s'sSreraSBSssjftssasasaaasaHa Our Cleaning Pi ices 0n ;inl after Feb. 1st, 1928 . tfiimod and pressed 7."? leaned and pressed u i t - i Sjtti.00 r':i,';iIid vent flA'S Ti--.ii . rs 75 , , , , s, white 81,00 n ,., . ,ats, Mteamed and 7."c (l , its (leaned" and prei- ,l $1.7.1 j , , , i, overcoats .. .$2.T0 i ,,:,ts $2.00 i . Vxts '."0c nts $1.00 , 7.-f 2rr . ir,f - .,-.! 'outs '. 78f Poneep Laundry 12I, Ltd. rhone 118 I'rince Ituiiert oi Chevrolet i !iv-ry Chassis 80JU.00 F ii Truck Chaanix $800.00 vr 8K0S.00 r Delivery SN0H.00 ssos.oo 8031.00 KO.'U.OO SKW0.00 v $HH0.00 I Landau 810X0.00 Mumper and Hear 'ten standard equip- ii all Passenger Wheels Standard " '! on Imperial and only. On other - n oo extra. Tire and Tube, - .' i n. Kaien Garage Phone 52 Trappers ! ir. ' ii getting enough for ' ' If not. coma to ""tii. Just now we want marten, ermine, coy- " It'. foxes of all kinds, Ivux. tiave large orders from " tun-rs In the East, : v.. cannot fill them we 'i' donus, We pay top for everything, "ii have a large lot, and 1 shall call " illy. Remember, if you ' i in ire deal sell to GoMbloom "The Trapper1 Friend." Second Avenue Selling Out ur whole stock must he disposed of quickly KAULYANI) OKT I U SHARK OF TIIK AU(!A1NS Montreal Importers T','r,' Avenue J- i t Miller. Prnprlclor '.WW' Planned Pr;iK Kuprrt Seat House powerboat js r..; Alex Saint, was pressed Into srrwir of t)e B.C. Towage M Lighterage pjwi' two weeks or nvirr nnei iu-jum-jin lias his program of )ainllng and I aniprsl repair work to the pleasure fleet Yacht K Rowing i4i tne Prince Rupert t . 1 a.-' .1 M SMSSWeaSSsaalBW II HB f I SJ Garnering an abundant harvest of herring fromviRearl oPfT Tf'mP,!8 nW n in '""" What Sti iuj fc,? . h.e f.!Hh "r ivered direct to the boat, on the Prince r a lci iron L as Weil HH lurira ni.itnt flo. ll 1 I 1L live herring pounds snd in storage by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I o an adequate supply of bait for the 1923 halibut flshimr sea- son out oi ranee Rupert seems assured. The herring are appearing in large quantities and full advantage is being taken of a' run which evidently exceeds that of some years past. Not only are the tun runniiue at Pearl Harbor but they have aUo appeared at Butletfband Cap-! , .... tarn , cove-., even , Rurt !LrP im" nd tKher H.rbor there 1 W4WJ' th"' are quit, a number re- ...ndfu. of .he old days when they Jed I J" t be ped out of the harbor with UU,1ft -a minor pails and by other almple mean suchj "" as spiked sticks. CJ.nm.ui, Watt. Ole Skog and Brad- h , J' L1htCT P- bury y,i, ar. . fmin , of,-"-, -"--" ".p on lues-1,1, t m - iiw , hii.i !iy to Oceanic Cannery, having on board )' nunarnl ton capacity at Karl IUro:,r Theae In themaelvm will pr. vidc .. Mipp!y of frh bait well Into the Mimmer lor the halibut fleet. Oant-mon Watt re ailng the Mlneboatb Zinri! and Bertha O.. the Skog brothern, the Azurlte and Anna 8.. and Bradbury iYelf. the Revelll and Tip Top The hiugj. have a contract to supply the Canadian PUh Cold Storage C o with 800 tone (or frwalnf, CoM Storage packer-, being engaged tn bringing the luh into Prince Rupert. The federal authorise, in withhold -inn for the meantime at least, opera-Uon of the new regulation which would prohibit Mining in Pearl Harbor, n receiving general approbation. It H an important matter that an adequate supply of bait ahould be ensured the local halibut fleet j hor reduction purpoaei. however, a I ban has be.-n placed on herring flailing at Purl Harbr ik,: before, however, oM.derabl of thew luh had been obtained for '.he plant of the Rupert Marhie Prcducta at Turku Inlet. Plan-, lor the complete renovation of :he fi..jl Cove cannery at Prince Rupert by thr Mlllerd Packing Co.. control of I which i recently acgulrsd by Oraate lt Binckwell. famoua old country pack-! in concern with actlvtle throttfhout jrlu. are reported to be con tern -; j..it-u O Crawford, director of the M.li-:,i Packing Co representing Oronae A.- D.ukwrll and F D. Mathers, auper-::.ti.(!,.ii; of canneries, were vlaltoaa In , frimr K u pei i during the month. They , -j.fr.' ivji lo be drawn out on tbla or i other reported plans of the new power. ful concern, howi tucnf Huuxfteau and John A. Clark. B C Packers' managera, who have been here for the pat week or ao looking vcr the canni-rlea In the district In anticipation of the resumption of operation this year. M IKXTIMT COMIMI Dr. T. Ingvaldaen, who has been appointed to the permanent scientific staff 31 the Prince Rupert Plsberle Experimental Station of the Biological Board of Canada, will arrive in Prince Rupert about May l to take up his duties. D. B. Finn director of the station, announces. Or. Ingvaldsen will be engaged in protein chemistry wjrk at the local station specialising In fish meals and certain problems relative to cald storage. Or. IugvaldKn. formerly a member of the staff of the Rockefeller Foundation, has been more recently on the faculty of the University of Manitoba and H at present engaged in research work at the Nanette Sanitarium in Manitoba He la originally a graduate of the University of Illinois but has taken several post-graduate courses in advanced science. In accordance with original plans of the station. Mitchell at Currte. loosl contractors are now proceeding with extensive work on the ground floor of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, the result of which will be the provision of a chemical engineering laboratory, museum, workshop and vitamin research room. This will further extend the working eapacaty of the aution but has nothing to do with plana for further extension in the way of an additional annex buUeUng which are now under consideration. T. Suehlro. Japanese boat builder (n Cow Say. Prince Rupert, has been Co whose other vessels were busy. to;WMd4 catureet for a trolling boat take cut the pilot. Capt. J. R. Klfert. to.. for Jacobean, local fisherman The mevt the incoming grain boat King vr-r, vlll p, xbinf feet long wtlh beam Jan.." off Triple Island Thursday after- . s fMt IBd t0.. dnlrt and will be n powered with an 8 h.p. Tale engine i The boat, which will coat about 1750, la ! The big workboat Mary Roberta from for delivery on AprU 90. the J R. Mjigau logging camp down the The )iu imi pen laid. Uoast arrived in port early Thursday! 1 morning, having on board a logger, who , had received nrrioua Injuries in the camp, snd" who eince died at the hospital. The B.C Towaae Ughtersf Oo. hsa hull work is neccetary IIIUIU T PKIC KW LOW Predictions that opsnlac halibut prices this .season would be esceptlooally low proved unfortunately true at the uivt nf Pwiwiw annirr iturlne tlhe nojvt i.-aitsussB a tn- - ; week with a scarcity of fish the only waterfront Just east of iu doe for lh. eTUJnt eur( . .aii, unsatlsfac- - lt" m,,"T m 'v tory market condition as far ss the otiwr cran wnen P.....ui -u bou ttMmMlTM eonosrntd. Prices ll-IIKKMW IIIKH during the week took s very eerkrua slump and. on their first ostcnas of the year, it la few if any of the boats oo Rlngwald Raamussen whose death oc- ,fred Spensea. much lsss making asoney. curred on Wednesday in the Prince Ru- The highest bid during the week for 1 pert Oensral Hospital, was a well known j American fish waa 10.4c and sc which local halibut flslierman It was only tnr Augusta and Tyv recelT-rd for last week that fuflering a complete I etcnee of 14.000 and 1S40O pounds re- breakdown of health, he aa taken from the local boat Zero. He had fished out of thi port for ten or twelve yearn l arid for a long time was employed by Brjdburv Yelf. having last year been . member of tbe crew of their oelneboat ! w,. ,nt hlJntxJ!lsK. spectively. The Mshsst Oanadlan bid was c snd 5c which was paid the AMI for a.000 pounds: Sismslo. 11.080 pounds; Viking I.. 4090 psstads; and Tsrasn. 8,000 souses. Trices sank' ' Amerlosa Amariean. Witn rxcellent sunny and drying j Leadings t Prince Rupert for the Ms-utiier having now prevailed for the Mn up to yeatarday totalled 934,400 sounds as compared with eos.anu pounds at a slmllsr date last year American landings are down this year to 710.000 pounds from last year's 894 Club ell advanced. If conditions con-' p3unds at, a similar date while Can- tlnuc t present, the picnicking and (beach party seastm ahould commence i sooner than usual. Cant Brandy Newell with his sdlan landings are reoorded at 905.400 pounds as compared with 88.100 pounds last yesr. Inough American flab was offered at Prince Rupert, but either bK sold for delivery at other ports or gone .(.inebiwt snd packer Brucr 1 arrived I elsewhere on account of unsatisfactory this week t Butedale after havuig spent m, kot condltlona. to fully make up the 'he winter at Vancouver. Brandy wl" i decrease so far reoorded this season, ensaa-e m seining herring for the Oan- j n,, following boats landed their adlan Pishing Co in the vicinity 01 1 catches here during the past week: .-h.i and his msny local frlenda are; American Sentinel. 18.000; AugusU .ntirnatiui call from him in the near ,400. Teddy J.. 18.500; Hassl future. Machine shops and local marine sup-niv houor. report that cannery and na-tlve business Is now getting well under volume oomparlng favor-ablv way with a Much of the years. with previous work that is usually dons Immediately after the close of the season was olsyed noubt on sccount ol Nthort-. this if y.r funds following an uwuetwsaful year Tmn. perhaps, more aprlng work than usuwi ',l,m th" "" Muhterage Co.'s seine- B.C. To.f boat Mek. end for Pr .ri mini win I""- Hiirlmr. having been char- tered by ti"'"""11 " ve herrln,: p.."i snd h.l.btlter W A F XI ie M in-bost rr. I "ow ,ns week t.. 18.000; Tree. 19.500: Qlacier. 14.000; Orayllng, 18.000; Star. 10.000; Bravo, 10,600; Thelma M . 900; Viking. 10.000: Nil- kof, 40.000; Mlddleton ,81,000: Ireno. 91.000: Havana! 18,000; Sherman. 14.-030; Lumen. 18,000: Betty, 14,000: Mars 9.000: Oony. 8500: Hilda 5.000; I ruing. 18.000: J. P. Todd II.. 11.000; Baltic IB.- 000: Oarland. 9,000: Eag'. 40.000; Brothers. 13.000: Ithona, 18.000: BrunvoU. 83.000; Democrat. 35,000: Defense. 15.000; Ivsnhoe, 34,000; Portlock. 94,000; Ts- kairi 15.000; Wenteretert. 4000; Wave 13.000: Wabash. 4.500 Canadian Atll. 8,000; Sea Maid, 13, PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon asaed by SANTAL KIIDY Bswar ef Imltstleaa Less for trie word -Mlur gold lis tl) drutsisir litis ki t fichmoiid9s : "Louvre For Cash Only Introductory Ends Tonight Saturday The great success we had with our Fashion Show has decided us to offer for sale for cash only our whole stock at 25 cents on the dollar less. Besides, wc have found that the quicker wc can sell our goods and the more goods we can sell, the lower the price wc can afford to sell Approximately 500 New Season's LADIES' DRESSES Everyone different every size and in every fashionable material, will hq on sale on Friday and Saturday only at 25 cents on the dollar less. Approximately 200 New Season's Ladies' Spring Coats, Ensemble Suits and Hand Tailored Suits In Kasha, Gabardines, Tricolcttcs, Serges, trimmed with real moleskin, squir- , rcl, fox and embroidery, will be on sale on Friday and Saturday only at 25 cents on the dollar less. Approximately 375 New Season s f LADIES' SPRING HATS Everyone different, and made by the foremost milliners original French im , Cported models and very good copies will be on sale on Friday and Saturday only -at 25 cents on the dollar less. YACHT HACK PLAN Ml 1 1 etRci.v.. mU a:i- Triatic LADIES' SPIUNCS COATS LADIES' SPRING HATS as cheap as as cheap as $9.50 $3.75 and up and up And remember, our stock is all new, as everything wc offer has arrived within the last three weeks. This will be our last sale this season, so be sure to have your "choice of these fine Spring offerings. i i , ' R ichmond's Louvre 000; Viking I., 4.000; Ternen. 8.000; Helen. 4,000: Gertrude, 900; Caygson. 8.000; Emblem I.. 30,000; It. W., 6.600; Impereuse. 6.600: Rose spit. 10,000; Cape Spencer e.OOO: Ur.rguarite. 3.500, Rayal. 4.000; toward Upset t. 6.000; Margallos 0.600: Mary a., 3,000; Scrub. 7X100; D.S.T.. 3.000; Johanna, is ,000; Aiken. 18400: Cape Strain, 10.000; Prosperity A.. 30.000 The new fifty-foot halibut boat Hcige It., built by Y. Tsumura at Cow Bay for Msurellus lUlkestad. had satisfactory trial runs in the harbor on Thursday afternoon snd is now about ready to leave on her maiden trip to tbe grounds. The Southend, built by Y. Suehlro, la having final touches put on her engine and will alsoS ready to leave shortly for the grounds under command of tier owner. Anton Moen. Oapt. Pete Wold has been making repairs this week In Oow Bay to his hsll-but boat Toodle. The vowel developed s leaky tank and there was also one of the stem seams opened up on the first trip of 1 lie season to the hank The vessel continued flsha. hnwewi. but la now being put In ehlp-ahnpe uu-forr Kolng out again, An method of emphasising to the world at large the yachting advantagea of Pacific northwest watvrx is afforded by plans which have been completed by a Joint ouuiuiiuee uf the Olympla aud Juneau Chambers of Commerce for a cruiaing race this summer from Olympla, capital 01 Wnihliurton, to Juneau, capital of Alaska. The Prlnre Rupert Yacht as Rowing Club has pent an Invitation for the competing vessels to call here dur-lug the trip. That Priuce Rupert itself, with so many pleasure ooats. cannot be entered in the rare aeema somewhnl of n pity. Such an undertaking would require possibly some local financial b-.i'klnn but mlKht be well repaid n the publicity received. The distance la approximately 900 rnlle. and the u-nt will be open only tdsjx)tr cruisers of between twenty-five and fifty feet In lengthy In other jrds, 11 In not a contest for big yachts d-ngned for ocean-going purposes but one for smaller ve.wls built for mors o.' less landlocked waters. And stretches of salt w-nter BOO miles long In which twenty-five-ri."t boats may safely aall ;itf not found scattered very freely around this wi t Icul.ir earth. The Joint committee of the chambers capiiai-io-ciipnai rare, nave jvn an nminced the date f dinning from Olym (oontiuutd on pagt lit) (Canadian) auwyX PAOS FTVTJ Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Tn Kelclilkan. U'rsngell, Junrsn. and Kksgwsy March II, 11, II. Ts Ysiiroiiver, Vlrtiwla and Seattle Msrrh IS, to, Arll 4. PBlNCESft HEATRKt-Tor liutrdale. East llella Delia, Ocean ralM. Namii, Alerl llay. Campbell Itltrr, and Vancomer eery NstMrdai, II a.m. Agency for all Hteannhlp Lines. Pull lotnrinallon Irum W. C. URCIUHt), General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, IkC. Phone 31 City Meat Market (sei.vig mtos.) 3rd Avenue Phone 763 MEAT FISH, VEGETAllUiS and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN I'ltODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe ! All Articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh.