TAGE ki EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Friday, Nr,,n, i II Si I II l II H i H HI i I p i,t,-t - iii imii ii imiiii"" nrrrf-r asm3SSSSm3& GREAT BATTLE PRESENTATION Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. WITH CROOKS . TO MINISTER Westholme Theatre "The Drag Net" Opens With Murder Sunday School Officers Honor of Witness in Court Kev. J. il Frizell Before Room and is Full of 7 and 9 p.m. - Saturday Matinee 2.30 p.m. Excitement He Leaves City GEORGE BANCROFT TheD 50c and 15c IN rag Net A stupendous, powerful drama of the underworld Evelyn Brent, Francis MacDonald and big Supporting Cast. "CONFESSIONS OF A CHOKUS GIRL" Comedy "SKATING HOME" ' A comedy of an entirely new kind. 'HODGE PODGE" SCENIC TRAVELOGUE Overture Second Hungarian Rapsodie by Taboni Matinee 35c and 10c Child buyer of the lucky ticket at Saturday receives free pass for one month. SMART CKS For All Occasions CHIC DRESSES made frogs wonderful Celanese Silks. Lovely shades of Blue. Wine. Fawn. Brown. Green, etc.. at .'SIIAI PRINTED SILK VELVETS, decidedly different in style, in Greys, Rli i , Browns, etc. "Sore to pteste the -welt-dressed -woman $t(M0 EVENING DRESSES, exquisitely designed, lovely soft shades of Maize, Maave, Bine, Green, etc. These dresses have the necessar) snap and the right price .S17.."! to $27.00 MAKE THIS YOUR GIFT SHOP FOR XMAS. Phone 15. Phone 571. B. Butchers & Grocers mi LIMITED 1 1 1018 weeKs NCiT A POLICE CASE V hini a senMational case of n.ip; iiiK in our houw lately." ally! Mow did it happen?" h:,liy sli'pt the whulf Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone, us XaaMBnSSSBBSSSBSSSBBSnBSSSBBaBBBBBSBMBBSSBBBBBBBBBlSSS BX. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574. Phone 15. Football Coach (to . applicant for place on team) What experience have you h:ui? Applicant Well last summer I was hit )y two autos ami a truvk. Van. uum' 'nee. A murder trial is in progress The noose is tightening about the neck of Dapper Frank Trent, notorious gangster, suspected murderer. The prosecution has just announced that it will put a former member of Castoni's : gang on the witness stand. The' witness take the stand, is sworn in and glares at his former leader. He is just opening his mouth to speak when a shot rings out harply. The witness crumples in his chair, dead. 'I hen George Bancroft, the bit? daredevil detective lieutenant, gets on the trail of the crooks in "The Drag Net," the Paramount picture at the Westholme tonight and tomorrow. Straight to the strongholds uf : the crooks Bancroft carries his! war in this thrilling melodrama j of the law's finish battle with or-1 ganised forces of the under world. His men advise caution. The crooks fire a leaden message of defiance from their machine Mguns, right through the window of Bancroft's office at police headquarters. But danger is just a challenge to this red blooded Week-end Sp ecia Granulated Sugar 15 lbs. Sugar Criip Corn Flakes Nabob Tea in Mb. tin ?c Storage EggtExtras. Dos. Uk Nabob Red Plum Jam , 4-lb. tin 45c Campbell's Clam Chowder Tin ; Alberta Market P. OAMULA; Pioprletor Fifth Street. i'hone 208 STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS mism MAKE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD PROGRESS OF PRAIRIE CITY T. II. Johnston Mentions Strides Made by fyltriiui ami Say Ilupert Has Jut as .Many Advantages fighting man. gentry, T. H. Johnston, addres-' In "lhe Drag Net" Bancroft'., . . , , nas much the same type of role I " . , which brought him to sensation-!Mfd tne population of al fame anl stardom in "Under- 57,000; the baflriing permits for world." Only instead of being the the first ten months of the year underworld leader he take tha were 944.000,060. There were part of the nemesis of the gang-'thirteen new industries, 25 whole-ters in this picture. sale houses, 560 new homes and thirteen new apartment building THROUGH SLEEPERS Z2Z?. TO THE SHIPS SIDE 'tr.r.lCr.Z' ' ., the General Motors which em-The Canadian National Rail- ' . OA(1 , , ... . ways have made arrangements to operate special trains and through leeping cars from the racu'ir her. Full information from City Ticket Offiee, 68 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Pnooe 200. 282 put of 150 cars a day. The pro gress of Regis was illustrative rf 4sa rt rkwamm f tY,m . uuuf 1 : Coast to the ships side at Mon-p ; R rt 8nouW uke en. Itrcal and Halifax in ejection ( couragement from lt for he con. with sailings for the Old Coun-, ; JdOTeil Princ. Btd even , ir during November and Decern-! nwmmtam ..!.. JL'a... p. I gina. Mr. Johnston told of visiting a great many places while sway. He brought greetings from Rev. -t . a m w a ems m Provincial Constable H. Ray-1 ormt 01 wiiiwm. a ior- bone sailed this morning on thel " "ere a" Prince now J"bfr t cIu at Rupert for Vancouver with four prisoners in hi custody. hfad ,f ,aklwre nl" club U lassification wsk 'fire Insur- ance. The progress Of the whole country, Mr. Johnston said was remarkable. Toronto was bnild-;njr up rapidly. The speaker concluded by tel: ling of a visit to New York and Princeton University. There . a friend of his told a story of 'a young man securing a position in a fish house down east. He $1.09: was told he must be on the job st five in the morning. He ar- 3 pkgs 25c rived at neven and on being taken to task for his late arrival said he had been there on time but it had taken two, hours to find a narking place for his car. His employer looked at him severely 15e,nd remarked: Singapore Pineapples Sliced. I "The other employees here ir-2 Una 25c struct thir cattfe'. P i .-.myrna Layer rigs uo their earn for them. Take a mb; Swansdown Cake Flonr--Pgk. 40c. mn from them." i Seedless Raisins 2-lb. pkg. . .25cl 1 Swift's Jewel Shortening ' ' . " ": Candied Peel Mix. Lb. 3t - ; Shelled Walnuts Halfs. Lb. 40r Shelled Almonds Lb 35c Prunes Largest alia, 18-24. Lb 20c I Acadia Codfish 2-lb. box . . .45c i French Mushrooms First choice. I Tin... 40c i French Dry Mushrooms Lb. $2.00 ; Holland's Edam Cheese Lb. 45c I Hall's Boneless Chicken I 7-. tin 40 Wethe)-'s Mince Meat 2 pkgs. tic Instant Poatum Large tin . . .50e Eno's Fruit Salt Bottle ....94c ; First shipment of Jap Oranges i are in. Per box $1.10, Sunkist Navel Oranges I :, doz 05c iCold Dust Large Plfg 30c i SiiriiiK Clothes Pins 6 doz. ,25c Free! 1 Bread Knife 1 Mixing Free! Given with: 1 ib. Lanka Tea '4 H. Braid's Coffee for $l.or 1 Tea Pot(i cups) Givtn with: i 1 1 lb. Braid's tea (BIjLLM( Braid's Qaje ft. First shipment of JP Oranges, juM arrived, per box . ...j 1. 10 Mussallem's 617-42:5 r.th A vf. E. Phones 18484 Representative of the Sund y Sihoql of First Presbyterian Church in the persons of John E. Davey, the superintendent, and E. J. Smith called yesterday afternoon at the home of Kev. and Mrs. J. H. Frizell, who are leaving for the south soon, and, on behalf of the Sunday School, presented Mr. Friszell with a gold and ivory mounted cane as a mark of appreciation for his services and the interest he had manifested In the Sunday School and its fctaff. Mr.' Frizsell replied, thanking the teachers and officers and stating that he would always remember their kindness. He was not aware that he had done anything more than his doty to merit such a gift. Owing to the indisposition of Mra Friziell. thev will not b' leaving the city before the begin- jtj. ning of next week. Rev. .!olnii Sutherland arrived today from TONIGHT "ROSE OF THE GOLDEN WEST" WITH MAKY ASTOH AND GILREKT KOI.AM) Romance and intrigue! Love and the clash of OX TIIU STAGE GEORGE A YLKTT Hawaiian Wtartl of the Sn ni MARIE MUSSA1IJJM -Charming Dinn-urc Firet Show 7 P. M. r0i up'! NEXT MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY HI m With Special Matinee Monday 3.30 P.M. Nova Scotia and will conduct both; A J.ovf.1C(a . Nai u NcnJ' rirlrM nn Sunday, i-nwri.i.-r v. ...y Vfi wgmz&3p&g. 7or wimp For 2 days only JAB0UR M. bros: beasci and Mon. SALE of everything in Dry Goods Ready-to-Wear & Footwear HERE'S A SNAP, 20 PER CENT OFF ON EVERY DOLLARS WORTH PURCHASED DURING THESE TWO DAYS Silks, Flannels, Velvets, Cottons ond Crepes, Sheeting, Pillow Tubing, -Ready-to-wear including Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Wool Com1 tions, 2-piece suits, in Silk for Ladies'. Children's Sleeping Suits, Lad it- : Girls' Nightgowns, long and short sleeves, Ladies' and Girls' Pyjamas i rMM'GonMstsUid CorieIett,Hoaiery .jiiiiIkand aeikafld wool, Dresses and Hats, Gloves, Mits and Toques. In the Dry Goods Dept. . offering Wool in all kinds and colors, blankets, Pillows, Fancy W Valises and Trunks. 15 PER CENT OFF EVERY DOLLAR ON RURHKR, LEATHER AM . PE I jTyH)I)T WK A R -Including Ladies' Street Shoes, Gaytee Overshoes, with Zippers and a shipment of the latest fastening devices, all styles of fancy slipjM i dress and evening wear. Children's High Shoes, Oxfords and fancy Sli : Rubbers to fit any style of shoes for Men, Women and Children, also " and 12 inch Gumboats, Knee and Three-fourth Rubbers Boots for men. WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY lo remind you of our Xma Novelties now on display for your inspection. Wc have a wonderful selection of suggestions. FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF A FEW EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERS: Ladie.V Silk Hose, silk to the top, all colors. Sale , HO Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, Special Sale HOf Ladies Pure Chiffon Hose Special Sale $1.7.1 6 only infants Heavy Eiderdown Kimonas, regular $4.76, Sale $1.."0 12 only (Jlrls Hats, to Clear JjSl.iy Boys' All Wool Sweaters, up to $2.28 regnlar, to Clear J)Of Children's (Combinations, Cotton and Wool Mixture regular $1.76. Sale 10? Children's Flannelette Nightgown- years. Syecial Sale Crowing Girls' Gloves, Regulsr 9i Sale Children's Woollen Gloves, to Clou for : Hoys' PajasMS, 'risjrtifer up to $ Clrar UdiM'Slkk JUiheMtKJ SI H i Remember this Sale is on for two days only. We have many otln r gains too numerous to mention. THIS SALE FOR CASH ONU Phone G45 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Third Ave. Sevrn'.1