,.tnrflw , Start 10, 1928 THE DAILT NEWS EAGE THBEB 1 . -of COATS for IAMBS, MISSES AND CHU.UHEN COATS FOR ( HH.I)REN value up to $18.M. SlKM-ial prire .. -. COATS FOR I.AUifc a vSold the World Over JiJ qiwmtOT I TIHnMum 1.1 km sum v World-wide recognition b positive proof of Superior Quality. HIRAM WALKER & SONS Limited BtSTHXAWV ANOHtAOOTICC i WALKCftViLLr. CAMAOA ESTABLISHED I " S !) Write (a our Montreal Office, 57 Phillip! Sq.,hron of out FREE PATENT WALL BOTTLE-OPENERS '(ambus Qm 3 Local and Personal j j , i-tnii iit in not published or displayed by the Liquor ,' ii(..rd or by the (.ivi-nnm-nt of Briti.-h Columbia Regular. Sale Price ... $:.75 $1.30 . 15.25 ..iy Jewel Coxes ............ i!-25 i Clock ' I1-'-6 IVr ' ..ids, in Leather Cases $1-00 iMirill .. $1 M . Seta H.00 : i.,k. V..... 85e ,.- i:iiutt. IU.OI-- 50c $3.35 .;! Kilea. Huttotihuolc and Catkle Kive8 25c ; .wdar Bux. aud ruffe 4 ix just u -iii .11 f ;'rne f the Specials. Si, our windows. Qrm $2.50 $3.25 $1.00 75c S5c $6.50 55c 25c THIRD WE i SIXTH ST TLLFPHONtS P200 Special :: Offering ss.-r. siti.?"- alue up to SZo.Wl. nperi.ii while "un" they hv KenU ..... n.i.r choice 'he,- -i'l-'-'i'1 ' iliey will not laat Iomk at these prices. B.C. Fur Company Third Avenue DEMAND "Rupert Brand" the uainWst iiuKAffr-vffr iMir." Smoked Dally by Canadian. psh & Cold oW C'1" L- Dentist. Or J R O x Phone B8t Skating dally. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. t Boxine Wednesday, March 14. Exhibi tion H:iM it AO And ai.no Jimmv Mc Donald vs Buttling Ourvlch. Five good I preiiinmuriei.. wm Pi;,l)vicri:m Womcn'i Auxiliary will I CPU. steamer Princess Beatrice. enjoyment. I hold a 8hi.mror.lc Tea and salt of hcmel cocking lu the Church Parlors on Sat urday. March 17 from 3 to 0. Capt. R. Thomson, arrived In port at I 6:30 thla morning from Vancouver anal waypolnts. sailing at 11 on her return south- C.P.R. steamar Prlnceas Mary, north bound from Vancouver to Alaaka porta, la due acre tomorrow eariy in w afternoon. The achedule calls lor her to call hare again on Thursday south bound Cloud Friday evening at the Bap t lot Church Musical Monologue "The iFlghllnit Parson." illustrated with old Uline C;imu Meetlnii and Revival melo dies. An evening of great Interest and Mrs. Edward Ma von. who hat been scendlna the oast few weeks In. the city visiting with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. orcnara. BBuearave Plan aaHmi hv the Princess Beatrice this morning on her return to Vancou ver. Dunne the bast twenty-four hours. sixty carloads of grain have arrived from the nralrles for the Alberta Wheat IPools PrluO Rupert elevator. Railway offices thh moinlng reported some 3W- eara on the urrltory west oi Jaapei Park bound here. m. pentm.nlal im-.rt orchestra will make lu flrsi appearance in pub lic with a recital In tne weatnoimr IThratie on the night of Sunday. March 3S. The orchestra, which has been practlMng faithfully, will be assist in the recital by Mrs H. C. rraeer and MUn E. Da vies, vocalist. Owing to the fact that D. Dougherty who Is to play with Prank AMndge In the final, is somewhat Incapacitated s a result of a recent automobile acci dent In McClymont Park hen his car waa virtually wrecked, the conclusion jf the Canadian Legion billiard handl cap tournament has been delayed Passengers sailing ton.orrow after noon aboard the Princes Miry for thi noith will include Mr. and Mrs R. a I f.Mtl. fn. Ml h t l.hnw R VII IWW mini iwhj -- --- A. Orifflth for Carcroea. Alfred Houston tar WhlI.lv.rK Mathla FOSlBUd. Ivor Skarland and Mrs. M Mayntrt! (or kci chlkan. ai.d Dan Duc:ch iai qaagway R. C Or'eve. who has been account ant with the Muaw-llem Oioeery Co here f. r sorr.r t jm and was for.aer.y Identdlid with the Prmcs Rupert Sort ce Milh leave tomorrow on th Princes" Mary with Mrs Oneve and family lor Wbttehcrse where be will take the Best of accountalnt with P Bums Co.. Ltd. Mr. Grieve is succeed ed In Mussallem's by Ellis Morris Special mission services being held here by S. V Ware o' -he Scripture Onion of Canada were continued auc- ilutlr yesterday. The afternoon meetlint for children was lu First Unit ed Church and the evening meeting for young people In First Presbyterian Church, both aatherinsa be:ng well at tended. Mr Ware will apeak in First Baptist Church tomorrow morning and in First United Church In the evening well as at a Sunday School rally In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral In the afternoon aV. ANNOUNCEMENTS eeewe-eeeeee MO'.aehcart Ladies' St Patrick's Whtai Drive and D.'nce. kli.rch 13. An.-.liran Cathedral Tea March 17. St Patrick's coerert. Monday. March 19, Westholme Theatre. Ciiued Church Baater Sale of Work. April 3. Qiurn Man Chapter annual Daffodil Ball, Easier Monday. April 9. Anglican Church Easter Sale April 10 Catholic Women'a League spring sale of work April U c Ladles' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Society Easter Sale and whist drive, apru sai. Elks Cabaret April 30. rtoysl Society of St. Qeorge Whist Drive and Dance. April 28. fere throats l ft. jm need this Oouble- .Treatmcnt Rubbed on the throat, Vicks relieves in two direct ways: (1) Its vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the air pas sages; and (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like an old-fashioned poultice. OWt &MlUJONJMSUiEDYAXLr Uet the Big 4 habit- When tbinkins f a Taxi, phone 4. tt Scandinavian dance In the Metropole Hall toniaht at 9 o'clt-ck. Music by Waatvlk and Abraham jii. Admission 60c Alfred Adams wlU aail by the Prince John toniaht on bis return to Maaeett latter having spent couple of days In the crtt on business). Ma are lleuarlm for w-lioe re pairing. Send tbem to us for value, senile and sathfartloii. IacArlhra Mine Stwe. f airs. E. C. Stevwns of Skldeajate and her dauehtar. MaM M. Stevens of Any ex. will aaU tonight by the Prince John far the Queen Charlotte Islands. Wlll'am Smith- of Vancouver, traveler for P. Bums Co.. Ltd.. was a passer ahnard thai Venture this morning en Irote from Ocean Palls to Alert Bay. Oueen Mar Chester I.ODX Tea and sale of home eoafclng on Tuesday March 13 at tha home of Mrs. wm Miliar. 344 Sixth Avwauc Eaat. Musics pfoaraea. Paasenavrs sailing this morning on the Princess Beatrice for Vancouver in eluded Mrs. Edward Msyon. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Cowan. A. Renwlck and W. Pollock. Henry OoUlaon. Indian, waa fined la with the option of Mirteen days' lm nriaonment. be Maaietrata XlrCmnon in city police court tins asornlng for drunKenness Mrs. Qalland was cna of those who elped serve at the hospital ausiltarj -ea aliwn at the home of MM. Dan jebewr on Thursday and not Mrs. Qrat-as refdrted yestetday. lldentUTed with the dry dock staff a a shipwright in the lining of grata ships tailed this morning on the venture tor Vancouver where be will take a A E. Johnston, who is engaaed in th Umbering industry on Msaset In let, arrived from Vancouver on the Venture this morning and will sell tonight on the Prince John lor Port Ssata for St. Patrick's Concert in the Westholme Theatre on Monday. Marc" 19 may b reserved at Orates Drug Stcre commencing HneaUy morning March 13. Two hours solid amusement Oood talent. No game were played last night in the billiard future between the Cold Storage and Orand Tvraalaals nor vnu the fifth game In the Ofro Club-Maple Leaf future bet seen Bert Morgan and F. Williams played. J. E. Miller, inspector of customs, and hU assistant, Thomas Mason, left orri this morning's train to visit Haaelton and Smlthers on official duties. They expect to return to the city on time to sail for Victoria neat Friday Oeorge Taylor, travelling! auditor fo- Ithe Canadian National Railways, wtv has been In the city tor the peat few days on official duties, will sail tonlgh' by the Prince John on his return to Vancouver vU the Queen ChaRotte Is B. H. Uaynard. for some time keeper of the lighthouse at Luey Island, sailed this morning by the Venture fee Namu enroute to Adenbrooke tetand to take charge of the light there, having changed place with the.kaprr at that t. Mr. Maynard wee. accompanied wn the coast by aw mano. can Thorpe, who will see.. Work In the Namu cannery Mrs. Maynard leaves tomerrow for a visit la, Ketchikan, T use Tbe .Vancouver Provshee reports' that was thrown from sayMekjgben she Nedden. daughter of Oaf. Hty iNed den of the steamer Pttaae Oeorge and last vear's winner oi the (amber Cup In (he tournament of the Vancouver Riding and Driving Club. Will be film nated from the ixMt t tjfcja year. MIm Nedden Lh In iiospiiai Wltn a nadiy inlu'd h.ml Mi.-Mlned when her u.ui'.ir Mumi!rl the Jumps hiuI .1 pped uti l.vi hand after slit- lu. t Church Notices HT. AMlKEWS CATIIEIIKAL (Church of England i Archdeacon O. A. Rlx, rector. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Evin lne service at 730. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper first Sunday oi ine Lmonth at 11 ajn. Third 8undy of the month at 8 a.m. Sunday school at 330. Baptisms by arrangement. CHRISTIAN (SCIENCE SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning In the Hays Block. 345 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday: "Substance" Teatl-mony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. HAITIST till Ki ll. Minuter, Rev. W. F. Price viln a.mhin at 11 o'clock. S. V Ware of the CWldren i. Special Service Miss km will apeak. United Rally of Sunday Schools at 2 30 in the Anglican Cathedral. Evening worship at Subject "The Hill Climbers." Anthem. Organist: W. Vaughan Davles. HKHT IMTEI rlll llCii. Hev. A. Wilson. B A . Pastor uiu I Haddock. Deaconess. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub ject: "The Compensating Ood." Sun day School will meet at 2 p.m. to attend united service In the AngUcsn Church at 2.30. Evening worship at 7.30. Address by W. S. Ware of young peoples' mission. PKIVTEItl.X CIHUCTI Minister, Rev. i. B. Prtacll. B.. llb. nt aliVano The Manse. Phone M3-Momlna worship at 11 o clock Sub ject: "Christ s Sscreu." aranaay ocnooi at U.18. The Sacrament of the lAiroa Bunner will be observed follow Inn the service. "Come, for all things are now ready." Evening worship at 7 JO. Sub ject "Lessons from Christ a Immortal Parable." Duet by Mrs. H. C: rraser and John E. Davey. HT. PAI L'S M. THEIIAN CIU HOI Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor. Residence 43S. ath Avenue W. Phone Black 110. Mornlna worship st 11 o'elook (Eng lish) Sunday School. Bible Class and I confirmation class at 13 neen. Child ren's bus leaves Kid ley Home at 11:45 Kindly be on time. Evening worship at 7.-30 (Scandinavian). Solos by H Keedenatrom. All are welcome. MEMBERS OF CAST AND ORCHESTRA ARE GIVEN SOCIAL AFTER PLAY Following the presentation of the play Aunt Suean'a Visit" the Ladies' Aid of First United Church entertained the asst. orchestra and helpers. StMsJdna sa choir leader. J. 8. Wilson congratulated the Ladles' Aid on their success, the cast on Its clever presentation of the play, and thanked all for .he generous help whlcn made the ketch such a complete success. The proceeds, which are for the purchaae il an electric blower for the organ were rry satisfactory Rev. A. Wilson concurred and added a word of eatra praise for the Sunday -cheat orchestra whose selections were enjoysbte. MRS. R. B. SKINNER OPENS NEW BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. R. B. Skinner announces the .penlng of her new Beauty Parlor at 009 .hlrd Avenue, over The Louvre. In the rooms which were formerly occupied by Mrs. P. Stephen for a simitar purpose. The new rooms are modern In ever respect and are equipped with every de-k which the profession requires. Mrs. Skinner la no stranger m Prince aupert. having been in business here before end her many friends and patron, may depend upon the very best possible service at all time, by phoning Black 635 for appointment. Advt. SCOTS TO ENTER NO SENIOR SOCCER TEAM The St. Andrews Society, at Its regu '.ar monthly meeting last night, decided gain not to enter a team In the Senior Football League this year. The Society ..'end, instead, to devote itself to the i- uragement of Junior athletics. The meeting, which was presided over by the president. James 8. Irvine, de elded to put on another Scottish dance toward the end of thu month. Business otherwise waa of a routine nature. Union steamer Venture. Capt. A tohnstone, arrived In port at 9 .SO thla morning from Vancouver ana way Dolnu. sailing at 11 o'clock on her re turn south. Passengers waving am for the south on the Venture Included E. H. Maynard and Carl Thorpe tor Namu: Mr and Mrs. W J. Klrhpatrica . uni..hin p Knlaht and J. W. vr etaaavv .----' Bllason for Vancouver. The Dlay "Aunt Susans Visit was effectively repeated before another large audience In the First univea v last night. PAIN from Bladder Irritation toon eased by SANTAL MIDY sii.iH of Imitations Leak for the were- "Wor Trlnce Rupert. .C g. ia asiiiise hv in orusrsjipi kr beauty, luxury, power, STYLE, smoothness and agility . these are facts, which McLaughlin-Buick owners have weighed to their satisfaction. Let Facts not Fads dictate your choice Every item contributing to McLaughlin -Buick long life and performance has been proved on the General Motors Proving Ground. The improved McLaughlin-Buick valve-in-head eng-.ne has been proved better. It has been proved that the Sealed ChaMis with Triple Sealed Engine increases McLaughlin-Buick efficiency and longevity . . . thaMhe counterbalanced Crankshaft. Torsion Balancer and Rubber Engine Mountings prevent Vibration . . . that the Lovejoy Shock Absorbers neutralize road shocks. McLaughlin -Buick hag won its reputation upon FACTS. m-sois-c The GMA.C. Dtferrtd Peymeof Plan oBera miar advantages to buyer oi McLaughlin-Buck ears McLAUG -BUICK KAIBN GARAGE (Dave Ilasa) Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. When Better Automobile. Are Bils--McUaTUrria: Wgl BugJ Tr.m To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration new color combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes for baby's in the house Brushing room, new color beauty everywhere Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers HEDUt'EI) 15 l'Elt CENT ItUllliUKH, sisea 6 and 7. regular $2.25. now Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must go. THOR JOHNSON Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality Blanket Sale 100 Pair Super Quality. Pure Wool Point WattLeta tnWeamwrfarvV 10 Ibitwtoght. 'TUSgular $16.50 pair, for . .'t '.T . SUUtiX 12 lbs. weight. Regular $1960 pair, for SHU). Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.