111 m ti Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. F. I L'LLEN Kduor. H. - - - Managing City i ror ie; ay mail tn paid in adv Or four arY7"wBBr- By mail tn ail Em Dire and stisif ion ii orVaHwr, yea riy paid in aavaine. er moat pi Northern and I entral Br for yearly period Member of Audit Bureau of CirmlatioM DAILY EDITION SESSION AT OTTAWA SX notable collection of part of tu.clent vehicles. Tbe relic will be set up In the Field atuaeum ol Natural Hi'tory here The large, full-size biscuits 100 per cent whole wheat - thoroughly baked - every shred crisp and tasty - a refreshing relief1 from the heavy foods of Winter with milk or cream. TRISCUIT, the crisp, tasty cracker !ade by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. for J1.00 partx of British Columbia, the British ited Suits, pid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 17.54. Tranarswt Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch . J2.80 Local Headers, per insertion, per line 2b Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legar'Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Kates on Application AdrerttetnK and Circulation telephone - 99 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 8t) Wednesday June VI, 1928 The session of Parliament which has just closed ha. been a most uninteresting one with very little business of interest to the west before it. There have been some investigations bat they have led to nowhere in particular. However, the members have had their jaunt, have talked a lot and if they have not done much, possibly it was because there was not much to be done. LOCAL DOCK NEEDED T.ih uisapi" tinar part of the situation has been the lack of actiot ;n ruraid tn in. ; u?frr of a dock for the fishermen here. VV i.r.-d ttia; ;n.;r -m ni u :.! ' t...d, I f -wrt nod there -H'-i:' a:" . I. :!..:.: A. ,u in regard tc -.hi. and th.-y mat ; t- af . .;.:;.!. unat others have ail"! ': At ahj ra-.- sr..-:-.- r u- n '. -a ointment generally in tftf cit ar.d ei'.-. iai) an.n- . :'-sh. rr u and it is to honed the !.. ;t what they are after. IMPROVING THE CITY Then.- havt- ) r: i rr.,- : . )- 'j-n, the agitation for improvement ..f th- .-.- but r:-:; ha! n..fht have been. There has been a lot .,i ?i..iniir.g uj- ii-r.- a:s! irar.i. -:i. have been laid out, lawns .-t-fdc.i ar.d -t'.rr.:- im-..d. A'. . 'u.- .- in the right direction but it narci.. !ar -n..'jrh W.-.a a - . for was some much more general mowim-nt :.ri mah :.- -n. attractive. Everyone can d ;i i'l.u : b u:!::.-d :: v.- -hall eventually make this or:.- : n. .-: attr.i ":'.. - ..j. r oast. TOl.MIE IS TO BBG1N ' ; K T It ! it he will commence his can tiair. :.i ami'..,- r,e end of the week of his atti tude t'.ward tne P.. K. ai d :. r . .tsons of the day. We are glad t. near urn:. Th. art na- t.. . : aandkaiped by Ms absence but nu lit i.oUiU cu; w i,f.- v:o the -osr oobsm. I is nirf Mary tn jro..d v ' :na: n-i- should be a strong opposition and Simon V -. .'.uiti r.ak. a rod leader on the opposition benches. We are iao b. ,,ni those who welcome him back to British Columbia and :.!.' n. will at once hand in his resignation at Ottawa so that hr- ma oake his advent permanent this time. We have no doubt his eoastitoency at aanich will return him to the local legislature on July 18. JIcCLYMONT PARK PfAaMy there Is some good reason for the present condition of McClymont Park but if so steps, should be taken to at once remedy the situation. The park has been closed for some time and an open diteh cat through it, stS.- to be the reason. Also the grass in the park has been allowed to grow snd the whole condition of the place is disreputable. It is at this time of year that mothers nasally take their children to the park, that young children play there and bathe in the little wading pond. Teachers have formerly taken their young charges there for picnics and all this in the month of June particularly. The Gyro apparatus also is going to waste through not being used. Who is to blame we do not know. Perhaps no one is to blame, but it is certainly a condition that should be remedied. The Daily News has been asked to mention this matter and it is one worthy of immediate attention by the authorities. TRAGEDY OLD AS THE HILLS CIUIMOT. 1 Kitted AX I1HIVER c auriceii io axwwt oim 1 MBKMWAMt CaiCAOO. June IS Svldenoe of a traardy that danoanam uaon the driver of i harlot f nd the four animal that drew hl equipage 6.000 tgo arrc found In Meacpotam.a by tbe Plaid Muaeum-Oaford TJntveralty )olm expedition in that country. Henry Field, member o! thr c;pr!:-t,K:i. on. wnt word that aa almoat complete four-wheeled chariot aud another almllar vehicle tn more fragmentary rtntc both somr S ( !)0 yj'arn old. nave been excavate'.! on of the ancient city cf Kihh. AJMtBd oae of tbe charloU ihe lt- found the jateletosa of a man and tour animal. Tbe animal akeleton has base identified a tboar of an early evioenow wnicn lead tnrn. to believe the master and animal -re victim of a mcrlttoe to ancient god Between two of the animal skeleton the excavator found a abaft Urmln a tad by a metal bow, and Mipportlng rings through which the tv.iis had pawed . AtCbaeol'igistK repurdrc! that at an important dUc-'-.eiy lor throws a now and precise light cn tbe means of transport In ue by thr Sumrrlan Tl'r findings are regarded an th moat I PRINCE GEORGE A I 1 1 lid) J fir at th home of Robert Andraon here kept the fire brigade Lusv or same nm lat Thursday mom- Gecrge Woolsey has returned to Prince George titer an expended prospecting i "in through the nortbeeu oeftJon 0 province W'Wtea dhkt be found :, new and adore iUrtaWe pea tor ijad'iram the Peace Rttfe Valley to the ctt. Thip, toBbWIaf up tbe minks River, a tributary of tbe Parsnip, kwcr. be aays, than Monkman Pa nd afford eaakw building aad a shorter line. Ttu- anly criminal eaae oa tbe docket .cj the Supreme Court Astbve la t-nnce Oecrge this aaantb is that la ji iCb Lee Packer of Roila b) cbaifed with tbe .killing of bis father. A (ttt sction arises out of aa accident Ut I year when Ma. TUton waa kuled by I an auto driven by A. D. Wan and taet will akw be three divorce ease. Work ! well advanced on tbe j B Lambert is erecting on Third Avenue at Oeorge Street The owner occupy one of tbe store htnvw :.d will rent the other. Paul Wteland has eacnmeacad th work : demolishing, the trust building la en: ml Fort Oeorge which be recently urcnased Tbe material wfll be used n the erection of a butdaer she at hird Avenue and Quebec Street. The Prlnc Oeaea OuawtnirtliiB Ob. 1 putting up a building oa Third Atenuf -sr Charlea 8. Bager C C. Wright, the eweUer. will occupy tt. Kari AnexMn 1 pvtUng up a aew ualnea buBdtag oa Thrd Aiaaui aaV tning tbe uaaih offVe. Jaeob Lelta. local ruraStUM eeatar. haa -ommcnead wort oa an eatenaton to lis buelnaas urarfllsai at tbe corner of hird A aad Quwbac SUevt. BURNS LAKE ktaa. P. V. Tanon wa acatee a a leligtttful aftsauoon tea lawt WedauSay m fetaoor of Mn O a. Wood of nines 3eorgw who baa baao vlattiog here. Tbe village pointed W. C FuaaaiU a ;ne new pound bylaw (owe. haae aaw iindiaagnr. betag m John L. Barker of tteatham. who .iaa been fur faming at OMaa take Bar jaany yean, baa purchased four paaT it reclateTed toaaa' at a price of per pair. They will be abJapad Brunswick tor oeiivery this faB. VANDERHOOF ' Bew palla in Oanlnera rkUag lor tbe .ortbeonung nroTuacaU etectlaai anil be penad at Tatairoae. Medina Biter. Bart Srabaaae aad Topley Mlaea. xill has bees changed to LeJac Aarten Lake and ateUaoo poila bate beea tancaUad. Samuel Oocker of Vanderhoof and Dr. .1 W. Alward of Prince Osorsa bare left or a motor trip to Vancouver. O. Baync and party arrived hat by car from Vaaoauear aad have nt the Ladfe at Stuart Lake The atcaiar aaoatbjy amtbn of tbV .'aaOeraoof and Olstriet Boaad af TtaOe -as held last evening. Tbe secretary. Oworge Ogaton. ispjitaS upon gaattafa h had taken up with Moo. A. U. UB vm on a recent visit ta Victoria Mrs. B. K. Pmlabwa of oeen spending a few daya with Ur. aad Kn. Bobeft Reid bare. STEWART Bert Wing, foratarly of Aayas aad new with the && Ibnibaiimt On. pent las 'waefc' In Sioart aad dkttrlet Billy XMsell has been mktag tev Me addttlon tc bis rocaniaa bsy ad Bxtenalve addition are being made ta '.h Carolan store bar. Mr. John Coughlan la th pasi tanor cf tbe flrpt rhododendron ever to in Stewart. Sam McNeil, Louis Behnecn and Frank Lewis have opened a new and ua garage on Victoria Street. T. J. Bhenton of Prince nunort tn. Rector of mine, waa a v kilter here last week on official duties. Alex McDonald baa left far CMenaoe, Ne Brunewlek. aad tt ks eapeeted be will return with a bride. ALICE ARM rremier j. u. uciean aooreiwed a meeting tn Alice Arm oa Monday morn-tng and spoke at Aayox the same night. Yaday afteruoao he spoke at Printer mine and taat enlng at Btew-r4 ,n .. i tern tev BrigBw'hacr hi AkuM matured it week when be wa thrown ffom a ijieeder on the Dolly Varden Railway. He was ruabed to the Anyox Honpttal where he la reported to be making eat-lafttotory profreM. Dr. Oeorge Hanson I expected her oon to undertake the aummer'a work In tb dMtrlct for the Oeologlcal Survey. Birtrnalve repairs vo the Dolly Varden Ballway are now about completed. Other work planned for this season by the provincial department of public i t Altte Asm, aad th waaatriicuom of a w tead aa the notat fork r the KMsaaw WVff. Tbe AUe Arm braoeh of tbe British OoluwhU Oharaber of Mines Is planning on sending an ambitious ore display representative of thie district to Vancouver aad New Westminster Zx-albiUaaa Uu snaoa. Ten Years Ago in Prlnco Rupert H JlE It, tn. A oufter was bora at tbe Pmce Raaert Oeneral Hospital today to Dr. aa mm. f s. Brown. Those present at the synod of Cale-donta diocese which wa held yesterday Included Archbishop DuVernet. Canon O. A RU. Rv W P. Ruhbrok Re A. T. Price, Bev w eweatnam, Bev J OlUett, Bev W Levrsedge, Bev W 8 A Larter. Rev W Crarey. Rev T J Marsh, Bev W. A Oray. L. M DeOex H T. Cross. O A Trylor, W. . Pmbar. i. Jonea, i. A. Oodding. C. W. Hamer, A. E. Bett-Jonef W C Orchard. W. B. Burrlt, B. McNeil. I aeoOoakrle. i. hlrtey Alfred Adams and Miss Z J. Soal. LAND ACT KOriC-E OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO l.l tr-t LAM) In Prince Rupert Land Record I tig Die-trict and altuate oa Moraab island - w sr mwic unci Quean Charlotte Island tiki vrmrs tK.t cuAi,. ... .. UX3.. aocunatioii intend Linaitad mm tad U zJ Vanaouvar. Vaneouver. Bit pulp and paper man manufacturers, u fan to apply for a lease of deaerlbed lands: tne ow.ru 8 W corner of S.TJ.. sa47P; thence 7V 78? 80 mlnua West i Astronomic 1300 ft.; thenoe North S3 deRrw ;t minute West (Astronomic) 1B00 ft thence North 21 degrees 10 minute Boat r Astronomic! BOO ft ; thenoe North 38 Aagrem Wart (Astronomic) 2500 ft '"."orth to dagreas Baat (Astronomic) 9S0 ft, -more or leas, to an inter- Alilford Bay: thence following the a lei high war mark Southerly to th point I of com.aetic ment, save and except jne latand oo Homing one acre more or le and anot r island containing 0 38 acre more or lr thr whV contalnln lia acre, nun or lea. PACIFIC MILLS. LIM'TED BT prkr Samuel ni'.'l'ilrv'" . . Dated t April 10, 1U26 fty BSml Wedneaav t,,. PAGE TWO t unr if... The Daily News PRINCE KL'PEKT - BKITI.H COLUMBIA Qtiri&diiig Industry "XTHEN 38c of every dollar paid in industrial wages and salaries in ' British Columbia comes from lumbering, her ten-year production increase of 138.7 per cent is. vitally important to everyone. Thlrtv per cent, of our Province's, entire Industrial production of 251 million dollars in 1926 was contributed by lumbering ami its allied industries. British Columbia now ranks sthlrd in the Dominion in industrial importance, "and forest products dominate. Involved in British Columbia's lumbering industry is capital of more than 100 million dollars . . . 20,000 people are employed . . . 330 mills operated. Without question this gigantic business is destined to continue at the same pace. Climate, soil and drainage have produced our vast forests of sof t woods ... the greatest in the world! One-third of the British Empire's entire timber supply is in British Columbia. Today, the demand for soft woods is four times that of hard woods . . . and with the last great stand of soft woods located in our Province, continued progress and prosperity are certain. Great as our timber stands are, our government realizes the necessity of safeguarding the future of this vast industry and is devoting much time, study and thought to the question of scientific reforcstration, fire prevention and conservation. Lumbering brought 84 mlUkm doliavrs to British Columbia In 1926 (tbe value of the cut that year), an increase of 49 million dollars over 916. Every year more than 30 mlUkm dollars worth of supplies are pure lias od to entrbje this great industry to carry on. - - - 1 Foreign markets have been sought . . . and captured. Water borne export of lumber has enjoyed exceptional growth. Ships laden with 2,616,419,600 feet board measure left our ports during 1922-1926 ... an Increase over the period of 1912-1916 equal to 984' The log scale jumped lllTc during the same period 1 This activity represents real money In constant circulation. It keeps thousands of men busy . . . influences every phase of commercial life . . . builds markets for our farm products . . . spells "BRITISH COLUMBIA" the world over I Add to this the sash and door factories, and pulp and paper production, which alone umped from S15,45,Wfl in 1916 to 572,327.W fl 1926. Still Vnil ttav an lit BO f it.. Mir n.1. " - - " www ... V, V I I II V VI mtwrtanra am! tar ru.lilmi . ..1. : U 1.1- - t.l t . ... tufa, trur cum provincial enterprise, is douimi to exercise on the welfare ami earnings of each and every citizen. Rtd then tnmtunctnentt mud under stand roar frmimet's 1) r I kern out and send them prvtnst . . . to JnrtiJ'. 1 ,m lie irt extra evpits f thtst anntututmenti a in.te to ihu newifmfer Will tntig them. JJarrttst yunr 1'rutiuu! 'worka taotadea the i in i auction of a aew wag load fiwas the uptxr Klt- tttt SMpeBaton brass to the Tortc mlae: lite, lengthening for SOD feet of ttie 1ag 'Ma protecting tbe town of i I CURE DEFGCTIVB VISION, DKFEtTIVF HT-AK-INO, CATAHIMI und other organic troubles ly ! methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace IllocL I'honc 134. Open EvrninCf Wanhea and Dries Without a n r THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 rnin.iw Washed. Dlued, IUiued and I"'""' Bold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Fiione 3