BILLY TOWNSEND, ; VANCOUVER, BEAT TOMMY FIELDING: VANVOUVER, Nov. 30. Billy Town send, local junior lightweight, won the decision over Tommy Fielding of Victoria, last night. Townsend won nine rounds and one was even. , The "Flu" Left Her With A Wretched Cough Mrs. E. A. Ilrooki, 1164 Ilobeoo BL, VAJMVMltrAf' BP "T--4 i-A I had the 'flu' twice, and the Lilt time it left me with a wretched eough that seemed to stay right with me until 1 used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup News and Views In The World of Sport The first bottfc I usetTiwroed to TiVmm it so such I pure hued the renjnd one, sad bow, I find my cough baa eottffetehr left me. ,Sertj"y never be without a Kettle of 'Dr. Wood's' Pine Syrup in the bouse." Priee 3ie. a bottle; large family siee we- at all druegiits and dealers. Put up only by TU T. Milbura Co., Ltd, Toronto, Ont. J27 ELi This Handsome 8-Cup Slie. TEAPOT Will be (iven away sb-selutely free to each purchaser of 1 lb. BRAID'S BEST TEA AND 1 lb. BRAID S BEST COFFEE Braid's Best Tea Is packed In two grades: Red Label Orange Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market This offer obtainable at the following Grocers: j iMOSSALLEM.GItOCBltY jg' $ MUNROBROS. J SBUSirS'fcROQETERlA i' r : f , . k SEAL COYE'GROCERY BRAID, TUCK & CO., LTD. VANCOUVER WHIST LEAGUE LEAD IS TIED New Empress, Grotto and Moose Have Now Won Same Number of Games Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League results last night were as follows: Grotto 6, Leif Erikeon 3. Mm 6, New Bmprefte 4. SbI 0e 6, St. Georges 4. League Table P W L P New. Eraprees 6 4 1 4 Grdeto ..V... ... 8 4 14 Moose 6 4 2 4 K. of P 5 2 3 2 Seal Cove 5 2 8 2 Leif Erckson 6 1 4 1 St. George's 6 1 4 1 SPORT FIXTURES i ' FOR THE WEEK 1 Friday Basketball : Senior League, Native Sons of Canada ;vs Port Simpson; Intermediate. ,Big Four vs C. N. R.; Ladies' j Maple Leafs vs Drill Team; Jun-'ioi, ColtH vs Hieh School. 1 A delight to the connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND James Buchanan & Co Limited 26 Holborn, London, E.CJ. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the : Liquor -Cmtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia 'RANGERS WON I VICTORIA CUBS i ! :t ' match FR01CHCAG0 TORONTO. Nov. 30. New York Rangers opened up a trap in the American group of the National Hockey League but the Canadian group is jumbled. The Rangers outlucked Chicago in an overtime duel at New York last night. Detroit earning a one-all tie with Montreal at Detroit tied with Boston for the runner up position. Pittsburgh again tied the Canadiens at Montreal with the result that only two points now generate the leading three teams, the N. Y. Americans, Toronto and the Canadiens.. -'Staycs were as follows: PNuburgh 1, Canadiens 1. Defeoit 1. Montreal 1. York Rangers Chicago 1. PORT SIMPSON HAS BIG LEAD j Will Play Against Native Sons in Senior League Tonight; Interesting 1'rogram of Games With each team having played four games to date, Port Simpson has a long lead in the Senior Basketball League with four wins and no losses. Kincolith is fifty-fifty on the standing sheet and the town teams Native Sons of Canada and, , the Players' Club -are square In the oelrar. having won but one game each and lost ! three. The Simpson boys will defend their supremacy tonight ' against the Native Sens. The lat In 'the' Intermediate League, High School is away out on top.-! SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE sion jticket James Krtkev-sky. After cards, refreshments were served and dinting followed, music being by Dave Eastman's Orchestra. The committee in charge of the event consisted of Mrs. II. R. Eastman, Mrs. A. Guyan, Mrs. Geddes, J. A. Teng, Vie Houston and II. Mahaffey. ST. ANDREW'S DAY St. Andrew's Day.;is again being celebrated by rSeotsmen today. The ignorant are reminded that he Is the patron saint of Scotland and tho . cross which bears his name is a white one on a blue field. The flag of Andrew is one of the component j parts pf the Union Jack, the flag which U used throughout the British Empire. TIED PORTLAND HOCKEY MATCH PORTLAND, Nov. no.-The Victoria Cubs and Portland Bur-karooa fought1 a three" to throe tie here last night, in the Pacific-Coast Hockey League fixture. The Cubs pulled down the lead of Portland, token in the second period and evened the score in the third. They battled even terms with the iiuckuroos in the ten minutes extra period. CONTEST CLOSE IN BILLIARDS Grotto Close to Grand Terminals ' for First Division leadership As a result of their severe de fet this week at the hands u the Grotto, Grand Terminals hav. lost their long lead in the firm division billiard league and the tobacconist are fairly close be hind them. The contest is also somewha' tighter in the second division. Th Grand Terminals, badly beate last week by the Cold .Storage, have loot second place to the Gr. to and the hold of the ( old Stor age on first place is not quite s strong. ONLY TWO GAMES JN BILLIARD FIXTURE PLAYED LAST NIGHT ter are planning, to make one more I 'determined stand on this occasion j Only two of the five scheduled and it should prove jfln interesting games in this week's second div with four wins and no losses. Big I Terminals) Four, which is in second place with three wine. and but one foes, will play tonight against the C. N. R. which has yet to win a game this season. In the Ladies' League, the Drill Toam hopes to redeem itself partially after having lost four straight games to the Maple Leafs. Colts will attempt to reduce the lead of the High School in the Junior League. isien biHiard flttUre were played last night i Mv M. McLachlan (Grotto) i beat Ben Self Orand 200 to 147 and S. D. Macdonald also wan for the tobacconists 200 to 1X8 over John Bulger. . The i three deferred games will be played oyer the week-end. TO TAKE CHARGE OF GOVERNMENT WHARF George Smith Receive ment to Succeed 11. Daggett George Smith, well knows pioneer of the city, has receives! the appointment of rovernnent whar- : Orange Lodge Affair Last Night, finger here succeeding 12. M. Dag-j in Metropole Hall Proved jgett. . Mr. Smith was formerly en-i Very Enjoyable I gaged in the plastering business ! (in the city. ! I he whist drive and dance new last night in the Metropole Hall by the Loyal Orange Lodge and the LadW Orange Benevolent Association proved to be a moat successful and enjoyable affair. There were eighteen table of whist and -prize winners were: , Ladies' first, Mrs. Jack Ratefc-Iford; ladies' second, Mrs. Robert 'Murray; ladies' consolation, Mrs. J. Field. Men's first, James Krlkevsky; second, J. A. Teng; consolation, A. Morrison, , The five dollar gold piece prise for the holder of the lucky admis FRED WEAVER HERE TO RELIEVE CONSUL Freid Weaver. United States ricWoaas)! at Vancouver, arrived in the eity Crem the south on the Prince Royal this afternoon to relieve Consul G. C. Woodward who in going south for a vacation. Mr. Weaver was formerly la the local consulate and waa transferred from here some years ago to Central America, later moving to Vancouver. WOOLLEN MILL INSOUTHSOLD VICTORIA, Nov. 30. The cabinet yesterday authorized the sale Of a woollen mill in Vancouver pield by Me department of Indus tries, to the Pacific Woollens Ltd. for $36,000. The purchasing com pany will manufacture tweeds, blankets and woollens flannels using only British Columbia wool. This is the first company to thus utillr.i the local wools. Dr. W. T. Keiwln Will sail to- St. ! morrow morning on the Princess Mary for Petersburg, Alaska. The American halibut boat Cedric, Which he owns, will be brought beek from that point. GOVERNMENT GRANT , .k TO VANCOUVER FAIR VICORIA. Nov. 30j-The government has made a grant of $10.-000 to the Vancouver Winter Fair which is now in prgres. VISITING IN CITY Mrs William Wright, who conducts a jewelry store at Juneau, arrived in the city on the Princess Royal this afternoon from Seattle, where she has been on a holiday visit, and will be here with local friendnntfl tomorrow when; she will foroired north on me "ibrineeaa M n LO0RLS(FnNTo!R If.- ..V ITUATION Mr. and Mrs. Rystpgj of Seattle are making the r&und trip here today on the ia,raer. Prince Royal. Mr. RystogJ who fWmerJy owned two hotels Ifi Jlawson, is looking over wim prospects locally. NO WORD OF BOATS Local offices of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union ud to earlv this afternoon had received no word as to the outcome of the search which is being made in the north for the two American halibut vessels DrunvAl and Im perial which have now been mis sing ior over two weeks. Robert Blanee sailed thle mor ning by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holtliv nnd son sailed kg the Prtaee Runert this morning on a triptto Vancou ver and other point in the south. ueorsre lUtm. wtltHim Df tv. Pioneer Laundrv. MU!ltlilni() In. juries to hie head on Wednesday night in falling down" stairs at the Pioneer Rooms where he resides. He is a patfeit Jn the Prince Rupert General Hospital wnere eamj0auon 18 feeing made today to determine the ure of the injury. - - : '!;,M,tems 4L; St. Andrew Scotch tame), Moooe, Hall ieoisjeH. AdaoiaeJoa, Gentlemen 1.00, Ladies c. Dancing to commence at 9 o'eleck I prompt. H. C. Keeley. Pacffie Coast nwaager ef Canadian National Bteamahips waa a nesseneer re turning south aboard the Prince Ru)ert this morning after havinir made the round trip north on that 1. A floral wreath wa sent to the funeral of Captain Robert yen Iterday I Grade if our of ftnnim JlUle r.erald is- a oapIL C.P.U.. slMAIer.PrtiMess Marv. northbound 'from Vancouvn t.. Skagway, is due in port bout noon tomorrow and wiii ll ay ain southbound next Wednesday afternoon. Fir JJ SLANTS est Procurable (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT flollJ ud (nniMd Wr WaiUa Crul it Sml l,mild CI.IhUI tmi Ulni.pnil DlilUnw. UttJ. CUto-. SwUuU. m This Advertisement is not piiljHihcd or displnvfd 1' Liquor Gonlrol Hoard or by the Government ol HrilUh nnhimiira' A