March 10. 1D28 k,.,iriw (Jithc service - i , PS industryj Faifbank5-?forse Steam Pumps T! ' H?.h degree Of service- ..nks-Morse Duplex :, ,: h . .ion i'atttrn Steam Pump n mult of numerous re-fmrmrntt in design and eon- stiuf tion. These pumpt are adapted to ,-, 'iy clanei of general ,,mg and have a wide ,i ,f application. M :r; .focturinf and telHng a , . ; !rtr line of pumpi, we . 1,1. !e to supply the right 1 .: I'tr amy' service. ( r-viig in stock- Urje :.. of parts, we are able ,;. exceptional service. CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse COMPANV-iVniM ,it i'rince Rupert of the New Chevrolet I " livery Chassis SfWI.OO T hi Truck Chassis SXOIMM) i ' r !(.()( vr Delivery )W(W.(N) . v 8KO8.O0 KlKll.oo so.-u.oo siono.oo t $io:to.oo .1 Undnu XIOWLOO ' ' BuratT and Hear ' cites standard euip-"ii all I'assenppr Wheel Standard itt on 4rrterMl and 't only. On other - $ .0.00 cxlr.i. Tire and Tube, ' 'xtra. Kaien Garage Phone S2 v v M.I.ACK CO, LTD. ITHE Silk Hose 1 nils of Atmosphere. '. Nudes, Cham-l lesh and Aloma. The best $1.25 vhIuc in town. H-S.WallaceCo.Ltd. ' '" n. it. .)rd Ave. & Pulton. M 4 en s RUBBER BOOTS '' "K'lh, Dominion makt ""iDHEVSPANCVHuil. KU liOOtS'" I 'MJIKS' a... FANCY HUHIHIU HOOTS Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II 11K -I " iiur, rroprlelor 733 tfAILY HifffS page Fflna I week for repair to damage sustained when atie struck a submerged rock Sear New MeUakatla. Alaaka, on her Initial aferronf Whiffs trip ground. of tfe season to the halibut Bouts oa the Ward War during the 1 tr.. Trolling Activille t Start Soon-Herring Finhlnj: Continue aeek lure Iflftuded the Selma, Kobe ill at Pearl and Ingred H. Minor hull work was Harbor Halibut Price Still Low done la eaeh CM. -r"-" nsjiasn. salmon ...... .- .1.. t rTui 11 iiiiki -h.. 1 rMi -w-- "uiiiik me paw ween or o mey 'narinrflklk . B DaK" In 1,np' 0UnK and otherwise pre-Fi 1 . .Cmin,? H1 month8 01 work in A few of , - uu.ii r a ready out but result are not reported to have been , -'"" 11 win be a month or so before this branch" of the I local fishery in in full awinir. The trnlW. n. m.. r men which have not been very seriously affected by new departmental regulation imposed this year and, with a good market situation promising their endeavors, it tranut . - - Kkely that there should be more man! ... . . usual mtmhun , .-..I ""c 7ar " "6BM ill VIK KKUK 1111 year nd with success. If the riah ma- !'nt:" in Malefactor? quantities. As uusi. iron iishlng will be oentred NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that an application ui br made to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for an j( . l For the incorporation of a company to be known as The Alberta. Peace River and Pacific Railway Company, or such ether name a may be given, to eons' '. in t and operate a railway ss follows: a i Commencing at a point at or aear the City of LsthbrMge: tnmee in a Westerly direction to s point St cr near the Town of Mcleod: thence Westerly and northerly In a direction Bjieralfy parallel to the Calgary and cLeod Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway to a point at or near the City of Calgary: Otence Nortbefly and West of the Calgary and Bdmonton railway t. a nolnt at or near Lscumbe: thence Northerly to a point at or near tne citv of Bumoaion. ibi Prom a point st or near the City of Edmonton by the most feasible route to and along the right bank oi the Blmonette Rivrr to a crossing of the Smoky River near It junction with the WsDlt River at or 1 sawiietsii to the Town of Orande Prairie in tne Province of Alberts . . m .k . . tk.niiati .ISM era! South Westerly and Westerly di rection and norn wewny oy iw most leaaihle route through the Plus Pea to a point at or near the Town of Stewart is the Province of British Applicant. The 811 bo Canning Co.. a small eon cern established at Prlnoe Rupert dur- ound Warke C.1.1. DundL Wand ' ? " P"' nolndto Porcher n'ioa' tor th on " " " Ul.nd and H.ppo Wand. I ' P ConCer- Ut" Already trolier, have dehmed ' a few , 1ta srattered .,. , . ZZ i. U'ut- hl' trough tery limited rt. findln. finding a readv market for .h, ! r ' m-h - flh. TiV price paid direct to !i Tmcji by Die siore ha been 28c !i the fih rr ailing at 35c per pound ConuiiniiK Honv mo nns of the fish, in- three live herrmg p-junds at Pearl Harbor i:rar Port Simp an of the Skog iMotner. Oammon t Watt and Brad-mry & Velf are naw reported to have bwn filled Here for the next tew m. n'.hi. a choice Hupply of halt will be ava.lable for the halibut fleet. Horring fikhlng U continuing In full awn at Pearl Harbor with boatloads of ban coming into Prince Rupert for sale direct to the halibut fleet, the Skogs now being engaged In filling their cui, iract for supply to the Canadian & Cold 8tomne Co. for freezing. HcpresenUUou vi e made by the head 3f :hc cn-ern. tieoige O. Bush by. to Ottsaa. asking that the Rupert Marine Producta Ltd be allowed to take herring fr-ni Pearl Harbor for the reduction plant at Tucks Inlet Mr. Buahby'a prj'nt was that he ahould not be deprived of ualng Uvr iih when, at the "aine time, shipment were being ex-x ned to Alatka However, flah are avi.lable elsewhere with the result that 'he Rupert Marine Rroducta plant Is able to resume herring reduction which i Ik expected will tide It over vuntll ht ik'tial halibut and aalman offal be-'m: s available. Mr Bush by sU'ea that It Is tta) ln--:.uon to take another try at dogfish ' i: ;hL' reason on which a start , r.,nnrl. Ln h(lM Imm, ul alairfflH n tlu operator Ur 811 bo and Mr. Otbbona. Tl.e former has now brought the later cut and plans, eventually, an. In dustry of some slae In Prince Rupert. The winter's shrimp output of the Bilbo Canning Co. was shipped to Van' couver. The new American halibut boat Qlorla. Capt. John Handeraon, which deinaseal her stem and keel when live ran on the rocks of Triple Island outside of Prtaoe Rupert Harbor on rebruary 20, came oil the local dry dock on Thursday In xood shape and ready to resume flab i:g. The Gloria, which waa buut at Tsroma during the past winter, was on her way out to the banks after baring landed her maiden catch at Prince Ru pert when the accident occurred. The vessel cleared for the banks yesterday morning. LEAviNu run iiaxkh The two new fifty-foot halibut boats Southend and Helge ft. owned t skippered by Capt. Anton Moen Capt. Maurellus Hoi tested riapectlvely will leave Prlnoe Rupert about the mid die of nest week on their maiden trtpa to the fishing grounds. General interest wss taken In the launching at the Prince Rupert dry dock cn Tuesday afternoon from the ship shed at tne big plant of the fine new fifty-eight foot halibut boats Mel Wile and Covenant for Capt. John lvar- son and hit son-ln-law. Capt. Hans Vnderdahl respectively. There was large group of spectators on band as the gaily bedecked vessels were slipped moothly into the water ctulstentng ceremonies were performed by the wife of the owner In each case and there waa considerable jollification. The MelvlUe and Covenant will start fishing about April l. The blggeat halibut catch offered so far this season on the coast by s single host was that of the new American rchoonar Undy which arrived in Prince Rupert on Thursday with a fare of 70,-000 pounds which, on account of unsatisfactory market conditions bars, was taken on to Seattle. In addition to the 70.000 pounds which virtually Suited the beads, the Undy disposed of three thousand pounds in Ketchikan before coming down the coast and lost some fish which had been stowed on deck. The Undy. which is reported to have been actually christened by her famous namesake, wss Bunt during we winter Monkman Paaa to a point st or near , Alexa Lake on the Canadian National at the Pishing Vessel Owners' Marine Railway to the Province of British Seattle. Seventy-eight fe in "rrorn a point at or near Orande I ngth. the vessel ha a beam of seven-Prairie in a North Westerly direction teen feet and dpth of 8t feet, being to a point at or near Pouce Coupe wlUl , 1M p Atlas-Impertal CoupeT a tSSrth wVtJrrkS I dleae. motor. The owner and rt.pper n to a point at or near Hudson's Hoawjcapt. Paul anther. on the Peace River; tnenw in a - , -tv, i .ndT is onlv one of kereral new American boats built In during the winter, which have assde their appears ace in Prlnoe Rupert stace tfce head of Portland j the opening of the ifts iiiatsaS. t. fcsusL . .. . . - - Members of the crew of the Iocs, Heroailng Peace River in agen- eral Essterly direction to point at 1 halibut beat Verna. Capt. Tbcenpson, or nesr Whitelsw; thence In s "or- been busy again that week rigging SJIS&'&EV to replace a conhl. ..uanUty and Westerly to the right bank of the which was lost on a had bottom on the : Hay River at or "earlU Intstlon , eoMt lhe Quren OtMroltte 1s-wlth the northern boundary of the t... ...... nM a sens I -" " --- The uM) railways being declared to 1 mitlsl trip of the he for the genersi oenei Hit of Canada ronstnict whsrve. oocxs ana nvr " t, wn snd oueral ouersis? mrs s..rv. charges on r tiKio ! rr.MKXT C N R. steamer Prince John. teisarcpn ann wkihiwist ,, , nnMk - - of the public, to file upon ano ; ner ran -"k acuuire waler power site snd to gt""- a cargo Z W JSSf iS5 i Ctf.ry. pose OI ine - - o'aTlise the said Company to ,..,. riiritie In respect of the said of railway to an junount not - line JiJEnni For? (O.OOOilO, during of cement for Albert At Me Also due soon to Albert ft MoCsftery 1 the freighter Salvor with a cargo of coal. Thousand . Looking trim snd tidy in s resplendent I Dollars per mile for the pralrisertlona j of new paint and otherwise touch- TM'oo, las&.OOOOO Doiurs tor' Vh.- mouTialn , up. the Prirn porir. DATED at the City of Wnwnton. IJ : the Province if Alberta. thi 4th day I f J"?8?gneAd? j'WART CLARK i on behalf of the Applicants. ' c-o Swing. Harvle & Bury. . npristaws Solicitors, etc.. ! t5tlo5?' nk of Toronto Bldg.. I Edmonton, Alberta, I Canada (ifiOViJItNMBNT LiqUOR ACT." yXt or V'uVi,N BEEK S?msel i"ug Prt of the bulldin Cwn Krl"cinenU ItoUI. Jtuatea - '5 T Port Clement. B.C.. upon the land Un? Pirt rplTm atimi District. In the KUrV columbls. tor the 1 iwsr hv the elaaa or by the open roSiirnntlon on the premise, Mile oi firur. nvrrn tnu ih day IW 'NK si. ioIINR MNill KY. I11C. II Came OUl OI I ne ouaw yiu on i uura- day following a c jmpiete overhaul which will put her in shipshape for service to the Skeena River during the coming cannery season The halibut boat dlbson. Capt. Chris Henrlcksen. has been on dry dock this pfiOVERNMBNT LIQUOU ACT' ;OT!rr fif HPI1 ICATIOV I'OR IlF.KU Notice Is hereby given that on the lath day of March next the undersigned intends to apply to the Llouor Control t.wi fnr a Ikwitee in resnect to t) re mises being part of Uie building known as "Hotel Msssetr situate on Lot Eight (8i. Block fourteen (l. Plan D.L. 7. rMassett Townsite, Town of Maasetl, Queen Charlotte isuna. rr:nce itaoeri Land Registration District In the Province of British Cottimbla. for the sale df beer by the gtsae or by the open bottle for consumption oa ins pre DATED a' Pf'TW rMinert. BO, this I'li it ' ivhriiarv. I His UO.tDOls B OAV1KS Applicant. Work -was resumed thlaMk ar jpiwaraau ;iijriiriii oj SVla. on TheyerbeSl pedesuian;asnMh to ine .wee ena 01 m government wnsn. erection of the new structure U betas supervised toy ftlHW Wood worth of Smitbers, bridgd foreman for the ' The loeal halibut boat Signal, Capt. Paddy Irersoa, which went oa to Van couver last week with her halibut catch on account of unsatisfactory market conditions hers, returned to port on Thursday fprom the south and la now outfitting for another trip. The epaosute at all manna ayes this week has bete tad handsome new ball-but boat Takla, which arrived from Vancouver on Wednesday afternoon to outfit for her maiden trip to the halibut ground. Blxtyttt feet long and pow ered with a 100 h p Washlngton-Xstep dMsel engine, the Takla is just about the beat production tu date in the Can adian fleet. Por substantial and modern appointments, the vessel compares very favorably, as a matter of fact, with the best of the American fleet. She i of the aelnetoet type and appears to be a Urdy and excellently finished craft in all reaweet The Takla, which is tied up at the end of the Edward Llpsett (Prince Ru pert) Ltd. dosha, will leave tomorrow night for the fishing banks. IS KKHVHK AOAIK After having seen tied up for the winter a Caland. the Anglican mission boat Kortharn Cross i back in opera tion again wit Bar genial mtnlstratlng cammander. Canon W. P. Rush brook, on board, the Mrtbern Crass waa in port for a few days this week and has now started on law- summer's work which tabes her regularly to various far re moved point on this part of the coast. The B.C. Towage t Lighterage Co. has been extra busy this week with pilotage work. Within twenty-four hours between Tuesday and Wednesday even-tags, the comlHvutf made fto leas than four trips to triple Island. The Salvage Princess made three trips with Capt. Larry Thornton wbo met the Incoming ships Psrnmoor, Skegness and and the Meketchum made the lourth to bring Oapi J. R. Elfcrt back from the outgoing King James On Thunday snotber trip eras made by tne Pi .mass to take Capt. Thaenson to meet the Demeterton Jack Cook's will be th latest water front emporium and plsce of leisure for weary and fooiaore souls Adjoining Ray Loves. Jack Is putting up s struc ture which wtU be used sa a cigar store snd IVeadsTUmrters for his flourishing pioneer taxi business. B.C. Towage da Ughteruge Co. posver tug Salvage Prtricees. cspt. Prank Tyler, returnett to port Saturday even ing after having delivered the John Ctrrne A Son piled river and boom to Bella Betas (st wharf rebuilding work there. On the wsy back, the Salvage Princess called at Lowe Inlet snd picked up a snow of scrap iron from the Waterfront frtenSjs rial call Thursday afternoon by those two strong arms of the law. Ootsstsbva Bill Harrison of ths city datssdisnsnt of the provincial police, and Constats Bob Olbaon of the district force with bead quarters: at Port BMntfen Capt. Alfred Bwawson made s trip ts the Klnshan IstMsd fur fsnn s board the Prince Rupert' Boat Bouse power-beat HrtatWy this twek. Departure was made toJ&eedar Jsht .end return, fPhuredSy evening writ iiKisriK i:rmtlT An Interesting specimen of marine vsgetatlon was bruugjht In from the halibut grounds by Oast. O us sianey aboard the Nuba this week. Of an odd lfU shape, the apeduaven wss apparently brought up from the bottom with the rook to Which it Is attached. It Is the source of muoh attraction at the trie of Edward Llpsett (Prince Rupert) Ltd. The local halibut boat Capora. Capt. Lars Yuge. t reported to have gone In- For Six Years PIMPLES Covered Her Face Mrs. Albert Stubbs, Newbury. Oat, writes: "My facs was wvered with pimples sad was so bs4 I was ashamed to be teen. I suffered in Uit way for six years, tutU one daj a friend told us to use ma and after I Lad csed two bottles the pimples were all gone and my skin wsi as visas and saXNts as Sver " rut up Inly ly Tks T. UUbura Co., Uiaitei, Twos to, Oat, Keep With many catches going on to other ports in the south on account of the low price market condition prevailing at Prince atupsrt during the week, hail-but landings at this port for that period easing yea ir day totalled M0.0M pisunda of which 433.600 pounds was fsom American vessels and WJO0 pounds from Canadian. That brought the to-taj iandiaa-s st PrUtee Rupert for the season 4mAm9Pt J"i compared with last rear's total TTtsi similar date of 1.4O3M0 pound. American boat so far this year have landed 1. 138.600 pound as compared with I.- 234,400 pounds last year while Canadian landings now stand at 4M400 pounds ss compared wltm 179J0O pounds. The highest price for Asserlean flah during the week eras 9.4c and 4c paid the Ohah. landing her second catch of the season for 12.000 pounds The highest Canadian prior was 74c snd Sc which the following busts received: Unome. 8.500 pounds: Morru H . 8.000; Selma, 10.500: Vems. 7.000. The lowest Canadian bid oss He and Sc. the minimum of the season, while tfte bottom price paid American fish mas 6.3e snd Sc. A number of "hols" trips have been reported during the week, making a discouraging start for the season. The following boats landed their catcltea here during the week: American Panama. M.00O; Arrow. 40.-000; Venus. 36.000; Cedltc. 35.000; Alien 38 009; Electra. 40.000: Onsh, 13.009: Doric SfiUOO: Jack. 4.000; Rainier. 0.000: Pacini- MIOOO, Happy. 15X100: Sumner. MMKM. Radio. 44.000. ! c.imullan Bolsar, 18.000; M. M. Ifhrlstopher. 4.500; Morrl H.. 8.000: i'i i of Jacks. 0.000; Tramp, 9.000; May- vrr, 3.000. Cape Beale, 30.000-. 1BAOO. Zeballo. 18.080: BNe Roy. J M0; Inez 11 7 000: Oslo. 18.000: Olbaon. 10.000. MA B . 3.000; Brant. 3400: 6eimn. 10.500 Verna. 7.000; Yule. 3,000: N Si 8 . 3.000. t'ape Hpear, 4.000; Nuba. fl.OOO; Penny P . 7 000. Unoote, 100. In-gred II.. 3.000. Biiiko. 8.300; Tenien, 8.-000 The American beat Onah tfed the Oan-iiiln.ii i esse I Unome. Iflgred I! , Bingo nil Tenien have now IsndeiT their aec-eud catches of tb teuoa hrt. Yoursei Wet of your copy of The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier $5 00 paid in advance will bring H lo you every night for a year" Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! ' 1 1 " " 1 "I ' IMS' I -II , ! I I I I J. UU.. !L- ' to Vancouver tills weak with her first catch of Use season consisting of UM0 pounds. . The skipper evidently got word of the poor, prices at the home port so decided to lose no tune in setting where the outlook sppeared more I Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND JD ssBaCBtEBs SHIPYARD OpefflnW1&:'iQ.1tfV'tron Floating Dry Dock En.ttineera, Machinists, nollermakerit, Hlackmlllis. Pattern makers, Founders. Woodworkerf. Etc. EliECTHIC AND aCRTYLENE WELDING. Our plant ia equipped H handle all kinds of MARINE AND COM.MKRCIAI. WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 "TM Y AHt TO-NIGHT" est ProcmiMe (THE ORIGINAL) Purd Scotch WMsky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bolttast s4 vsmmJ t WSBjiass Cfsl M Sa UxitaS 0Mk " fialssHM'CltaliM Dsdtwu, Doff Sna-adsat.. 3c atlas. This atlvtrtlsement is not publiahed or displayed by the Liquor Cmtrol Board or by the dovernmfiit uf British Columbia l9 s s 1 f..: ' At 'Wsae