. I I II I in i wvAmnn An A I lul 1 1 Ifll'I'l.'V n -m w a h -m o-psiiav l V CflNTINIlF. WORK . s4ii BnaBar.ii stvasa. vw. aw Mjnm. " cave Money Sf IV a K 1 ; to your ddrw l , &5 floor, for hire. II f "!' , 4k II II nawe ns a a n at tan a h e P " . , vou for thia dally! ODIMrr Dl IDCDT i j 4 .u. -, . :.; ..evonuu, , riving xu, iv . - p m .i 1 i 1 d r 1 m II II 1 "i Miners ( Strike Voted " I nJergrmind Men vi-' "3 The underground ' Western Fuel Co Je- .. mt by 106 majrlly. 44u m favor of H5 lor the atrlke. It l 'i. .t tbtre will be no i" r .it linn. ' i At you favorable - " v.itimlaatlon and "ALDEZ HARBOR IS ICEBOUND fw;' '"'.k l r Ten Mile out Is iwiinjt In HUtoo March 3. -Tlia harbor of 'ivered with lea a foot ' nuiea out from ahore. (oating the harbor baa r Boau have been bav- ''""y In breaking thrtmgh ,,' ' ''"' 'omlng to or leaving the M "' oi ue small craft have ' 1 "iKM.itiim WPTAIN JONES OF VANCOUVER IS DEAD ' VK March a, -William D. , "' w, familiarly ( ' " '"hps park commta-'r the rwat nix "' Uuiiktiin Point (. nunnern ana venirai uriusn vuiuiuuia s newspaper v? . . . -f j Ain.l and aalfw were aa followa : AMKIIK Pa... .ma. JS.OOO pounds, autn rian-,a. 7 li- and 4 . An. 40.000 pounda. Booth Plaher-;ra. 7 'J. ai'd 4c Veiuu. MOOO pounda. Canadian Flan A Ci '.il Sl.i-agr Co.. 7.4c and 4e. ( IN till N Eelsar. 10.000 pounda, Atlln Ftahartea, 6 3c and 3c ai M Chrutopher. 400 pounda. and Plr of Jclt pt'inOa- Canadian riah A Cold Storage Co.. c and e. Mom- H a.000 pounda. atlln Ftoh- rrirs. ' r M1,fl T.anip 0 000 pounda, Canadian Flah A. r.ld storage Co.. 6.fc and Sc alayfloarr. J.000 pounda. Royal Flah Oo . 6 4c and 3c VANCOUVER KXCHANfJK Aigenta H C Silver Uayvirw Big Missouri Boundarv Red Mtn. Coaat Copper Cork Province Dunwrll Oaorgr Copper OeorvU Hlver Oladatcne Olac'er Ooloonrta QranclvH npnd''"C' Indian Kooteimy Hon lice, takevlrw UadMiilt'i Miinnot Mfiiils Mat Silver. CI 8 Ipe ndore.lli' - Freotler . i ' 1 Porter Idaho Rufui Sllvercreat Silversmith Slccan Klnn Sunloch Torlc Whitewater Woodbine VANOrVKI? ol NtunlH'i 1 N Mi-i-eli i I hrl ll Bid. Aaked-M M 1.13 IM .11 .33 4 4200 6 -ST 3 00 500 .44 10 .48 .89 ' .70 73 .33 34 I jh'4 jaw MS H 06H 18 30 .18', .31 Jo 3.45 336 3.00 53 11178 f . .88 39 .16 33 law :i 10 S3 S Tlie rlce vheut liei-e e- WARM RAIN .. . YUKON RIVER Karly ilrcakup i K peeled nt Nenana and Other Points TtNW.t. Mareh 3 4IM timers and amateur weather pruphrts here are preaUrtlag that with Ike row-flnsjaaee of the present warm . ralH.v wcolhrr llterr will lie an early hreakMp f Die lee on the VuWen litter. , mall carrier h rrtHrned frawt Neiuna rrHirteil meeting snow a lime, the entire mall rwatr with tmildles or running water on the surface of the Ire arross the lakes as well as Misne running water appearing on the lee across the rher. GRAIN OUTBOUND FROM VANCOUVER ANCOUVKR. March 3 The follow -Inn shlpnienta of grain have been made from Vancouver durlug the week: Patrician for London 17.130 buahela. Drakepool to Hampton Roads for order W4JO0 buahela. Cardiganshire for Liverpool 18.67 buahela. for London 03 ,33 buahela. Annie Johnson for Scandinavian ports 130 .AM buahela. Moerdyk for Rotterdam 37.833, buah-r eUu for Hambun 37J84 buahela. for London 37,833 buahela. Zenon for Antwerp se.tOO bushels. Santos for Scandinavian porta 138.- M buahela. Krvlken for MoJI 187.017 buahela. Tprea Mam for Shanghai 33148 buahela. Lovuma Maru for Yokohama 33.788 bushels: for Kobe 51.401 buahela. Yogcu Maru for Taurull 338.888 bushels: for Yokohama 31.W7 buahela. Kaga Maru for Shanghai S3J33 bus Ayhibank for Durban 13.000 buahela: for Capetown 41.088 buahela. Kovo Marti for Yokohama 87.000 husbela; for Kobe 83.333 and 83,334 buahela. COLLIER COLLIDED WITH BATTLESHIP AT MALTA TODAY VALETTA. Malta., March 8. The Ootiier Corlnthlc leaving hr today collided with the stern of the battle ship Queen lllaabeth. Both were damaged. k S3S US iLPfl VI 1aV II Has. A VI? AIL1 IB A S?IM'Wt37 I rM 1 ' if 1 1 f f I ft 113 S.' SI 3' irpane Landed Lewis Party on Roe in Atlantic from Which They Made Their Way to Labrador Coast m m - MM m a . m es -B- M. a. M .. W B V i nc Airmen rei of aaventures while missme : " uwi - - -r for sixteen days rom base on Hudson Bay until safe return A. March X Eight days adrift on ice floes off the followed by four days overland travelling with raw ily one day, having eittimated their location aa in JSH LI P AND SCOTTISH ' i ,m-s IMayed Today t i. to Seml-KlnaU in I Week Time i, 1 1l A-:lullon .'. tnut In Eugland uitd ; were the ouuunduig . y tt la the vtxth r mid ( up and the iounl. !ui .K, loxillull evvi.m ul j li itliall, final will bri Uiigsru The viability Unprovad Ihty aas laitd ta tlM wtatmrd. Retracing their oount Uwy u.r ibrador coaat la Um rtcloRy of Kitmaluujrv'.k After aevn dmyj' travei they nacbad pi.t ix-rr an EAklmo hunter picked -.rx-ni up and four dap later brought ihrm ti thf base. Au air rait wat iMMt tA foliif from floe to floe unul It was lajft, after which the hardy airmen uarit fmajl lea Pna prvpeUad by paddlaa tram air raft wh-itnu ..,.:.n H4 ery alight im- e.i-t. the Mull tauit In earn carf ' ii the Btat-h if raaaita today M.I.IMI Ct ! '- t l, Hanchratrr u -d 3. Notta Foreat 0. ' T-it-jmaaan l. i hi will be playrd thn-c . and of cour-c llw l h-h fir Ringare I I'.irark TbUtle 0. HiU-nilana 4. SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT IN HALIBUT PRICES Total of na.. lHJIHt ml 1li Sold I Otrr Krkaagr thl Morning Halibvn i.d at the Hah Kachangr proim-:i! ov- r '.ne prma r-wrd.. A total of I7aj00 pounda ta belr landed here today. lli.oOO pound Ironi I. ur Canadian boata at btda of fraeh g.l7.lc -ml 4c u 7 4c and 4c while ala Can- adl.u- rrceived from do and ac to . nrl -ir f;r 4 500 pounda. it i.uil wait the- account which came over the air today of ord . .-scape of Flying oi'iicer A. A. Lewia and Flight Ser- 'IV i ry and an Eskimo named Bobby, who were liatexi miss- . iiunc reported by wire lean that it was coming down - un February 17. 4 , landed on an ice floe in the Atlantic. They then ISO.tlll) (l Tit AUK HICKS I'HoroMI. IICAITIIV Tilt; CITV The Board of Tr..dr i' . s meeting taut iiitjlit unanlmouMy the follow Ins rt )lutlun That thu board goea on rc- ppiov.n a .-cnrrjl it to beautify the city by alaatihg wind jw uoxrs . r. i gardena, cleaning up yards and rtmorlog ugly outbouara and oM ahaclu.' Ihomaa McClytnont apokc of the ork already being done by the Parka Board along thece l.nra. their propoaaU being now ready to go before the city council. TO FKKI) HMs; i.K To SHAi'KS. ;u- r .unpen Heilnr-r. scientist. Sprink I-iki-. N.J.. has lei": fur tin- ('.o-ibln-an Sea !o swim in a school i.t sharks and pro-.c they won't attack him. His wife ii rwith him. She doesn't seem to mind. -t- Premier and Leader of, House Opposition United in Tribute " to WSrtli of Hon. William Sloan Funeral Took Place This Afternoon In N'anaimo and Telegrams of Sympathy Poured in From all Parts of Canada VICTORIA. March ;J. The funeral of Hon. William Sloan was held this afternoon at 2.30 from the Presbyterian Church at Nanaimo. Rev. Hugh Dixon conducted the services, which were under -he auapice of the Maponic craft Mr. Sloan's doak in the Legislature waa marked by a laurel wreatn yesterday and today. Adjournment of the House was uxen after a resolution re cording the sorrow of the members at the sad event had been moved by Hon. T. D. Pattullo in the absence of Premier MacLean, who was atlll detained at bU ham on ' - - - - we oraer oi ais payaauu. uu a-u.- bl0r Tu tori, M llm , ; ad by R. H. Pug, kaafter of the op- tr,..rt . sindiv poalUon in tl Hcuc nmvt .,, lb(. - ... He waa an 1 Teiagtama of sympathy poured in from ! OBDonent who could Mvcr an enemy. all parts of Canada fines', I sportsman In the and truest It waa announced that no appointment M urince of aenerosltv. Ood I tj the poa'-tlon ol mliUster of mines ?,w u, 0, hm mt,, lht w, wouaa at maoe at pre ens out tne n ,or m ln th, Decemter of 0r of tbBjIffloe would be couducied by one ijC.jr at ata eoi.eagucs Aaaeug the tributes to the worth of the deceased minuter waa one by Pre mier Ma "Lean who said ln part: "Be tween him. Mr. Pattullo aud myself there was a bond of canirudeohlp aa sutyvora In the liileHil govenusatnt of the "cabinet formes) by Mr Bresaatag Jn 1918. His loyalty gad fair play cdlamalwaya be relied sjggm. He waa a ariMppunael-lor. efftcient admlnlatratsfimnd he brought to the mine- dagiarttrwiit practical experiauce whlcii baa ben of vast benefit to the province. How much I shaU miss him one en a hardly reallae." PIMILaV'S THIIU TU R. H. Pooley aald "The passing of Other mlnlatesa and members of the Legislature also paid tribute to the departed statesman leadersTn public life at victoria in nanaimo today VICTORIA. March 3 Members of th lerislnture and leaders In every department of life Journeyed to Nanaimo this morning to pay their last tribute of respect to Hon. William Sloan. Premier MacLean was not allowed Billy Sloan comes to us aa a sudden .to leave the city owing to eye trouble. ' Board of Trade Decides to Ask Rival Company to Put On Local Boat to Ply Out of This City Unanimous Vote in Favor of Turning tflscwhcre for Relief Since Canadian National Would Not Act The board of trade at its regular monthly meeting last night with Milton Gonislta, vice-president, in the" chair, decided to ask their trade and comrnerce committee to negotiate with some other! company than the Canadian National with u view fo "having a direct; boat plying out of this: (tort to Queen ('harloUe Islands ani other: points in the neighborhood: The matter has been negotiated with . . . . I r s T i i .1 i 1 HU.I...U.L i Peace River Member in Threatening Mood with Government at Ottawa Say if Cannot (Jet What They Want From Liberal Will Turn to Conservative Tolmie Speaks for Capital OTTAWA, March :. D. M. Kennedy, repreaentinc the United Farmers Association of Peace River in the budget debate yeatcr-lity, s.iiil tin- government was trading too much ou the fact that the I'l'ogi'e.tMiven could not get together with the Conservatives. This, he warned, was not too big a step, for if the weatern farmers could not secure from the government those advantages whirb the government was conceding to the manufacturers, the beat thing for the Progressive party to do was to go ahead and see what bargain they could make with the Conservatives. H 3 f. Twlm'e of Victoria declared h?n r.ifLne catne Into the coun- I , try !r;m the outside cr as a college I jg aduitc endoed with abUtty and en-, :y ufflc'.ent t ei ibe him to accumulate a little savings, he waa promptly . . . .I .-:ipnalUt to be shot at J by tax collectors. Dr. rolmke Invited the capUalint to expand hi activities and1 nr.est more In British Columbia. Me was v rry to re-id that ei forts were being made to mala It appear that Con-I scrva'.lve were opp -aed to the Cana dian Natural Railways. Tola waa ab surd aa It waa Conservatives woo brought the tyalem into belv-g and aa tax at he was concerned he would stand behind hem to see they got fair play. STOCK JUMPS AT NEW YORK Hundred Million Added to Value of (ieneral Motors by Ad vance Mill YORK. March 3. Nearly SlotUMMMMNl was added to the market value of the c-omhmmi slmk of Uewrral Motors toilay when heavy buying rarrled the arte up SOJIS a share ta SIIIJHt. a new high re-mH for the present no-par lue. fhe dr:naad ansa attrMraletl to proareHs of large earning In the first halt oi the year. IMiponl atd to aSJtS. I'nlted states Meet rllatbe $t a 4lkre The . iret. hrtteter. V laMe1 with urate sputa. OLD COUNTRY! FOOTBALL i:nii.sii i. t:uii: IMvbUou I. Arsenal-Thc Wednesday not played. Aston Vllla-Huddfslleld not played. Derby Countf-Msutcheatar United not pUyad. Leksaster-BUclrburn not playod. Sheffield United-Mewcaatl not played. aundertand-Totunham not played. Burnley 1. Mlddleaboro 1. Bury 1, Birmingham 3. Liverpool 4. Bolton 3. Portsmouth 3. Cardiff City 0. West Ham 0. Bverton 0 tihhtkwi II. Barnaley-Btoke not played. Notta Forest -Reading not played, rulham 8. Bristol City 0. Hull City 0. Chelsea 1. Leeds 0. Oruusby 0. Manchester City 4. Blackpool 1. Port Vale 3, Notts County 0. Preston 0, Clapton 0. South Shields 0. Oldham 3. Swansea 3. West Bromwlch 3. Wolverhampton 3. Southampton I. MOTIIsll I.LAdl K ItltMlMI I. Aberdaon 3, Ralth Hovers 0. St. Johnstone 3. Falkirk 1. Donees 0, Clyde 8. PAYNE OF VANCOUVER SLOAN'S DEATH WASTEN YEARS AFTERBREWSTER Fourth Man Prominent in Party to he Taken Since Liberal Came Into Power It -waa something . p,f eraenoe that the deal bio so. provincial nstnhfter f .aatn- ifeftat should have occwrred ecaeUf ton year to trie night since Hon. H C. BrrwaVr. Preuilrr of British Coltutklala. under whem Mr. Sloan received tola portfolio, pasted away In Calgary where he waa taken 111 aa he waa returning to the coaat following a trip to Ottawa on provincial business. Mr. Brewster died on the night of March t, WIS: Mr. Sloan on the night of MafCJi I. 1098. The hand of death baa tekaa a heavy toll of leaders during the rajattae of the Liberal government wbteh was formed Is 1818 by the late Mr. Bnwater. Flrat there waa Mr. Brewster, then Dr. Roth-well of New Wes.mlnatar, than Premier John Oliver and. last. Mr. Sloan. All were considered great leaders ln their party r.nd all were taken while atlll actively in the saddle of political life. GREAT EFFORTS MAKERESCUE Air Force New Revealing Slorips of Daring in Search for Lewis OTTAWA. March 3 - ajtortaa of daring dashes across the kry waste of Ungava and perilous fUgfcta em the desolate waters of HudsM-aHratta from lonely baaaa on the rim df the Arctic cirole In an effort to reacts; their comrades of the air servlcd. a revealed by officials of the Royal OpJWdlan Ale Force and the Department of Marine and Fisheries, following new of to sat return to Port BurweQ of Flying OfDcer Lewis and Flight Sergeant Terry atd their Baklmo guide aftar being lost in th troaen north. It waa also revealed that th Lewis party had been missing for txteen and s half days instead or thirteen aa formerly given out by headquarter here. GRAIN MOVING VERY RAPIDLY WlNNIPGO. March 3.- Jfln la atUI gclng forward on OantatJan National lines at the rate of million of bushels more than at this time last year. In IVfiM AT RH 1 1 AD1K tae p rr m and i ne L,i.n. lor jBrs wim no results anu tu uuaru unnniumusij i nun ni liisiiiinitivtj iu.h , . at i ana oars or I- in favor of the new move. Ues.OOO btuheU were loaded aa com- The suggestion came from G. VY. Nickerson, who moved a re-j neat l a.tern i iiampinn. iiirrt Pert f; pared with i.;iu cars ana t.7w.ooo s.Jutlon dealing with th matter, pro- tliuslaam. Jueler .tsi to IMhi IjisI Mglit 'bushels in the eoi responding week of J 1 Christie of this city, liquidator, puaillg nisi mnn vuiun oieaill ll uikumiiii, in w,.7 i - i . . has disposed of the old Cunningham !llp Cumpeny the C.P.R.. the coast- on receipt ol an evas.ve reply In r- , MONTREAL. March 3 C A Payne1 Slue Aukiwi 1 no less than 168.- ...... i UwrUnn Ln n s ! wise Stesmsh'i) Cumnaiiv. t!ie BC cr."' to a stittseslion th.it bout should of Vancouver retained the Dominion 1410.000 Ijtisfn is weie loaded and there Sargent ol Harelton This store la oue .Bulvnge Compunv -ir some other con- be put on. Mr Nickerson aald It waa amate.ur bllllm-d ehanipl. nlilp Itere are In store 30,638.000 bushels. laepea-of the old landmark of the Skena 'cern might be willing to put on a! evident that they could look for no re-1 lust nlxht. decisively defeating Albert I tloua totaled 3.S83 cara this yr aa and the pivot of Hawlton buslneas bout lief from the Cautidiiin National and Pert of Qurbrr. the eastern champion. Icompured with 886 last. '; M. runnel days of river uavlgalion ' Alderman c. il.ivt se.-oiidetl the the only allenu'tiw .i to try el--Perl's was IS00 mill that of In the past ..even months 18.685 cara J, , , , .,1.i,.i,.. ' : ., ,-.,rri(l -. .t'.- :.. .! "("i -.i::; -xi-u'. to Vaucuuvcr.