Specials! Specials! Ovaltine, regular $1.50, now $1.25 Ovaltine, regular 90c, now 75c Minty's Shaving Cream, regular 35c, now 25c We have just received another shipment of Vacuum Bottles, settling at 50c Qrmes td. yfte Pioneer Drugrints 'I MUD AVE. & SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,20O Mens Underwear Special ,V;it ion'n Medium Weight Winter Combinations and 2-piece style. Extra special value. iinbinationS $SJ,li5 l irt and Drawers. 2 pieces for )jilM!." ' nnian'A Mercury Boys' Combinations, knee length and short HlevM. A new line for boys. 60 per cent pure wool. Unshrinkable. Sizes 22 to 32. Per garment $1.10 Fraser &c Payn IIcanadianT YACiric Universal Trading Co. e S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 'rd Ave. East. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Kate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent hurgains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired. r, an ad ian National QVie Largcfl Kailway SyJlcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE llhir- from FKINTK KITEKT fr VAMOI VEU. VHTOUIA and SC1TTLK. TIIIKMIAYN ami HUMtAVH, at II p.m. It HTKWAKT, WEIINHMllAY", IB p.m. lur ANYOX 'and KKTflllKAN. "ATI KIUVS. 4 p.in. I r MIIITII and SOt Til l MSN t'llAHUiriK IsUlMM. iWtrritlitij. rAMEMlt:K TWAINS I.KIYE NUMB riUI'EKT inn v Kxrrrr si'Miay ai iijsb.h. fc i-iusrt ocoihik. kdmonton. UlNMrMI, lt plnta IMtrrn rana4. UnltfU fiitlt. (ir.!cv u. im:sa" sitAMsiiii lik. 'ITV TICKRT OmCR. M TIUHI' .. I'HIX 1 HI'fliKT. rhi t B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T" ketc hlkan, Wrangrll. and Sfcay Mrlrtnlr 19. W, Ortsavr l, SO. To Vuiiroiitrr, Vlrlorla, auil Kfaltlr splrmlxHr S3. Orlttker 1, II, SI. rillM KOVAL For llutrdalr, Mt llll. ihtu Nainu. Alrrt IMj. laiiiplx-ll llhr and Vanruuvei rvrr.f Irttlay, IS Ul. Akhh fur all Nlrtinklilp IJnw. Inlorwattaa from W. . OIH'IMHII. Mnifrtl Ajfat. oiiirr or 4lh Htrett and 3rd Afniif. I'tlnr Kiirrt. H- l lmne 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED iMlllim from frliief ltuM-rt. Tr VANfOllVKK. VIClOltlA. tiiMm IUjt, utrdl. Alert llajr, rtc l'-r N(oVvl,K,,''vil'TOItlA. Itulrdale. Alfft lt, rtr.. ITUUy miaallit. lur Al.li'i: AliM, ANVOX. NTKVt AKi. WAI.IiH IM..VSO. I'OKT :;l.irl.N. NAAS UIVi:K, Sunday, S p.m. . , ..... las nd Avrnn. ft. M. SMITH. Al-nu I'rlnif Kl'ft;l.t. Tliroujh tlrktla fold u VUlorU and valtlf. and lwwff inMvoo tliruuxii to dntlnatlun City Meat Market (SK1.V1G BROS.) Jrd Avenue ,,hone 765 MKAT. FISH. VF.G UTAH LBS and ALL KINDS OF "NOUWKGIAN PROIllfCK" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! All articles, are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. 77:1 p.. Denttft. Dri j. R. Bosfe. ''Phone ' ' ' Chiropractor, C. 0. -McKay, I'hone 184. tf To-night tournament o'clock. 8. Bridge and Whist in Elks' Home. 6 Arrived today, 1000 tons best domestic Nunalmo Wellington Lump Coal. Place your order now. Albert & McCaffery. tf Mrs. J. A. Brown and Miss Ada Brown, mother and sister of Mrs. 11. 1). Rochester, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon' train from Port Essington for a brief visit. A. R. Holtby, superintendent of the C.N.R. Bridge and Building department, returned to the city mine, and Mrs. Taylor arrived in the city on the train yesterday afternoon frost Satfthers and re-tsnrned to the interior this morn ing. Union freighter Chilliwack. Cant. W. W. Mounce, arrived from Vancouver at 10 o'clock last night' north this afternoon. Misa Frixfeil's machine was considerably damaged but no one was hurt. Emit M. Urell, who has been ensnged during the summer in buying cured salmon from Skeena canneries, arrived in the city on Hill GO Chapter Hallowe'en October 27. Commencing Thursday, October k 4, a weekly dance will be held In the Boat on" Hall. Best of music. Q Ull 12. Prince Rnpert Girls' Drill team dance, October 12. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall. October 19, St. Andrew's Concert, October Catholic Bataar, Oetober 24, 2f. Pretsbytorlan -Bazaar, November MfMsse'Batnar.' November 8, 9. Baptist Anniversary Supper, November 15. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 22. Tuxls and Trail Rangers Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov. 22 and 23. Ulrla' Drill Team dance. iuc service 01 me Aweru pro- Harry Scott, who is in charge ivincial police. f the National Airplane Lmber Co.'s logging--operations at Big Miss S. Campbell, R.N., of Van-fall Creek, arrived in the city on!couv" a passenger aboard yesterday afternoon's train from I the latala Iat night bound for the Ecstall River. Port Simpson where she will Frank II. Taylor, managing di rector of the Topley-Ittch.fi eld join the hospital nursing staff. Word has been received at Salvation Army headquarters of the death of Lieut-Col. B ram well Taylor, field secretary with head quarters at Winnipeg. He hac! planned to come here. Mrs. F. J. ( rosaland of Van couver was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bourt gineer. Motor dnven by II. car. j Annual meeting of the Prince collided nf about Z , o 9 oWock&rturea J r KuPft Peers' Club will be held ii iK in urar inv iiiifvvwvrvii ui Third Avenue and Fulton Street. tober 8. at 8.ft0 p.m. Members and all others interested please attend. Dance to follow meeting. Music by Smnuile's orchestra. Saturday afternoon's train from ' father, whu-h ' V I n . ,1 pl 'i Balmoral ami sailed last night on Jcai'' the Prince George for bla home ' in Astoria, Oregon, where he will apend tWe winter. Donald and Roderick MacRae will arrive in the city on the Catala tomorrow morning from Anyox to attend the funeral of their the late William iace on Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson last night ou the Prince , George for Vancouver, accom- A. J. Campbell formerly sup- tho Sw,llh cosui.gen- erintdBt of Prince Rupert city era, for Canada, Magnus Clare-schoola, and Mrs. Canpbell and hom of Montranl. who has been family are now in residence at a ?Uit to thjs dUtricL Kamloons from which ioJnt Mr. Campbell conducts his datlea as .... , school ursrtor for the Cariboo - ;di.triee to wfateh post he was re- . . m(Mltn cently anpointen oy me uepar- c.t. stsamer Prin- ment of falucaHon. Mn is hm o Wed. ' nesday morninstHjouml for Skag- Iway and is senalyled to call ...... . JMsin next Sunday afVrnoon A.NiuuM,ri.Mr,.ia T southbound. .. A .f A 't- Bridge ana vvnlst Monaay eve-i nings lilka Home. MISS MIDDLETON IS MARRIED VANCOUVER The marriage was solemniser by the Reverend John Croftoi Mitten, rector of St. Peter'. Church, Vancouver, on Septembe 29. of Hilda, daughter of the laU Captain Kmpson Edward Middle ton and Mrs. Empson Edwar. Middleton of Montague House Folkestone. Kngjand, and grand daughter of the late Boswell Mid dleton, advocate-general of Jamia ea, and James, youngest son of the late Reverend James Boyd M.A., of York. England. The announcement will be of Interest to many locally as Mis Middleton is the sister of Mrs John S. Wilson of this city ,ne has been a frequent visitor it: Prince Rupert. BKIDGP. TOURNAMENT lOCdj stud Per sooa. ews The Canadian Legion Exetttivif J and Monthly meetings, scheduled for this week have been jwstpuned until next. ! Have you arranged to go to the Cir!' Drill Team dance, Mooae Hall Friday, Oct. 12? If not do it now. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bazett-Jones sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver and other (points in the south on a holiday trip. "Dad" Self, father of Ben Self, has been a patient in the Prince Rupert (iernnil Hospital for the past two or three weeks. Charles Steven.-, formerly inden- on Saturday afternoon's train tlf,ef' w,tn tn'' dominion Fish from a brief trip to the interior er'e8 offices lu re, is now located on official duties. in Kdmonton uhei .... v... ;: : I . An invitation is extended to you by the Elks' to join their Bridge and Whist tournament to night at 8 o'clock. In 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Muxir by A I. Novelties by Wall, J Fve days more! Ileal music and Tell her hy moonlight at the u" galore aTlhT'L'frfe'1 Drill TeamancePdav-Qct. 12, at K. jfc Allen, district foreatr. sailed last night on the Prince George for Ocean Falls on official business. Provincial Constable and Mrs. G. A. Wyman returned to Huz- k;lton by this morning's train after spending the week-end in the city. Chief Officer Malcolmson from Union steamer Carnosun, whit h in tried up for the winter, has now joined the steamer Catala similar capacity. in a Fred Olserc, logger from the J, i K. Morgan eamp near Butertule, was brought to the city down the 'oast on the Catala last evening ior treatment in the Prince Uu-j.ert General hospital. He in ured his leg m an accident at The Prince Rupert Ministerial Association met this morning tnd iiwussed matters concerning the! church and the welfare of the community. There were present! Reverends Frfcell, chairman, Wil-i son, secretary; Price, Hansen and j Miss Elliott, United Charch dea-t coness. ! The following were among! those who sent flowers to thej Osborne funeral Saturday: Inter-j national Pnfon Steam Engineers ; Prince Rupert, Nursing Staff1 Genera Hospital, Imperial Oil staff. Dry Dock, Mr. and Mrs. J. i J. Little. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gorden. i and discharging a rensignment of for Stewart where she will join 'Mr. and Mr. A. Agomaez. Mr expionves si me lumuer as-,her husband who is at that camp aembly wharf before proceeding 'fa his capacity as a mining en and Mrs. JaYvis McLeod, and W. L. Gordon, Terrace, B. C. Union steamer Catala, Capt. E. A. Dickson arrived in port at 5.45 j boat evening from the south and i sailed at 8 p. m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points of call whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 3 p.m. for Vancouver and way-points. Passengers aboard the Catala included: Mrs. Schiller. H. Clark, L. Macharg, Mr. Paton, Mr. Stratford, Mr. anc. itrt. Taylor, Mrs. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Prevost, T. Stewart. D. Archie. Mrs. Thomson, J. llenrrckn, H. Willan, Matt Punntervon and A. R. Miller, for Prince Rupert; A. E. Kerr, P .B. Paterson. P. O'Neitl, Mrs. K. Blakeley and D. Boyd, for Anyox; Mrs. F. J. Crosaland, M. P. McCaffery, C. S. Williams, Mrs. G. Crighton and D. Keelan, for Stewart; Miss S. Campbell, Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Joe Wright and Mra. S. Ijawson, for Port Simpson, and W. G. McMor-ris, for Alice Arm. TOO LATti TO CLASSIFY FOR RKNT Furnuished, steam heated roam in private residence, elose in. Phone Blue 506. 1 ' 237 ol Brief Si ul i ii i ii i ii V7 jt9 99 $m can nwmmom ZACOoci attacked to every paefpgt ( KILLS FLIES MOSQUITOES BED BUGS AKTS ROACHES MOTHS mm Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert ; SHIPYARD Operatlnr. li.T.l'. 20.000 Ton Floating l)rj- Dock Kn-iJneerK, Machinists. Bol!tfrmakers. BIsckMrnilho. Pattern makers. Fouiiders, Woodworker Etc BI RCTltir AND AfETYLENE WCLMING. Our plant is equipped' to handle alt kind? of MARINE AND (jjtIMEItCIAL WORK. V PHONES 43 and -385 qsw A REAL SNAP FOR TUESDAY ONLY liik and Woo! French Twil PLAIN AND SMALL CHECKS IN LOVELY SHADES OF ROSE, BLUE, fiUEEN, PiVW, MAUVE, &c. MAKE A CHIC DRESS Per yard $1 rift r s ' u.