?AGE SIS TUB tJAILY NEWS News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Vancouver Syndicates Take Over Claims on Tahtsa River; High-Grade Found On Homeguard ; Bitter Creek Property Looking Good C. L. Copp of Vancouver, acting on behalf of a syndi tcate of strong financial mining men, has taken over the 5 annell group on the Tahtsa River in the burns Lake distnet. Cabins have been erected ana a good trail cut into the property. As soon as the snow goes in spring- considerable money will be spent on development work Mr. Copp has recommended the property and believes thai the very high-grade ore will warrant the expense of trans- por ation over the long trail to - the railway at I? urns Lake. Mr.Lf surface exploration and opei CW f pioneer British Colum- cutUnr and h shown consider bit nn and carries considerable ab,e ,ength and width to the weight with local and foreign hodies aready located. Two new fMkfteiers. I veins have also been located car , irying high values in silver 8ltacnlr apeeimens of high j Samples chipped from the surface grade ore hare been brought have 1ven a return of 280 ounces 4wra to Alice Arm from the of silver with a small gold con llMMffuard nrooertv around tent- Owing to the elevation of the vei" nd he lateness of the which a company is being formed by Alice Ann me. The ledge f8' hT bM been Oppo; of dojn rk ha. now been traced for a dls- j? ". th, other Uace of over sixty feet by atrip- vein, pin on the surface and Tv ! 'T T 1 "' a, traced 100C ground work is bete. puehed as J" ,j, . : .o '1 200 feet Samples taken from rapidly as p-aiWe. thJg nm m ' to 770 ounces of silver and fron Fraltainary development in 27 percent to 60 percent lead. A profrress since September by the short adit tunnel has been star Bitter Creek Mines Co. on their ted on this vein. The manage- proerty on the south fork of intent of the company is well satis- Bitter Creek has consisted so far fied with the outlook. HARTLEY BAY SEARCH BOATS Zftnardi and Hertha C. Will Attempt to Find Trace of Gibbons and Johnson Two boats left port early yesterday afternoen to engage in the search for trace of E. C. Gibbons and Thor Johnson, believed to have drowned at Hartley Bay on nfeht. ZmwmU took down police ultkeiB with dragging equip. ment. The Bertha G. took back to the scene of the supposed tragedy other members of the ill-fated hunting party who will assist in the search. Both the Zariardi and Bertha G. AFRAID SHE WOULD NEVER BE WELL "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Completely Relieved Dyspepsia Mn. Omer Monette had tried so many lMiriiirn in hw efforts to rM rid ot serious Stomach Troubles that she was almost afraid to try "Fruit-a. tiroa," fearing that tBk famous lnedieiae would not help her. But, a ' she writes from Montreal, "I finally decided to do so. The first few tehWa helped ane and after taking three boxes I notiead a mat change for the better. Now, I cojoy and digest everything I eat, and am happ? te rooMaeaeod Fruit-a-Uves' to aB ray frieada." "Fruit-a-tivei" is a combination of ronocntxaUid and transferred fruit juions and the Must seraMtfie toedkdaal mgrfMik'nti. It acts directly on the stomach, liver, kidneys and skin: and brings these vital wgim batk to Bornial, tieaXhy action. If your stomach txtthert you, try "Fruit-a-tives." 2Sc and 5Qc. a box at dealers everywliare. Dr. Alexander NIONE 575 Rr.KNCR, III.OCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, una Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel Wc Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. should return to port tomorrow unless the bodies are recovered before that time. Hope of the two men being alive seems very faint. It is possible that no fur ther trace of them may even b found. PATTULLO AND THE G0VERMEN1 Member for Prince Rupert Tell? North Vancouver His Opinion of Tolmie Adminis- tration In an address at North Van conver T. D. Pattuik) membe for Prince Rupert is reported t-have said :"The present Provin efal Government has already slashed and rough graded the road to Hs defeat by the policy- it has adopted during the short time it has been in office. Th Liberal opposition Will follow the actions of the governmen' with the utmost scrutiny an keep close check on Hs adminis tration in the interests of th general public." "Some people are of the opinio! that because the Liberal part' went clown to defeat at the las provincial election it should re main inactive for some time,' continued Mr. Pattullo. He ur ged the local Liberal Association to work all the harder to prepar the field for the next election. "British Columbia is not in herently Conservative in its pol: tical leanings," he added. "Ther is a large body of independen thouebt in this province. It therefore hehoovea the Libera party to keep all its organization alive. Men of character shoul be interested, who would giv their best in the interest of th' province. The general publi should be shown that we hav men of ability in the party." MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices, on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give Instant service In buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Coitd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C Mens Suits Suits that are beauties. Finely tailored find finely finished by famous manufae-turers of men's elothing. New fabric patterns and weaves. Tweeds, iVorateds, liin Stripes. All hand-taijorecj. If i's valine you want, you'll find it in his sale Rtf&tilar Values up to $45.00. TEMPTATION SALE cE $33.45 For Quick Rush 12 only, in one lot of Men's Suite, in Tweeds only, but not all sizes in the lot This is a record breaking low price. Come quick if you want one. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE : $5.95 Boys' Suits Here is a wonderful opportunity for mothers to outfit their boys for very Httle mbney ; at - our Temptation Sale. Only 20 Suits in this lot. Grand values, but all big sizes. x TEMPTATION SALE PRICE . . . 3.95 Men's Hats IJRQCKS, RILTMOKE and other makes in the very latest styles. Also Velours. Our great variety assures you finfUng the vory hat you want. Regu'ar values from $5.50 to $8.50. Temptation Sale Price . . 4.85 Mail Orders filled at these pces. Third Avenue If II J FIFTH ANNUAL Mens Terms: Strictly;Oash Stanfield's Red Label-you know the quality of Stanfield's goods. None bot-ter made in this Dominion. You can have a two piece suit, or combinations at Temptation Sale Price 3 5 No Charge Accounts. . Tliis morning commenced our Fifth Annual Temptation Sale the event of the year that puts us forward in the field of value giving. For weeks we hwe been toaking pf!flfefi(jis for our Winter Sale Campaign on Men V and Bfiya': jClothing. It will be a more intensive campaign than we've ever before entered upon. And this event is proof of oui' effort. We have the finiuflt ( FWi Suits and Winter Ovwoeate from the "letullngTniaTters, which we plfloe 6n sale at prices iknl afford men savings that they have never' receiver! before on such totality Men's Overcoats Here are hundreds of the smartest Overcoats awaiting your choice. All in the; very latest ffflklelt? 'Pur tool Fancy Tweeds, including! our famous Rlue Ctoflfehfla. These Overcoats are all o silplrlor Sa( W'ttW oi'ed. Regular values up to $40.00. TEMPTATION SALE PIl'lCR . , . . . , $24.55 Shirts for Men Here are Tooke's, Harrow, ling's and other makes. All the new stripes, checks and plain shades. Every one smart'y cut and excellently sewn. Regular values up to $1.50. Temptation SALE PRICE 1.95 Men's Caps Hare are Caps of every variety of raatyrifll, hHe,wid shaje. And in all aiaes., temptation sale i)rfce 95C iL men s jt 511.45 i i THE ACME IMPORTERS IB.sWL i m io es Black anJ Rrt Qjcijl. GiMMly.-.i?- : ed. Madeby the thmk inakeih in I And in al( sizes. Rgls- value 7 T -T citation Sale Price ... .. 4,85 Mens Socks Men's .Socks in pure wool the f . Margaret's Brand. Heather shauV-'- He. ' 05c value. Temptation- Sale Pi in . -for 93c Boys' Overcoats A hunHml -per cent wear that is what these Boys' Overcots brag about! Ami the hoys will admire the real snap in their styles. All the class in the world with their fine smart colors and patterns. -Regular $15.50 value. Toinitatiot) Sale Price No,a(tt Prince Rupert, H. &