MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stoek Exchange. We aiito have facilities for accepting Wheat order? on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY B RCH JACKPkNE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Loao ..rG Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN , Pembina Peerless Egg 312.00 Pembinn Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Soot less Large Egg 512.50 Alberto Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $1.1.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde ' ransfcr AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. Strictly Up-to-Date i Novelty Dress Goods Preach Flannel Pslrct Twills Fancy Wool Crepe All Wool Faille Chlffwn Velvet Printed Georgette Etc, Etc "le Nobby" COAL Your choice EDSON CASS1DY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Alxo Rulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh PasU-urUcd Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. in Rich esired Woman With THE COLLEGIANS, COMEDY "WIFE TROUBLES." FOX NEWS. Admission 10c and 35c. H.S. Wallace Co.Ltd. Dr. Denton's Sleeping Suits will kelp- your little ones warm and free from chills. Sizes 2 to 7 years. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 8 LAST CALL FOR PRESERVING AND PICKLING We believe the season is nearly over, get your requirements now. Concord Grapes, per basket JWf Tokay Grapes, per pound 25 Prunes, per crate .. $1.10 Peaches, per Crate .. $1.7." Preserving Pears, 3 lbs. for 23r Pickling Cucumbers, 3 lbs. for ZZt Pickling Onion, 3 lbs. foi 23 Green Tomatoes, 4 lbs. for ; 2f Green Peppers, per pound x 200 Vinegar, Malt or White, per gallon ODj Vinegar, Malt or White, per quart 25? Crab Apples, 4 lbs. for 2? All other varieties of Green and Fresh Vegetables at Reduced Prices Real Money Savers MusdNm Gncerv CO. LTD. Photies IS and 84 NO BETTER 1 f is obtainable than the varieties we handle. We have made exhaustive tests of them all and the pick of the lot are the coals we recommend to you. TEST OUR SERVICE NOW before the cold weather catches you unprepared. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 The StQU-McGrackcn .Arctic Expedition party,1 wh'Jclv has bccH spending the surtyper engaged in historic reeoarcb u exploration work off the north' v coasts of America and Asia, is expected to reach Prince Rupert bv tomorrow. !althourh reports as tp tlje exact time of arrival orthfe schooner Effie M. Morrissey, which has the expedition on board, were rather indefinite this morning. Local amateur radio station 5GT, which has maintained communication with the expedition during the entire time it has been in the north, was talking with the Morrissey at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and the schooner was at that time 120 miles away and making rather slow progress in an unfavorable wind. The expectation is that the vessel will not arrive here before this evening at the earliest E. II. Stoll and Harold Mc-Cracken, co-leaders, and other members of the expedition wUl remain in the city for a few days before proceeding to New York and have accepted an invitation to address a joint dinner by the Women's Canadian Club and the Prince Rupert Board of Trade. The schooner Morrissey will proceed from here via the Fanama Canal to her home port at St. iohn's Newfoundland. Man in the Moon One way to stop fighting is to keep away from one another. If men did net have wives they would find Borne other way of .-ttij.g nil of their money. The Board of Trade last week ov.bwU its constitution to make nap resolutions illegal and then romptly passed one. That il-uatrates the general rule that jvvs are made to be broken. There is a growing conviction that all politics are wicked ex- ept on one's own side. 'REMIBRtlS GUEST OF PREMIER BALDWIN LONDON, Oct. 8. Premier Inck'jnzio King of Canada arrlv d from the continent Saturday "nd yesterday motored to the Chequers where he is the guest of Premier Baldwin. mm" r rn , if. M .ii n r kjh "Huiia nc." In Cooking or Baking rvatmMirrft In whatever you are cooking or baking, use Pacific Milk wherever the recipe calls for milk. Take half the amount of Pacific Milk called for and add an equal part of water. Where the recipe calls for cream, use Pacific Milk without water. Women, chefs, cooks hundreds have written to us and told us how good in cooking and baking Pacific Milk actually is. PACIFIC MILK 1'Stlorlra at AtibotsforU and Ladntr. IIC. "lluUd nx." GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT nAiici: or aim-i-icatios riu ueeu Matter rs Hbbsbv ottos tut 'oH ihe.K Woreaibfe.rWas. tto W-drrlfrnd lntndi to apply to th Liquor Control Baard tor a lloenoe In rpect of pranlaea bclnc part of the building nown aa Quean1 Howl. Maaaett. Graham Uland. altuate at Maatt. Graham Iv land, Upon the landa deacrlbrd a lot . 5. Btook No 14. Subdivision of Lot 7. Queen Charlotte blajxla. Plan No. 948. i, TviMrtiBi trinM nunwt Land Hi-el-trailon Dl.strict. In the Prpylnce of Brltlah Columbia, for the aale of beer the kI:im or by the open oowie jot HATED till 1M dav of Octofeat, 1028. 25! 10117 IT. R 8INOEH. j Death at ..9.45 Saturday tfM coming as' ,the cuimlnanpvidj a twomonths' Jllness in the Prince Rupert General Hospital from which it had been realized tot for some time that he had no hope of recovery removed William MacW of 230 Eighth Avenue West", one of Prince Rupert's real early pioneers and a generally esteemed and respected citizen, ue nan loiiowen me shoemaking business here for over twenty years and was widely known. Born in.' Sutherlandshire, Scotland, G8 years ago, the late Mr. MacRae came to Canada in 1905 and for a couple of years worked on the double-tracking of the Canadian Pacific Railway near Kenora, Ontario. He landed here in 1907 when Prince Rupert con sisted merely of a few shacks and tents around old Rupert Road and was engaged from that time until his last illness in the shoe making business. Deceased's family followed him here two years after his arrival. Besides his widow, the late Mr. MacRae leaves to mourn his loss a family of five sons John, Al-lister, Alex, Donald and Roderick. The two last mentioned have 'been called home to attend thf funeral of their father which will be conducted by the B. C. Undertakers. ' The family wil. receive general sympathy in Jt-bereavement. The late Mr. MacRae was t member of the Loyal Orange Lodge and the Prince Rupert Pioneers' Association. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR LEAVEc Rev. J. R. Frizell Resigning Frow Prince Rupert After Two Years ot Service Here Rev. J. R. Frizell, at services in First Presbyterian Church yesterday, read formal correspondence from the Presbytery of New Westminster j In connection with his recently Submitted resignation as pastor of. the church. Mr. Frizell is planning on leaving Prince Rupert in the near futur. it'ter nearly two years of useful service here. There was a congregationa meeting last week to deal witi ..he matter of Mr. Friiell's ffilNCE RUIEaTHAD MORE FOREST FIRES IN 1928 THAN 192? Prince Rupert forestry distrki this year had 143 forest fire this year as compared with 93 ii 1027. The most fires of the year were in the southern in terior district where there wer 53G as compared with 576 la- year. The Kamloops district ha the least fires this year, 98 a-against 70 in 1927. Prince Georgi district had 1G2 fires as com pared jvith last year's 120. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. 'rYe Specialize In Piano and Knrnfturf Mnving Dr. Alexander I'llOXC S75 III.SSKH IJI.OCK DENTIST Bible Societl)ufif yf.fW'88 -ftrved in local churches yesterday when due mention was made t the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Rev. Dr. Ogdun of Winnipeg, (aming to the city especially for the occasion, was heard in the morning at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral and in the evening at First Church. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUK SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine - Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 REDS Transfer Fifteen yearn' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CHMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAV & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone; 201. Night Phone: Red 317. I i t&M W?, Monday, Oriob,,, g PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS BIBLE SUNDAY MARKED The breakfast any one. can expedition is EARLY PIONEER IN CHURCHES OF CITY w eslholme Theatre DUE TOMORROW PASSES AWAY Rev. Dr. Ogden of Winnipeg Morning at Cathedral Preaches in MONDAY and TUESDAY, at 7 and 9 p.m. StolI-McCracken Parly Aboard William MacRne, Who Succumbed nnd in Evening at . Schooner Morrissey, is Saturday Night, had Resided Haptist Church r T Approaching this Port. In City Since 1907 rene WW Bill wn&m I Ready to eat no preparation necessary Just warm In the oven for crispness, and ' add either hot or cold milk. Sold by every grocer. A healthful between meal wafer TRISCUIT Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" IV ippers TUB UAINT1KST UREAKF AST VOiiO:' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli Phone 615. ot. Prlnrr Rupert. B.C FOR FELTS There U nothing more comfortable during th e : damp Jays and evenings than to slip on a roy pair of i J' Slippers. We have jtMt received twr Pall shipment on -. of Gentlemen's, Indies', Iky' and Girls' Slippers in nume oua styles and colors, rcaaWMtMy priced to suit every , ranging Childrcn'tt Hot end up Udies' $i.O( to Sit.Z't Gentlemen's $1.30 to JABOUR BROS. LTD. 7th St. and ;d Av The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. (( , AN the News of the florth, coast and country, from our - M.spccial correspondents, as ull as wtljjd events will keep ypu well posted at minimum cost. ' Send the postal order today while you still think of it!