i PAGE SIX THIS DAILY NEWS Wedne.day, jun, u Worth Checking Up NO matter what amount year budget sets aside for wavftdajr epfne, you will And that we offer a laundry service comfortably within it. Ant!, more important, a checkup over a perfed of time will convince you that laundry-washed clothes but longer, save meney, guard health . . aad are cleaner! Call as on the 'phone . . . we'll gladly help you arrange for this new-era method of handling the family wash. TUB LAUNDRY DOBS IT IiKST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 aBBSSaHBSBSBBB' . BUTTER AND EGGS We sell nothing but the bast Butter, 14 lb- boxes . . $r,jHT, Butter, 3 lb. bulk .... $tT, Batter, 3 lb. N.Z. Brikes $1.3.- Butter, E.C.D., Holly brook and Woodland, S lb. for '....i $1,10 Eggs, Pallet Extra. 3 dozen 1.00 Eggs, Fresh Firsts, 3 dosen 9 1. IS Eggs, Fresh Extras, 3 aeaa FHESli YHfj BTA ULBSAND FRUITS Arriving on every boat Tomatoes. Hothouse, No. 1, per lb. 30 p Cucumbers 'Mf Head Lettuce, 3 bunches for 250 Bunch Carrots, 4 bunches for 'f Bunch Turnips, 3 bunches for 'ZT,t Bunch Beets, 3 bunches for New Cabbage, per lb. . . 7c Rhubarb. 6 lb. for .... 2Tf Cauliflower, good heads lilf Radishes and Green Onions, 3 bunches tiif Fresh Green Peas, per lb. 'Mf Cantelope, Strawberries, Cherries. Banana. Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Plums, Peaches at reasonable prices-See ewr Widew for Sug- Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD, Meat Department Phone IK Phone 81 Patronise the Montreal (SllAEiAllAfiN HOYS' FOUR PIECE SUITS, Jacket, vest, short and long pants, regular $15 and 18 values, for $7.95 Lena than Balen'e prices Conae in and convince PRICESSTEADY ON EXCHANGE IIILIIUT MTU.S THIS MOKMNO .IT lie aad ISr. .MOSTLY CANADIAN Ftrtj price this morning KIM AMU VIMT -IAPK .WW steady, nnt class medium kotxm at itrem 11 to 13 eehur mostly sY'sMt'-n to 12. Sale we: ' AMERICAN Atlantic. 27,000. to Oold Stone at 11 80c and Sc. Dmmac. 11.000. to Booth PHherle at lJJOc and 7e. CANADIAN Viking. 14.000. to Btoth Flatteries at llJOc sod Sc. Zero. 8.00. to Oold Stonfce at 11.70c and Sc. toblm. 14 MS. to Pacific FMsrlw at ASK TO SEE OUR FRESH KILLED CHICKEN AND FOWL arriving as usual Wednesday. Not in our window display but kept in the cooler. P. & G. Nsptha Soap. 4 bars for NO HAN IWf Royal Crown Soap. 6't. per carton tITf Bulk Dates. 2 lbs. for Hie No. 1 Rice, special. 3 lbs. for 2Ar Nu Jell Jelly Powder with the real fruit flavor, 3 pkts. for . . 25 Windsor Salt. 2 lb. sack. 3 for iWe Chocolate Bars and Chewing Gum. aaaorted, 6 for 2.f Marmalade, M.B.. 4 lb tins . . (Kir Assorted Toilet Soaps, 4 for 'S? on Bananaa, buy all you want here Grapefruit special. 3 for . .'. . 25f Arriving Wednesday Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Straw UJSr and Sr I Tramp. lSgOOO. to AUln Puwerie at 11.40r and 6c I DMphln. MMM6. to Royal Ptata Co at j 11 40c and Sc. i Prosperity A.. 14000. to Atlln Flaner-iea a: 11 40c and Sc. S-rub. 15.000. to Cold Storage at 11 jOc end Sc. Iking. 1S.00O. to Cold Storage a-. USSc and Sc. DBT. 5.000. to Pacific Fisheries a' 1160c and 6c berries, Watermelon, Cantaloupes. VEGETABLES Bunch Carrots, local, S bunches for i-f Bunch Carrots, Washington, 2 for New Beets, Turnips, Potatoes, Parsley, Green Onions. Spina eh. Lettuce. New Peas. Cauliflower Asparagus, Cneuinber. Tomato-, New Green Cabttage, all fre Wednesday at lowest prices. Watch Our Windows It Pays -AW 4eS3 PASK June IS. The fin j special train :o spe:.d 24 .Wars Ir. the of the many special parties booked to I Canadian Rcciclw on their way to in come to Jasper tale summer iiriNd tbls morning arben 86 K) warns from the New Bngland Butt stepped from tbetr "FREE" This Week MANY HAVE TRIED TO DRINK CANADA DRY So drink with us Come in and sample our ice cold beverages served by our demon strator Saturday. Cross and Blaekwell Lemon Cup. Cross snd Blaekwell Orange Cup. So mora Orange Juice. Mission Orange Juice. Mission Lemon Juice. Loganberry Juice. Grape Juice. The above are the best lines on the market. Don't miss this op portunity. Prunes, choice. 3 lbs. fur ISIe Olives, staffed or plain, per bottle U5c Baker's Prepared Unsweetened Chocolate, per Vt lb. tin . . '.Sir-Red Arrow Sodas, family sixe. per carton ..." 2lf Salted Sodas in bulk, 2 lbs. for J"r Dntch Maid Mayonnaise. 1$ ox jar 0S Peaches, sliced or halves, 1's. 2 for iVic Heins CatsuprS battles for . . 73r Heinz Oven Baked Beans, small. 5 for ,Vf Peas, l's, sieve 1. just like French Peas, only a few left, 6 for SI. 00 twelfth international contention of Ki-aranis club being held in Seattle June 16 to SI. MAY BUILDING VALUE $16,850 MM HER Ol' NEW DMLlXIMiK IIEKE fUUVIIiEfl FOB IN MAY LIST J I HT lftlRU Bnnftnc tbe total buUding ralue tn tbt city for the ymr to date to 1.-27. building permiu lev the aaontb of May totalled M6J6S a compared sm a Tale ef tsass during the amaw atonth m year accordtng to announcawaaat J tua by tbe city engineer ;etroT af- non. The lm (or Mst include pro- Tlalon for a numbar of new dwattumg May penntta were a follow w i MeCutcboon. frame Third Avenue Weat. SI 300. A. Marttnneen. fi ham Avenue. 6-000 8 cyQnlnn. dwelling. si jam. Nabob Tea, l's, page. . . . Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. Barrington Hall Soluble per jar Instant Postum, large tin dwelling "" Pierce, trame dwelUng. Avenue. S4AO0 Black Btate. iwaatri to Dominion '.oUdmt SI .090. A R HUl-Tow. frame dwelltng. Seal Cow Ctrde. SIXMO. i. H Maeey. repairs to Wwealngtoa 100. A. Onyan. repaln to roof. Ntntli Ave. dwelling. Ora- Subaerlbe tor tbe Dally Newa Are. )ur Prices ARE RIGHT Nabob Coffee, l's. tin ... .. (Kit Coffee. . . . JWIf . . . oOf Grape Nuts, page lot) Roman Meal, page I0f Kellog's Bran Flakes, pkge. . . ISf Heins Baked Beans, 9 tins for ?1.00 Clark's Catsup, bottle "f King Oscar Sardines, tin l.'e Quaker Corn. 2 tins :trc Nabob Pumpkin. 2Vz's, tin . . lot) Lihby'a Kraut, 24's, tin .... 20? Ubby'a Dill Pickles, 2V. tin :wt Libby's Corn Beef, l's, tin . . '2Xt Jap Rice. No. 1. 3 lbs. for . . 2Tf Market Day Special Raisins. 4 lb pkge OOf Swan Down Cake Flour, pkge. I Of Golden Churn Creamery Butter, S lb. brick ,.. $1.10 Eggs. Fresh Extras, 3 dox.. SI. 15 Ripe Bananaa. lb l."c Sunkist Oranges, large site, dox. (Kit Small sixe, S dozen for .. $1.00 Fresh Cherries, lb 40t Fresh Plums, lb 20c Large Cantaloupes . . .'10c & IV? Lotti heads 2 Oluons and Radishes, S bui Cirrots and Beets, per bunch IV the prices quoted above up to follow! n: Wednesday except where any line is sold out. The Home of Good 1 11 Thing to Eat. , Ylf 1 1 B.aButchers & Grocers Alberta Market Limited Phones 15 and .74 V. G AMU LA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 TIN of Nutrt cost bat 15 A cents and contain! enough poExa for 100 sfcine. There I no mere ecu mi i iral way of keeping (boo in good ccxxSidaa titan by regular use of Shoe Polish There's a tiowet Shod For Etrf Shot Made! EDITOR HERE FROM SOUTH i. VotlCKOS OT VANCOIVEK STAB LOOKIMi ISTO roUTICtL MTl ATIOS J. inward Ho re row. chief editorial writer of tbi Vancouver Morning Star is in the city for the Liberal Convention and public meeting tonight and will proceed to Terrace with the party. Mr. Noicroaa la a veteran newspaper men hat has not travelled tbe CM. route by day so hi anxious to a aome at the scenery of which he has beard so much Also he is anxious to get into touch with the political attuatioa in northern end central part of the ptvrtne. Mr. Morcroas aan the position of the Bverament depends very much on what Vancouver and Victoria do In the sent atiLneaV. AS the time be left no decision had been arrived at as to when the nomination eonveauona would take nlaSr. each party walMng tor the other. VH say tbe Liberals ex-pact to take thtve seats oat of four Victoria aad a majority m Vancouver. hut much depends wpon tbe candidate they bring out LATER FRUITS rK-tCHE. PLI MM AM t PHI COT A HE AHHItlMl IION THE M)ITII An POTATOW Park. Jry salt Ayrshire Veal. plum, apricot and are the vstibt proofs to be la the local stores that the sum-season la with us. Of these new amvala. tbe apr.cots look the beet, the peaches natdtng Just a little more opening The watermelOD is the round variety with tbe dark red inside which tempting. Hew potatoes are getting bigger snd more mature with shipment. Yhe new season ' are now also arriving from Japan and look a good and hard a from Australia. The tint ship ment of Tartanan. cherries la e pec ted to arrive nest wegn. this more northern variety being almost as good a tbe Brag e berries Uttle change Is noted 1n other staple corn modi ties. Prices urrect are a raftow: LAKO ur See Veal. Me Veat leg Perk, ahoulder Pwrk. lota Perk, mt Beef, pot roast first Haaa. whole, first van Ham. panic, lb . Cottage roUa. lb . aeon. back. aUeed lb. Beef, boiling Beef, steak Beef, raast. prim rib 39c 8C. rreeh pullet ar nr. Freeh Mrats 40c BX; rrash eatras Leeal new laid aor nsii Swanked Upper. ML lc ffjppvted salmon, ga. 96r Saaoted black cod. lb 30r PUmaa haddlss lb :. J6r MEATS Fwwt MO. 1. Ib SSc and 4SV chicken, aV 44 ... tttc ... Ste . asv .. tsv ... see to Sac ... Me .. SSc .. ate ... 488 ... SV 40 ... lie to Me iay,c to is? . . SOc to ASe tSr tec ahoulder Me Uwtksav leg tdc Urn, leg Ue UoMon. chops 40, MtttSoa ahoulder SOc uirrrca Braokfleld. Bhainrock and Woodland lb tee ecu., lb 50c DISTRICT RE ADE TheD CANADIAN AUTHORS AND POEIS SUBJECT lalereMlBg rrogram Im MgM at HeeUy Meeting ml t ailed Chwrcti Yewnc ft eeltV Sm-ietr The topic of "Canadian Authors and Poeta." at the weekly moating last evening of the Young People's Societj U Fbvt United Church, peaved very tn- 'reatuig. Various members of the club look part in the prwgrmm which m- cluded readings from the stiiaii ol Pauline Johnson and a sketch of her lie. a biographical sketeb of U M Mcntsamery. authr ram of "Ann of iieen Oablea." aad a rtra tli repre- teniat.on of one of the sosne la NeUW McClong' "wewtng Seeds in Danny." Those partietpaUng Included Mlm Oraaa. MM asagars. Mia Cather ine Harvey. George M. (Hecks. Mhw Oae- M and Miss Lot McSU. The chair as occupied by tbe vioe-president. lecfge H. Btoeka. and there war the egulu- bustneaa and social periods. The club's activities tar the seesnti wtn cloae on Thursday afternoon ol next week with a picnic to the 81' GEORGE TOWNSHEND OF ANYOX DIES ON EASTBOUND TRAIN JAaVffal. June IS --Ocorge X Town-thenC of Anvaa. and the Terminal C:t) C!ub, Vancouver, wa found dead by s Pullman porter about 7SC pm last evening on CSI train number tww Mr Townshend bad boarded the train st Vancouver, and was oa has way to RjJtfaa. nn. The body wa taken o the train at Jasper by wrder of the loner. Death appawrad to hare been due to natural cawaea.aad' the sutbort- tim are awaiting uvstnaetteaa frost rela tives. Mr. Tovmsnend was manager Oranby Bay Hotel. AN EGG AND POULTRY -The Praser Rl SUMMER SCHEDULE OF of the POOL FOR PROVINCE BC. poultry Jane IS woman at a msetiag her Ssetdsa to form an egg aad poultry pool la Bn tlah Oninmbsa. C.N. COAST STEAMERS The last sailing from Prlne Rupert on the ejpring Schedule is Bunday. June 10 Ounag tbe week following, tbr "IVlao Charlea arnvm from tbe south Monday. Jane 11th. mil for Anyoa. tewart aad atassett Inlet poru am day: returning sell for Vancoo- r tdO pm. Tnursday. June 14th The "Prlne Oeorge" arrive from the oath sad sails for Bkagway. Wedne- day. June isth. The Trtane Bupart" ardvw from the south Prtday. Jun iSth and making fjaaelal aaUlng re turn to Vancouver 4 SO pm. same day J Bauinga for Aayos and Stewart. June ISth aad Vancouver 16th cancelled After this beau wtn arrive from south ach Monday. Wednesday and Friday. iOJO am. Sail tor south each Monday and Thoiada) 4 SO pjn. aad earh Sat-urday 640 pjav For rail perucwara this and other m.-tIom eaU City Tleket onioa. Fhooe aso. m LAND ACT i iasc L.1XH tn Prince BupeVt Zand lacordins m trlet and situate nay. Moresby b Queen Charlotte wava aij IMS. adtaoent to :st Du- All lfora Inlet. TAKe tSOTTCB that pacific uilit, Limited, of Vancouver B.C.. occupation Pulp and leper ataaufaaturera. Intends; Opmmenelng st a post planted or. the' httrh water mark of an lalsnd; thence following the hWrt water nurk around the taland to point of cmvoemmit 1 and containing 0 2S rrr more or ' - pacific Miiim. UMrran 1 Don.id wiibu, W::nt ot aily News RS Who do not subscribe for (he paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THL'IISDAY. 7 and a pm. RICHARD DIX in - "Sporting Goods" A sure-fire Dix comedy drama (JEimiUDB OLMSTED. FORD STBKLINC. PHILIP STHANfJE, WADE HOTKLKIt, CLAUDE KIM;. UlKTIi STKD31AN, MAUDE TUILNBK (iOKIM).N. an! others. comedy -swEirriwr ABMOI FIUM FABLES PATIIK REVIEW Admission 35c and Kir Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operstlng li.T.V. 20,80) Ton Floellnc Dry lc EnuJneera, Maehiiiiatii. UaHermsKera. IHskiU. I'siirr mskers. FouneerK. WoodweVkers, Etc. GI.HCTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELIHNU. Our plant fs equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOltK. i'HONBS 4S and 3g& TRY CHIROPRACTIC 0ET WELL AND KEEP SMILING! Wntch your balance in the Bank of Health. NVur. teller, permits no overdraft. A depositor may ith-li r a tbe amount he has on deposit NO MORE! To mak. !;l?11-, and increase your balance, get regular SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. 6 and 7 Exchange Mock. Telephone. Green 211. Residence. 1037 Hr-vA" It is going to be the Event ol the Season Wore NeuTs'Tdmdrrdw Watch the Paper