: ' ~ i. i. > | ‘ es < ‘ 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Report From... oe ee . * lena vk a eee Saturday, December 27, 1952 ain a 9. recently rej soni inininatsihnaaiia cialis adiaiiovsiio ee, | Y : f an independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbutiding of Prince Rupert ar. lamen f ee Years’ servicg, He es and Northe and Central British Columbia, mates that his rounds Memb fc 1 Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations ‘ : h — Canadian Salts Newspaper Association By GEORGE M. MURRAY, M.P., Cariboo bin over Ore thag Published by The Prince Rupert Datly News Limitea = ; miles of London's Street, 4 J. F. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President The Peace River country was’ The Hon. Mr. Prudham in nis | commended by the af a sepceenamaciengcamniclniont very prominently before Parlia- address had referred to this new | COMMisaioner for jy. aeell By carrier—Fer week, 25¢; per month $3.0; per year, $10.00 BR Rega ment when the member for Peace highway as being something that | €¢ Técord . By mail—Per montt per r, $8.00 eee River, Solon Low, made a rather the Liberals could be very proud | tthe ¥ é@uthorized as ““cond class by e Post OMce Department, Ottawa. vigorous attack upon the Hon. of. Mr, Low In replying to Mr | - ; 7 * George Prudham of Edmonten, Prudham ‘page 762 in Hunsard) | , Minister of Mines and Teehnical said, "He told some very inter- > t Peace Gesture Made c Surveys, over a speech delivered esting things about the Peace | by Mr. Prudham some days be- River country. I do not now 2 eS ails ‘ ort why but he got mixed up with S expressed willingness to enter discus- me Pp TALIN “pee ed ¥ | nee Mr. Low chided the Minister British Columbia bullding a litle u sion for ending the Korean war could, if fol- » with the fact that, although a connecting highway from very | } sd un. bec a memorable Christmas present Pacific Coast rail outiet for the near the Alberta border tO Prince | : lowed up, become a memorabi¢ AYISUMAS | Peace River country has been George ‘ rs = for-the entire world inder diseussién for more than| 1 think it was misrepresenting era rhs). 4 reap: + officially on the field a generation, the people are stil! | the facts to give the House and , & While the U.S.S.R. is not officiay on the fel ompelied to éhfy their stuff an/the pablic the impression that) 4s af combat. the Russians no longer make an serious uiditional $60 ‘miley east and this Was 4 “little connecting ; s ’ ' . »: A Pail NE a he ait AA : south to Edmonten on the way!) highway” It was one of the attempt to deny that they are actively supporting n the Winnipeg Free Pr CP PHOTO to Pacific Coast ports major engineering projects of) Ww ¥ bh ‘ aa rey + . . us , sare lied ,, eneration, Regardless; of what yeu Haven't done he mmunist forees thou 1eir help there 1s ’ i ‘i Mr. Low fevitws¢” staturents aly : tne. Commut oe W nem Sneer ~ } Cree hat had "beth mail by various Mr. Low may say about it, 1 is oars ee nine on no dotibt the ['nited Nations’ common enemy would | INDER Ol IR RO’ )F political leader's ih Alberta en- & magnificent highway which is winterleing dene te*e h ave folded up many months ago as neither the s e it couraging the people to believe of tremendous value to Albertans " yo ray ” ees > es tiaiuis ; — By JOHN STURDY that a Pacific Coast outlet would as well as residents of the Peace | qj ;. aoe ee North Koreans nor the Red Chinese have any real . ; ~ be built Here are Mr. Low's co . ‘ res, Chains and Anti. i hie} i i] ; : my words from Wansard, wherein River Block of British Columbia freeze? If not wei nt ‘hee »< ‘ rer with ¥ *h ») wage 6 tae » of bm 9? ‘ yr wife h " — ‘ sae oo equipment besides manpower with which t g | W ill get a couple of pillows ,” I said to my wife, y Mr. Low phetiges the Boelal Credit Moreover, it Is a highway of tre-| a War. i“and tie them to my waist and dress up as Santa party to bulld the Pacific Coast mendous military value It gives —SEE— s a ; ; iis : . . : a . + raiij outiet just as soon as they Washington, Oregan and south-_ : Now that all the prospects for a brilliant Claus for the benefit of our young son. fn ‘dian ; . aN ON t i ; I : i _ : - i 3 s . v; more = over the government at oe) British Columbia direct ac- : oo AUTO “\ . Tne nmin Ist 4 a os ie sf ae 2 yn t liatter yourseli mi : aie tg fa: victory fo e Communist cause Nave disappeared, othe a . ten a Hn we / , “ constituency of Peace tm to the areat Alaska Military 3 RVICE LIMITED ‘ . é » ‘ . * ife said u Gon ed = nd neither is it s . y My ryati hy Pare ’ there is nothing in it for the Soviet Union except a >... =o ee Dy, a) ft | River @ deed, aj) Highway a Ave. 'W.. “Phose Gree 9 t 1p Ii . i pillows that the wife of one of them. at pe wer does, in ad, need a rail - hellatiinidamanesttaa costly drain of material, For a country which even A rather uncharitable Tre- the one with the pillows—burst)| outlet to mo on The vast ° ; . a . aawifinos | mark, I must say. It is true that into the living-room in her _ majority “of the people out in normal conditions demands exorbitant sacrifices I have been having trouble with dressing-gown, fire in her eye India and Wise Men there have no confidence what- . disagreeable. Moreover, there is evidence that it has (Somewhat disturbed by the pet out of those clothes! What Ss" ss strated that it just does not go {> ~ _— : He oy . ‘ alesman who told me I couldn’t iy our small son came down- tO VISIt a sprine just out-; around at election time mak- Oo 0 interfered with the Russians’ pretensions as cham- | have pleats. “But I like pleats,” siairs now and saw you? What! ‘ li . : > ay pleats fire. Not that it would bother Mount Bandra I had visions Creek and Dawson Creek ex- worthwhile for Stalin to step into the open 2 Don’t be ridiculous I said ,, s vou! cosittthans " myself clambering up somethin tended to Prince Rupert and re) PHONE: o peacemaker. Yet past Communist pronouncements hotly. “The pants I'm wearing “ she was putting a match to 95 Steep as the Himalayas Al or Vancouver in its first term) © , . eye . a abl thy his have pleats.” the kindling in the fireplace shrine belongs to the branch of office beg to of a similar nature make it understandable why his ‘You meat, they hed pleats.” oven as Sante Claus Mkeffing- of the Christian an a ot her “The Peace me country Is (4 = =| words have met with scepticism. It was by the same jsaid the salesman, eyeing my ton-Smutts and Gnome Augie *®4n mine, so-I played safe and ¢ven now one of the greatest i : ar . . . roe - : ‘ , ¢ , ‘ said “maybe food producing, timber pro- , fficia] channels | *?!** Then he added: “There’s and I beat a hasty retreat. We gps eg ; s A foe . ae O sort of encouragement through unofficial channels |... arguing with yourself. went to the shed gnd got out are a a a ae i © ame Foe tent he £1., ees ans ° me iia is . ' . ai No eats or no pants of our clothes and it vas jus rs if enwick ounce ine areas n j erica anc ve that the surrende» talks started. At that time it ‘sir ( ” ) praia had yo ns cso ine cemeeen shrine alright. There was no 65,000 people up there are er Lo was done by inserting a few come-hither lines in a USED ONE PILLOW ine from the house. Back we mountain ‘even as big as Ham titled to better treatment than {(Q) Cenerations of skilled brewers. both ee : eee i ikeiaick ‘ i eal Well, all right, I may have oa oa rie pet ; jiton’s) to climb—just a Wee Pigs they have had at the hands af at 4 : ‘ ; ae radio broadcast The invitation was snapped UP | well-rounded figure but I'm still san . eg Heron ro up whichh@pr car whizved before a Liberal government here in € " ee one Royean, have elaine uec Wilh m » an y wie * “ * “ hy the Americans who shortly found themselves (no Santa Claus. And despite MY gasping for breath y we knew it | Ottawa. ‘They are carrying a uperiority for the Burten-type als ¥ JB ecg Relves ee : oe : +, | wife's nasty remark, I put two "cio tne matter with But I was glad I went for it’ transportation burden beyond The formula for this carefully brewed floundering around in a trap.of inaction and deceit | piliows—well, one, then—inaide the fireplace!” she choked | @uehmne a lesson. I knew the) ‘ther ‘ability to bear, and cer * ate han teen heniied down ‘ 2 +] nel _ 7a forces in greater {the pants of my Santa Clau oe . : tory of how Indian fishermen, tdinly away beyond what they A ‘ ‘ ae i iy while the enemy massed eA etees 8 Ee suit and I wa | ready fo At that moment our small son had discovered in.thelr nets the! sRould bear . , vou then rece, Sm a treneth than ever Gator. Caitdidins tive appeared in the doorway. “B9¥,}figure, which 36 Tew enshrined cogty BUILD M this modern age has lot mone G aes as eh ee ees inte . to the Christ- 20P'. be, Said to me, “I just saW as Mary the mother of our Lord.| patiway caver 1 of lis magie. The newt A” This time Stalin’s bait—if it is no more than As a cones 1 to the Christ-| santa Claus. The old boy's in.¢ haa been told it was most life. | sie ae ody Fy : 1 mas spirit and a child’s love for \.. 1. tite . . cmt ew om ae Not wishing to interefere in ite thine vou choow an ale- iy that—ic offered through a newspaper correspond- ‘santa Claus, the the guests in | oy; ; be Se ike, But I shan never forget the » discussion betwee , : b : m4 nat—is ofiered tnl nic a Tie pa} : ns ; a. : . ! _ bo a oe a vee What Santa Claus?” I de- shock when I saw—not the brown me a at henge peel ae Se ohne —— and ~ nt which “san ¢ approach to an iss of such oF souk, sae Pee | eaneed aan ineeved meleer while _ 7 ee O lanave roelf its ent, which 1s an dd appro ic a in ssue : uc email sono sleep in bis oun — Pag ge napres o Me vee m nee = frain from arising, following Mr Y ai ranyee for pene ? i 9 magnitude. Although it would be unwise to 1gnore room that night. (Ordinarily He); @resehimney : a ste ve. ta kay picture Duy @ Low's speech, io point out to the Ua timeless qualities. at! . ’ ’ . 1 . see: live ith my wife and me in ~ oT er auliful, very GArK. VYeTY ogee that construction of the a t comnietéiv here is good reason tor sniffing th ff is we ‘ . rae It turned out to be Hamish, of very Indian-locking lady-statue ty ti " ; a ‘ oe , C ed P 1CUClY, the shed, owing to the fact light t tH a stain 1} et Pacific rail outiet could be pro “ . . ‘ourse slis rd aris was a red. and humble around it with caution. The crafty old master of there is no room in the house. Cou*e. A lightly burnt Hamish) I wag ‘@hocked, and hums ceeded with forthwith if the Bo eial Credit governments of Al berta and of British Columbia But on this occasion my wife Santa. Seems like, come Christ- too. For there and all aro ind the intrigue would hardly expect to pull again the trick ad dashes. “aad ts te fire, Mas, everybody under our roof /walls in petures I was eminded th act : . ees : : 1 ; : -or on it—warts to get intoithat no nation, color, tongue or 44 « liv i ¢ huild f slowing WI cht. but there are other place in the shed,” shégapaid - reed. has wnesely oni Let ” — ing dow : the fight, : . 4 ’ angrily. “Either my baby Pe e ae coe has a monopo'y On ing tthe Pacific Coast rail outlet benefits he might hope to derive from the manoeur- up his stocking on the fire é ae Sain ah y. For se — The people of tne Peace River a 5» dawartes ip im- or i burn down the house.” - * Bures shown to represent the cougtry would be more Interested vre. It could simply be that he is trying to put him- ° Ako he G tt early Christians were dark like), docine a direct ¥ ni ; ee mF ged ' “She will, too,” I told Marhish | M ommi ees Gebahi or Nehru o1 ‘Ne Liana | Having a direct rail outiet to self In a good and kindly light. and Little Augie and Col & The trouble is that no matter how sincere a Skeffington-Smutts (Ret) and , t the Pacific than in the fortuties To Be Set U daughter e + s of any party now represented in pa his wife Anastasia. So it was ip the House of Commons. Those of ; . ‘2 1 : j I HAVE often wondered why the es ini } ‘ atly man’s motive might be, if he has previously estab- agreed to let our son occupy his | After Recess heavenly powers sent Jesus. Yael" regretful that ‘the Socks 13 1 : «4s own room, and late that night rin aan 4 oi eres Vt eS lished himself as a scoundrel, the world is likely to S%" (op ous Sturdy erent | the Prince of Peace, to be bOrn Gredi: party has taken over in : od old Santa Claus Sturdy crept orpawa (CP)— Several com- (0M the fringe of the west. Why pritien Cofumbia. But at the li teitpé ee ak icaiiaie ca “ : as es comm tarOutne & - ; tinh Cx i the eee oo Aan An OEM To —* halo ees san a ta oT en mittees of the Commons will be Bot in India, or some other place,', ime time, we have a @reat feri- . ‘ mS | is sack of toys : : a ’ a agen 2 grace is Stalin’s almost hopeless problem. ey established early in the new year|@eeP in Asia? = seriatie tn Of pride and confidence in AN INTRUDER to study various phases of gov- it was ~ orm au an aoe the fact that our party in Brit- I Was pretty annoyed to find ment activities west but from the mystic €a5t ie, Columbia actually earried the that the Wise Men came. The ip, . the sofa beside the fireplace al- One of the first to be estab-) eae, mind finde it Pacific Coast outlet line to Prince : : eastern mind finds it much easier ;, O] TAWA DIARY a bates ready occupied. I was particu- lished after the Cammons re- iam the ae of tne cont a George before its defeat owe larly annoyed because the fig- turns from the Christmas Tecess\nderstand the wonderful works GOVERNMENT WOULD AID > s ee} an 9 , ne 2 a ure sitting there was dressed Jan, }2 will be the defence eX= ge Joos and also what He Completion of the railway, as I The staid but somewhat so-i Down on By Ward Market, a like me, only fatter penditures sommittee taught say, is a matter of interest to all phisticatéd city of Ottawa, few: blocks east of Patliament Go dway, you fake!" I told It will be asked to study in ‘Phe west neglected tire teach- afd I propose before Unis. Par- ‘which hardly raise an eye- Hill, the farmers of the Ottawa this other Santa Clau detail the Currie report ing of the Sermon on the Mount liament is over to have it placed brow at strange oriental garb valley set up their Christmas hp eyes behind the beard George Drew Progressive Con- fr a full 1960 years. But Gandhi © record, that if the govern- or gives a flutter of excitement wares, made seasonal by an = . gave me a piercing look. “May|servative leader, has suggestet demonstrated in ever-widening ments of Alberta 06 ee to a visiting dignitary, has un- abundance of home-made cedar 7 jnquyire” he demanded in a there is no need for the commit- (effectiveness that the political Columbia join forces in building j | *hric ot. irrec pre * : ee : nere & - aa , 6 £ : . . dergone a drastic but seasonal! Chri tmas wreaths. There, the familiar voice “if you hold a tee to inquire into the report of action taught by Jesus was not ® rail line from Prinee George ee Te Ee ree nS from the spraw- union card? I doubt it, On the | ap inquiry, He has proposed that/ Mere plous platitudes but practi- into the Peage River country to ling national defence head-| ther hand. I have long been a nat al down-to-earth marehing meet up wit} (ie Notshern Al- aril ak tdi al a a general independent Iinvesti- sail i . aay quarters building jostied with @ paid-up member of the United caidas fa canter ul all branches /rders for a new type of army berta Railways, the ‘treasury of Commonwealth _ commis- of the deience Gepartment capable of conquering the whole Canada will gi oa subven- sioner in the crowd. ' . Peer Where a week ago it was a bustling business-like national capital in more than a little Santa Clauses of America, Local sere bane seat l . 905 : vf , ly world, by and for peace tion per mile vevery mile of uproar over the startling revel- 205. Gnome he suddenly © Ministe S sth y . elas ations contained in the now-| Out on Ridexa Street, the shouted. “Another egg-nog!” . Aes — . -. Laurent a oe . 2. » new constructic be einicus Carrie vener y crowds milled up and down the Sao ‘es! called*a voieo maleated the government will’ owy IN INDIA I heard more of suggest 4 famous Currie report on Army ° Coming, sire called a voice réject the proposal ' ‘p00 per'mile works services irregularities, it| broad sidewalks, with a Lower from the kitchen, and in a sec- : a radiant legend, which I had ' has now settled down to being Town mother making a wildi ong or two a frightful-looking Another committee -will re- already heard righ) here, about FRNG «| question to just a simple overgrown town/ ash to the five-and-ten for one| gnome appeared, carrying a view Canada’s accomplishments | those Three Wise Men. Per ian ey Who are setting over Christmas and more hank of red ribbon . . ./jarge, steaming mug in, the field of atomic energy . Pg in a a oe L ; mate cost of ready for New Year's while her husband probably was ‘ ‘ Revenue Minister McCz who hoy men o ec ou _ . CAPITAL TOWN , “quiet” beer in surroundings quntaiaan ‘we ag 8 2 publicly-owned CBC, has said he Wise Men applied their great KNOCKS DBA Nearly all backbench mem-| had’ in no way could be describ- gnizing “anid Hees ‘Yo objections on bes powers only to know when and PASS HIGHWAY bers of Parliament and a good ed as quiet. For the men folk, CAN'T STOP HIM tablishment of a radio commit-| Were the babe was to be born There tevomesrenture of Mr many members of the cabinet Ottawa has always been known| The gnome iooked inquiringly | tee this year They say that Our Lord Himself Low's addfras whith will not go) drifted away to their homes for 48 a great beer-drinking town. |at Santa Skeffington-Smuitts " visited Ladakh in those years of over very well with loyal British the holiday, leaving the capital, That special hush that marks; “Oh, well,” said the COMME ke neniiioet a aeaniel aemaicoes which We have no records in the oo eae derisively city to the civil servants. And|the eve of the birthday of the/ “if he wants to play Santa Claus| ty eonsider lengthy cotidens ts Bible. of the Pine? Kway which they were more preoccupied Babe of Bethlehem was broken|I suppose we can’t stop him. the Criminal Code ™ They say that the Wise Men, joins Dawson Creek and Prince with Christmas trees instead of here and there by carollers who| The more the merrier—hah,, ,, : e and others like them, never lost George, and whith was complet- lost markets for timber, with) roamed the streets in Ottawa! hah!” | The committee on railways | touch with the babe they had ed by ‘sis00e a. in 1962 at a) turkeys instead of beef embar-|0n Christmas eve. Friends and) 1 qon’t suppose you have éver and telegraph lines will be re- | found in the inn. cost Of $14,000,000, goes, and with trying to pick | relatives visit€d each other t©\ sampled one of Little Augie's | (nepiaiet > a HRS ANIA gig eM MIEN CH ICME EME MEN E HE ENE MERE INET MENON CEN out the “right” embroidered | exchange gifts. | | egg-nogs. He only makes them | *Cvlew Ot opera ions of the pub- eT eye hanky for Aunt Matilda instead| Essentially, it was a small| at Christmas time, and there js| icly-owned Canadian _ National “ of searching for a new line of| town Christmas in Ottawa. | very little egg to them. They are Railways and Trans-Canada Air | policy to correct some serious er ate : ‘Bb ae \ ) ener conyers nme |mostly nog. It is not surprising, | #Mes- RUPERT RADIO & national or international situa-| ° then, that as dawn approached| Another committee may be es-| i tion. Car Driver |there were two Santa Clauses |tablished to corisider a eomplete | On Sparks Street, which is al- sitting on the sofa, arms en-ifevision Of the health depart- | ways regarded as a better shop- | - | twined, singing Christmas car- ment’s Food and Drug Act, ping district by those who might istracte i appreciates the ever-increasing be classed as the neo-snobbish patronage it has enjoyed in 1952 and extends to all Friends and Customers . en set, there was the occasional) VANCOUVER (P)—Driver of a chauffeur-driven Cadillac park-|car which struck and killed a Personal Income Tax Returns Now | ed outside some high-priced) {5-year-old newspaper carrier * . * * . jewelry or fur establishment. | girl was “distracted” by his girl Adm abl G / qi |; But the majority of Christmas! friend, a coroner’s jury was told " [AXY e m rimina Tha. iS | ' Ji shoppers were hunting for the} William Newton, passenger in OUR BEST WISHES heat aay could get for $7.50— the car, told police in a state- VANCOUVER In a precedent-setting move, the British 4 yas their budgeted price for a par-|ment that the girl was kissing} Cumbia Court of Appeal Friday ruled that personal income |; LUCKY LAGER ticular gift—and reckoning up| the driver and putting her arms| ‘@* returns are admissible as evidence in criminal trials. New Westm ait ScER mentally how many days it| around his neck while they were The question of admissibility was submitted to the court ALSO BREWERS OF LUCKY L” “i she Ui would be before their next pay|en route home from a drinking| Under the Constitutional Questions Act. It arose out of Van- This advertisement is not published or degieviah Columbie cheque was due. party. couver’s bookmaking conspiracy trial earlier this year, | yc Dob De es DDB: DDD De Dey Bi Die Bs Di De Debbie Bide SN mean Control Board ot by the Government of aN ET LAO ITE I<.) SS UNERIETE 50.5 I A Pa = AN i een