. Prin. r ! Tor (Jueen t'narlutt. March 10- a I- Mareh I' From (re ('btrloit.. March S - P: Msrch a it P 'r AU.k March II as P- March 31--as P: March 31 ea P-Irsm AUka March IS a P- Meroh . as MAIL SCHEDUE n:riRi re the Eoat Mondaya. eTedne. : close I rn the Rati Tuesdays. Thuru da To Vaaeaxiter Tueedayt Fridays Saturday CP.R-wb m Train. Mondsyp Saturdays ... I rwi Vsneouver Sundayi Wednesdays Saturdays . . CP R, March 1 1 Trains. Sundays. T day Te Anyot. AHee Arsi . Prrmler fhindays ' Wednesday from AHjt. Alice Arm Premlef Tuesday Friday Te Na Itlm PalM- undays rvwm 1 River Pnln Tuesdny To Atks P1nl Mareh It. 91 ul ' rrwnt Alaska Pi- IS. March i ' Ts jHetn CherMle March IS and 34 rrn Quern rhsrlot)'- rch $ and 22 Monday. Wdnrsi at I1J0 sm Erniii the FaHt Tuaadays. Thurso at S.yVpjn. NOTICE LAND U T DP ITKMI-'V.," to u:nt mv" Iq Csseisr Utid di I rut District -of Tri.v JftUfte, a, th norWiv.-Laki, about 40 in lie town or Atiis. in - longitude, and aben' latitude. TAKE NOTICE H" Lemleux, of Olarly B.C., occupation Triip:-" for a lease of me ' 11 lands Commencing at I- ' northwest end of ol mo feot north of tt" Lake Rlc-t; thenve "' " ont mile south: Ui' i 1 thenee one mile 810 acre, more or i-(Sgd ) JOHN Al Dated Decembsr it i t l.l.nif r-'" UK TRAINS Iwr the rtrst -