Boston Grill j SaveMoney The cheapest way to buy the Daily News la to subscribe by the Large Upstair Dining Hall, year. The cost U 65.00 and your with newly laid dancing copy la delivered to your address floor, for hire each evening. Just figure out the NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. amall coat to you for thli dally PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the service for twelve monthjl least. Phone 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V .1 XVIII., No. 11G. Ay PItlNCE'RUPEKT.'lUL. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 Pric Five Ont T cL w m. ftT . Made Profit of $6,346 in the Year Ending in March Constable Admits Playing Lotteries and Winning $90 on Ten Cent Ticket; Alo he Drank With Chinese r VANCOUVER, May 17. Revealing regular expense Hems of 1 60 monthly from March to September, 1927, increasing for the three ensuing months to $160, the account books of the : i.yrd gambling establishment at 615 Davie Street were presented . the police inquiry Wednesday afternoon. (how Wong Lum, a partner in the establishment, read from 1 1,, books, the records of the incomes, expense and profits from Mun i,. 1927, to March of this year. The total profit for the period "was, he said, $3,846. UriLOtRVlLE, ACT CHANGED .NOMINATIONS IOK ritEVKNTIVE Of n run ami otiiekn-ai'i-ointeu IIV I'OMMlAKlON waa admlnla tared. I or. awa. May 17.- -The ihird reading Constable Duggan. wbo testified Tuea-. u ii by tbe House of Commons 1 day. re-entered tbe witoeaa stand yes- i. v to to tbe tbe Mil Mil which empowera ...i:er of national revenue to l i'v customs appraisers, customs . service officers slid drawback . .iiurs for appointment by tbe - lit commie ion. iiird reading came after a de-. V2 to 76 of the aatenamen'. n Hon. R. B. Brnr.ett. Coaser-,-uut that appointments should i by tbe civU service oommle- ' wss on straight party Haas. FORKE DENIED PERM1TCHARGE Mill lit: II tit NOT MENTIONED Tilt: M IIK HON. J. Mrtil IK.Y TO (OUIMKLL '.''WA Msy 17 Hon Robert .' Mit'd before :! P.irliainrutary of inqulr) yetrrdy alter-,r hsd mentlotied the name of m .ruy in his oonveraation with M J Co: dwell of Begins In vrar. Trie minister said he ' "ldge whatever of Mr. Mc-mt any connection with the - : immigration permits. UNITED CHURCH CONFERENCE rE'-'T Kt I'r KT I.UTTKII niNTI N Nt i; ANII extension II Nil TO IIA1HE "i VBR. May n The British ; oiiferenre of tbe UnlMI , -ned in Si Andrew's Church Retiring president Rev. I. preached the conference et of British Columbia maintenance and ei ' 'iw totalling aeaoM " "x irom tbe Prtnoe HOMER FOR COBB IN BASEBALL YESTERDAY n Aflir Their Mtlh Mrelght Vk-" Tmiuj Agalna IMrult ' W Toiut. May 17 With three In-in their looker Philadelphia K tne mad chase alter tne and concentrating their 1 ' : i remalnlne within striking I'titii nett Thursday 'hen they ' h tew oefeaU into the Man-M.mlera. liA'd HnT Is iMnnmlnff nn mean ' They are after their sixth '"y in today's game against Ot a homer for Philadelphia ONTARIO BOY WINNER J ORATORICAL CONTEST ' MISS MATTISON 2ND TORONTO, May I7.-Willlam Pox r Uiidou. Ontario, was declared "i the Canadian oratorical cham-, !-sh4' lust night, j M Nw"hll Mattison of New West- ... li.s!..,-. B.C.. came w-Lond. , """J1 f the speeches was I Future" and tbe oration I to ten minutes. 'i'j. louse luquiry interpreter In order to expedite the examination of wiumm. After being on tbe tand In the morn-lng sworn on the paper burning oath. O. O. McOeer, oounael for tbe polloe ontarnlsstnrier Ptetcber bad witness worn m tbe "chicken oath " This wai agreed to and the oourt convened out-aide tbe oourt bouee wbere tbe oath entailing tbe decapitation of a chicket. terday afternoon and under croae-esem- Inatlon by W. W. B. Melnnea. counsel for Shu Moy. alleged gambling king, tbe constable declared that tor tbe purpose of "setting knowledge'' be fre quently played tbe Chinese lotteries ana on one occasion won MO on a ten oent ticket. He often visited Strtoe May u. tbe Utters Ohinese tetablishment. He waa seeking Information, be aald. sua bad drunk liquor with the Chinaman. GOOD WORK DONE ON HOSPITAL GROUNDS On behalf of M M Stephen, chatr of the grounds BonatWi . wte to attend, fluid at 1. M. anaejfir at la' g saeetlag of tbe hpeattai award tbat tbese bed been an over-eijiwfidlrure at SIM from tbe grant of 100 that bad be authorised for tbe Improvement of tbe rounds at tbe lnatltutkti. Tbe work. which was now about completed, bad included tbe putting In of a concrete curb about the Fifth Avenue entrance. Tbe ground waa to be planted In pota-.oei with a view to n suing a lawn seat year. As a great Improvement waa being made. It waa decided to meet tbe over- expenditure. SIR EDMUND GOSSE DIED LAST NIGHI LONDON. May 17. Sir Bdmund Ooaxe. former librarian of tne no use oi Urds. critic and author, died laai night. TINSMITHS' WAOEN IT. Msctlve frees May 1. tinsmiths, as U as plumbers, are receiving a wage of e per day in the city. The former m waa MM, an lucieao from ar having been made ant man ins ago. NO MSII SAM TODAY Then was no sale of baUbut at tbe wwh Kxchanav this aoorniag. , Tbe only boats in today are the Wave with 400 pouoda and tbe Teuowetone wun 17.000 pounds. LOCAL NEWS ITHMS ntia uvmer Prince John is re ported due in port at S o'clock this venim from Vancouver via tbe Queen Charlotte Jetandt. The County Oourt esse In which Haw- llnai M Carter of oassareowwsu - 4 b-. stoesv tfeaat ulns H A. Moiaan m " ' Ununusion la adjourned untu awee. Corp. Burger, head of the Tettwa de- .w mnni uanaamn taensneni w the coa MounU- rol-, arrlvedjn this afternoons traui ir to osaua aiw tonight. 1 thw ntiraflf ' ,i s-t M TOMn Oew and Jack Judge. .n" We. will be Imlnal Club thU evening. B wv eran will act as times re Chllkoot. J. freighter union """" " . tnmarruw from Mulr. I. ln r-o lllc.ud- ?tnOOUL2 TiLtor r tT Canadian creosote P11 ing or the TT Rupt'rt thl. trip. AIRSHIP MAKES OBSERVATIONS KCIENTIITC WORK ON ItOAKll ITALIA WHICH IS WEIX FITTED IOK rutrosi; KOiOV BAY. May 17. Accurate aad extensive scientific observations are be ing made by Oenerai Nobiie and bl staff on the Airship lulls which la ex pected to return here tomorrow. In the cabin of the dirigible is t large wooden cross, a framed Madonn a vase filled with artificial roses an numerous talismans presented to th Italian crew The framed Madonna wa with Noblle when he went over ti ssme route In the Rorge. A six-fo6 cross presented by Pope Plus which wi: be dropped over tbe pole was sUrwet with particular care in a space abov the cabin. "It contains an apertur on the top into which the pope ha Placed a handwritten parchment.' Mobile aald. Noblle baa maintained that the IUU la's collection of scientific Instrument and chart is tbe moat complete eve iieaabtad for a polar exaedUlai Strongly contrasting with tbe arafusio of Instruments is tbe Bnartan aln. nllcity of the accommodation for tb personal cemfort of those aboard tb hip. There are no aesta and chair or instance. "It is better to hsve tl-Mjulralent of their weight In addition! uel than to be caught short of juice Commando Zsppl has explained. DINNER GIVEN RAILWAYMAN OENtttAL t l'i;HINTEMii:XT w. , HMIViN OK K1IMONTON ill 1T Ol' IIONOU AMI KWlrlKNT OI n km; XDMONTOH. May 17 W. A. Brown neral superintendent of the Oaaadtmii latsonal BkUwaya at BSwonteat wbo Ut sxaMialdg. aoatbsnaiii arrest a rarrway worV Iff "Dsn Mi. rrtlreB o. day 1 wa tbe guest of honor at a dia er in the Macdooald Hctel JaM xdtb t whioh more than three hundred of leers snd empl yees of the eompan. ere present. During tbe course of tlx veniiig Mr. Brown was presented wltr. n illuminated address and a puree o 2.S00. the girt of those who have beer, oc luted with him in tbe management ? tbe Bdmonton district for tbe past tt years Inducted among tbe speakers and tho at tbe head table were Mayor A. TJ. a Bury: W. D Hobb. vicr-prealdent Cana dian KaUonal Rallwsys. Montreal; W. A Clttgamud, reneraJ manager: Mr. Cam er at. aaalatant geaeral manager. Vaaesu-ver. W. R. Oevoalab gonaral supertntec-denX. Edmonton: a. M. Maodoaald. super-intendant. Bdaon; J. lauie. raenagirui Jlreetor Bdmonton Journal; W. D Oravea, iru blithers' rtprasentatlve, Bd- nunton Bulletin: W Marahall. represent -ng tbe federated trades: J. Vance, rer Tiaautlng tbe running trades; j. Blue, vecretary Bdmonton Board of Trade: P. Morgaa. representing the telegraphers; J Henry, representing tbe maisManaaee it wayaen. j. Kyle, superintendent of uotlve power and equipment, acted as batman. W. A. Klngaland. in the course of b remark, aald that while Mr. Browr had at bl own request retired irom tetlva service, the company had refused to drop him from the payroll and that 3 hi return from his holiday In Europe, his long experience, his complete knowledge of western Canada, and bit ability would continue to be used by he company. VICTORIA PASTOR CONFERENCE HEAD lr. AV. O. WIIhmi t:iMixl rrrfthlriit of tbe t'ltltrd Chtirrli UatlirrlHg In ' VaiM'outrr VANCOUVER, May 17 Rev. Dr. W. O. Wilson of Victoria was elected president of the British Columbia conference of the United Church of Canada this morning. JOHN 0' LONDON IS PAYNE STAKES WINNER HEW MARKET. MV 17 ifM ArtbMrl James' oolt, John O' London west the Payne BUkea tody, , .,,, ,., Tbe second horse In the raoe was Oameltord, and Sleepy Lad romped In third. PRICE OF WHEATls .MOVING DOWNWARDS VANOOUVBB. May IT. Tbe prloe of wheat li steadily snoring down, this morning's quotation for Number 1 Northern being 11 63 l-S. WQIWAVE MAYOR QUIT McGcer Tells I'robe Evidence Against Taylor Warrants Stepping Down VANCOUVER. Slay 17. 'There is sufficient evidence against Mayor Loui I). Taylor, as head of the Vancouver police commisdion, to warrant that he should step down pending the completion of this investigation." Such was a statement made by (i. G. McGeer, K.C counsel for Police Commissioner T. . Fletcher, at this morning's session of tiie police probe. McGeer's remark came after Alex. Henderson, K.C, representing Mayor Taylor, suggested to Commissioner IL S. Len-nie that Constable II. II. Dug-gan, who yeaten'ay admitted that he had played in a lottery at a Chinese gaming; houie and consumed whisky there "to secure evidence," should be suspended pending the close of the investigation. After argument, it was decided to leave Dug. gun's case jn the hands of the police commission. , MOKLIIS VItITWl()IIT r HtTTLE as rtHTIMINKII rTBW TOBK. Msy 17.The f tight betweaa lummy Mandell. 4 a title holder, sad Jimmy McLar- i t nta, Vancouver challenser. for 4 f tbe lightweight champion of tbe world, which wai to hnvc bwn 4 bald In Madtaad Square Oarden s tonight. Is postponrd until to- ? V morrow night, on account of threatening weather today. 4 r 4 30CIALHELD1L4ST - -EVENING BY ELKS Brief rrofmin. Iu urine and Itefrnli' lit err Enjnird iu Hrelher I Win' Home Members of the Elks Lodge were host at sn enjoyable social last night In tbe home. There was. -a brief program to which Bare Vandewater and W. B Willlacroft contributed with vocal solo and Miss Msy Thompson with a humor - us monologue. Dance music was furbished by Al Small and his orchestra and refreshments served. STEPS BEING TAKEN TO TAKE TROUBLESOME MAN FROM HOSPITAL The baepltal board was advised last laht of (he antic, of a rather trouble-nene patient, evidently unbalanced, who n one day had woaped no leas than ive times from tha institution. Tbe police had been called to bring him back. On one occasion be waa found directing traffic on MeBrtde Street and one evening he got soaking wet. His slothes had been taken from him but till be proved a nuisance. Aa tbe man'a condition was getting worse, it was decided to have tbe necessary observation made at oaoe with a view to having him commuted to a mental hos pital. PROPERTY CHANGES NOT VERY RAPID AT PRESENTSAY AGENTS Inquiry from Ui'al realty agent in dicates that a fru properties are chang ing hands although dot many and they are rather alow t closing, the very sweat possible prion being negotiated before a deal 1 completed. Owing to the cllifieuKy in securing modern house to rant, many people are buying homei. on assy terms. WILLIAM BEYNON SENTFORTRIAL COMMITTED THIS AFTERNOON' I1Y MAfilSTKATi: Mtt'LVMONT ON CIIAICUE OK rALKIHC.lTION William Beynon, on a charge of falsification of tbe account of tbe Northern British Columbia Salmon Fishermen 'e Association of which be was formerly secretary, was committed for trial by Magistrate McClymout in cliy police court this afternoon. Evidence In the case vni taken this morning L. W. Patmore pronecued cm behalf of the Association while John V. Clync appeared in Beynon 'a defence. A ..urn of S17.10 was in dispute between tbe Association and Beynon. That Be;non had led the oonunlttee of tbe Association to believe that the sum In question bad been paid from the furde of the organisation while, in reality. It had not been paid was al-lerad. It waa an acr-utnt from Rose, Cowan Ac Letts for stationery supplies and typewriter rent. Tbe defence, through eroas-esaeainatton. endeavored to show that Beynon bad not Informed He Association that tbe account had been paid. Witnesses included O. V. Wilkinson of the Boae, Oowan Latta stationary store staff, and Mike Anderson and Peter Leigh ton. members of tbe oom- u.lttcc of the association. Account and statements presented by Beynon 'o the Association were put In as ex hibit. I INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY ONK IIIMIKF.II tNII FOI'KTEKN VtAliS AttO TOIlAY SINCE NOKtVAY IttCAME NATION The local Norwegian colony today uelaUiates tbe oae-bundred and four' iteeath asmlvaraary of the Tnde'tn1tnoe leafless, a bsaguet will be bald kmlgh by the Uef Srteksen Baeiety. The national flag also flies for tbe day over tbe Norwegian Consulate. By treaty of January 4, 1014. Norway was ceded to tbe King- of Sweden by '.he King of Denmark but the Nor wegian people declared themselves Independent and elocted Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark aa their King The foreign power refused to recognise this election and on August 14 a con vention was made 'proclaiming tn In dependence of Norway in union with Sweden. Thl was followed on November 4 by tbe election of Karl XIII. aa King of Norway. Norway declared this union dissolved on June 7. ISM and. after some months' negotiation, a mutual for tbe repeal of tbe union was iigned on October 26. 1006. Tbe throne of Norway was offered to a prince of the reigning house at Sweden but declined and. after a plebiscite. Prince Carl of Denmark was formally elected King. In October 1S07, a treaty guaranteeing tbe integrity of Norwegian territory was signed at Chrlrtlanla (sow Oslo l by the representatives of Norway. Oreat Britain, France. Oermany and Russia, and on January S, IBM, reoelved the unanimous approval of tbe Storting or Parliament. Tbe constitution of Norway, called the Orundlov. bears date of May 17. 1314. 114 yean ago today. Tbe present king of Norway la Haakon VII. who was elected by tbe Storting in 10S. CASE AGAINST FATHER O'CONNOR DISMISSED OTTAWA. May 17. Word ha been reoelved here that the Alabama court dlsmlaaed the criminal charge .against Father Patrick O'Connor. Months agd extradition proceedings were taken tor the return of Father O'Connor to tha United State and at tbe time O'Connor waa located in Vancouver. B.C. Extradition waa ordered only arter a long legal battle. in Inquiry Evidence Detective Threatened to Get Warrant for Mayor Taylor is Stated a. J .lav ; 17. v- detective V. V. Grant at the poilte VANCWUJNi,Mjr inquiry yesterday related an incident when he and detective rV 1 aa a tas a t 1 1J iticLeou were cauea on irom raiding uninese garauiinK dens. Inspector John Jackson warned McLeod to leave the places alone or he would be suspended. "Who'd suspend me?" McLeod asked. "The mayor will," Jackson answered, according to the witness. "Then I'll get a warrant for the mayor himself.and arrest him with the rest," said Detective Grant. "The mayor wanted two lottery joints to run becaune two operator had helped him in his election," was the statement Chief Long told Detectives McLeod and Grant, the latter testified. Canada Has Not Yet Received an Invitation to Adhere to " Kellogg Treaty to Outlaw War Doubt Whether This Country Will Sign With Great Britain or as one of the Smaller Powers ' May 17. Canada, it is expected, will accent the proposed OTTAWA, Keilog Treatjr to outlaw war but two points, it is understood, have arisen in tbe negotiations. First, the Dominions will adhere to the treaty if they de-girt to adl'.ere. Second, that so far no formal invitation to adhere has been received. The original invitation to adhere was addressed by Secretary Kellogg of the United States to the four great powers, it being,d that the invitation to the unaller puwer would follow. Tbe in-1 vliation to the great powers apparently made no mention of tbe British Do-.Unions nir have they reoelved an In- ititlon as among the unaller powers. Tbe British government outlined to Ottawa its views on tbe treaty and requested tbe views of tbe Canadian government on it but Canada did not receive a formal In iXation to adhere. When the Invitation la reoelved tbe point will arise as to how and when Canada will give her adhesion to the treaty will she sign as a British Dominion at tbe same time as' Oreat Britain or will she sign later aa one of tbe smaller powers? Reports from Washington that separ ate treaties will likely be negotiated, with the Dominions ware received here with There has been no intimation '! such separate treaties. WHIST AND BRIDGE AND DANCING PARTY ttrbrkaks lirpiMUle tor Eajuyable EteHt at lleatMl Hall Lat Night An etOoysble whist and bridge drive and danoe t?ok plaoe last night at Beaton Hall under the auspices jf tbe Rtbekah Lodge aad la spite of the in- clement wsrthar taam was a pretty good Aa active oaasjatttee was in 'Ml. "ttTTtiTUBO I B. M- Barle. Mm b S. Bays. Mas. A McNeill and Mm. T. Priest. Mr. Phillip was master of ceremonlea. Prise j winners were: Bridge -Ladles: 1. Mrs Guiles: 3. Mrs. :ong Men': 1. O. K. Oullck: 8. Joe Jack: special. Ml Aletta Johnson Whist -Ladies: 1. Mrs. Rudderham: 2. Mrs. J. Irvire. Men'a 1. Oeorge Rud derham: 3. Mrs. Charlea Durran: spe cial. Mr. Schubert. Music for the orchestra waa provided by the Oddfellowa' orchestra, consisting of Miss Lawrence. Bert Woods. Dr. Byolfsen. J. W. Moorabouse sad Pete Solem. CONSERVATIVES CHOSE J. W. BERRY OF LANCLEY Met Elerliwo lleforr Jul) 10 end Patlulio le YMt Anotralta CLOVRRDALB. May 17. J W. Berry Langley waa nominated last night by the Conservative convention of Delta. B H Poole jr. House leader of the Con servative party. In an address said be was In possession of Information to tbe effect that the election would take place before July 10. He' also said Hon. T. D PattuUo waa Bailing for A u trail 3n July Sf on a holiday. STOCK QUOTATIONS nn Clewing Prke Teday on Vanrou- trr Erliange (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co., Ltd.) B.C. Silver Bayvlew Big Mssaourl Cork Province . . . . Dunwatl v Oeorge Copper . . . Gladstone CHader Ooleonda Independence Indian Kootenay Ploreace L. L Lake view Lsadamlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals national Silver ... Pend Oreille Premier Porter Idaho ..... tlBchinond, ,. . . Bufus Argents ... Ruth Hope Silver Crest Silverado Silversmith Terminus Whitewater Woodbine , Cotton Belt Oeorgla River Orandvlew Duthle Slocitn Kins OAL 7-AOP Bid Asked M 178 .09' m M M J4 JS M 4.00 .07 OS J4 at .14 .14 Mi .31 Vi MV, .11 .It M .OS JKV JSV, .10t .10 .17 .lTi-i -17.80 17.26 1M 2J6 M M ,um .10 . .si y, 10 0 4M J2 M .16 .18 2.M 2.40 MV J7 .85 43 .46 49 'a .50 1.37 1.40 12', .IS CLOSE BETTING ON FIGHTERS rJIXTY TIIOl'BANO PEOPLE EXPECTEII TO EE VANCOltlK IIOY IN ACTION AT NEW YOKK NBW TOOK May 17. Tbe hammer of Ihcr that lie hiddea tn Jlmuiy MoLar-Jlns rlgbt flat "lay in camphor" today waiting a chance to thud on Sammy MandeH'a chin in the Polo Oround tomorrow and crown tbe new lightweight hamplon of the world. The little Vancouver bey with tbe alow smile has worked easily for tbe great jppcrt unity, boxing but little and striving chiefly to make tbe 1U pound limit ith mt sapping his strength. Mandell trained hard and fast adding ,o his apeed and punching skill that stripped the mantle from the ahoulders y tbe fading Rocky Kansas two years ago. Sixty thousand persons, it is believed. cUL witness the battle. The betting odds on the champion dropped today to 6 to S UNITED STATES LOSES IN GOLF IINAL lU;PlllETATIVr IN ilKITMII UO.HI.VM OPEN I ELIMINATED TOII.IY HUN8T ANTON England. May 17. The United States' sole surviving representa tive in the British Women's Open Ooll tournament. Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Hurd. waa eliminated a to 2 by Miss Judith Fowler today. Nanette Leolan. French girl, reached tbe finale by de feating Miss Bnid WUSon. Sngllsh star, one up. Mrs Fowler was eliminated by Miss Marshall one Ub. REACTION ON TIIE EXCHANGE STOCKS Kl.l MI'KH rilOM IIVE TO TIIIHTY HOIXAHS A1TEU - EAKLY OAINS NBW YORK. May 17. All trading re-enrds were broken yesterday in a sensational reaction which cut down or wiped out moat of the early gains from five to thirty dollars and sent a uum-ber of Issue from five tn nearly thirty dollars below yesterday's close. Tbe turnover yesterday amounted la the aggregate to 4.T80.S00 abarea. NAVIGATION HAS OPENED ON YUKON limits (let IKmii as far as Heiltlrk ami Itlter Is llrlh-rd ( leer to Imwwh WHfTBHORSE May 17 River boat got down the Yukon River aa far aa Selkirk yesterday afternoon It is now thought that the river la open to Dawson. BOK TONIGHT in GRAND TERMINAL C'LUH at 7.30 p.m. GEO. HARD NED JIYRNE six rounds 5 GOOD PRELIMINARIES General admission $1.25 Rinfside Reports by Special Wire un Mcljirnln vs. Man-del fight will start coming through alwut 6.30 p.m.