PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEV78 Buy Canadian Products EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK April 21-28 A Canadian food made of Canadian Wheat In our beautiful new, sun-lit Canadian Factory at Niagara Falls, Canada. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by .Prince Rupert Daily Newa, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PUIXEN - - - Managing Ediior. SUHSCRIITION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For leseer period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parta of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 ur tour montns for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, puid iu advance ner year . $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year i $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 'jti Tuesday, April 24, 1928 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK This the fire prevention week throughout Canada, the idea being to try to educate the people, especially through the schools, to the necessity of guarding the forests agaiiut fire. Carelessness is the cause of moat of the trouble. While Prince Rupert in not often troubled with forest fires the interior country, which is neighbor to this, suffers considerable lete therefrom and Prince Rupert people often visit these more arid sections. The lesson is obvious. It pays to be careful. EMPIRE SIIOPPINO WEEK This is Empire Shopping Week When an effort is being. made to push forward the trade within the Empire movement. Prince Rupert IM not form any committee, as in oher plates, to forward this cause, with the result that we hear little of it here. In other places great activity is being shown and even at Terraee they have made an ei' fort in that direction. PAY INCOME TAXES This is the last week for paying income tax to the Dominion C.ovenmi. in in order 1.. avoid any of the penalties nrovided bv the statute. The tax is paid hjT&U who receive two thousand dollars or mure and the amount i .graduated so that the richer people pay a highter rate until the person with an annual income of half a million dollar pay half of it tb the government as tux. Married people pay only If they have $3,000 so that there Is a bonus for thus.' who undertake household duties. The thing to re-meniher is that the taxes are due this week and should be paid. VARIOUS ACTIVITIES There are various other matters In progress. The Cenotaph committee is getting jay on collections for that fund with a view to cleaning up and getting the work uflder way. The Salvation Army is canvassing for their annual Mlf-denlal fund, and all the time business is rather (Hi let because of the row price of fish. However.' ull these things will change and the payments will be made andJ people will carry on as usual. WISH TO OPPOSE SOMETHING Most of the circulars and open letters that reach a newspaper office are m; requests for assistance, although large numbers are along ;h,.t linti. Most of them are requests for us to oppose something. Wt are a race of objectors. We set ourselves up as watchdogs who are ready to pounce on any activity, no matter how beneficient. Large numbers of people either inherit or have developed an opposition complex. They would much rather oppose something thaivl help something along. The alrp of taeir lives is to stop, anyone else doing anything. They hate" rfetlttty$ t v . ; ':.'.- -j U-U While it is true that some activities are malevolent and need scotching, It is also true that most activities are beneficial and should be encouraged. Those who are active in some cause seldom have time to cast stones at any other cause, with the exception vf religious and political movements. The busy person is the one who has not tinge to worry over what the neighbors are doing. Constructive activity is worth a great deal more than destructive activity. We need more of it. Diabetes Mellitus bet Diabetes is not a kidney disease as many people think, but a condition in which the kidneys become involved, and ultimately lueak down as a result of their strenuous efforts to eliminate sugar from the blood stream. the presence of sugar in the blood has a double significance.' It points out that the cells of the body are not assimilating the much-needed carbohydrates so necessary to it physical economy, beside? the Irritating effect it has on the kidneys in the discharge of their duties. ... aj , ..,., Up to date all so-called cures faedia- e mellitus have prbVeS HMfM-? -r, ' Ry my natural methods I do not combat the dleasUHjt- aid the natural tendencies of the rystem to light itself in a 1 risis. If you are suffering from diabetes I will be, glad to have you caU in and allow me to go into your case in detail. This . consultation service I will gladly render free of charge. Dr. C. O. McKAY, D.C. Wnllace Hlock Phone 131 -; Open Evenings TERRACE WILL May 18. RI7 La.Lt UKKTIMi PM'IIIEK ON V.WMOIS .U'- i.ints to iu:m:ht oimiam.a- TION "ttJllBA'-E. April 34. The PaM FaW 'JflMIB-a held it meeting In the municipal Uiall on frldsy evening which was pre- ftded over by President H. A. Swain ana which eight members of the executive were present. . The secretary reported that the revised prize lists had been turned In and the amount or prize-money asked tor was 1597 .98. an lncreare of till. 30 over last year's lists. J. k. Gordon mered that the lists be accepted as prepared arid special effort be made to raise the money to meet the Increase. This motion was carried. A motion that horse or pony racing be instituted as an attraction for fair day was pitted. Representatives of the Boys' and OlrlV Club of the Women's Institute reported that twelve children had Joined the p: cluu. thrt? the chicken club r.g met. but .no definite action had been taken In the matter of financing. It was suggested that a dance be heM sometime soon and the meeting set the late for Friday night. May 11. in Q.W.V.A. hall. The chairman and sec retary were delegated to arrange for isll and music while the catering will in the hands of the Women's Inatt- ute. It was also suggested that it might ;e possible and profitable to get up an amateur play in aid of fair funds and t was decided to try to do so sometime n June. The secretary was asked to submit tmple.i of the prize-lists to different riming firms for quotation on print- ng. The next meeting was set for Friday MUSICAL EVENT UNDER PARENT-TEACHERS AT TERRACE EXCELLENT TERRACE. April 34 ilcen of the Terrace Hirent-Teachers' .. "Delation a musical program was given .1 the s hool house on Friday after- jon. whrn the pupils of Miss French. L.C M. and of Mrs. Robert Haney delighted their large audience with a varied urogram of hlwtlass and well rendered mislcal selections! Rev. A. W. Robinson, chairman of the ntertatrunent committee, presided The allowing item comprised the program-"O Canada." Duet- "Springtime." Helen snd Mary fmith. 8?lo- Trotting." Bobby Haney. 8ck- Tntrala" (Bach). Billy Allan. Duet "The First Covert," Mrs. Hanew nd Margaret Cook. r Chorus "The Orderly Bong." Mlssi Esthope's girls. lisyjUrg and solo 'Tarantella." UMot. -iss4 and Mary mlth. gjoto "March." Theodore RoWnson. goto "Talsette." Vetets Oreig. tosc -'valse Petite." Marjorte Kenney. Chofus "Oh Susanna." Miss last-hope's boys. Flanolsgue "How the Xlephant Oot til Trunk." Billy Allan. Solo- "Hungarian Rhapsodic," Janet Young. Solo- (s "Mocart Air" in A Major: tb). "The Sandman," Jack Allsb. Reading and duet (a) "The Song of the Volga Boatman"; lb) "Fragment : rom the Unfinished Symphony" letehu-erti. Illljtt Head and Janet Young. Xlenlhg, (aWronoV Annie iisii. Scto "Intennsiin." Helen Smith. Scjo- 'Incidental Music to Shakes -peares Henry VIII (Sir Arthur Sulli van), Bertha Moore. Ood Save the King." At the close, Mr. Robinson compli mented those taking psrt on the splen did program they gave snd the audi-once showed their appreciation of the children's efforts In very hearty applause. The proceeds of the collection taken it the dunr amounted to $12.18. FORMER RESIDENT OF INDIA ADDRESSES TERRACE AUB1ENCE TSRRACH April 33 -Following the business meeting of the Parent-Teachers. Mrs. A. W. Robinson gave a most in teresting and very Inst' active talk on "India in Contrast." Having resided tor eleven and one half years in that country. Mrs. Robinson gave much first-band knowledge of conditions and Customs in India. Contrast within the ftowMrf were pictured with regard to I hbigical . features, climate, languages, rety. appearance, actions disposition, lleanllneu. modest, relislous devotion. living conditions, mannerism, etc.. as well a contrast In buildings, streets, cities, etc. The spesker showed the style of) drees worn by the women and Illustrated the method of dressing by using 01 of her audience sa model. She ex plained marriage rules and forms, and the deplorable condition and unhappy I lives of the girl widows of India and brought out the contrast in the living! condition aljrf'happtnera of the people j belore and after becoming- ObrtoMans. Mr. Itoblnaon treated the sucjtenca to seme weird Indian music during the t evening. JcUowtii the 'talk a hearty vote of thank w.i tendered Mrs. Robinson for providing one or the most Interesting evenings entertainments In the i history of tue P.t a. I TERRACE Empire Week advertising material has been distribute tfc around the local stores land it betHgdf played along with Em-:fcWt1e.fgl A laSJt Tmlon Jack and Jhslgn ,mMenis of different Dsitish dominion Mr ftfcll a a very interesting map showing the highways of the Em-iplre is oa dlslpay In the munlclp .l hall. J. McDonnell received this week from Mission City .a shipment of 600 white 'leghorn baby chicks. Following their business meeting on Thursday evening the local Native Sons of Canada staged a whist drive and dance in their lodge rooms, having tm their gueata their wives and lady friends. The prize winners In whist were Mrs.' B. T Kenney and J. McLaren, while 8. Klrkaldy reeelved the consolation. Supper was served following the whist game after which there was an impromptu program of ad dresses, songs, recitations, tic. The nd six the ifurden club, and lists ofifloor was then cleared and dancing en- prlzes were made out fur these, a big ?rc-;ntage of the prize money being paid 'y the agricultural department through he Institute. The finance cosnmlttee reported hav joyed until the early hour Mrs. A. J. Klrkaldy and Mrs. ttam Klrkaldy and two children returned home on Saturday after spending a few days In Prlnoe Rupert. During Mrs. KlrkakJfa absence Mrs. J. Warne was In charge of the lee cream parlor. Mis Bather Taft returned home on Thursday aftr having spent some months at thai borne of her sister Mrs , Reginald Hesjakj in Prlnoe Oeorge The train wis held here for a short tine on Thursday while Or. Brummitt rendered first aid to Arthur Siewart of Dak, who tames hi leg while working on the gwssimaent highway near Van-arsdol. The patient then continued on to the Prince Rupert hospital. V H, McDonald left on Thursday on a short business trip to Prince ' A number of the members of the women's Instruct took a hike on Sat- favt tli& Vaumbk Poker Hamt't urdsy to the point above Little Canyon bloom snd the mosquito plants will bt where they enjoyed a picnic lunch. hatching and the people there will bt playing golf. Mrs. McLeod and family who hare .spent the pasfftwo weeks with Mr. Mc- The woman I admire is the one who at the QlfH. atepet returned to mend's socks and leaves no I urn us in Under the aus- IChstltwack oa Saturday but expect t the darning. move to Terrace to reside st the close of the school' term. , The girl I admire Is the one who Thu is Man ta the Moon hsve decided after this to look myself. spreads the powder on her face evenly The postponed motttMy meeting of and lesves none on your shoulder. the parent teachers .organisation pie-1 steed over by Mrs. E. J. Moore In the Tits boy I admire is the one who sbtedtoof the president dealt wr TSjfl. plays WorM wen and has lull question of athletic apparatus, care Sf enough of the devil about him to make trees snd otffcr matters. Man in the Moon ' - it him interesting. , HOTEL timi V AlX ITlnre Rypert T. W. Shaekleton. Utk. t'enlrsl I. Bosaem, city. I : Fasssneen aolna thnuch ta Vihw. after vrr from northern points on the Catala today include Mr. snd Mrs. T. Aatmus and sons from Anyos: Rev. and Mr? The man I adm're Is the one who Menley F Bby from Port Si mason: Jsck washes dishes for his wife and does not PiteteraM. A. Hamilton r n MrK.v ?omP,",n- J MacLeod. Mr. Parker and 8 Scot- "T from Siewart Terrace banana tteea will soon be in -m An vox. and Mrs L L. HunUi Sweet Dreams lanrwn wi . uftvticu 1 ii 1 iiai'MiiaiNsg at n niavrvi l-mssxa m mm ii WWW lf1WW II Mf 'a- ItJJ rf III If Iff lUt-0r A MA Mil li III ItVfSrfl' m 1 1 TW lltMl HIMt fsTf 11 .uyvnrw 11 11 ALWAYS SWEET DREAMS srs sure to cetne If vou sleep in one of those fascinat ing confections! I.;ay Bells nightici and pyjamas a.-s roads from our lovely Icekttttck rsyon, luxuriously soft and tint and in sll the beloved panel shades plain or hsnd painted. Many delightful styles are obtainable snd sll sre inexpensive and give long, satisfactory wear. Look In tide sll rayon lingerie for the May Belle label when shopping for yourself or little girl. Ontario Siltnit, Limited Toronto Canada LINE WITH THE MODE (CANADIAN. xPACIFICi lasiuftvj DEMAND T'.'.imiIiu , MX. CIGAH.ETTES SMlkl anil ragYcuvL, "Rupert Brand" Kippers TUB DAINTIEST WIBAKPAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Hupert. U.C hi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtehlkan. Ursngrll. Juneau, snd Mkagway Hsarh SI. April 1 1 To lanenuvrr, Vlrlurla and Seat tlr April , is, . ' " XLHl'.??,'.'. .BTH ' i'alK Namu. Alert Ik... fW all Hlesmshlp LIih... ""'i..',! iEl lUll t t a : Corner of 4t H,ti ,., Sra VvVaiV pVini; "liapST. u . Ladies' f I" Tennis! Tennis! SEK OUR NKW KACKKTS 87.S0 to 8ID.00 I92H DalU are In Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 iweaters Aborted NlylcH, sinKle and double-lirenhtod, fntify Ja.,(u."d Knit. Specially priced nl $5.95 Fraser & Payne Universal Trndlntj Co.