ui rv 21. 1H2H Our Cleaning Prices On and after Kefo. lat, 192K mn steamed and pressed ..S3. 7.V Sui cleaned" and pressed $2.00 roa' ;ind vest y Jjil.115 '',lU-el'M . . .': 1t I , ,,,1-1 i s, whlt; $1,KI h, n".itM, steamed and pn-eu 7."C ovi 'i-roatH, cleaned and pre- $1.7.-1 Tivi'.-h Overcoats . . $2.0 Kin.-nalM Kli.OO r'ancv Vests ..... t. .. . .-()( ;V Suits ... . . $1.00 , '. as vsirU 7Sf M .:..- UTif 1.-f - I C(i;it C Poneer Laundry (1021) Ltd. Phone 118 I'rinre Ru'iert of tlic New Chevrolet ' ! ' .wry ChaHi.s .Stwt.oo I '"ii Truck ChassiH JjN00.(M i $HOM.OO r Delivery JjtKO.H.OO i' JjWOH.OO .soai.oo $:u .no :.!! sioao.oo :.' $10:10.00 i l andau $1080.00 Humper and Rear '' 'te standard equip-"it all rasrienirer Wheels SUnd.ird nt on Imperial and ' ' only. "(7n other fr'O OO extra. Tire and Tube, x'ra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 Trappers! i KettiiiK enough for ' '' If not, come to m .1 tint now we want tnarten, ermine, coy-M. foxes of all kinds, i lit. ' '';ivi large orders from '" tiirera in the F.aat, : vc cannot fill them we " lonus. We pay top '"r everythlnR. 1 "i have a larjre lot. ' '"' and I shall call "-illy. Remember, if you ' ' -"luare deal sell to Coldbl oom The Trappers' Friend." Sond Avenue OI K GREAT CLOSING out SALE of (irirm? AN nOYS' 'OTIIINO ANI) FURNISH- IKV,$ , still on Montreal Importers Thinl A. J- . Miller, Proprietor ATHLETES WON i ON DAYLIGHT ! SAVING PLAN i . , Toronto I'uta Clocks Forward an j Hour at End of April TORONTO. Feb. ai.-"Twnty thlU ... , ,ru Ulal tle aate(j of d,iy.- ving r lejt the Mmr u,t year. He thought the city would he well advised" t0 ,t tlut way There were no deputation, apparently, from certain mother, of the city: who may rot hove known the- value of such de-nioi.airatlons. Several alderm... tei,i , ..liiititly to put in warm protest. ! c;ity fathers, who are alao proud father, of families, unburdened their i mjuj to th council and told of the dlf ....Liu,, wu passed April 39 "pte ruber 33. Aid. svummervtlle said: "I am the father of children mlno tot school and I thinir ih.i h .... . " vr" 5" J Kol"K a little too far.! I Mi.mk that If it went to the people to! e' an expression of opinion from the mc:ht rs or im. rttv vnn ,... 1 CRIBBAGE LEAGUE Oraage leading In One (tame Prince Rupert Crlbbage League ulu last nlKht were as follows: Sin ol Canada 17. C. N. h:cu e TAME W. L. )i inw Lorue 6 1 C N Operating ... t N. a Em pre Hotel . S S- St Andrew'). 4 g Cold Stcrage 4 Prime Hupert Hotel 4 t Canadian Irgion . . . 4 Sons uf Cunada S 4 Knights ol Columbus 3 4 C N Mechnnlra .... 3 S Moose 3 5 jarotto 1 6 Postponed gsme will be played on February 33. at New 1 (K ol C. v PR Hotel) NOTICE. The Least Excitement Made Her Heart Palpitate and Flutter Mrs. Ambrose Oner, EJinbur, Oni, writes: "I suffered for some time, with a bad heart which teemed" "to be controlled by my nerves. The leant Jilt) excitement would cause it to flut ter ana palpitate, and at timea I would "& bad spell. I suffered in way for tome time- when, one day, period But all this wu of no mt.ii th. ' finally iinany SEES DEATH IN j j x.iv. ...in kiimk 1 daylmh: saving would be cut down very considerably. It should be from the ,' l'jlbillly """die of atay to the last week In September. Another thing, let me tell ju the men an construction work cannot work at an early hour owing to the dew on the roofs." Aid. Pearee: "I think that we are a little previous with this darltaht savin It is my impression owing to the ssrloOs an that t Half Itr adding : Ki'lghts ol Columbus vs. Prince Ru rrt Hotel postponed. Orotto B. c N Operating IS. advertised, o decided to try them. i DM only taken a few boxes when I noticed that I felt better, so I continued taking them and in a abort time my heart felt entirely different. ' Pries 80e. a box at all dragging and '"my they bad In gettln- tla h7.-. "Z'W1" " PRIZE FIGHTS Thai Kir IHMinr.1 Squire May Come Hack as leader WASHINGTON DC. fb. St. PriM-flghU have taken a heavy toll of lives In recent yean, the Methodist Board of Temperance. Prohibition " and PuMIc Morals declares. st that it has on school children " anlt- ,pot,lng th """ ot it should not be started before the' th KlurKl cttrlt- " to I.Ht of June, when you consider at that ! " the sport of boxlnc with 1 """pwldrt glo- but th oomro"'-(xamiiwtlons time the children are preparing for their " elalusad greed of the profeaslotua fight industry, ine boord assert. It listed lITty-nlne deaths of ftghteta stnee 1904. but decJarsd the total was Incomplete "probably not more than one-fifth nt tH mimftuir tMiHUatuwl - I 'If price fighting were. In fact', a I sport' and were conducted according to re-'the principles of apommanahlp. them ; would probably be some deaths which . would be essentially acoidoatal. anal per-! haps uinc of tbe fatalities listed oeeur-i red in boxing content which were pro- St Andrew's 11. New Impress Hotel perly conducted Cta Siorute 11. Orange Lodge IS Mr.osr 16 Canadian Legion 11 The list as in out he tfcw kneed showed seven deaths the result of nrlie flehta lut m.r li far laaa four Mechanics ' each for 1023 and 1834, and seven for ; 1S3S. WALKING FROM : U.S. TO PARIS t 'Plana of Ala4ichue(t Man to co hy Way of Bering Strait Thrugh Husitia SALEM. Mosa.. Veb. 31 Owen C. Bast- D",n LO preaa Hotel i After a couple of praettoe Jaunta from I Salem to San Pranotsoo. Bast man yearn- ad for new worMs to canquer. Bo he i conceived the Mesa of walking to Parts. TAKX MOT1CK that aa appllcatMB i in spile of Use fact that about Jjoeo alii be made to the Parliament of Oaa-1 il i. wataw samara-- nua rales Pranoe awe and an sda at the neat session thereof tor an , . act. I afsssarhusetu. l' Por the incorporation of a coenpaay I gtman plana to avoM that obettrle to be known as The Alberta. Peace River , .. 1 W',' .kln o nt,r m. imiMir tx and Pacific Railway Company, or auoh T1 f!L otlier name aa may be alven. to con- way of Canada. Alaska. Siberia. BuhU, .trurt and operate a railway aa follows: I Poland. CMraaany and Belgium but the isi Commencing at a point at or near; "Em - aur hette we-a So ttiat "l " the the City of Lethbrtdge: thence in a Weaterly direction to a point at cr ; mute Bistman plans to follow. He has near the Town of MrLeod. thence j wt out Kcra Canada bound for Cape Westerly and Northerly in a direction . the and 1 OI w.. Wales, at u we ti. tip Of r Ala-. parallel to Calgary Enerally cLeort Branch of the Canadian Pact-1 At this particular point these la a flc Railway to s point at or near the mi , the road that would daunt City ol Calgary; thence Northerly nd ... -i,..i .. fc 1 Channel swlmwiee. Its and Edmonton even an Bngtlah West of the Calgary railway to a point at cr near La combs: I called Bering Strait, aaat a) H ajatlea thence Northerly to a point at or near I the City of Bdmonton. . ' I astwsn ,hoowa , all mtmt aDOwt ui thaa, tuas. now i hi Prom a ooint st or near the City ,' of lemon ton by tbe most seat. He eapacu ta-iVBOb W . T Z TxuTTIUtt at that urn m year and Its with the Wapiti River at or near equivalent in Saberla, on the ether silk RSTm V'proft, of A?r.t!0 the Strait, and Baetman aiawcu that thence South Weaterly through the Bering Strait will be froaen over so he Moukman Pass to a point ' w : waUt ,cro. Alera Uke on the Canadian National bould land him In the ol British I w - " Railway to tile I'rovmce Columbia ; Onion of SoclallaUc Soviet Republics, id l Prom a point at or near Orande rorlnrrl, n0wn as Russia, by which tawe 'ar"po!nt' .ror" ZZWwZ bu pedm.. if It Un't b-n. rtiould and Irani a point at or near Pouce ahuw a reading of MOO SaUes or more. Coupe in a North Westerly direction Tnen wlll comu more thousands of " eral South Westerly and Weaterly dl- reaches of Siberia. Kuropsaa Russia. Po-rectlon and North Woterly by the rf Belgium, "" ' the Pine most feasible route through pS. tH point si or near the Town , Then Pari.. of Stewart In the Province of Brltlah Bstinan has not decided whether he'll Columbia st the head ol Portland ! fd" Prom a point at or near Hudson's un rroaalna Peace River In a gen- , -, ,m , j jgy raT -asterly directum to point at n or near WhlUlaw; thenoe in a nor- therty direction to a point ; ' . OT WAV 1 V-OV 1 Vermilion and thence Northerly II Fort the K " iimi'ian am izl iu..fi. 1.1 i ne rlaht bank of ?,",EXt T' Vanderhoof Hockey Club I Provliii"' of Alberta elected officer for the year at follows: The aald railways being declared to' 1(lrnt r.k; vlce-prealdent. ' ennrtriict wharves, dix it and hotel ana , B. smith. Tha president ana vice- oVn and operate veaU nd land to 'f 'Ji president were chosen as the repre-irges .on.teregranh utlves on ,, -jwcutlv. oommltte to own i charges aage ol tne puunw. Mn...i.. rouir ..Srgy aud & djjj ipcee of tin "Sirplus from and collect Office ; ,, AlberU, Canada. of the . Vanderhoof .,.,... Athletic a.w,. Asaoclattoa. i Or. W. Rots Stone. Cecil Steele and Mr. Park were sleeted a oomiiilttire authorire Company to th. akyng. Iurs of a respect of t aiu i . ; Mcurltles in c b uni,"l "srtv ThSussiid H40.ooo.00, 'under ten years of age will be mounum section , . dmonton, in th?ApT.n',eA ggrtf. - 0f ''"".ffinedV J BTBWABT CLARK. '"on behalf of the Applicants. Hwv'e Bury, C-o Swing. THB DAItiY NZTfJ den on the Ice alter nine o'clock with the exception of Friday and Saturday nights. The first annual chrnlval at Dunts Lake last week of the Omlneca Bkl dub waa a htige success with many visitors and f-'.r. In the arl- ii" ,i,:,H Iii tlM' or.iat-oauntrysrKJW-'shoe raee, K. Merrill was the wlnnei 1 . by a fifth-of-.i-Htvond over V. Sthel-'damp. Knute Nyvaen won the clu'.i- I "B" ski jump and Pete Sandiies. the sablbltlon ski Jump. Other prlar-wtn-ncrs included I. Pdaland, I. Skurlin I. Haakon Maydal. V. Bchelikrup, Oke atanyer. T. Julseth. Buddy Brunnell Itanny Trouadeil. John Oerow. Maynard Nourae. Andrew liQajghaed. Walter snllh, Maw Gertrude Wahmau. Mrs KtUUaen M Godwin. 1 ;u Borll. Mrs Sattsrstrooa, O. Uoaa, aflat Mae McDonnel was quceo of the carnleak A Bill la to be tutcoduced during tne present session of toe British Parliament to legaUae the Totalis. tor on race courses. It will not be a Government measure and the Government wlll be hound by the declaltm of the Ileus at CoiHaiona. Tbe Totallaator tBW lNid i laStBBBdSelaV.aaii ieapeai mm airy as it rigid collection of than la now possible. wouw iaaa w the CM CMMi- ttola week. They purpose enteriug the tiafalai taduitry. NEWFOUNDLAND ELECTION SOONi ST. JOHNS Nflu . Fsij. Jl -At the pre-scnt m. men l the polltlcul situation In Newfoundland la irom eeveral points of vl-w acmewhat uncenaln. The life of the prewul government of whioti lion. W. S. Mu-iroe li the leader ends In July, snd the ft rrt question Is whether an election wlll toe held In tlie spring i . in tbe .iiitumn. The general cousen-M of oplnl.'n favors the latter, which i. not only a more favorable time of the year for runvawitng but entails leas dislocation In trade and business activi ties. . . ?A . i. upwn'vmfe-.li elections ac uity of the ". . I'. . . . --VIT . ... a more iwmmeni to noiu a s awon oi tne betting tax House under present circumstances. jiClected In 1H34 with a majority of eleven. I Since then two by-electlona were won Olof Jensen. Forger Stockae. Hanslbv the oppnsltion led by A. K. Hlck-Diisch and Osrar Cartacm are the latest man. and by dismissals or secession, the Immigrants from Norway to rrnrh strength of the party haa been furthn Prince Rupert, having arrived from (he, reduced, the presont atandlng being Oovernment 18; opposition IT. wbleb leaves the former a hi re lead ot on with tlie Speaker The Prime Minister Is tut disposed to open the House without some understanding on the part of the uppviltlon that the work of tne lesslon will not be unduly held up Such an arrangement I not Improbable In view of th genera) desire to avoid a spring election. The situation Is further pusnllng be- cause at present it la uncertain what j parties wlll take the field. Mr. Mon-roe has Intimated that be desires to retire from public life, and whether tbe Conservative party wHI remain Intact under a new leader or disband Is impossible to say. In some quarters it la rumored that Sir John Bennett, th Colonial Secretary, may take command. The opposition constats of a faction which regards A. E. Hickman a leader. Another taction, the Plahennen's Protective Union, supports Sir W. P. Ooaker. -It la generally reported that Sir Richard Squires, who waa premier from 1919 to 1993, and retired from public life following the enquiry into the affair of hat admlatatration in 1911 by T. HotlU Walker, Intend again to make a bid for office, and already there I' considerable activity In his organisation. Poas-ly there may be a theee-cor-aewd fight, tout as there la no marked distinct ton between on party and an ;:-7',--; 1 PAGE FTTH 7. as Paris expresses them for Spring 1928 presented in new sizes in Suits to fit .WOMEN AND MISSES A new chapter in the history of Fashion was begun when wc opened our new store on Third Avenue less than a year ago. It was more than new. It was revolutionary. No one else was doing it. .Rut it had to he done because you wanted it because you demanded THE SAME CHOICE OF CURRENT STYLES THAT ANY SMART WOMEN ENJOYS IN THE SIZE TO FIT YQU. , ,. s-svsawa sawadaawmssi aawawaaw Bwaawssa awa aaaM saawaaWBBaawsBaWwsBSa To give the needed ease at arms, bust and hips, and to give the style unchanged meant thought, required special organisation. "Why go to all that bother" was and is the attitude of most fashion shops. Why, indeed! Except as a greater service to you. Richmond's Louvre decided to give that Rrcatcr service. Created the organisation to give it.. Planned the hew store, with adequate space and a modern environment, for the proper showing of Youthful Styles in a definitely new range of sizes, originated by us, misses plus sizes 16 plus to 30 plus (to fit 31 to 18 bust). MILLINERY FOR LADIES We have a few original models in Mil linery, also a few very good copies. Ladies' Spring Coats and Dresses Wc have these to suit every pocket. Do not think that because wc have an up-to-date modern store that our . prices are necessarily higher than you want to pay. Just drop in and sec the variety of our stock there will be something to suit you both in price and quality. And if youvire looking for something new in styles and materials, wc have it! ii iMchmoncrs Louvre other, the i lianoea Krem to be that u re-shuttle wlll take place and two new parties wlll take the field Ten Years Ago in Prlnco Rupert BaUaH.,-. . - - 'If - tK IKIIHI AKY 11. HUH. The OTP. Steamship Co. will es-tatllih an operating office at Prince Rupert . lu charge of Reginald Beau-tnent with the title of assistant man-Ager, it Is announced by Capt. C. H. Nicholson. Orsve fears are entertained for tbe safety wf tamav Piawav sussanis oatoer an. the 8Wkis River, svho has ttotbeen seen sJhcf'MfMlitr 9s whaii he left Boundary raft IB a- small boat tsr wrangall enapute to Prince Rupert Where he had been, ordered to report (or duty. P. O Dawson returned to the city Istt evening on the Prince Rupert from a rip south, being accompanied by hi parent. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Dwao, who will uke up rstdnos nets.