CHILDREN ASK FOR IT! ASK FOR YOUR lectric reai .J.1.V TIIE BEST THERE IS! THE ELECTRIC BAKERY Specializes in cutting bread for sandwiches 31 E ASK FOR YOUR NEW MILLION DOLLAR Valet Auto Sfroi RAZOR FREE with every purchase of 10 blades 30-dav Introductory Offer. mes IM, Jfic Pioneer Drttptisls THTODAVE.& SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?fc200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers -THE DA1NTIH8T BM16AKFAST POOD,' . Smoked Dally by , Canadian Fish & CoW Storage (., IX Prince Rupert. B-C What Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AGAIN recommended Porter Idaho at 5 rents u shure; Silverado at aS cents. What are they worth now? NOW WE RECOMMEND Silverbell Mining Co., Ltd. AT market: Latei Vancouver quotation. K.c hid. 25 Hill and hounded on two Situated on the New Premier I'' hy Premier holdings. fl.-iy.-Af. R0LST0N & C&-UL. Dirtt-.wiiesi VnmvMF' STOCKS IlONDS KEAI. ESTATE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ViarK"&. Al Hay. eie. Mturd.y. 7 ... y;;,,a-.?rVl.T.IA. Bat. Aler, Haj.-e..;.. l AI.II'K AIIM, ANYOX. HTKWAlTl. WALISH 1K1,AM. iindiiy. 8 p.111, u..nmi. H. nveniie. ,. .VII Til rrllMT V- A lml,-ll tli'lifla unlit In Vl.,,..rlu ami fi'llll I'. I '"'"r ' 'M"l, III lli.utlmtl Third Annual plonlc of CJI.R. cm- ployeea will be held on Buuuay, July 1 to Terrace. 141 Mrs. W. D. Vance will tall by the Prince Charles tomorrow afternoon on n trip to Va&oouver. B. O. Johnston, Tnanager of Intern Cannery, wiled by tbe Catala last even tag on a business trip to Mamu and Rivera Inlet. T. J. Shenton, inspector of mine, alia on the Prince Oeorge tbla afternoon for Skagway enroute to tbe Atlin dlatrlct on official dutlea. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls ol Haysport left on today' train for a trip to Toronto and Montreal. She will visit her former borne In Quebec province. Mr R. J. D Smith and ber nleee. Mia Jean McMurphy, atudent nurse at tbe Prince Rupert Oenerai Hospital, ailed by the Catala last evening foi Mew Westminster on a holiday trip. Judge P. McB Young left on tbla morn - lng'a tram for Bmltheri wbere be will bold a teuton of naturalization court, proceeding later to Burn take, Fran cois Lain and Ootaa Lake. He expects to return to tbe city In about a week's tune. Dr. Oeorge Hanson of tbe federal Oeologteal Survey arrived In tbe city from tbe soutb on tbe Prince Oeorge tbla morning and proceeded to the in terior' Where be baa some work to undertake before proceeding later In tbe mob to tbe Alice Arm dlatrlct. Tbe consecration of Archdeacon O. A. Us of thle city aa Bishop of Caledonia will. It 1 expected, take place some tune during the coming fall with Archbishop A. V. DaPender of Mew Weatmlnater and three bishops officiating. Meantime. Archdeacon Rtx will carry on rector of Bt Andrew' Cathedral and administrator of tbe diocese. Oeorge A. McMlchcIl, general passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways, and Mr. McNleholl and Reginald Beaumont, assistant to tbe Pacific Coast manager of Canadian National Coast Steamship, and Mrs. 'Beaumont I.ODX June 16. aboard the Prince CAK Of TtUNKft. John W'.ck and family of desire to convey their sincere to their many friends for the kind ANNOUNCEMENTS Rose Carnival, Vaudeville. Moose Picnic. June 24. Ptonrer' Picnic . July 8 Place prssfion of sympathy and flcwers re ceived in their recent bereavement Smoked Meats OF QUALITY at money-saving prices for THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY lit VI IRS Garner's Superior Bacon, average tVt lbs to side, per lb. . . Mr Part nide. per lb 40? Swift's Premium Bacon, average 4'ii Ibf. to side, per lb. . . 14f Part side, per lb I f Premium or Superior Side Bacon, machine sliced, er lb. . . IHtr Superior Back Baron, machine sliced, per lb WVf Premium Raw Ham, machine sliced, per lb 40 r Libby'a Sliced Ptuchea, 2's. per tin 5c Nabob Mixed Vegetables, 2's. 2 tin -ia ToBMtoeR, 2's. a tins lor i j u i mi Watts' Grocery llie Store of Plenty (Sll'-fi shots to Mi mt"!'' ill's I Phont 53 Phone .16 June 13, 1928 cr!nr clay. THE DAn7 Np;Wf, T .. : 'i PA OR TFRF.R ,. .... ... , , - ..,.. ; Moose Special Meeting Thursday, June 14. Local and Personal lliisHl Junior Football Championship to- night at 0:45. High vs. Booth. 4 a TuU Phone 4. Ulg 4 Taxi, tl Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gonzalea returned to the elty on tbe Prince Oeorge Dentin. Dr! J. It. Oows Phone 080. this morning from Vancouver. Bos cutting lor. ifcft, iMOj, large The regular monthly business meeting load. HydtVvTnaMftsr.. bMMIHD. t: of the Prince Rupert Ojfro Club wai held in the Convaod?rei('Cae .today, Mr; r.-'UiC Mr, njlwiued last President Leo Waugb occupying UK- evening Line, by the Catala far Vancouver. chair. SO EASY NOW TO BANISH PERSPIRATION ODOUR One never knows when one may offend. Perspiration odour is so elusive, so subtle. To perspire is natural, even healthful . . oner to two pints daily say the doctors. But perspiration need no longer be offensive. Simply change to Lift buoy Soap tor lace, bands and bath. Lifebuoy is all that a superior toilet soap should be and more. It neutralizes perspiration. Costs no more. LbSS LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects I LEVER BHOTMtRS UHfUO TORONTO k For a Taxi Phone 2ML Oscar Hanson, tand. Central Hotel. J5 tf Mrs. Elmer Smith Arrived In tbe city on the Prlnoe Oeorge this morning lrom Vancouver. This afternoon's train, due from tbe East at S:30, was aaported this morning to be on time. 1 A new member ol tbe staff of tbe of Montreal. 8. F. genlth from Port Haney. arrived today. A. R. Phillips retained to the elty on the Prlnoe Oeorge this morning from a brief business trip, as Vancouver. F. Burn, bea a iW MdUod Hlver mine, ironi which tbe famous Bdson Oeorge today making the round trip to ooj come to Prince Rupert, was In Alaska The party alio Include Mrs Barry MeCall, formerly of this city. the city today making the round trip to Alaska. Or. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln returned to the cuy on the Prince Oeorge this merning from a trip to Vancouver. Or Kergln was a witness In tbe recent 3ankey trial at Mew Westminster. Miss Molly Jackson of tbe teaching staff of the Prinee Rupert High School Injured ber knee on Sunday anil on Monday morning the doctor ui Pored ber to the hospital wbere she has been since then. Robert B. Arre publicity man for tbe Canadian National Railways, is m tbe elty today, on hi way to Alaska. On his return be will leave tbe steamer bare and proceed to Jasper when be W stationed for tbe summer. John Fu Malady, old time prospector of the Yukon, who has been spending a year or so In Indians, arrived in tbe city from the laat this week and proceeds by the Prlnoe Oeorge tola morning on his return to the north. Robert Larsen, sentenced to three months' imprisonment at Fort Bimpaon for tlieft, was brought to tbe city yes terday by Dominion Qpnataole Fred Campbell and Is locked Jkp in tbe olty laU pending hi trsiiajenttlon on to OkalU . vr Miss Milllcent Osborne and Miss Eileen Osborne of the student nursing vtaft of tbe Prince Rupert Oenerai Hospital returned to the nty on tbe Prlnoe Oeorge this morning after having spent vacation In Vancouver una wthtr points in the soutb. C N R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Captain Harry Ned den, arrived la port at :s this morning from Vaaoouvar, Powell River and Ocean Fall end- will sail at 4 o'clock this efternoo for' Skagway and other Alaska ports, returning bare st 10:80 Monday morning and sailing Tomatoes, 2Vi a, 3 tins ftOtfaouth at 4 that arternuea. Rpbertson'n Orange Marmalade, in glass jars, per jar .... Robertson's Ginger Marmalade, in Provincial Oonatable Tlmmas Camm Ttttrned to the city oa tbe AdacH Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. ' 7' fbavlng in bis custody Jteart Rlvard Atacisrafst, per pkge lfC of Btewart, who will go oa trial at tbe DflAj) frbnes,, tjJ5"h. tzPy, 2 Asslaws to bs held here Cols month tor "lbiiL vii.v.. , v . . Ju Snf the murder of "Blsrkte" Bltoble. and LAI,1 kinda F, resh .Eriiits received Henry smith of Massett; wbp wiu aleo e?ry boat, if HH shipping condt- r' "" f """ tion. Fresh Greenstuff and Vege- . , . .. . , , ii i i All four stesmer-i of the Canadian g L tables of all kinds. ,?lc RUwiy ,nsait,rt w OB the north coast will be ta port within three daya at the end of this week. The Princes Louise will arrive Friday morning enroute to Alka the Prince Royal will be in on Friday evening -muI bound, the Princes Alice 1 due SaturdHy afternoon southbound from IsKh, while the Princes Charlotte, n'nktne I or fimt en 11 of the Mason. Ik fichrrtiiled to arrive Monday morulUR en ruut to There will toe another open air consort on Totem Pole Hill by the Boys' Band tomorrow evening If weather permits. Bandmaster Thomas Wilson announced this morning. After attending a meeting of dlatrlct managers in Prlnoe Oeorge. B. J. Mel-llsb. manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Ooznnier returned to tbe elty on tbla afternoon's tram. John L. Barge, mining recorder, stipendiary magistrate, contractor and general factotum of the town of Queen Charlotte City, Is paying a visit to tbe city. He arrived on the Prince John last night from the Islands and Is a guest at tbe Prince Rupert Hotel. Over two bundled passengers aboard tbe steamer Prince Oeorge which reached port this morning en-route to Skagway on tbe first summer Alaska tourist aaUIJig of Canadian National Steamships to Alaska. The moat of these passengers are round tripper. Victor Roy, sentenced to ninety days' Imprisonment at Anyox for vagrancy, and Nurto Sten. aent down for sixty days on a similar charge, were brought to the city yesterday from tbe smelter ! town by Provincial William Bmitb who will take tbetn on to Okalla later in be week. OUt. steamer Prince John, Capt. I. Mabbs. arrived In port at 1 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via tbe south end f tbe Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at 8 ajn. for Vancou ver direct. Tbe vessel la due back from 7encouver direct next Monday and will sail at midnight that day for Vancou ver via south Queen Charlotte Island points. D. H Cuirte of Vancouver, manager for British Columbia of Clare Bros., faraase manufacturers, was surprised and pleased at some fast service given him by the Canadian National Telegraphs during a business visit here tbla wee. On hie arrival from tbe soutb. be was advised that his wife had undergone a eerioue operation in Vancouver. Be seat a telegram to Van couver and bad tapir baok to the same within nine minuses. High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low IIOTIL AKItlVALS C. H. Fogg. H. Oodley. F W. Howe. C. Barclay. C. I. Imeaon, A. O. Toung. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. MilUchamp. A. Sutherland. C. F. Wtllaon and Edward Horcros. Vancouver: Mr. and Mr. A. L. Weaver Md Hon. T. O. Pattullo. city: Mr. C. Toombs. Mrs. C. B. Flewtn. Dr. H Q. Larae and J. A. Graham. Port Bimpaon; W. C. Bernard. Oalgary; John L. Barge. Queen Charlotte: Martin P. Murphy, Montreal: Mr. and Mr. D. B. Hubbard Mis Charlotte S. Hubbard and Olles B. Hubbard, Detroit: Harriett Metbsrul and Anne MoOulnn, Toronto. O. E. Strand. Stewart: W. Smith. Anyox: Mr. and Mrs. X. F Dudoward and son. Port Simpson: J. MoLeod. Mas- tt. Central Frank B. Knox and J. P. Peterson. Stewart: A. Ban Bouoe and R. I. Fox. Anyox. Hrt ir Mi nlr News PRINCE RUPIJKT TIDES ... .,e,w- 4 VE1IMIAV. JINK IS 9:46 ajn. 17 J ft. SS:01 pjn. MA " 8 'SB ajn. .l " 11 pjn 6J " TIIUliHUAV, JlNt II ., 1S: ajn. 18.0 ft. ts:M p.m. tut " (fl son. i-i ' 1:80 pjn. a J " lllllltV. JlNt 18 11 :U ajn. 18.8 ft. SS:48 pjn. US " 6:80 ajn. 8.7 " 17:88 p.m. " (MTI KUAV. JIM! 18 v.... 18:85 pjn. UJ ft. 8:81 a m. 1.4 - 18:18 pna. 8J " Ht'MiAY. JI NE 17 w 0:81 ajn. BD ft. 18:98 pjn. 19 " 7:10 ajn. OA " 19:09 p.m. U " MONDAY. JUNE 18 1:19 ajn. 38 J ft. 14:18 p.m. 194 " 7:87 ajn. 0J " 19:88 pjn. 8 J " Tl'lAY. JINK 19, 8:0 ajn. 98.9 ft. ISM pjn. 18.7 8 43 a m 0J " 80:4 p.m 6.8 " M EIIMftlUY. JI XB -'- 8:80 a m 98 J " 18:50 pm. 18.4 " 9:88 a.m. 0.4 " 31:38 p.m. 7.0 ' PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDY lie sure tu get the Genuine Look for tht word "MIDI ' LOW EXCURSION FARES EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON CALGARY JASPER Tickets on Hale from May 22. Return limit October 31 Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 260 Canadian "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD KUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance are demanded. .... Literature and Prices on Request SOLE DISTRII1UTOHS FOR B.C.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited IS25 STANDARD HANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, H.C. HOLT &&c$Mm& BEST Canadian National c7ht Largcfl 'Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Bailing from PRINCE RI'PKRT for VAM'OI VKR irT"M oRATTLE. MONDAYS. TlH ltMIIAYs. 4.00 p.m . KATTRJt.lYN. 0.00 p.m. Fr ANVOX and HTEWAKT. WON1-" rKII AYH, 4.00 pjn. For M4NKETT INLET. M(INI.IYH. 4.00 p m. For HOI Til qi EKN CHAKLOTTE .-..t n. Fortnightly. ror "Kiiun.ii. hkiinehiiayk. 400 p.m. 'Boat arrlvlnz from South Prldnv. June 15th. return same day to Vancouver. Sallli. ANYOX and STEWART' June 16th. and VA.VOOi;- m 10th. cancelled. PANSENOF.R TRAIN'S LEAVE IRlfrE It I PERT DAILY EXCEPT MMHV at U JO a.m. for PRINCE OKOROG. B1MIOVTON, WINNIl'KO. all polnta Baetera Canada, l ulled Stales. SOENCY AU. OCKAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CITY TICKET OFI1CE. US TIIIIUl 41 C. I'UINCE Ki rr.ttT. Phone tsf Icanaoian Vacific iuy Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Tu Ketchikan, vtrangell and Kkxgway June II. IS. IK, ft, ii, tU Tv Yanruuver, Worta aiHl Kraitle June , 16. til. 88, 87, SU. VOKfSr ' PKINCEMS ItOYAL W Hulrdslt, lt llelra llella. Orean rnU. Nam, Alert Hay. Camphell Rlter and Yaneouver every IrWay. l p.m. Agency for all Steaimhlp Line. Full InlurMaUeu from W. C. OKCIIAHIt. (irneral Agent, Corner of 4tli Rtrrtt and Srd Avenue. Irlnre Rupert. ILC. I'lwne SI LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOBB Our spring- stock of High Grade Men's Wear is now here.' Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON Boys Sweaters IVnmara lToWll YW lWlovm-? ? Assorted designs, V neck. Sizes 28 to 34. $1.03, $2.23, $2.C0 Hoys' Tweed and Whipcord Bloomers Sies U to 34 ,.n $1.05, $2.23, $2.50 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. I