J ,d;.v. November W, U)2ts ' K- r-f, Man m Moon I There are electric cookers, electric sweepers and electric washers. The only thing now is to invent an electric machine to nurse the baby and the relief of the housekeeper will be complete. The man who retire before his work is finished is only half a man, When a man gets a lot of second class mail, ten to fine he is on thn sucker list. Nature is grafpd tut she failed to invent a propel eentrol for the amount of food a person liould consume. Italy is shaped like a boot leg and V. S. functions that way. THAT PROVES IT An expert says that not one tviman in ten can pass a beauty t. t. Or a beauty parlor, say we. Nt w York Evening Poet. FOR A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE .loBes rang the bell at the new do! tor's house. The doctor's wife ..iiHwered the rin "You wish to see the doctor?" ,h said. "CouldirVrw come tomorrow morning?" Why." said Jones, "Isn't the ilortor in?" Oh. yes he's in," said the iiii wife wistfully, "but you're 1 1, first patient and I'd like you ome as a surprise for nina to-morrow. You sec it's his birth-.iv." Boston Traascrlpt. PRINCE RUPERT TI2E.S - . Friday, November 30 li.gh 3.42 a.m. 20.2 ft 15.18 p.m. 22.6 ft I. w 9.2S a.m. 77 ft. 22.06 p.m. 17 ft Its Romantic STORY A World Search for Rare Medicinal Herbs. It is not commonly known that countries so far apart as China and Spain, Japan and Ennland, and Tasmania a4 Frame have to ba Marched lor tha tici ut berbi o1 is tbt manufacture I thai ld Umed lieal.nn blm ZAM BI K Tht htrtn r nutnr U tbm tut n4 coti I? Thv nerd loU)tthtm) juitst ihc nbt M4MM balbcir )uitnd medicin! coattnl tit M ibcit rjf t fmlhtrtnl mtditlfl IK llMl Zim-bph It th trui iiKCCttor U ih ktttl dealing Ulrni Aancai Hon t n:, thkt important adaniat Zm tui, Id addiiioa 10 ill rare hcttl lompot ti n. hti iwenualh century medical know leda Sad manuf lu lui irr UU. to bring il tofDuUt of perfeciuri. prvbablf otvei joallad io trie ansatt M htalihx Tbf diftetem ntdu.-ial qalUifl W Zam txik aic bcaatifull) UUw4 Tha htaUni ai4t wirh lb a kit lie, tpa toothing with Ifea (innuidaji. H it tvnetratTv tat not too timulatm(t. aod bail juitt the ri(ht lubricity (or raMrlRf urrlual tlluagi. apraiM (W paiof. Thu .am-bua ii t uMful. reliable, and b,!gujr-coocetratrd. mtdiniia) drrinnu alarar ready toinnantlt aeotrie pain, awiitlf Hf rllin and tnBaoi maiion. eipel deep teaied diwke. and grow new healthy tkio Moreover, uwn ol Zam-buk hava rifect conhdence bxh atona cooiet (ram Ilia koldi that it ii a rehned herbal pteparation and set an alifidat oiaiKent contpoaed et pore clof (n iati and crude druci. lam buk ii Uvalnabla in all ilebif , Intamad. and diwated cooditiont of the km, hHn Iw i anitep4ie bealinn makei It the ideal f rt-aid dreanr f borni. acaldl, cult, etr i It ii alo the aoothlnfremtdl for pilei. Of dealer! every heia Mc tbe boa : j for t 2J, of Zaa-buk Co., Dupont St., Toroata. TRAPPERS Get every cent your FURS are worth. Ship them or bring them to liOYI) YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE REAL ESTATE FOH SALE 100 acres with dwel ling, barns, stable, etc. at Houston. B.C. About 90 acres in timothy. Cash or terms. Reasonable price. Apply Box 102 Daily News Office. 284 FOR SALE FOR SALE Chinchilla Rabbits. l'gre. Kinnahan Fur Farm. Phone Red CQ1. 282 FOR SALE Piano, household I ' furniture. Also lot in Section', 1 two. Mrs. Self, over Commo-1 dore Cafe. Phone Green 380. 281 1 WANTED j WANTED Girl for general house I work. Phone Blue 891. tf i WANTED Rlube woman to I keep baby for three months. 1 Phone Royal Hotel. 282 WAITED Residential lot close in, on sewer. Corner lot pre-' ferred. Phone Red 720. LOST LOST Bunch of keys in leather case, between New Empress and C.N.R. station. Finder please return to Daily News Office. 281 RED'S Transfer I Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood -in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service j Phone us and Save Money and Time j DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20L Nigh Phone: Red 317. iCoal ! Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Sreeni ed Nut NanaimoAVellington Mine-Run. Beacon JJard 3oi!es Lump. Beacoa Hard SocUeai Bgg. . Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment We shall be glad to adyiss you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 1 16 and 117 BRINGING UP rTM ATT WAITER THE DAILY NET73 PAG2 SEVES 1-; - - ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SEE, FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOR RENT - furnished house-! TRY CHIROPRACTIC keeping rooms by the day, week !F fhes, Backache, Scia-or month. Phone Red C07. tf i Z, t . T . FOR RENT Thirty three room hotel, partly furnished. YApply J. C. McLennan. it ... - . - - . . V FOR RENT Furnished house 1 keeping rooms. Mussallum Crpcery. tf. IFOR RENT Furnished house central ?0.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf 1)RIYURSE1,F TAX! For W9 to Rfllnhlc Drivers Phone Blue 389 WAT.KPP CQ. LTD. AGENTS WANTED AC-Pvts WANTH EYEBY-WHBnP SeJJ eight twb -trie radio c0fnjt with lubs. pnwr er. Price dsfieit pnmnUUnn, W'edeJ Cenwv. fwi ""tv Second Avenue. fl attie. Washington. 282 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's ojj or "T,,r the wnler InntYn ppppnT civcv TOWIVQ caVPANY T 'V'TED inlW Prilnd tnr plvine a,d General 51vscp Wrk. S"ots snH ef all deserM- t!ons for Charter. Row rtot. st? rrr for hlrf. jBarirairM in 0 Piwln AGFVTS POT? . rt""ntv Engines. TCortberr H. f. n?tHbUrs Phon Dv or VISt. Rfii ! P. O. P"X 15fiJ I RQWE'3 METAT ! WORKS ! rhimrev tons, esvp roinrhg I conductor Pipe, roof flashing.: wroi sir furnaces, pine or nioe-i less, stove pipes and elbows. (Out" of town orders promptly at-1 tended to. Phone 340, Box 467. 227 Second Ave. TUITION Candidates prepared for all University and Professional entrance examinations, in English, Mathematics, Latin. Greek. History. Geography, Individual tuition. Particular attention to those learning English. Terms on Interview. P. Icenna. B. An T. C D. Care of pox 153, Daily News Office SHOE REPAIRING LOUIS SCIUIMG i announces the opening of the old Gunsmith shop on Second I Avenue and is now busy MAKING AND REPAIRING SHOES The best leather, the finest work manship and over 30 years ex lerience awaits your orders. LOUIS SCIIIBIG 333 Second Avenue FATHER KEEP LBOKW' ( wJi COMMA Vftpa lOMK OF TMEOISHKJ- WOOUONT CIUUQI'KALTIC You will he surprised how they ,afaPf. ',. As . V H 6 and &xtUnt Building Corner ThlW nw Sixth Streets Open Evenings Phone: fire! 241, Black 283 DR. It. K. EYOLPSON Aided bv his new AXALYTE unfailingly picks the correct norve centre to v' :H.iiJted, and the right 4j9tmi nt nt the rifbt time bring qnu k T nnd titter results. InHriri" sojirited. XnsujWn Free ' Plne THE Sit AM ROCK ROOMS 8th Street, and Second Avenue tlndt new raanaKement;;7bien single and doable huuseiekyplng rooms Mrs. John DalberR GOOD BATS CAP Under manaMnt-nt of Mrs Al Pdwrsnn A good miice to eat MEALS 5fe Home Cooking, ffome Made Bread Pastry and Cakes- . II A I R D It E S S I N G New Method PERM&NHNT WAXyi : : v Given bVM". AllehVf ; 311 LADY IIBAUTY SHOPPE Price $10.00. Also Fini?e Waving, etc. Phose 655 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY " Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY ; Telephone 657. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pre&sed. We call for and deliver tq all parts of the city. For that Suit We have .ffae. Fall and Winter SuitlngT 'aid'' Overcoatings on hand. Come in today end hit or take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed, liest materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 f HO K4B.W J - THtMG? PARDOM- BUT havent tou for coTTek! bOttK. IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO BATHS FINNISH SWEAT HATHS--May now be had at the "Rupert Baths," First Ave. and Mi Bride St. Private sweat room, shower bath And dressing room for Ladies, Best remedy for rheu-matispj. ' Fifce for preservation of health. A uick, nafe and ' pleasant way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold in one treatment. Rub-down and massage if desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince you of the benefits to be derived from Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WICKWIRE, Attendant. CHIMNEY SWEEP , H. J. Zumkthr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves '('leaned and Repa paired, Phene. S "". . Prince rince Ski Rupert. pert. 8. 8. C. C. V" ir GOAL Your choice BDSON CASSIDYl - WEI I.INGTON TRLKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince ftapert Feed Co. MINING , STOCKS REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE We are prepared to take odete,ep the Vancouver Stock Exchange ' Our ben .years experience ;('ori the fjoor.'of the; Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with any pfdsfstarge or small. Repsesenting Nanson Roth-well & Co.:Ltd., Vancouver, B C. . ,Iorn(sg and afternoon (fidIngfprices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box 66 Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: f Fqr twenty yearilyc-u haw been gettiog good jreststent from Goltlbjoom. Und pott- bloom U jn th-e market far ever,knf for. .1 your. l or a square I'1 brtmc FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable houe Of?- A -"THE. C6MTVCMM AT I 1 Tvtib TABUS USOAUjr RENT, LOST 1 FOU YOUNG AND OLD. naJ Steamships t Canadian Nat Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating t..T.l- Ht.WW Kiinin-rav k'.achiiHt. rkilermaker, BlttrktunithK FJ.MTim AND ACETYLENE WEl.lHNfi V,r i-- JJi l f XtJf 'WW1 efta'lpjiod-tti handle all kinoK f MAKINK AND COMMERCIAL WOK . VRUNS DEMAND 1 i V w r-Tf cT-i Ton Flint IriK Dr Dwcfc A3 astal 3K Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Rupert. MX Rupertd" - Kippers - -I'HR liykNTIKST BREAKS A! VtmK SisKkeal Daily by CanadiaD Rsh & Prince S. E. PAKKEK, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Tracks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Term." if desired. By George McManus ii j j -1 i i : -v ii i mm m i ' , mi , 11 ftyt taa. Pft-.' W H ' ' - r . - 51