MFjEDJABlT Eu-ryone reads the Classified Ad, j; you tone, advertise for It. It you find, locate the owner. Whatever you seed, advertise for tt GET THE CLANSHTKII UAIJIT. ., XVIII., Np. 138. HON. J. D. mier of Brit i-h 'ulumlnii. iti... will addrenH a public meet-i V toniM ;it M'xim- Hull ummfiuing at 8.30. Almost a Panic Yesterday on New York Stock Exchange as Price of W YORK, June 13. Total N change crossed the five in wftfa million share mark for the first time hiatast Ifterday the ticker JMarl two iroars late in ung the final quotations. I he prices of standard industrials and rails were carried down ic to five dollars a share while a amber. of higher priced ic broke fmm ten to thirty dollars in the most drastic do me the dramatic collapse of March, 1926. N FRANCISCO. June 13. A cablegram from A. P. Giannini, i of the Bank of Italy, now in Rome warning investors to sit Ix'lie ed to be responsible for the partial rally of the Gian-i k. on San Francisco Exchange today. CANADIANS ARE PRESENTED AT COURT, LONDON Will; Of IIIUII COMMIsxIOMilt OUT-t lVlls AT JPOHMAL AITAIB AT HI f'KIMllUM PALACE ' "Mxjn June IS Thirty-three !!. n were tn tlie Kini and at a court sVsUi at Buckingham ' lant night be Hn Larkin. wife Canadian ffifeh Conimlaaloner. in' hided Um Lapointe. wife iinulrter of JUStlcr at Ottawa, and 'true Hawcu Of Vancouver. STOCK MARKET RALLIED TODAY I'ait.r iohm; yeniekoay mew: Tltl.MENIMH a AMI KECKONEII IN BILLION M-:w YORK. June IS. The market. " M' ti shaken to : lta foundations nuy by opt of the moat disastrous "iio in iu harhory. rallied briskly to- .iv usuiaa of paper profits yesterday m- reckonea In billions of dollars. The i' Hue in the market value of General M"t'ir tuUe from the high point of ' vi-r waa aSM,000.000. 'Hue April BO Olannl stocks ahow a J 'ixi lou of M 73.0000,000 FARMERS RAID. CONVENTION AT KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY. June, IS. -There was 'umuituoua aoerw here thla morning ''n a throng of farmers protesting "Kulnst the aomltiallon of Hoover Mnrnifd the Republican Convention and were preveated from oarrylng ' r banners to the delegate only' by ;-" Uirateulng clubs of policemen. 3" " MA&, 'V '4. Securities Declines mIm on the New York Stock Ex Kl MOK THAT NKMTOS IS KL'TIKI.Vfl I ICOM ELECTION CONTENT . . There 1 a rumor around town that a. M. siewton. the lade- pendent Conservative candidate. haa taken the advice of the r Dally Neva and la withdrawing from the present eon teat tn f favor of Jama Thompson, the regular nominee of the party. If thla la true It nteane a straight flfht between the two remaining candidate. STOCK QUOTATIONS VmM Cawettc Wke Twdey on Vlimm-vrr LaeiNlitre (Oourteay of S. D. Johnson. Oo. I) Bel BX. Silver IM IM ayriew Big Mlaaourl f Coast Copper oork Province .... JO Dunwell 41 M George Copper IM Olacler Oladatane aoloonda Independence M Indian m Kootenay norenot M .11 L. L M Lakevlew M litadamltli M Luoky Jun Uarmot Metals .. .98 National Silver .. .lfl tin rend Oreille IM fremler M At porter Idaho m Richmond Rufue Argents .. . MW giivrr Crest ' 'M - Silverado XI Bllveranilth 1 Sunlocli M Termlnun 3.40 Whitewater JlVi Woodbine T Ootton BWt m M River Oeorgla . .41 V4 Orandvlew us I. is Duthle at .11 Marmot Oold .08 Blocan King .57 Topley Blcuneia MM MM Moranda Subscribe for the Dsllj New. Northern and Boston Grill PRINCK AIRSHIP General Nohile Tells How His Airship Crashed to Ice Pack and Bag Carried Away by Wind Ice Breaking up a Little but Good Wireless Communication Being Kept up With Base Shiji From Drifting Floe - ROME, June 13.T-Gencral Nobile's own story of the wrecking of the dirigible Italia, received by tbc Stefani News Agency, says that on' the morning of May 25 at 10.30, while the airship was flying at a height of 500 metres, suddenly the weight increased, apparently by snow and ice forming on the bag. The ship began a rapid plunge la 1 A A nan anu in two minutes crasnea on an ice pack, rnc cabin and upper part of the bracings were torn away while the bag was carried by the wind in an easterly direction. General Mobile said that the ice or. which the crew-was drifting was broken up a little and leads were showing between the floes. Radio communication between the imperilled men and the base ship is good. LEGION IS NOT ITS TREATMENT EX-MII.IUEBM NOT tiETTINU THAT tiu:atmi.nt tvitiai is tiikib UlC TlltOV CLAIM T. JOHN. KB. June II eTomlse of oB-operatlcn and support of the federal goeerneaeat in proWems of ea-aervloe was aMde by the minister of pen-and nauoaal health and Hon. P J. Venlct. postmaster general, who were special apeakera at the banquet of the tinn"' Pt'"'"" convention of the r?arifrl'f" beglon of the British Kmplre Servloe League here last night. Dissatisfaction at the maimer In which the civil servloe oommtaston In Canada filling vacancies in the Dominion was heard at yesterday's session. Date, gates representing practically all the provinces of the Dominion took the stand that ex -service men were not receiving preference over civilians aad asked that some remedy be sought. ICEBREAKERS WILL BE BUILT CANAIHAN YAI1IIS T OKT UOHK IT IS ANMH X( tH I ItOM OTTAWA OTTAWA, June 18 Two loe breakers to be built for the Dominion win oe constructed in Canada, it was announc ed today. One costing a million will operate In Hudson Straits and the St. Lawrence and the other coating a mQlion wUl operate In the St. Lawrence orly. HON. ROBERT FORKE TO MAKETOUR WEST MliiMrr of ImnderatUMi te fotne at tar as CeMt ihi lirtMrtHirntal llaaturas joTTAWK.VfUrft II. au 'Hon. Robert sfrhs. minister of Unmlgratton will visit Wastera Canada to tlie Pacific Coast tyls summer in connection with departments 1 matters. SECONDSONOFSIR CLIFFORD SIFTON IS DEAD OF HEMORRHAGE I lletOOKVtLIX Ont.. June IS. Wlnnl- fred B. Slfton. aged thirty-sight, second son of Sir Clifford Slfton, died at his summer home nesr here following a crebral hemorrhage. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPEKT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1928 CRASHED LOA which it was Impossible to f 1 1 mi FORIEETING UIMSTEK OF LAM AMI Kit KM I til WILL IU: ClUtr iartiAktK TOMtiHT . Hon. T. D. Pattullc. minister of lands, bo wlU probably receive the nomlna-lon to again eoateat Prince Rupert rid-og in the forthcoming provincial elec-.lon at the Liberal convention to be bsM this afternoon, arrived from Vic-torts on the Prince Oeorga tats morning. He and Premier J. D. McLean. ho returned to the city today aboard be gasboat "Awake" sfter making a our of Alio Arm. Aayox. Premier and Jtewart, will be the principal apeakera it a meeting tonight when the Liberal -ampalgn tn this constituency wUl bt ormally opened. Premier McLean wUl leave tomorrow norniag for Terrace where the Liberal conveotkm for Skcena rid lug will be held tomorrow nlcnt for the purpose of renominating Or. H. C. Wrlnch as the Tsndldate for that constituency Other Interior points will also be visited by the Premier and Mra. Pattullo wUl re-tum south on the Prlnoe Charkei to-rnorrow afternoon AVIATORS TAKE TWO LADY PASSENGERS ON FLIGHT TO MELBOURNE MELBOURNE Australia. June IS. The Southern Cross flew here from Sydney, reoeivintt a tumultuous wel- ootnV. Captain Kingford Smiths' mother and IJeut rim 'a wife made the 1 flight with the four aviators. A Public Meeting Will be held in the MOOSE HALL on Wednesday, June 13th at 8.30 p.m. ,' The meeting will be addressed by " HON, Hit. J. I). MACLEAN, Premier HON. T. I). PATTULLO, Minister of Lands. Seats resorted for ladies- A meeting will also be held auspices of the Prince Rupert Wednesday, June 13, at 5.30 pan. a candidate. Delegates to the take notice. HAD COCAINE IN POSSESSION MKMBKHs or rietv or mcvcu m- MX filVKN Tllliti: VKABN KAl'tl AMI ANUTIICB MX MOXTH VAMOOUVSR. June II. George Bat- nrd and J Jjoborgiie. members of the vessel Sauora. who picatkci i guilty s.4ly to a charge of psoaalon of tea' Urg: jars of cocaine, were sc.' 'tended yertcruay by Magistrate Shaw to three years In the penitentiary lined asoo each. . Letorgce was also sentenced to three yean for carrying a pistol, the sen-, tencc to run concurrently. Maurice PhUlipe pleaded not guilty waa sentenced to six months and lined MO. tbe magistrate stating that be waa d'X tn the same category as the other eorS" tXUFiyR would pvtVaMy IsaWfOt. TW otSeers rnlv one ef them' im isast tatst at the wrong time The' trembling of tbelmcney. He declared that he had talked body ahnwed that aomething bulky was! with Ernest Leith. private detective, but rorceal'rj beneath the clothes and tae rre i eoirhed. the tins of tlie drug valued at about 1700 a'ere found on them. QUARTERMASTER PRINCE RUPERT WAS ARRESTED VABOOUVER June IS. John Davis. quartermaster of the steamer Priaos Ru pert, waa arrested late last night charged with smuggling It was a Paged that Davis was bringing tobacco Into Canada Illegally. LADY FLYER I'LAM: (OH Mill A KEAdlKK IIAIHMHt Oil U K. XKUIOlMIUtMI. IN ItOlTE TO t()L.M) HARBOR OeUCS. Newfoundland. Jane IS -The monoplane Columbia carrying Miss Habel BoU and pUoted by Captain Oliver de Noutllller and Arthur Argles, Americans who fought la the British alrforoe. and Andrew Surrtaim. chief mechanician, arrived nets ly last evening at 5.85. w7 Everybody welcome. In the Moose Hall under the District Liberal Association, for the purpose of nominating nominating convention pleas WTHS Vancouver Police Inquiry is , Still Digging Into Bad Mess and Gradually Getting Evidence Sergeant McLaughlin Tells His End of the Murky Story and Private Detective Checks Him up on Evidence V ANCOUVER, June IS. Chief Long told him in 1926 to eae ufnfh certain gambling houses but he did not mention names, Detective Sergeant George McLaughlin told the police inquiry yeitertky. "He said I should let 54 had been over to see him about j Laughlin said. Witness declared station that the mayor waa letting iown run wirie open. To questioning, McLaagnlia je had not keen la very good stead :ng. 'What waa the root of the troable. n y-ur plnlcnT a&ced A. H. McNeill, ouru-t'l for the iiiammniilnii "the chf had not enough Iron in nlm. He did not 'seem strong enough to gj after the maa. He was a good accent leUow but eUdn't usderstaiid 1 lice work." McLauglilln said. "Wat he Influenced by others, meaning particularly the mayor " asked Mac- KeU "He waa." replied McLaughlin. "Anyone else?" "That 1s all I now of," was the rsply . I I ( KOHH EXAMINATION Omaa PT.mti.t Itmi hnr O A f nmr was getting' only small money Inspector ! Jaekn and the Mavor were ajetUas Ma denied emphatically that he bad n.en:i.iied money to him. 1 th called to the witness stand de clarrd h had approached McLaughlin a friend with a desire to help him. He was not employed by Fletcher, be said, and had urged McLaughlin to go to tbe commissioner and tell him all he knew. 1 McLaughlin, declared Leith. said be intended to tall the whole trufb and that he had not get tbe big stuff. That the Mayor and Jackson had got that. questioned by Commissioner R. S. Lennle aa to what he meant by "stuff," ! witness said he supposed "graft"- or "money" was meant. I Intimation that evidence would be I called ta ahow that a city detective was i psrtner with MoKay Durkln. an auegea oooam w g.ven a, my" in t)- - ur c of bis examination of McLaughlin. BRITISH STATESMAN DIES IN ENGLAND Mseejala of Uawolnsbirr ri lwmlnetit Yean Agw llaMlag laHwrtaat INssHvssia HIGH WTCO&rBC June IS The Mar-) iul of Lincolnshire, former governor of New South Wales. Australia, died today : n the age of 15 years. Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington. KG.. O-C-MO. an active supporter of Liberal prin ciples and Joint Hereditary Lord Oreat Chamberlain. He was governor of New, South Wales from 1SM to ISM: Lord Chamberlain from IBM to IBM: President of the Board of Agriculture from 1B05 to 1811. and Lord Privy Seal from 1911 -to 1913. He retired from active life several yean ago on acoount of his advanced age. PRESBYTERIANS AND USE OF THE NAME ftaQINA June 13 Tbe feasibility of ascertaining the legality of the use of the designation "Presbyterian Church in Canada" was approved at last bight's I sederunt of tbe General Aasemblv of the I Church In session here. A committee we, jppoyntad to aeport to the nest sssembly. WILSON PRESIDENT OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATION VICTORIA. June 13.-Dr. Wallace WU-son of Vancouver was elected president of the B.C. Medical Association at the annual meeting last nlgbt. j i You will enjoy the fifty performers at tlte I O D I Rose Carnival. In the , Moose Hall. Friday night. Admission j 50t. An evening of Mr. LAKCIS CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Danrlng evrry Saturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The lateit and beet for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cenie NOW Cordova Street run." The mayor the place and to let it run," Mc- it was common talk at the police gambling ran and was letting the declared the conditions on the IRREGULARITIES COUNCIL BOOKS AT COQUITLAM MAXU-VUDVILUE, B C , June II. Kecve B. C. MaeHonald announced at a meeting of the Port CoquiUam Maaiel- pal CouticU that John Qrahaaa. the auditor specially appotatatf o " Tbe The coun council decided to Instruct tje u"1,or 10 conUnu h mvestlgatlu D,ck twelve years. -JHEAVY HITTING IN BIG LEAGUES TIIIKTY-ONE: I'ITCIIKIM poinded !OK 18S HITS AM) IWi BIN, MXmiN ItKINO IIOMEUS tfCW TOfUC. June II, Right Big League battles yeabtiasay saw thirty -oae pitchers pounded for tSS bits which 10S runs were being basnets. Pittsburg Pirates cracked out twenty. five hits to beat Philadelphia aad the fliantm haffts nut ivtan Wl. tm nmMfc Cincinnati Had.. Benton tenth victory in twelve St. Louis Cardinals moved to within one game of tbe Reds by beating Boa- ton. Tbe Mew Tork Tanbeas mlU ean-tinusd Its ruthless grind in the American League Babe Ruth hitting his twenty-third homer of the season and Lou Gehrig his fourteenth and fifteenth In the Yankee-Chicago gams. BOOEETS ARE ADVERTISING NO POLITICAL riloriOAMiA IN LIT- EltATrHE OOTTEN OIT BY OOVEBXMKNT VICTORIA. June IS. Major Orus Lyons' charge that a booktst entitled British ColosnblB Progress Issued by tbe Provincial Government Is syHlttesl propaganda for the Liberal party was denied by Hon. W. H. Satlisrtind today. He aaid tbe booklet was being distributed to businessmen, financial houses land banks ss advertising far the pro- (vires. Copies had been sent M eefall-- dates In tbe provincial atactica, both Liberals and Conservatives, bt said. Advertise In the Pair? Jlm ,U-sP1t' ,! DIRECTORY. The New Telephone Dlrec- tory is about to be issued. ADDlications for moves.'' changes, or new listings for this issue must be made In writinir to Telephone Denart ment, City Hall, not later than June 16. 44.