Uday, April 24, 1928 ft THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal , j.M Nione 871. 113 ? reduce the Tire mi' .''K.i ;iy, i to and 8 to 10. t; . iaii miicrt Diion 4. Olrle Drill Ti ti llieiids ifeaiiv Harvest dP ; u O. A. RU Mti itnuit to tb .. null thla stawert on mrtiiiiiiim .u ;o wwweageywwrwae I l 1 Hunter of Anyos U pee- ,.i,kI ihe Catala today going h nut outer enroute to (Ml- 1' i Slienton. inspector Of IHtMt, m ,! to the city on the Ceteia tola tuiiowing brief trip to Mow omclal duties. ' j,v Mies Harrison on "I Presbyterian Cbureh yea lots, April M it I PJB. Tab Will inimical program. Silver ool i' :'.K)t. assistant dlatrtct esy i :i.c provincial department ol m Atlin riding, arrived in iiojn Anyox on the Catala talk .,. McMrekln announoM that he irom the retail grocery boa . Mn) l. aftar wblob data be , : t i-ed in tba eholaaali bro i !)!l-IIICaS. ! 11 H.n-.on. B.CXA gad R. M iccrned to tba otty on th. morning aftar ha Ting apent i ax'Ic or ao at Alloa Arm on . busineaa. r . .oy of Ma Oyehara, Balmoral lio died in tha Prince Ru-'! ' Hwpltal on fltindny. was .!., to Port Baelagjton where t :.:.: M1 be ,il Mrs T. AaUaua and sons i. residents of Anyox. art ujoard the Obtain today go-':. to Vancouver tor a three ..' .-imy trip south. M. . F Bby. DtiiU-d Church Port Simpson and Mm Bt aboard tha Catala today ,.m to Vancouver wnere Mi .id a church conference. M iuire. well known Stewar-' in arrived In the city frojr. "I- the'tkOlafrrta aaornfa . ti been aSentitied wur ,:i.eiii of the WoodbUie mine -..iner CaUla. Capt E A hi urd to port at 10 o clock . irorn Anyoa. too art and nil points and will aall at i" afternoon lor tha south ucrald. one of the Fltr n who are prominently Portland Canal mining ;MMtengar aboard the Cauls ' through from Stewart to ' ' O.M.I., of Stewart, re-i,r city on that afternoon's Terrace where he took last "Him in the Roman Cath-Tatiier Leray will proceed f the week to Stewart. i nt is on foot for the cs "f Oyro Club at Ketchi- Rupert Oyro Club, ao far ' north club In the world Huonaor and will ahortly f it members north to ae-uustion work at the "Pint i .ir d w. Davis, bead of the w ltd. will return to ccdar- ' miurmw morntns'a train fol 1 ' of s few daye in the city ' Asked aa to extensive ' i. - which it u reported tlx '''": " ',:xut w undertake, Oover " " tted that he had nothtn '.:. "mo t thla time. "riving in the city from ' "" '" the Catala this morning M' Msthlaon. Mr. Johnston. "" M"' f. Archdaaoon O. A Ma. ' kl"''' T. J. Shenton, M. O ' liarle McMillan and Oh as. ,"'" ' m Stewart: K. Perry, 8. Q '' ' curaon. n. L. Mullett and , from Anyoa, and L. H " n M. WHght from Alice 'vinimTl0V (. t.AKM ,vool)IUTPi " uniK showed that the total 11 ' producu produead from "' ' 'rni woodloU was $71,000,000. . AN NOUN'CIJM KNTS . m Api'.i J7 Kutertairunent and Oamn "''v J1"'"e Annual Daaaar, Thura- m Moose Hall. h"n Mooae Hall. Prtday. I ''. nits. May 18. I which fails to quench it when its Iwjffl 0 - useful purpose has been served, is the I ENEMY to mankind. He who by neg- W' ?f? :v I lect causes fire in the forest may well , f 1 expect the same treatment as would 1 to be on time. This afternoon's train, due from the Bast at 340. was reported thla morning Alas MoRae returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a brief trlr to Bkeen River cannery points. Southbound from Alaeka porta to Vancouver. CPJt. ateaaier roncoat Alloa. Capt. Arthur Slater, is oue am tomorrow afternoon. t Prad Ward, for intoxication, was ,tu saa afith the oDtiOn 01 uimv days' imprisonment, by laigistratf ajc- I . . ,, thla mora- Clymont in nty poiws 41 saaetes''vlf'l Montreal chlrt of cat sarvlos of the Canadian Mat Una! Rail-Laa4V T. P. White of Winnipeg. rintMMent of car service, will ar- ne in W eay " - prlnof Oaonjg tomorrow. proceed last b train. t.i. i .na aalina Danes, tu I U F Saava 9 awn " dlan girl., ware found guilty of intokl- cation byMaflete umjw " -"' police court thla morning and were each given thirty days' auapa"! sen tence. A drunkenness cnarge "-- Alfred lunes, also an Indian, ' uilwitU. 11 4UaT EllBsB FIRESIDE CLUB HEARS MRS. J. C. BRADY ON FRANCIS THOMPSON The regular meeting of the Rapiut fireside Club wta held last evening in tha Church parlor: thru n lante attendance of jhombers and trier. . and an evening of, unusuti p!ou,iu. and profit waa enjoyed. The pm c:pil reature Of the program was a veiy uc-llghtful talk by Mrs J. C Brady i:i aba Uftt and work W Francis Tli;i:n;xson. the Bhgllah poet. Itapeafcaa sketoh of the- pwi's Btrange an. I r,,tollowlng thla will) very AM of s number of his 8. A. Maheraor. dcllulited the audi- ence wlh.-aaeeral songs rendeved in hia usual artiitic style. Miv Ruiptt Walker was the eflli'lent ncrtuiuRnlst. Pleasing plnnrforle jolis were contri buted by Mlas Owen Brady V. Hous- tr.it -ted aa chairman The vnr Rev.' W. T. Price voiced the thanks mMtlm; to the jwr- formsrH fir then- v -i o!Teetie srvlrew. At the elnf dainty iments were j mi vert, the hosteiwes beiiij, ... I oY'.n d.id Mr.. Oioeu. ! , wmXt. w i okknt rnunrrTN i, V i Tlie value of Hie iinuuW' harvest of ', Canada ' foret is not far short o; 5OB.O00.000 even v. ltt t lie .present aomc-what wasteful njtt.Kxh of exploitation. H has been estimated that by proper protection and man.iKemosVt the accessible rarest land of Canadb oan be made to produce at le throe times the I iresent annual cut in perpetuity. BETTY CAPSTICK IS WINNER OF ESSAY PRIZE COMPETITION Word has Jiw.N 'ii refetved that la connection with the efsay competition on "Plre Prevention" Haunted by the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Blue Ooose. a first prlae modal hai been won by Batty CapstlckV and special mention obtained by Marie Muaaallem. Doth of these are pupils of the Booth Memorial School of this elty. The competition waa arranged by the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Blue Oonse (a body of fire insurance n-.en taking an active Interest In the ' welfare of the province i and the Vancouver Fire Iusurnnce Aftnta' ,nn The provui.c ws divided luto ulue districts and medal were allotted our for high school competition and one f r public school in each district. Betty CnjifUck was live winner In Dlatrtct No. 1 ol the first prise medal for public achodts and Marie Musaallem received special mention. The medal tor high schools in the district went to John A. MacdonaM. Klnoollth High School, Kin-eolith. , The pupil are to be congratulated on ! their successes which also bring credit to their schools and the district. I H l.riVOOII I'KQM OI K t WHMH ! About one-third of the pulpwood used In Canadian pulpmllls cornea from far ruers' and settlers' holding. I . ... j i pa Is oEtcn than a heavy meal Canadian national QTjc Largefl Kailway SyJlcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from 1'IUNCE IUTKIIT for VANTOI'VKK. VHTOHIA. ktHlR. and Intermediate points, each Till KIV and !l NKAY at 11 pin. For KHT( IIIKAN and ANYOX. each tVKIKMAV. 4 pj&. For HTKtVAUT each KATl KDAV at 10 p.m. For NOUTII and S(H TU Jl'KEN I IIAIU.OTTE IM.AMl, Fortnightly. PASSENOEU TRAINS I.KAVE PHINt E IMTEItT Bach MOMi.W, WCDMMOAY and SATI RHAY si li stntm. tor I'ltlNCf! (JKOItdE, EDMONTON, tVINMI'KO. all points ButeMWonada. OMted Btatea. .. , w' ' ' AOENCt All. OCEAN . HTfJAMSIIIP LINES. t! Canadian National Enprexa for Money Order. Fore'ltn Cheque., etc also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 818 TIIIHD KM.. PKINt E KtU'EKT. lbon Z UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Rupert. 1W VANCOUVER, VICTOKU. SwanMtn Iht). Duledale. Arert Hay, efe. Tnemlaj. .1 tun. I'w ANCOI'VElt, VICTORIA, llule lule. Alert Hav, etc.. Italurday, J a.ni. Far I'tlllT MMI'jkin and NAAM HIVKR POINTS, Friday. ALICE ARM. ANYOX, NTtiYVAKsS WALES ISLAND. PORT SI.tlPSON. Sundai 8 p,m. ltl nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prltwe Hapert. RC. Throuxh ticket! sold to V let oris and Seattle, ahd baggage cheeked thrnuiri to destlnatlor r- 1