:-sday. June 13, 1928 cCthc i service FAIRBANKS DIAL SCALES for fast accurate weighing Y 3 ran depend on these fait ::;ite scales to speed up s, ,1 mg and to reduce the iibility of error. av no t prints and ttttlr abao-r iracy and tttrwn sensitive-Mil endure for year. Their big i!..-il rtgltUrs a flat m thsy loaHcd aw) unloaded. Mad iv siyln to mart um varyiar of industry. Writs foe (ufl jiii. Oh CANADIAN ItdiI)anK& 'Morse COMPANYilnU4 Oa.br, tl'mtrral, Ottawa. Tn '. iua(. H altar?, i itiH.nlt'ii, .imouv. Victoria 168 LADIES' DRESSES., Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue For Pratt's Baby Chick Food " ilt ry Supplies Bulk- Hi'.v Hay and Grain, F rtilizer and COAL, call up 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK I'i-rsh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily, EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. pr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST mCS DAILT NKW8 PAGE FTVB Priest's Silver Jubilee Interesting Story of Work of Father Allard Who Recently Cele-hrated the Twenty-Fifth Year of Hi Mission in the West ! (Contrihnterl rath I . TdoanijthL dt of June 102. were Catho c day n St. ilarlalfclalene's Church at tbfl Hag dian Mission, hear Ildielton. ft.C. ' The Silver Jubilee of Ordination to the holy priesthood of Rev - . .....:. UBC1, rtiiaru, v.w.i., was celebrated on those two i days. .u ,? J' 1903, the JuWlarlan was ordained a priest in the Holy! Catholic Church by. Archbishop Duhamel, of Ottawa, himself con-I secrated a bishop by Archdeacon Walsh of Toronto, who had received! .ma Apostolic Mini km ami Consecration from the hand of Plus IX., the 387th suocessor on the throne of the flsher-' man Saint Peter, who vm the first v:cr of Christ, the first Bishop of Rome, the first Pope or Head of the Reman Catholic Apostolic Church. . i On the eve of Trinity Sunday. 1903, the Basilica of Ottawa was filled to 1U capacity, rorty young men prepared were about to re nonce worldly ambi tiona and pleasures and consecrate themselves, body and soul, to the love andirervlre cf Ocd and to the salvation cf soula. Psrentt, frlendi and other faithful soul of the city filled the crunch; The Bishop sat on his throne surrounded by dignitaries of his Chapter, and a numerous clergy. I'llONE ON PAVEMENT All young men prepared and disposed to receive the sacred Orders of the I Church laid prone on the sacred pavement of the Sanctuary, whilst the Bishop, the Clergy and the large assistance all united in the recitation of the Litany of the Saints. "Lord have mercy on us." ''Holy Mary Drav for us " "Ssint I Peter, pray for us." Saint Paul, pray 10 us.". . . . After begging for the aoevciee of Ood snd the helpful prayers of bis salnta. the Bishop aroae nad eatendlng Ms hand over the Priestly candidates, prayed as It behaves to all lawful successors of the Apostle that the Priest to be might receive the Holy Ohoet. To the newly ordained Priest the Bishop then Imparted the power, to teach the word of Ood, not his own word Oo tsaeh all nation whatsoever I have commanded you" To consecrate the material elements of bread and wine Into ths body of the Lord" "This Is my body, this Is my blood Do this for the commo ration of me." To forgive repentant slnnere Whose sins you shall torsive, they are TIMBER SALE XSG91. There will be olfered for sals at Pub-Ik .Auction, at noon on the Eighteenth lUtaidsw of July. ftM. in the oftke of the District Porester at Prince Rupert, the Licence X9S91. to cut SJMOO rBM Spruce. Balaam. Hemlock and Cedar on an area covering a portion of Lot M at the head of Kynocb Lagoon. Kynocb (Bast Mussel) Inlet. Range S, Coast District. Three (8) years will be allowed for removal 01 uniDer. 'Provided any one tumble to attend the auction in person may submit tender uj be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Purther particulars of the Chief Por ester. Victoria. B.C . or District Porotter. Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE. KIVV.ItI liOXOIIOi:. Ilerraiked NOTICE IS HHWBY OIVSN that all persons having claims against ths estate of Edward Dunohoe, late of Naas Ha-bu In the Province at British Columbia, who died on the rd day of March. 1928, are required on or before the lgth day ol July, 193S. t j deliver or send by prepaid letter post full particulars of their :!almi duly vertlied to The Royal Trust Company, Executor of the estate of tb Aid Edward Denohos. deceased, at iu offices, SS8 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. AKD TAKE NOTICE that alter the last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the clsima of which It shall then have had notice. DATED at vaneouvee. day of May. AD 193. "A. SOBER' bo, this aeth iTSON DOV0LAS ti SYMBfl. Solicitors tor The Royal jnass ueropany llli:HMO AMI 1K. TAKE NOTICE that The DetrolU Western Mining to., wnose aoaress w MM Standard Bank Building. Vancouver. B C . will apply 'or a licence to take and use 150 ' of water out of Eaat Pork of Khutse River which flows westerly and drain into Khutae Inlet. Ora-hsm Reach The water will be diverted from the atreum at a point about MOO net East of the Witness Post on the west aide of Lot 172 Prince Rupert district snd will be used for mining n me Minrrmi uruup w I vntfS HWivw e- -r ''"DETROIT WESTERN "NU CO.. ByrVPardo Wilson. Agent. LANDACT TO AITI.Y TO NOTICE OF ENjmN Bay, Moresby Island. Skldegate inie, to'.Ppp'ydforTr. "" '.r "i. following de- w.SP'S ma?K f " Wand: thence JI.rnh wier mark around Dt4 My 3. 1938 glorious Hagwilget In- tcrglve them " Thus was given to the! priests by the legitimate authority of Ood the power to minister the Sacrament and official stilliages of the Cbnrch for the living and the dead. Thus were aspirated from the world, men lawfully appointed to address to Ood the prevent snd supplications of 7ndye "d to ,v W n " for man, year, of atudy of n Ood. The nest morning, on Trinity Sunday, ! the Jubllarlan went to the Church of the Redeemer in Hull, Quebec, and j efftred there the tremendous Holy sac- ! rinces 01 the Mess, his first Masa. the Rome during the three first centuries Of Christianity, the seme clean on put in charge of the Smlthera die He fdr the bettor part of a year, ai'liu a Sanctuary to the already existing Church of HagwUget. KURT ST. JAMES In October. 1916, was sent to Port St. Jeasea to build and take charge of thr Indian Boarding School, th-n known as the Stuart Lake Indian School. With the help of one white man and many Iadleaw. he oornplewd the sebool and opened it on the 4th of February, 1917 Admitted on that day, were thirty-seven boy boarders, whom hs clothed, fed and educated svltb the help of a Belgian teacher, a Swedish farmer and a Form No. IS. Section 99) LAiND ACT. XOTIl'K OK INTENTION TO TO PIKCIIASK LVMI of lierr License Number in respect of premises APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording Die. trlct and situate about 8 miles from the mouth of Khutse River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, BC. occupation Mining Company, Inlands to apply for permission to purchase the following decertbed lands' cauunenclng at a poet planted one ir so enains; tnence southern 2D chains; thence easterly 60 chains: thence nor therly 16 chains, and containing 100 acres, more or less. P. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. Dated 18th April, 1996. Form No. 13. Section 89) LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO MUCH ASK L.M In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict and situate about 4 mile from the vriUda Western Copper (plan on flle mouth of Khutse River inroenerarrOfflce). This no- TAKE NOTICE that tie was wstcd on the ground on the 10th day of May. 1938 A copy of thla S3 to'V" Act fUed in the olfice of the Water Recorder "t Prince Rupert Objections to the aDDllestlon may be filed with the said with the Comptroller Water Recorder or Bu&dlngs. X Water R'ghts. Parliament iV.rn,.T.d.eifer.t the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, nv.. uoeu: tends to upation Mining Company, in-apply tor perm baton to pur-e following following described lands: shase the Oommanolng at a post planted one foot south of S.W. cornef. Lot J04 thenee aouthwesterly 100 chains; thence easterly 10 chains, more or less; thence northeasterly 100 chains: thence westerly 30 chains, and containing 130 acres, more or less. P. I'AUDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Oo. Dated lath Anrll. 1D3S "fi'OVEKNMRNT LIQUOR ACT' SotTce Tii' Aprrir.itiToN row ton-sent toi Tit Nt i w Di' iii:ek LICENti: n'oTICe' is IIEREBv' GIVEN thst. on the 11 th dav of Julv neit the under- sigMd Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for vunnenl to transfer or 819. at and lasued a belne being na rt of a bulldldg known as the Tourist Hotel, alt- aqrtbed as Lots 1 and 3. in niock II, Map 973, Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, from Oeorge Tessler to Angelo Eustaochlo and Drhano Oolhschlni of Terrace, British Columbia, the transfer- eee. nTwn - -e. " his m.h day si June. A.u 1038. ANUIyO EtTSTACrlUO. URna.NO OOI BCIIINI. Applicants and Ttsnslerees. The cool, comforting flavor of WIUGLEY'S Spearmint is a lasting pleasure. It cleanses the mouth after eating gives a clean taite and sweet breath. It Is refreshing and Atammtlnn airliner. shore of Stuart Lake.. On the lOth of Jettparv. ft Ohlnese took, meanwhile ministering to the ap.rltusl needs of S70 native in I "Vlng ln "V Wlegea on th 3me Ma, offered the catacomb, of ISM, he tr"as,'rwd W b0dew' 8nU rl latlon offered amldat all nation, of the ?ye ' earths 'From the rlali. to the set tine ot the tun." YVBXT TO YfKON Two months after his ordination the Jubllarlan received a command from the bead of the Church. He received orders to go to the Yukon. Three years he labored among the miners In the gold country, and built a church on Sulpber Creek.. In 1906, be vent to the ephemerlca town of Conrad and built there a church. In the spring of 1907 he went U Atltn to minister to the white states of the country. He found there tribe of HUnget natives, whom he -angeleed for three yeera, conducting an the while the boarding school, monopolising all the stall's attributes of teacher, cook and so forth. He provided two houM for the purpose, with the help of local charities, and during the last year and a half receiving from the Indian Department, the yearly sal ary of flvs hundred dollars. The Churoh Register records over seventy souls regenerated by. baptise) in Atlln. In 110 was called from Atlln and put la chart of the Church in Dawson. Yukon. Hs there ministered to whites and Indians, ss far as Lsnstng R4ver over three hundred miles from the Yukon River, where he met Indians who had not received the Sacrament of the Church for fourteen years. Built a Church at Leasing for the Indiana, a Kindergarten School for chUdren. and a Hall in Dawaon to afford to old Usners more appropriate amusement than these found in any one of the teniyrtwo saloons In Dawson and the staff of five Sisters to ch new bearding school aj. Praser Lake, had the school filled with one hundred and thirty boarders on the first day oi March. The founder and prtnc.pa! was relieved of bis charge of the new Praeer Lake Industrial iflfehcol in June 1992, and put ln charge again of the Sm It hers district. He built a Missionary residence at Smlthera ln the fall of 1932. and givei, an assistant priest, attended to the spiritual needs of Smlthers, Telkw Hagwilget, Mcrlcetown, Houston, Forest-dale, Burns Lake. France 1 Lake, Ootsa Lake, Cheat at ta. Bahlne and the scat tered Catholics not ta pro;lmiy of the above Mission, built since 1923 a church ln Houston, one ln Porestdale, one ln Old Pert Bablne. a Priest's residence ln 3ablae. repaired the Church ln Morlce- town, and bad a road put through the woods between Bablne Lake and Smith ra, seventeen miles of new road. VISITRI) ROME In recognition of his seal and good work he was chosen by (be Bishop and the Priests of North Bifttsb Columbia and the Yukon as their ff cial stpreesn- tatlve at the General Chapter of the Oblate Fathers Order befa in Borne in the months of SeptembCe and October. 19M. HAPPY aWQIET The JubUiartan. ordained a Prlast on the eve of Trtrlty avojsaay, June the lxth. 1903, chose the day rather than the date for .celebrating his Jubilee. Hence the celebration took plans on the second and third of June. 193S. Though tedding ln Smlthers, he releeted Hag- In 1918 was .called from Dawson and I wllget as the proper place tor the cele- biatlon, because In that place the Lor; himself had prepared a happy banquet or His Missionary On Friday evening, the first of June, His Lcrdshlp, the Right Reverend E. Buncz, Oil I., Bishop of Prince Rr,pert. .use to honor his faithful Colloboratoi during the twenty-five years. The next -iteming, the Jubllarlan a brother Rev-rerd Father Elpbege Allard, OKI., ar-lved from Fort St. James. ANNIVERSARY F ORDINATION The Jubllarlan said an early Man, so did his brother. At ajn . his Lo:i hip efffred the Holy S.icriflc, said the same official prayers a the Btxhop of OUar.s did In 1903. After Mass the Jubllarlan sitting upon the Throne at the Epistle side o! the Altar, received the abjuration and proleaslon of faith of a family of seven converts, who were there and then absolved from censure by the Right Rettrcnd Blahop. standing with mitre and staff, in front of the Hrly Tabernacle. His Lordship granted the same blessings to septuagenarian returning to the fold after twenty-five years of an erring life. "Die latter eobblnx pro claimed the sincerity of his repentance His sincerity wu no greater than tha'. of the true Israelite that read the abjuration and profession of faith. Many ln the assistance could not control their pious emotions. Following the admission Into the Church of the abo-'e eight souls, ' the Baptism conferred cn eleven children, all members oi th same farm y. Father, Allard, Junior, helped his el-Jcr brother at this taik. Most of the new converts, then received the Sacrament of Penance. Most cf them urcpnrel themselves to receive the Holy Eucharist the next day. ANNIVERSARY OF FIRST MASS His Lordship and father Allard Junior Hi Id early Masses. The latter then aided his brother and heard the confes sions of many wishing to receive the Lord on this day from the hands of their Jubllarlan pastor. The newly Invited guest at the Euc narlstlc Banquet were on this day of the colored races-Chief Petei Williams, of Klsptox. his wife snd his gruml hlld represented the Red race. Mrs Mlecblllnko, of lUzefton was the representatives of the Dark race. Ah Tin;;, previously admitted In this same church represented the Yellow race. In all twehty-two souls received the S.icrament fnr the first time and one return:! to the Sacraments, after tw-iity-rive years of infidelity. In all twenty-five souls was the bou quet the Jubllarlan presented to the Lord, a bouquet agreeable to Ood, a bcttqitet of greater value and or far surpassing sweetness to the hesrt of 'the Priest, then the compl'ments, banquets flowers of the World. Arlri u "! v four recent The Acme Importers' store is one of the busiest places in town these days our Backward Season Sale prices bringing in our old customers and also many new ones. Here are some of the special offerings we arc making for Thursday morning only. These are really special prices for the half day. LADIES' KNITTED COATS BOYS' SHIRTS Ladies' Knitted Coats in pure wool and silk Boys' Summer Khaki Shrits, made of grand and wool. Juit the thing for the cool wearing materials, with sports or plain of the evening outdoors. Regular $16 neck. This Is the rig for holidays and value. Backward Season Sale Price, camping. Backward Season Sale Price, Thursday morning only gtj Thursday morning only . QJC BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS BOYS' FROLIC SUITS Here is one lot of Boys' Shirt Waists in For the little fella's, age 2 to U, this is the splendid patterns and materials but not suit for play time. Strongly made lor ' in all sizes. This is great value. Back- Bear the ground wearing. Backward Seu- ward Season Sale Price QP son Sale 1rice QP Thursday morning only, 2 for. . vtlVr Thursday morning only vi MR. THE ACME IMPORTERS Terms: .Strictly Cash. No C.O.D. ITISHPOLU afcgfaw. No Charge Accounts MBiA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018J&48; Lodw Gold, $12S,972,SIJ; Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, 5106,976,442; Copper,. $209,967,068; Zinc,- $50,61 2,6577; Coal and Coke, $284,599,133-, Structural Muteriuls and Miscellaneous Minerals, $60,175,407: making its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an , AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192G, $67,188,842 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained grain hy addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annua) Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering raining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department oi Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended ss valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. nTITaTTmiTTalaaTmTilTTTaril ing their first solemn Communion, all .t-.e White and the Indian Catholics of New Hazclton snd Hagwilget receiving also the Holy Sacrament In union with :helr Paitor. In all aeventy faithful iculs participated of the heavenly ban quet. Many Catholics and non-Catholics came from Hazel ton and KiapioK Valley. Many were from Mcrlcetown and Bablne. and many famine of' the Smlthers -flock, one in . particular, driv ing one hundred and fifty mlleS frosil Burns Lake, united themselves In the honors paid to ths Director of the Smlthers district mission. In all two hundred persons were present st the celebration. The Jubllarlan sang, High Masa. The Bight Reverend Bishop pre sided at His Throne and delivered- an oration on the Apostolic Mission Of the Pr.e.M and on the aealous and fiultlul work of the Jubllarlan. Father Allard. Junior directed the ceremonies. The organ was played and the singing waa under the direction of H. Browning, the schoolmaster of the Hagwilget Indian school.. Saturday, Sunday and Monday at noon, the Clergy were the guests of different CaUulic families of Mew Haaelton, Hazelton a:i.i Hagwilget. Monday afternoon, the Jubllarlan drove hla dlftlnguiahed vUltora to Smlthers. making a abort halt at Moilcctown on the way. AFTERNOON TEA AND SALE IS HELD TODAY BY BAPTIST LADIES The Lad is ' Aid to First Baptlat Church Is holding n tes and sale of horns cooking this afernoon at the heme Of airs. J. D. Thurbcr, 612 Fourth Avenue Bast. Mrs. W. S. Hammond is general convener and Mrs J D Thurber Is receiving the gueata Mra 8 Dawson and Mrs. Robertson are pouring with Mra. V. Houston, Mrs. J A. Lindsay and Mra. A. Ivanon acting as servlteurs. The home inverts of Hazstlon and. Knpiox mak-1 cooking table Is In ohsrge Of Mrs, Q. Hi board and Mr O. W Johnston and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall. Mra. Charles Urkln. Mrs. P. H. Llnaty and Mra. Prank Morris are assisting in the kitchen. The cashier Is Mrs. M. B. Lemon. The musical program for the after-rcon includes vocal solos by Mra J. H. MeLsod and Mrs. r. W. Allen, accompanied by Mrs. Jasnes Black. Miss aleita MoKlslty and Mlas Catherine Mussallem are to give vocal soma and Hiss Adetla Thurher. s recitation. Man in the Moon The local political situation I the jterual triangle once mora. At the end they all live happy ever after. The pessimist is one who believes every onlcn ha a worm Id It, every lettuce s grub and ovary cook is careless. What about appointing a yoyal Commission to inquire Into which candidate 1h the real supporter of Dr. Tolmiet If I were a politician. Thinking I knew, I would run as Liberal member, Uetween me and you. If X were a keen elector. Honest and true. I would vote tor Duff Pattullo, tBetwaB ase and you. Ifasr then la, after thst rhyme you will all say I'm one 6f those cuaatd Liberal fellers hut you're wrong. I'm independent enough to aay what I think and I think Ti). la It. Yesterday waa a great day for fog horns. It was the first experience of the season. KEEP MCIV1NO Straphanger Victim My dear air, I don't mind you walking briskly all over my feet, but I wash you wouldn't loiter about on them. II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. SWIMMING SUITS Diving Caps By Jantsen, Penman's Universal $3.95 t0 $5.75 Small Flat to Rent, suitable for Offices H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 1 3rd Avenue and Fulton WE HAVE THEM SLEEVELESS DRESSES All shades. BLAZERS AND HWKATHR COATS BATHING SUITS "Demers"