SaveMoney The cheapest T to ouy the Daily New Is to subscribe by the ytar The cost U $5.00 and your copy i delivered to your address h evening Just figure out the small cod to you for thli dally service for twelve month! V XVIII., No. 9G. MUKW TO Hi. M (TKKIlKO III KK A 11 HU( VYOHKH KN-I.INUK HV U. K. ILlUiKII ..rrnent u made today of the ,;:: I o C Mackay. who has bean : : n.Knterr here for Um provincial ii'-pd.-tiin i. of public woraa for tar , h. be -- - Hmmm, mm flat T Ua ik to it EkiiK i of Tartar ia. m... vy. durint his Motion here. T :: . '-ri in eSklsnt and uooular of- 1 tiiere Will be .-uar.y who will ' rtepanate of himself and hie 1 )iry frtu leave for Pvntlcton r:-rt at the n.onih li. the new district engineer, m .in in Prince Rupert Lert wss resident engineer super- building of the Kaleu Is--:'. After bavins speut the i of day In the city, he wUl '- : .i afternoon on the Cstala to K iurnlng here in about two time, with Mrs. Bel loch, to a- no post. v,r for Brneat fenlth. a i . 1 1 ic-t engineer, who Is trens-N Westminater. baa yet TORY TO HEAD m:.iNA vwmr.s 'UIII.KINd pi IMMI "is . i RESEARCH BODY f -1 IIKHtlll'.VT IIP TIIK JMl:ttITY Of U(lltT TO Aft BIT POSITION "IINWA. April S4.- It waa officially "-ii by the Minister of Trade ' mnicrce that Dr. Henry Tory. r the University of Alberta. 'Mre from his present position n.c president of the National 1 i". unrll of Cansds. FIRST GRAIN CONGRESS 1932 AN M'KNK or TIIOftK "' iawa AprU S4 Ttie first world "IJIt" la to meet in Canada in ' ' . : 1 Li hjln nkiu.. lu Ann. . v.. f mm iw '!v It was announoed i mster of Agricultural Mother- NO RECORD OF MONSFIGHTING ,Ai'iiMntloii of Col. Dua-uld. dl- ' ' "' the hutorical part of the na-""' 'flense, by w. N. Tllley, couneel , ",r'e. elicited this informattoa 1,1 1 "y when the hearing was resumed libel action. ,: i" the Dally News. It pafsl Si 't, oi.n mi;k IIOUK is so viau: ton W OMEN H.X COUIT OTTAWA. AprU 94. The Su- Oourt today decided that in were not entitled -to ap pointment to Ute Senate under the present tens of the B.N .A. Act. The eaat waa argued alt reeks ago on Ute application of five Alberta woswen. The question tamed on Um IB MilWa H at the tho Ooeernor Ocnerml In council a to whether "persons Included female person ' The oourt anawcred 'If It la understood to mean, are women ellalble for appointment to the Senate of ftada? The question la answered In the negative " The court was unani- STAR OF ALASKA WON SAILING RACE (r (let inn of Wager Meee SAM mANciaco. 'Star Of 9tm I and HeW AprU M. -The S3-Masks." ' square wUIng ahlp. won the race from San Francisco to Alaska frjm Ute barque Star of I a land." It was learned here with the word received here today by the owners of the sea He. the Alaska Packers Association, that the "Star of Alaska" had passed chtriBoft laland first. The own en had offered 4100 puree to the winning crew It I said that more than WiOOO waa wagered on the race Including a month's pay between the rival captain. WILL NOT DISCUSS PILOTAGE MATTERS OTTAWA. April as.-T-Ta. not In a position to say anything now." said the minister of marine. Hon. J. A. Cardln. arten asked as to Um lUatUbood of an earl auoolntmeiit of a royal commie si oner to Investigate the) question pUotagt on the Pact IK uoan. WIIUIIMI UKPOKT Of Haysport Light wind. rain. temp. 44. Port Simpson--Oalm. temp 4. Twrraoe-Cloudy. calm. temp. 4 Moeswood Cloudy, calm. temp. 50. Alymnsh -Cloudy . calm. temp. i-aim Arm -Cloudy, calm. temp. 4. Anvn - nalnlns - M Stewart --Cloudy to rain. temp. J .. .. Morf nalm. temp. o liaari wu vw"-,. -Klghth Cabin Cloudy south wind Telegraph Crvek-Cloudy. oalm. temp . AINDERBY IN FROM ITALY HeMCl, IVL tAVW MXtlNU C.IM ! UIULV HUKC H U.K-COS. and Sc to l ie and 4c for 54.000 pound Maklni bar first call at Prince Ru- en thla season for grain cargo, uk Brttlah steamer AUiderby. Capt. Ewvl atmpaOB. arrived In the harbor jus efore noon Uita morning from sjurope The vessel tied up at the ocean dock where she will await her berth at th elevator as soon aa the steamer inoife City, which It to expected wUl be com Dieted and gone tomorrow. Is away. The master of the Ainderby. wblel wss here last fall, report n uneventful voyage out. The Ainderby Is freer Naples. Italy, via Oran. Agerla. MUCH HALIBUT IS SOLD HERE UM.NU TIAV AMOl NT TO - M roi mii ami fitini; is vi:uv i.ow With landings heavy. totalUng 3M.- S00 pounds, halibut prices were on the downward trend again at the FUn Ba cbaaat this morning. Ten American vissila are landing fMBMO pounds at from ISc and 4e l fc and 5c while ten Canadian boats were paid only Tc Arrivals, and sales: AMi:iil A Prahklln. M.0OO pouuds, Canadian fish Cold torage Co., a.2c and Sc. tern. 40008 pounds. Ikwpal nsh Co.. Me and Sc. Resolute. sa.OOO pounds, and Cora aoo pounds. Booth Plshrrles. B e and r Akutan, iaOOO pounds, to BeatUe. Eagle. SaWgJ pounds, Canadian Plah k Cold Storage Co.. iJc and 5c. Seattle, HMO pounds. Pacific rubrics, tJe.and Sc. UaJeaUe. 41.000 pounds, and Cedrln 0.000 pounds. Atlin Flshertee Sfc and 4c. Telkjwatoao. W.000 pounds. AUln Fisheries, to and 5c, HUda. iJOO pounds, AUUi Puherles, ate sad to. m rtli aaAaki '... .... .u..-, calm, temp ttl"rf'WM surna - . nalm. temp, M so AUin-ran . m.. UD, 4jL CANAIUAN W.T.. 10J900 pounda; O.S.T., B.OOO pounds: Olaaoa. 7,005 pounds; , Caps Spear, MOO pounds, and Fanny P., 5, 000 nmaaa, Canadian phut & Cold storae3fc' 9 and 4e. rgugnal, HMO pounda, Canadian Pish Co.. To sad 3c. Mas pounda, and Inea Ha 1M0 pcunda, AUln ruhertee. 7.1c and Whltehonw-ciouo, m u000 n. and Nautl- gwlklrk-Clwr. aouth wind. tmp- pounds. Royal Plah Co.. 7.1e Uawson . -v The Dorters who earry J b"M( w, the t,... taato m n copen- f- from the trains to hagen, work as s -0P,",'" j small flat oharge ri, with witn a s auaan to return retura money . the only porters known when overpaid. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL HMU.UII l.llAdl K, 111 V. I. sVMgjlgia, tmttad 1, Newcastle I. ' freorriHii itniii k, oiv. i. Celtic 0, Ralth 3. 1 T v PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PKINCE KUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1928 WAITING FOR THE CARDINAL'S CLE IS:.: The fleet of boats whiih left St. Malo, France on the annual trip to the .od li. hiiig banks of Newfoundland, received the blessing of Cardinal Charost ' '-'mice. AH the boati were gay with bunting- British Government Saves Ten and Half Million Dollars by Means of an Intensive Economy Canipaign Last Year t ukuom, A pro zi. KUht lion. Winston uaurcMU, chan- v ret in the House of Commons today, said he did not recall any budget thai had succeeded as well as that of last year, despite the number of adverse factors. Immediately after last year's budjfet the government began an intensive economy-campaign in all departments, saving more than X10.S00.000. AlhTKAMV M I.LH OIT .HTKAMHIIII'S TO LOllO. KVIANT CANBOKtRA. AprU t4. The 4 Oovernment of Auotamlia has ac- " cepted the oSar of aord Kylsant f for the purchase of the Oaaa- f monwealth ateamihtpe tar 4 JOS. 000. The vessels Include five 14.000 ton passenger sHaanw and two freighters. A .' ENGINEER OF FAMOUS DIED FROM FAILURE ' HEART IN COLLISION VANCOUVER. April 34. -- Collapsing when his automobile collided with another. Hugo Uracil, chief engineer of the tug Pamous. died almost immediately though death was from heart trouble. The cars were not seriously damaged. LABOR MEMBER IS " ELECTED rAT STOKE LONDON. ApriliM III a bye -election in the Hmilov division of Stokt caused by the ovu'.h of C. Iiowce. Laborl tc. the Labor party retained the tt, Arthur Holnna being elected ovei both Conservative sntf Liberal. ritici: or wiiuat. VANOOOVBR. April 84y-The prior ot wheat here yesterday was quoted aa UM. TOLMIE SOLD TO BE USED AS FISH STATION NSvV VVsarmiNSTCR. AprU M. The four-masted saUlag ship. 6. P. Tolmie. was sold yesterday to Nelson Bras, of New Westmlnnter by the Hastings sawmill fpr use on the west coast of Vancouver Island as a fish station. The price wss not disclosed. The vesvel was built at Victoria In 1021 at idle for the pat two years. WNATIint ItKrOKT. Prince Rupert.--Overcast, calm; tern nerature. 44. Marine and Fisheries Committee at Ottawa Recommends Licenses wGranted Only to British Subjects t.iu He ttated :hat a prczen of elimination was being followed and admit-I ted that the trail was narrowing dawn. I Meantime." he said, "we have no In-i tention of aay:ng anything that might prejudice our caw or. on -be other hand, might p.tnt the finger of sua- plclon uulslrly to any one person. The kjmea.lgation has reached a point where It is hardly (e for us to deny or eoa-I firm any reporta. Perhapa. .we should cot be even saying thla. But you may rest assured that, whenever It to safe tei publish anything, you shall have It.' One of the new steps that ha beer taken w the draining today of the city recerjrolr on Acropolis HU1. evldentl; to ascertain if anything; such aa a weapon naight have bee illopped teef- etkW t taw BOttcc aeeesa to wrXNIPBO. April 24 The second mnnrt,.itnn nf tinmnlnvH within coat of MOO. 000 and has been . , , the paat week waa staged by nearly two DRIVEN FROM THEIR HOMES M.OOOS fOltfK ltlllt;NTM TO I MX IN MANY PAIITS Or'. l TII KAHTEUX T.1K ATUtNTA. (ieorila. April 24. frlitg tttrretit Itatr ilune inHtkin uf dollar will of tlantate tn parts of Alabama. HoritU. MNs4li)i4. Ar-kenaao. and Trneskre. Irr thau Ami rrhlrtits nrre forced lo flee friHii llelr Ikmiivs at Carytllle, Ida. A m-ImpiI (Irl who Klril oh a lite Hlrr and Hirer negroes are lead. thousand unemployed yesterday They were led by two women carrying a red flag. Several banners were carried, one demanding: "Work or Pull STOCK QUOTATIONS Noun Timing ITieea Trxtay on ver Etrlwrtge (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Bid. B.C. Silver Bayvlew Big Missouri .... Cork Province ... Dunwell Oeorge Copper ... Olacler Otadstone Olsslsr Ooloonda Independence . . . Indian Kootcney Florence L. and L Lakevlew Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals . National Silver Pend-OeeUle . Premier Porter .fdaMa . Vii Blchmond Rwfus ABjamte. fftuth Hope sslklrks ANCOUVER, April 21. A special despatch to the Province Silver Crest from Ottawa says W. G. McQuarrle, before the committee of silversmith . Marine and Fisheries, moved that fishing licenses in Dritish Buniock .... Columbia waters b irranted only to British subjects. siocan King A. W. Neill of Comox stated that the industry was overcrowd- nlnu ' ed. too many whits men were Idle to encourage others to corns in i,',.'" and favored the McQuarrie motion which was also supported by J. Woodbine ('. Brady of Prince Rupert. orsndview The resolution carried as a recommendation to the government, trutiiie 1 35 44 JO 75 .074 .30 .85 18'j .08 M .19 .05 .38 'a .11 n ISM 281 .40 .58 M, .03 00 Vj .18 .11 .17 8 00 2.80 .44 57 ti 1 15 Vent- Ltd.) 1.70 .00 .57 M 4.00 .05 .08 42 JT .17 .10 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 F'rii-e r'i Gem WISH CHANCELLOR TELLS ECONOMIES THAT COUNTRY Greek Towns in Ruins and 16,000 Homeless Result of Earthquake oreece, April z. Mxten thousand people are homeless Alllr.i&, and destitute on the Isthmus of Corinth as the result of u n vmrthuuakH which killoil ul ljanat thirtoon itm-unna Cmo- iiith- of the houses of Corinth were destroyed and others arc unsafe I'm habitation. Two thousand people lost their homes at Lutrakia. A crevice :'int feet long opened in the earth. At Kalamaki, Posedonia and elaewhere, three thousand art pIIII !fSK. ( .rinth is said by a minister in the Greek government to be c repair. Two more shocks shook the city thia morning and i. inhabitants must move elsewhere. TRANSFERRED TO PENTICTON Net Closing In On Criminal Who Committed Dastardly Murder Last Week on Comox Avenue Is Thought 1TJI exactly a week elapsed since the commission of the foul crime, there were strong indications this morning that developments toward the discovery of the killer last week on Comox Avenue of Mrs. Esther Killas, were pending. Around the police station where chief officers were in conference with subordinates standing by to act upon their call, there was obviously an air of tense expectation. Judging from what little information there was for the press and public -to obtain, the net was drawing in toward a .solution of an aifalr which has stirred this city to its depths during the pa&t aeren days. During the - - past twenty-four hours a nu.ou .a...t steps haze teen taken by the i police to bring the nutter to a bead. Enquiry made .rm Inspector WUl lam i 8p:ller cl.c.Wd little definite tnforma- "GRAIN SHIPPED 4;We trftt mnm ml. ttte M.vm -reHwairic j unf crtunate woman's house in the early hours of last Tuesday morning, went vnt slcng Oomoi Avenue for s wsy and then to3k to the hillside toward the sports ground and the reservoir nearby Such a weapon a a knife, which It might be difficult to dispose, may possibly been hurled In the reservoir. I may be a faint hope but the palloe are leaving no stone unturned to find ar.y clues whit, to date, have evidently b'.en caree enough though the police, no doubt, have, by this time, mare Information than they are deslrout of publishing. Last night the search led the police to various boarding and lodging houses In the city. UNEMPLOYED HOLD THE SECOND DEMONSTRATION WINNIPEG LST NIGHT .30 V, .12 05' i .06 M .12 .19 1050 235 ... ' .15 .41 .80 .08 4 .12 19 3.25 114 .18 350 2.40 .45 .50 1 25 AT VANCOUVER MANY VISi:L.S TAKE C'AKOO H!OM POKT 111 KING MtKK J 1ST LNDEO Following vessels cleared from Van couver ddring last week: Bushels fformlone. tor Liverpool MMs Lock Katrtn. for London llgJDOO " fcr Rotterdam STJ5W Waatristen for Rotterdam KM .000 deldelbttrg tor Hamburg S7.1SS :ong King, for UK. -Continent. . 1 15.73 1 OuUpool. to Hampton Roads for orders 3M.W tSftertoo. to Colon for epdeas . . Maria, for Hamburg isS7 for laaaaburg 51U5U KaetalU. tor Olasgow Igjag 7.urlchmoore. fcr London 11.41 for Hull 130 JOS Oakworth. for Antwerp 277 87 Leeds City, for Rotterdam SS6.014 MS. Dollar, for C.K 2483i Metgen Maru. for Yokohama .. 17.700 for Nagoya 101.874 Yokohama Maru. for Kobe .... 31.847 Qlympla Maru. for Twruma . . 344 J78 Point Judith, for Puerto Bello, Colombia 18.000 CUB PITCHERS WERE POUNDED VILIt riTf'll Of MIKllIIKU. I'KltMIT. TKIl CINCINNATI TO MfOKE TllltEt HI NH UN CAISIIINAL.H NtAV YORK. April 24. Letting down he Chicago Cuba with three scattered its Kremer lifted Pittsburg out of the ellsr position . Two Cub pitchers were ounded for twelve bits. Including a cmer by Olenn Wright. By filling the bsses with a pass In he sixth snd then delivering a wUd Ditch. Sherdell permitted Cincinnati to score three runs on the Cardinals. While he Issued sis paeess pitcher Carroll held Chicago White Soa safe and Detroit won three runa to nothing In yesterday 'a game. GRADS WINNERS AT BASKETBALL EDMONTON April 24. Tlve Com-merclsl Orads busKctball team defeated Lakeside of Toronto last nlxht 33 to 22 and thus winning the two-game round 82 to 42. PILOTAGE MATTERS ARE UP AT OTTAWA VANCOUVER. April 24 A apeelal ie-ipatch to the Province says a committee of Marine and Fisheries adopted a resolution favoring the appointment of a Jtoval Commission to investigate the in. British (XsBjiaiftdioUuM question ewue Is latgVfe- VtvstMr piloU ah be licensed or not. POWER CORPORATION MADE HIGH BID FOR B.C. ELECTRIC STOCK LONDON. April 24 The Power 0 po ration of Canada yesterday made the high bid for the stock or the British Columbia Electric Railway. is