tt SI THE DAILY NEWS jXge two , ift- eri. gy ;-Tt - I News and Views In I he World of Spor JUNIOR SOCCER COAST LEAGUE 1 GAM DRAW, FINE SERIES High School and Horden Street Sacramento Won Against San Played to 1 all Score on Sat- j Francisco Seals In Saturday's ;iniav Aaiernoon. :..u -j n.j o..t ei,i, SACRAMENTO, Oct. 8.sacra- no.f SmnrtKwaitp. for Hiffh. fwdu. i -- - , . ; had a oortry ut his shot went a little too high. Borden for' wards now got away and Naka- moto had a try but shot past. Plav went to Borden's goal and . l-j ; 4i k., RADIO IS mento Senators defeated ban aftcr Francisco Seals five to one in the football game on Saturday ' of three series iwh eh first a game noon to a one all draw. Iligbt School won the tiss and will determine their right to play decided to play against the hffi the Seals for the league pennant. HITh nressed when' If Sacramento wins this series WieknV centered and Bacon shot , the two teams will play a seven came series for the championship. the Seals having won the first half of a split season. The teams finished the second half tied. smurmwu.te u - " unsuccessful. Scott shot hard ZTsL was true but Vaccher topped and e " " wrfi saved High a corner. Hardy called upon to , cleared for Borden and the Bor- which he d'd shots PS'J den forwards got away but Styles s-wirft. own line- 'ts- 8of ' and Smith soon became trTngly' and clearing his .Jong very very Bl"'' "u ! dangerous and in the scrimmage fn,,j, goal well. Bhn .f now "Sjin front of High School's goal SdKdS-TSi'siSa PenaUy kick was awarded Bor-ana ronK, .. deh. Vaccher made no mistake STnTSri WuSSS!" h.,d w. the net .I,-no d "de Wick. M hi. for-Smith . . l-c ai a n on ii Q 1 TLd9 hard shot wPt ;beStf;h8whoTgalnl to Stinech who again F-m the , kickoff High pressed saved Borden at the expense oi ii, ,i .... lL. 'score, but Borden backs and n corner. iv Bacon pwceu i me - . , , . a corner , , , h d!ha ves worked hard and safely Zr over ZX me ua. .a"d iSlftad- . . thd, . . rL amj Smurlh.,.. ajned a or had to wotk naru ior - . - , , nr. Morri- . if corner. Borden cleared. t r m.wh.a ,'71 le sounds Z S Wicks drove dn tried a nice but fruitless dJf & y the uau anu J fIcult ghot from clo6e ln. Two of the net putting nign corner nw- Kt for Hiith followed but school one goal ahead. Second econa Half turn corners the Borden defence was on the . . . checked theJr men well High pressed for the urst mree ;p , 80unded leaving the minutes and the Borden forwards got away and Kanaya shot but Smith easilly saved. High again pressed and Stinech har to save a .hard drive from Wicks. Fong, Alolfiimntnn and' Kmfth combined UI1U HUtUjt UI'IUI'I . uiK well for a nice run but Stiles. mof0 oto, Wilson WRson and and Kanaga Kanaga. . i i jfH i i ana iyie were aie anu ki High towards Borden goal. Pyle had a try but shot shot into into Stinech's Mtnecnsip arms game drawn, one goal each. Teams Borden Stinech; Fisher and Vaccher: Katsmyama, Gurvich and Hardy; Smith, Fong, Naka- Hiirh' Smith: Styles and Pyle; Morrison. Scott and Forbes, Wfck . -!ta Carr and Ilish School forwards tested Stin(:h with many shots; c'ampbel, was refe'ree but all were saved. Another ; Tiirp run hv the Borden forwards wanlful n thp TTkrli irnalkeener i Knrman 1 Freeman sailed last being tested twice. High soon night on, the Prince George for . . . t 1 111. Tui.M brought the piay arouna uor-, ancouver ana eauie on nuei-den's L'oal and Bacon. Styles and national Fisheries Commission Morrison each had tries but were business. 1 tftffiREAftvl Radio Batteries they last longer It Yourself, Too! You Can See Why a Layerbilt Lasts Longer We would htrilf tdvlie yo to tr p new Eerti4r Liycrbilt to fin out why it littt lonter bt elter jroo Dtvt Wuifta one oi tnf iiiurm, yvu 11 ifuu YouTl te kow tolld with current-nuUef ettmeott It w ind bow cvtnly the wide altttf ol cttbo and line wore ewer, tivine the lt bit of tnergr bcfoie yoyr Liyetbilt ftnelly ii4 off." V on 11 mtrvel it Ue r lmproraent ortr the old aI i..ttri with tklr raunil ctU conitniction and we know that you'll be itUfid that the lone life and economy of your LayerbUt wat not Jut a lutky accidtnt or a myelery, but e certainty ol tone eervlce end economy baaed on etltotiSc conatractlon, wh ch you can count upoa with every Evircaily LayirbUt B Battery. Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited Calcanr Montreal Vancouver lu,lu'1lu Winnipeg Owning Evtri4iy D til try ililicn CKb'C, Ttronlo I i BETTER WW 6ATTW POMQ, SCOTIA'S SONS PERFORMED FEATS OF STRENGTH: J. Anderson hurling the heavy hammer at the 57th annual gathering for the Highland games amid the pines and mountains, attended by the cream of Scotland's aristocracy Third Game Of World Series Won by New York Gehrig is Yankee Hero, Hitting Two Homers and Bringing in Iluth in the Second: Zachary Pitched Good Game St. LOUIS, October 8. Two home runs by Gehrig with three costly errors by the Cardinals played an important part in the Yankees' third straight victory in the world series yesterday 7 to" 3. A Record crowd for Sportsmen's Park witnessed the contest, there being 30.GQ2 paid admissions. Tom Zachary, the Yankee veteran, pitched a good game while Jess JIains for: St. Louis was relieved in thejveHb by Johnson w.ui gave way to Rhem in the eighth for a pinch batter. The results were : New York 7 runs, 7 hits, 2 errors. . , St Louis 3 runs, 9 hits, 3 errors. St. Louis drew first blood scor ning when Durst reached second base after Hafey dropped his long j hitters in the closing session but the veteran pitcher proved invln cible. SACRAMENTO WINS SERIES Will Now Hnvq to Play Seven i II may ' . g -vv t J SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8. Sacramento won the second half of the Coast League split season "deciding season. I ! by defeating San Francisco Seals, the winners of the first half flea-son ten to seven in the second, ..stragiht victory of a three-game. SPORT CHAT ing two runs in the first inning! when High and Frisch singled and - The past season is the eleventh scored on Bottomley's drive over that Babe Ruth has finished Dursts' head. Gehrig counted for either in a tie or in full possess-the Yankees in the second with a ion of Rig League home run hon-homer into right field. In the ors. Following is a comparison fourth Ruth drove out a long of Ruth's totals with those of single to right and romped homj his main rivals since 1918. when Gehrig landed a second 1918 Ruth i 1 ; Walker, Athlet- homer. ics, 11. j St. Louis evened up matters In 1010 Ruth 29; Cra- ih, Phil-i fifth when Douthit, the first man, lies, 12. was hit by a pitched ball and 1920 Ruth "!; Sisler Browns, scored on High's double to the 19. right and there the Cardinal's j 1921 Ruth 59; K. Williams, scoring ended. 'Browns and Hob Meusel 24. In the sixth Koenig singled; 1922 Ruth M; Hornsjy, Car bui was forced by Ruth. Gehrig 'dinals, 42; Ken Williams, Browns walked and was forced at second 39, by Meusel. Frisch threw wildly j 1028 Ruth 41; Cy Williams, to first endeavoring to make a'piinjies 4!. double play. Bottomley retrieved 1924 Ruth 45; Hornsbj, Car- and threw wild to Wilson who dinau 30; Bob Meusel 33. dropped the ball and Babe was! 10IC Ruth 47; Wilson, Cubs, safe, Meusel going to third arid, 31 ; (Joslln, Senators and Ken Wil- scoring on a double steal. La- Kama, Browns 17. zeri was passed and scored on 1927 Ruth 00 Gehrig 46. Robinson's single. 1928 Rth 54; Wilson, Cbs, and The Yankees scored their :R0ttom!ey, Cardinals, 31. seventh tally in the seventh ln Tom Loughran is going to make his march to the throne vacated fly. A sharp single Dy "" :by Gene Tunney as pleasant and chased Durst across the plate. ; . . nrt,.iM indirinir bv the ine uarainais usea two pincn nunfv f hnvll h Dlckin 0ut M w v J " - as victims. Last Monday night he polished off Jack Gross of New Jersey in a 10-round bout in the National League baseball park In Philadelphia, his home town, and claimed a step toward the title thereby. Outside of the fact that this Gross, whoever he is, outweighed Tommy by something like 18 pounds, the brnwl was not impressive. There Is a chance, of course, that Gross be a good fighter, but It ,1 ..m thnt If he were the Raj? iys Colds TWO rntiH without" dosing Just rub on VapoRub r.i-Mai.ismHai arnsaiii.iAirf-i.iiiai f- POSTl'liNl'D RECAUSB RAIN AT ST. LOIRS f ST. LOUIS, Oct. 8. The World Series game scheduled fnr trwl.MV llltWffIl St. LMUiB Cardinals and New York Yankees was postponed on account of rain. This would , have been the fourth ganw of the series. If the Yankees" win the next game they are the world champtona for the season. SCHEDULE FOR PRINCE RUPERT Canadian Lesion v. Iooe. 16 New aXmprea Athletic Club n. Can. Nat. Operating. Kaglef vi. Mooee. KnlffhU of Columbus va. Cold Storaj Orotto va. Canadian Lesion. Loyal Orante Lodge vs. Native Bona of Canada. 22 Loyal Orange Lodge va. Mooae. Native Bona of Canada va. Baste. New Kmureat A.C. va. Cold Storage Can. Nat. Operating Columbu. Orotto va. Can. Nat. Mechanic. Knight of Columbua va. Native Son of Canada. Canadian Legion va. Oaa. Nat. Operating. j NOVKMllKII , 5 Can. Nat. Operating: vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Can Nat. MechaalM vs. Baglea. ! M e va K.iigbts of Columaua. Cold Storage vs. Orotto. Canadian Legion va. Loyal Orange I Lodge. I Nat. e Bona of CVanaela va. New Bm- jjrear, A.C. ' 13 Lcyel Orange Lodge va. Can. Nat ! Operating. j Prinze Rupert Hotel vs. Bsglea. 1 Can. Nat. Mechanics vs. Moose. Native Bona of Canada vs. Cold Storage. Orotto n. Knights of Columbus. Canadian Legion va. New Kmpreae A.C JOE BAVLEY SUES FOR RECOVERY OF MONEY AT WAGER C0LW00D RACES VICTORIA, (Jet. 8. Claiming $407.75 and co.hU, Joseph llayiey, tobacconist, who resides at the Westholme Ho-el, has issued a writ in the county court here through his solicitor, William C. Moresby, K.C., against the Col-wood Park Racing Association. The plaintiff, Bayley, claims that on August 11, 1928, he wns at the clubhouse at the Colwood race meeting, and he legally d-posited or placed with the dt-fendant, its agent or servant, the sum of $10, which sum was wagered at the then prevailing odds upon the horse Culiacan in the seventh race at the Colwood track on that day. It is alleged by the plaintiff in the writ that the horse Culiacan won the seventh race, and the odds payable on such wager made the sum of 181.56 for every $2.00. Plaintiff contends that the amount, owing him by the defendant was and is $407.75, which gum the defendant has failed and refuses to pay plaintiff. type to test a candidate for the heavyweight championship or the world, the news of his ability would leak out somehow. In these dsys of artistic ballyhooing even the mediocre and worse righters get a certain arrount -f blah spilled around to boost their stock, if uiiy, but Gns hasn't raifeeil u peep Hi tar. J. II. Carson, on Saturday night. ' it was reported that the Maple ! Leaf' ladies' team was willing to I be broken un in order that a , distribution of players mitfht be made with a view tn forming three team league. Following this UP- U Wns decided to delegate mim TP1 PI TP iRlK I rAU r a'! Smith wm Mittn-" ,,nd Villi LtlilWJUU, DoUgjBg Friizell to each line up . ia team from the talent available.' onoitcn ; Further steps toward the organ-1 8 Loyal O inge Lodge va. Cold Slormfo. (jation of a Jnior League were New Kmpreae AMUtic Club w. Saal Jeft with Gilchrist, the pros-fSZXS -Pt being that there will be a ' -coiiunbiM. I team each from Booth nem- Cn. Ht. Mechanic v. Nstiw Sons of 0rial, Borden Street and KinK Canada. Itiirh HfhooU. , ewvt i' uii u m n " Decision as to the hall to be used for the nlnying of this' Prince Rupert Hotel v. Can. Nat. Me-, wjnter's games was left over to chanlca. !.nntkr avr.uiv mcetinir which will be held tonight. Of the three halls offering, Exhibition Hall. Auditorium and Grand Terminal Club, the last-mentioned is understood to be favored. A committee has also been va. Knisnu of namej to dnw up the schedule of games for the season. Canadian Legion va. Prince Rupert, HoUl. I ' , . as Loyal Orange Ledge va. Prince Rupert , This afternoon S train, due hotel. ' from the East at 3.10, was report- New Cmpraea A.C. va. Can. Nat. Me- this mornfnK to le n time. c ban! ci. ' . Cold Storage va. Baglea. j - Orotto va. Mooae. j -Monday, October 8, i- GETTING READY SCHEDULE FOR FOR BASKETiiALLi LADIES' Will Kxwutlve Meeting DaU With Matter of Ladles' and Junior I-eague Organization. Pour Teams to lny port In (iopd Rats Cafe Vol! u wins 1 the setuon'i ki Further progress is being made udhVi- section oi u,t r. t: . in thn iiriranisation of Ladies' tt!id !sguc. jiiiw to be pjoj-n Junior bi.skfetball leagues f'r competition this winter. At an executive meeting of the Prince Ruuert Basketball Association in the office of the president. Dr. 'lr-.t. f...-J iBO WW TU'.:I:.; montt l -i "Qooa Sate" (XTOItrK 16 Can.i'lian National Ijui.f Otirft'a Ladlei. M ..; Led.ea vb. Oranyr I : St. Uoorge a Lad lea va M . Oi'.. 'M iad:s ts. cnad .i Rational Ladiw. Mil KMISKIC 9 MWwe Ladle v Canadim. CnnB Lad er va. 8i Oe r, J) -4t. Oe r , Laditu va ' tunal Ladm Otmntc Ladiee vn Moom I DMBMKHtt 4. Ladles va St. O , Canadian National Ladir. Ladies B- Oaa ad lan National LadM Ladles. St Oas, as LAdkM va. Orm. 4 tM IIY I-: IS -Canadian National Ludw-CJorge'a Ladles. Muote Ladles vs Orange I IS- St. Oeorge'i Liee vs M . Orange Ladle vs. Oanadim. Ladies IKIIIil (KV S- Mooae Ladle va. Oanadian Ladtea O ranee Ladlea vr St. CK-on IS- at. Clejrre Latflsa v National Ladie Orange Lulls vs Moose 1. MK('II 5- - Moose Ladle vs m. Or Canadian Nstlonsl Ladle Lad lei IB- -Canadian National Ladi" Ladlea 1 St. Oeorge'a Udiea V Or..: T I Smooth , I wonderid ' Um I moodiness anil I Mi satisfaction of l$l I BrilisItConsols j