A SA 4 NANCE MINISTER ABBOTT ctrik: he fj ( i “ Queen Elizabeth 4, I ‘ ' ; ith | CR , er Th ew f nan M Abbo Be * Ses ir Newlyweds Returning Here DD sled rf A i a ' Dal ‘ { vat 4 6 } ha lon hg ae ” \mead ' h { Trevor Ayer) Un + . rer readers | j } | | M . eke PH ; Blact 303 : ey SO ‘ Jan 6. Bash Metiakatl A 304 ‘ in bh ybody we 4303) I am ae wr AULTY FURNACE MAKE YOUR ‘BILLS SOAR... Us Overhoul Your Urnece Now "y , Ul be ready when Me sunt a) heasters roar, in Sheet Metal UMITED ths , i t Ave Phone Black 887 ¥F) na, ROR same wh RBIS Cats Don’t Says Docto Mier Honeymoon In South edi Sen Spread Disease r ASK FOR SCOTL FAVOURITE STILL GOING VA | STRONG : FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY AND'S o> JOHNNIE = WALKER BORN 1820 : q Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Contents 2614 on, JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD. Scotch Whisky Cistillers KIEMARNOCK, SCOT laen % t LAND @ Guides-tnd Active Season Nee With Gala Christmas The maxed a First in the Cathedral Hall. Prince Rupert (Conrad) ( Prince Rupert (R.C. district commissioner. All arrangements and prepara - “ions for the party were looked after by the Guides. The hall Was attractively decorated in red bows and green boughs and at the front of the hall stood a large decorated and brightly-lit Christmas tree Large numbered colored bow: were pinned on every girl as she arrived 80 Santa would be better able to distribute his gifts when he pale his visit Alte everal games, the Guldés sat down to a delicious supper which the “Cook Patrol” prepared, then, while the “Mes Patrol dishes, all en- hour of singing Or four pleces of red issue paper and sheet of white and a few pins, the Guides Gressed each other as Santa washed a half three one Clau The effects f00d and were surprisingly it Was hard to choose ne winner, Finally, it was de- iced on the Santa of the “Can- ary Patrol” who wa complete to white Ussue paper, whiskers and pom pom on his long loose hat Just before closing, Santa called and gave a rhe 7 mall gift to every- » Show appreciation of their captain and the help she had given each Guide, the Guides of f , Prince Rupert Com- he Fir / Lame Poin in g i, City Garden J ( Pr Rupert, Alex Mitche 232 =Fourtt i We ickec i ) { is i bh i pr hows o fr ¢ oO ree eee we — foo Weather the Winter in a Better Used Car L951 Foid Porddo: Heat rhrough “Jl Diack our p 0 $2175 1951 Pontia Sedan. O Ow $2175 Gro $1825 IMS Plymouth Sedan $1425 " ‘ clic W ‘ I i 1950 Pord Pordor Christm: hopp Bob Parker Ld Phone 9% LEAL, RE A CLE, “Really, Kilroy, I'm not worth it” a OTT FIRST CLASS FARES From PRINCE RUPERT To wie Fae Ketchikan S15,00 $27.00 Vancouver S44.85 $80.75 Seattle Portland San Francisco Calgary Winnipeg Poronto SOS.80 “$62.15 $96.30 $84.80 $19 is $205, $97.85 $143.65 $178.55 $152.65 $242.65 $369.30 Ask about substantial savings on Coach Rates Wns Tre veal ‘THE WORLD BY AiR” Mowe te) M74: 4210), Bea aX ig 1-WALLACE BLDG PRINCE RUPERT, B.C The Compiete Travel Service Prince Rupert Guide Company cli- successful season with a Christmas (suests included the Third suide Company, the Second : ) Company, and the Girl Guide TERRACE Terrace Library fund grown to $166.50. — « 7 Party has party Georve Grant, manager of the local guycrnment telegraphs, has returned from the South Mr. and Mrs, Gerold Duffus and family returned to Terrace recently after an extended visit in the East pany presented Mrs. Clare Hitch- cock with a silver bon-bon dish Prize winners for the evening . ‘ Mrs. E. E. Head has been re- were: bow draw, Elsie Lund; appointed local enumerator of Santa Claus patrol cgompetition,| the dwelling and labor survey Canary Patrol; and picture gues- for the Dominion Bureau of sing contest, Anne Eyolfson, Activities for this season in- cluded a rally in the Civic Centre at which time the Guides heard all about National Camp; a “Flying Up” ceremony in Sep- Statistics. Rev. Harry Thibideau has re- ceived @ panel truck as a gift from his former church to help him in his work here. Rev. Thibi- tember, when Joanne Prockter deau returned recently from at- and Gail Wise received their tending fellowship meetings in Rrownie “Wings” ‘ Patsy Ontario Wong and Gail Parker “walked " up” to Guides, and in October participating in the welcoming of the Governor-General Awards and promotions for the fall inchided Promotions Patrol Leader Nancy Lund to Company Leader St. John’s Ambulance Certifi- cates to Nancy Lund, Julie Prockter and Suzanne Kergin: Cook's Badge to Julie Prockter Hiker’s Badge to Nancy Lund; Canadian Legion Ladies Aid election and installation of offi- cers’ meeting was held in the Legion club rooms, with election of officers as follows: President, Mrs. C. M. Hall; vice-president, Mrs. Ann Sites: second vice-pre- Sident, Mrs.-I. Sandahis; ser- geant-at-arms, Mrs. A. J. Kirk- aidy; standard bearers, Miss O Kirkaldy, Mrs. E, Burt: commit- tee, Mrs. Mary Osterlund, Mrs. S Toymaker’s Badge to Maney N. G. Kirkaldy; press correspon - and "| dents, Mrs. R, Sande, Mrs. F a Earl; ways and means committee, Tenderfoot to Joanne Prock- Mrs. F. Jackson, Mrs. C. W. Mi- ter, Gail Wise, Beatrice Thoran-| chie] Mrs. stu Campbell: social enson, Elsie Lund, Gail Parker committee. Mrs Gordon Haug- and Patsy Wong land, Mrs. George West, Mrs. A On Dec. 4, Miss Elizabeth Diehl | J Kirkaldy told the Guides all about Ger- ¢ many-—life and condions there Knox United Guild annual now and during the war years meeting was held at the Home The Swallow Patrol under for the Aged, with election of Patrol Leader Julie Prockter, won | officers as follows: President, the patrol competition for effi- Mrs Richardson; vice-president, ciency for the .period Sept. to Mrs G Loveless; secretary, Mrs Dec., 1952 Erickson; treasurer, Mrs. J. B DISTRICT NEWS | FRANCOIS LAKE | 7 [ ; : : (Me ? } Eunice and John Keefe have Prairie oT . 1 arrived from New Westminster | to spend their holidays here. | ” * > * Acting forest ranger Ralph Keefe had a narrow escape from drowning early last Saturday in Pendleton Bay. He was leaving the Forestry launch in a little light composition boat when he Slipped and the boat tipped. He was wearing heavy clothing but was only able to grab hold of the: boat. A native who saw the ac- cident rowed out to rescue him. Sergeant Bruce Snyder arrive‘ home in time io: Christmas after spending 13 months in Japan, three months on flying combat with B-29’s, He will leave early in the new year for Topeka, Kan- sas, for re-assignment. He paid a short visit with his sister, Grace and her family in Idaho, and his brother Dick in Spokane, enroute | home. : The Christmas service in the church Was well attended. The church Was decorated with boughs of evergreen and flowers Rev. A. Atkinson's sermon stres- sed the need for the Christmas spirit of giving and friendliness to be spread all through the year as well as just at Christmas time, MacKay; visiting committer, ! Mrs. C. Haugland, Mrs. E. Mac- Laren, Mrs. W. Fell; manse cem- mittee, Mrs. I. Frank, Mrs. J. B MacKay, Mrs. B. Smith The next meeting will be held at the manse January 9. J. W. Proctor, ‘publishing de- partment secretary, and E. M. Peterson, educational superin- tendént and youth director, were guest speakers at the locaj Seventh-day Adventist Church during their arinual week of prayer here Zealandia, Sasx.. ar. visiting in| in 194C vill be the city with Mrs. McCool’s sister. Mrs. i: Street. Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Saturday, December 27, 1952 Church Restored DOVER, England (?P)— The “Hellfire Corner” church at Bt. Margaret's Bay near here has been restored. The church, *dam- aged by cross-channel shelling retained as a Usiting in City Mr. and Mrs. Eari MeCool of reminder of the ordeal endured the Second Franklin, Lotbiniere| by tne village in World War. WATER reveals whisky's true flavour Saad — aS : ~ 3 ss SS, | mone _ ns _ - eS | : oc Put Seagram’s “83” to the water PA test. Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a = whisky’s true, natural flavour s and bouquet. ee 9 Seagram's “83 Sey FOQUOW'S en/ 2 Sure S-#i\ec This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The THE WOM ME A VISIT BLONDIE CHIC YOUNG, Ce —- DAGWOOD, ae WONDERFUL NEWS. al NELLIE VAN-FLEER J 1 ORESIDENT OF S ENS CLUB 1S GOING TO PAV VRS VAN FLEEF 5 WE'RE IN 'S ONE OF <7, RAR, SOCIETY 4 THE LEADING Ste NOW y~ SOCIETY women Se og” \ = EZ * 1 00 WANT To MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION -- mM USING MY SILVER Pe , a) 7 ® AQP THOSE FANCY CAKES ) AND TINY SANDWICHES SHOULD PLEASE HER yp QUICK -- SHAKE QuT THE MOP WHILE L STRAIGHTEN OUT THE SOFA PILLOWS file. DO ANYTHING CLR. =" CALLING TS MRS VAN FLEEP DRUGSTORE -- SHE SAYS SOMEBODY HERE SHOOK A MOP WN HER FACE FROM THE T'S OKAY +-SHE ) ACCEPTED my . APOLOGY AND 'S ae COMING BACK «ss S AGAIN FOR THE ‘4 visit a NOW YOU GO OUT IN THE YARD AND PLAY WITH ALEXANDER AND LET ME DO THE ENTERTAINING YOu USED To sti) POLE-VAULT CAN WERE YOUNG, ; DIONT YOU. ~> | PoP? Ye OH, WELL -- 1 GUESS WE WEREN'T CUT OUT TO BE SOCIETY PEOPLE arte rs or € 3 = rE anette dengan Ae x 4