page m We Eat No Meals; Ride , $0 Cars WHBrfysti hire ns to do the family washing, you are not put to the expense or bother of feed ins us. We eat nothing! Neither do we ask you to pay our carfare. Instead we call for and deliver your washing. We buy our own soap, starch and bluing. Heat our own softened water. Use our own electricity, too. There's no "picking-up" after us. We take all the messy work out of your home, giving you an extra day to do the things you like to do! Yet you'll find our charges most reasonable considerably less than it would cost you to do the same work at home. Try us, and see! The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 HEALTH F0LLOT5 cmmiactatum rttssvftCGosniuu sera in WHAKicr TltCmttWWMMMS SI K USUI 1 f tAv A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produces a Digger Dividend than the aafeat bond W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Illock Green. 211 'Dem ers are now showing Billie Burke Sport Dresses Plume 27 P.O. Uox 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S76 DENTIST Radibft ( Rdio An welf s spedlaltBlng on the No 17 Radxlu we wish to draw your attention to the Radlola Mo. 16. It is another of the up-to-date, last six months models, s six tu'ie reaelver. Price. Ies Radiotrons I O.YW0 Price. w:th Radlouons . . 1114X1 Price, complete with Radio-lrnis sod 100JI Loudspeaker ins.?3 t. w. rtumtiJU Exclusive Wholseals Dealer for Radklas Otflir 31 NUIh HI. It K4A I'rlnce lliiiert. II.C. SHORT SKIRT REASON FOR EXCITEMENT Victorian Nurse Had to Travel 100 .Miles to Get it Extended TORONTO. Feb. 31. Clsudius Pete re. In the Canadian Magazine, describes the excitement caused by a woman's abort skirt la the days when the Yukon Field Force, rive Victorian Order Nurses. Ml Faith Fen Ion (correspondent for the Toronto Globe) and Mrs. Courtlamit Starncs (wife of Inspector Starriest went! . to IllUUin Til nartu u, k W . ! mm, j. .j oi. J IMIV f I ...... t n Vr .wMBUl l K. " niwici uu IOC niune tUJVT. At Olenora they camped three weeks, waiting for the provisions and ammunition to came up. They were obliged to take literally tons of supplies with them, as Dawson had only a scant store of necessities. "It was while camping that a worrying situation arose causing serious Inconvenience and necessitating much planning a situation which, from our modem point of view, sounds very rcsed about ih: that he -appealed to amusing. The seven ladies of thelMrs cUarnes lor help and advice He party had naturally provided themselves with thick boot and short skirts for the dltflcult march they knew lay ahead or them. These reaobed modestly to the tops of their boots. One lady, however. mere daring perhaps than the others had shortened hers until It hung just i below the knee. Colonel Evans was so ' . J NOTICE. I Re-Certiflcate of TiU. No 2004 1 to Lot, five (t) and sla (0) Block nineteen: 4 MOl Its k ffawtlrttl - stier ! tm. Si ! Re-Certlflcate of Title No 38011 to Lots seventeen ( 17) and eighteen (li). Block twenty-six (Ml. Section, six (61. Be-CtrUflcate of Title No M03 1 to Lot nineteen (19). Block ten (10). Section seven (71. Re-Certlflcate of Title No. 344? I to Lots i forty-three (43). forty-Jour (441 and forty-fire 46l. Block twenty-seven (37). Section eight (I). City of Prince Rupert. Map 933. I Whereas proof of Ices of the above uertmcatea of Title issued In the name, of Ira B. Mehoo. has been filed in this; ifflee. notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month 'rem the date of the first publication I hereof IsMte a provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of each of the said lost Certificates, unless m the meantime valid "hiection as to any be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 3rd Januray. 1933. H P MarLBOD. 83 Registrar of Titles. ! Three :: Big i largains We Have Jut deceived Five Hundred Dozen II.C. FHBSII FIRSTS EtJOS Every Egg guaranteed We have discontinued handling the Pullet Eggs for a while and will give you the larger size at the same price or cheaper. We have been selling these for 50c per dotcn. The price for this week n dozen for .S1.UT CALIFORNIA PHUXES 600 pounds to sell, medium size, and the very best quality. Per lb 10 Or 25 lb. in the box for S'i.20 TOMATOES B.C. Fuck in the large tin. C ting for 12 Una for 24 tins (1 cane) for .... MOT, We try to give you the let prvice in the city and our price are more reasonable B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Fhonex 45 and ."iTl City Meat Market (selvk; ijuos.) Third Ave. Fhone 705 KJOT 1 ISK (JHONSAKEK CJBTOST NOKKELOST FETMYSOST I'KIMUIsA (JAMMKLOST FISKEllOLLEIt FLATliROD MULTER O.S.V. lt kl. varer. Ilillise printer. Ilurtijf ombringelse. r best Colds Need Direct Treatment It is an obstinate cold indeed that can resist the direct double action of Vicks. Rubbed Qn the chest, it acts 2 ways at once: (1) Direct to air passages with its healing vapors released by body heat ; (2) Direct, like a poultice, it "draws out" the soreness. ways at once wy v a- r- w r j e Ore & Million Jars UsuYEMtr wid that so fhort a skirt was out of tive question. Eventually he spoke very tron;;ly cn the cub.'ect to the maiden herself she wjs quite willing to comply with his request but pointed out the difficulty of so doing at Olenora. here the uon-existenoe of any sort of material made this accomplishment practically Impassible. Colonel Evans. In exasferattan. suggested she might put a frill of sacking around t'.ie bottom. It ?L7JZrr " nn"T "nged for her to go fu he Vl hundred It nsfnawet vnlUa miles to Pert . flaUi Wranael. bum i.d this and had her skirt lengthened.' INDIAN MISSIONS ON THIS COASr SUBJECT Very Intemitlag Aearrm Clhreti HnptM Churrb FtrroMe Cleb i. M. hII.mwi A very Interesting address on "Tn-Miaaions on the Pacific Coast" was given before the Plrealdc Club of Pint Baptist Church at Its ""g iaat night. The speaker dealt largely with the life of his father, the late Archdeacon W. H. Colllaon. and kept his hesrers in rap: attention. There was an unusually large attendance at the meeting, other Items on the program including vocal duets by Km. f'orthover and Mrs. atastin. atlas Hc- Rae and Miss Terrien and Mlaa C. Muxuillcm aud Mrs. Price. Rev. w. F. Price acting aa accompanist. Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Walker. The meeting was presided over by R. W. Howard, president of the Club. jSTRANGLER LEWIS WON CHAMPIONSHIP IN WRESTLING MATCH ST lOtna. Fb 31 Ed "Strangler" Iewja wr, undisputed poesesslon of the world's chsmp:onah!p wrestling crown last right when he defeated Joe S tec her In finish match Lewis won two fulls and Ste-her one This Week's Specials Swift's Back Iiaeon, plain or pea-mealcd; taking the whole side or half, per lb. '. .'t'c Milk, any brand, dozen . . . $1.10 Per case Flour, any brand, 49 lb. sack $2AM 24 lb. ack JjSUK Rubin Hood China Oats, 2 pkg-a. -r Fresh Ground Coffee, :J lbs. 1'hie Is the finext blend of coffee for the money! Order 3 lbs. today. Fine Ontario Checat, 2 lbs. (15? Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs tlftf Nabob Jelly Powder, doc. . . 7i( Heinz Tomato Soup, snail, 2 tins tmt Medium, 2 tins . . .' iVtt Wt lch x Grape Jam, I lb. tin rf 2 lb. tin l.-f C. Si B. Sockeye Salmon in 1 lb. tin. Siiecial, 2 for (Kir Holland Herring, per keg $iJTM Nedwefian Norae Crown Fat Herri ngo in tomato sauce, per tin (C Norse Crown Fresh Mackerel, tin ttOf Norse Crown Souned Mackerel, tin ;j0r? Norse Crown Kippered Herring. Un Saanich Clams, Una ...... :t5c I.arjre Oranirei, dozen I0 k ."(( Banana, " lb ,"0f Alberta Market V. CAMl'LA. Proprietor I if(h StretL Phone 208 THE DAILX HEWS Tuesday, F. MISSING FLYER FORMERLY HERE Flight erjrennt N. C. Terry Wan Identified With Fisheries Patrol at Prince Kupert a Few Years Ago Plight 8erpanEt N. C Terry, one oi he government aviators who was reported In yesterday's despatches to be missing with one of the planes . f th. Hudson Bay rurvcy de-.i liment. it ma., be remembered was in Prince Rupert for a ocuple cf seasons .i few ytw vo with the R.C.AJ. f:.-.!.ci) patrol detachment. He was entMd ci as a mechanic atthe tuna. Hv Id rxivmport m "other mechanic who was here with the fisheries patrol s"tl who Is now also also at Hudson Bar immigraSwill be investigated at ottawa OTTAWA. Feb. Jl. Premier Mackenzie King's motion for investigation by the committee on agriculture and colonisation paired the Hciio if Commons withjut discussion yev.eruay. SEPPALLA WINNER QOEBECjJOG DERBY QUSBfiC. Feb. 31. Leonhnrd SeppaUa of Nome won the second day's heat in the Quebec deg derby, going 41 mtles in a hours 40 minutes Earl Brydges was second and St. Ooddard third. J Market Prices Prices currant are' as follows: LAKU Pure 3bc Com pound He B.C. Presh pullets 40c B.C. fresh firsts 4&r B.C. Fresh, extraa soc Local new hud 56c tIMI anoked Upficrs. lb I6c Kliajwred Mlaaon. lb. ate emokad Mack end. lb 30c Plnnan haddlea. Ik. 3ac HK.tT Fowl. No. 1. lb Sac and 40e Wooeting aaieken. lb. tie Ham. sled. first grade SOc Ham. whale, first grade 3Sc picnic, lb 33 Cottage rolls, lb jg'Qanic. imported, per lb. 4r atioM toe SOc to 6t Pork, ary salt Mc CaUfomla celery, head 10c is Ue Ayvehlre bacon. In. se , wpmach, local, lb 3e Veal, shoulder 36c JB4J. Cabbage, lb. ee Veal. Ma 4se Cooking onions. lb. for 34c Veai. leg ger j Turnips. 0 lbs for Me Pork, shoulder 30c j per eeck a-00 Pork, lorn Aitc i Brussels Sprouts, per lb 30s Fork, leg tie Hothouse Rhubarb, lb Me Beef, pot roast 16c to Mc j f KUIT Beef, belling ljc to iicOrcej. Valencia, dozen... 40c to 6140 Beef, steak SOc to 46ei Len,on- Buaklst. doawn aOc and 00c Beef, roast, prune rib ,. Imperial Valley Orapelrult. . . a (or 30" gOc - Mutton, tag 40r leg tOci8 aapes. lb 30c Uutton. chops 40c Mutton shoulder Me iin r.n BtooUleM. Shamrock and Woodland lb B.C.D.. lb Capitol. 2nd grade, lb. 4Se Praeer Valley, lb Uc New Zealand, in bulk lll.M'Jrlll.i'l'l'llIII'lli! Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Slilh Ave. SAVE THE COPPEKS Sugar, Granulated. 10 lbs. . . 721 i Milk, any brand, per Un Teav Malkln s Best. Blue Ribbon. or Nabob, lb 70f Bulk Tea Excellent quality, ier 10 1 . . . . r!t Coffee Great West, Malkin's Best, Nabob, lb Itfie Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. Creamery Butter, per lb. I8r-I0f 3 Ids. in one block $1.25 Salt Pork, per lb Bacon, Swift's Premium, back, special per lb V-tf Picnic Hanw, per lb 'ZZt-'Mf Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 dot. SI. IN VEGETAIILE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Tumi 1 10 lb. Potatoes (Aahcroft) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. for Tomatoes, large Una, 8 for . . 95? Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for H5f Cunned Fruits, aaaorted, 3 for K( Soap. Fels Naptha. per bar . . 80 Royal Crown Soap, per carton i'C Freah line Green Vegetables every boat at attractive prices I KESII MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDAIRE She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mat. A. Kiehl, Bnrttall, Baak vrrltet: "I waj troubled with very severe headaches, and sometimes I could not do my work. "One day a friend told rae about B iavnsnBaaaBcasaaaaaaaasBaasn and adviscj me to girt it a trial. I decided to do so, and after taking a few bottles I found it had done m a world of good, and I haven t had aay headaches for a long time now." Manufactured only by The T. IQlbura Co, Limited. Toronto. Oat. prinU SOc Alberta Creamery 43c ClllXttE Camembert cheese. 8 on. pkg Sic Kraft Umberger. Vi'a Me Ontario solids tte New Zealand solids 30c SUlton. lb 40o &ralt 4Jo urwegtau float ele lapolami Uintterger 70c (toquclort 71s Swifts' Brookflekt lb 41 Ooigoaaota. lb. 74. KcUiu i Omasa, r . . Sc and Dee Brookftetd Bwaw cheese. lb. peg. . Brookfield Oanadian chesoe. y, lb. pkg c Oruyere 4K Oolden Loaf. lb. 4. Jack, lb ftk- Romano Santo, lb. Tw. Oamaaelust. lb. 30t BtllAR Whit, per 100 TJ Yellow, per 100 H-7 1UI1U Plour. 40 s. No. l hard wheat it.1t Pastry flour. 10s One Pastry flour, 4Ta MJC t KOb'TAULLS Beau, ft lb. foe 3tr Beeu. sack t.T Carrou. new. g lbs. for 30e Carroti. Back IMO PoUtoe. 0 lbs Me ck at Parsley, bunch 10e Caulinower. B.C.. bead 40e Calif ornu lettuce lr Spanlah onions, per lb 10c lw. bunch lgc ' , norioa grapwruit. each 10c Bananas. 3 lb Mr ! trneted honey, lb. 30s Data, bulk. 3 lbs. for Me Halstns. bulk, per lb lie Sweet Potatoes. 3 lbs. for Me Calltornla layer figs, par brick SOc 'California Dainty Dates, package .. 36c pttaenbarga. r grade J0 nocj U7I Ultra fancy HM Bcaac Beauties, fancy ag Js Batra fancy Mat Yellow new tons "C" grade S3 JO M-T6 Ratra fancy 440 Wlneaaps. "C" grade MJ0 uJ M.76 BJrtra Pancy HM Havel oranges 40 to I law DUIID KKt'ITS Uaaoa and orange peel SOc Citron peal &oc Black cooking figs. 3 lb Ms White figa. 3 lb Ms lOirranU. a Me ZLk- as . tfte prunes. 00-100. 4-ib. Mc box 1 J6 vo. lb ise Prunes. 30-40 jje 40-60. 3 lbs age 36 lb. boa t.1t g vapors led pears, halves, lb 36c u id box aa .10 svjn Almonds, shelled Valencies Mc Brastls ggr WalnuU. broken shelled 60c Waluuu. shelled halves eoe Almonds Peanuts jo HueouMtn walnuts . jge (.siiioruis walnut , 4 No. 1 mixed nuts die mew filberts 3 mu . ': v 100 fee. woes 1. no. s ttl ggjo OaU ...... onorvs . . m x am r awrafl-.,o - a w it nrmr na 340 amnf a.?6 Poultry maah , agjo Special eggmaah ag.eo oter sheH I3J0 Scratch food ggjo. Beef scrap Ground oil cake g4jg Baby chick feed ,44 nne oat chops . . tti Crushed oata , 3A6 Pine barley chop ggoo Whole ;orn $9.30 WESTHOLME THEATRI TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. TOM TYLElT "The Cowboy Musketeer" FHANCES DAUB, JIM LONDON, DAVID Dt NIlA!' , ;;n , DAItltB and others COMEDY "SHAMROCK A1.I.K1 MIODfiE FODGE" "A SCENIC TilEASl Kl Admission Canadian National Steamships Co. L nl j Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating (t.T.P. 20.000 Tn Floating Dry ) ..(, KnuiiiecrH, Machinists, ItollermakerM, iltacksmiil ci makers. Founder, Wnbd worker v. I -i. ELECTRIC AND ACOTVLENE WKI.IiIM. ucanaoian PACinc Our plant lo equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KetrMkeo. Wraegetl. Jaewaa sad fcaca-4fnu!ir ' l.r, t Te taaeouver. Vlrlerla and Seattle february I. IV and ." PKIMCMH ItCATHII'E. M H.leesle. hm Urlla IMfes. Oeeae PalK Narna Alert IU) Camt4rll Ktvrr. aad taaruater etrry Ssterdat. II a m tmry fW all Mramsaip Usn lull lafrstn - W C. OltrHKI leaeeal stent Oriter ef 4lh Street and Irl Ateoue, PrhMw Rspeft. tlx. f ' UNION STEAMSHIPS. L'MITEDU (tsHlurs IriMB rvtae HoprtV IW VAXroi'VEIC VICTOIUA. Ilutrdale. Alert IU. ete.. Tui- I Hf VANCUl Vnt. VICTOKIA, Sweukoa y. Alert lsa. el ajn. lor PORT SIMPSON. NAAM I1IU K POINTS, ALICE ARM. M'A HTMTAIIT. Wales Istsad. laaln S pjn. 131 viKl ene K M M.TII gfflt Prlace Hise" ' Tbraugh Ikkrts auM te Vlrlesla and eealtle. and baggv '"i'i tUrMigh to desllBallea. SAILINI3S TO EDROl'li: MAKE RKSE8VAT1Q?S NOW FROM SAINT JOHN ' To llellat. UterpHol Mar 3 ntoutclare Mar. 1$ Montcalm Mar. 60 alcmtrlsre Apl. 13 Montcalm To (Itsegow, Llverpawl Mar. Montrose Mar. 33 Mlnnedoaa Mar. 3S Mellta Apl. Montrose X To aiaagow only Te ('lierbwerg-asMttaMMisra-.tnlaerti Mar. I Montnalrn Mar. 16 Melsssmi Mm. S3 sUrloch Apl. 6 Montnalm f sa en As as m j. j. PORSTEB. n 4 J.S. 1.3. Oiasrsl Oeasrsl Pssr. Pssr. AcsM, AfiM. JU p. uveer.a. Ststloa, gyvsViMM, Vsaeesver f r9BujW. fjj W TtkshoiM TtkshoiM J 'racked eon .. HJC iae ooraanoal MJ0 (IKVTLHsttN HAT Hill IT A negro was charged with chicken, stealing. He was st the court early, and before the case was called the Judge saw him and asked his name. "Ma name's Johnslng. ya' Monah," ssld the negro "ie you the defendant In Vols caseT" 1 asked the Judge. I "No. aah." replied the negro. "Ise I ot u Iswyer to do ma defending Ise in :w and M AMI THE IL S. M ' v ' LTD. Rain Coats of quality. M dleberg in Man ' land. In Sil4v.-and in plaasinK 1 $11.50 and $12.50 H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd- Phone 9 Tliird Avenue iiml u,,,,n Better Than Mining Stocks Shrewd mvesu r Properties In Prin' 1 prices are low. We rsconuntncl i'" 1 , , Lat 38. SIj 5. Be, -' ip Lot 31. Block 18. ' Lot 13. Block 37. b Lot 48. Block 1. tv Lot 17. Block 3. if' ' Lot K. Block 29 H-Lot 1713. OCk 1 ;- ' ' ",tl " ti:kms n Purther pur' WALKER'S a m m. f - Miiftir M')