ruber r.O. 102R . i i . i. v I ism: ",ijabsV c soiianues &a y - in memw , , M II HI the opportunity while this Sale of Sales lasts to secure your re us at Bargain Prices. We list here only a few of our bargains. H. ndkorchiefs, linen finish. 4 for 25 Stanfield's. per gr . . . . $1,115 Flannelette Blankets, white and gray. Tie.i, vach . . " beautiful garments, reg-WJ.50. Sale of 8als price flA.ur, wui, vegular.W.BO. Sates of milord Navy Blue Suits, regular m U or Sales Priet il wool Socks, per pair ..... I"0 .f each ... P1.7B Men's Suits, in Great Variety, at Less Than Manufacturers' Costs. Come and see them. Men's Shirts, Master Mechanic Brand, regular fsVJM. Sale of Sales Price txVUB Men's Shirts, by the Great West Garment Ob. Regular $00. Sale of Sales Price . . Bstm Pillowslips, tor .. 4t Towelta, I for . r 98t IT COMES TO BARGAIN PRICES, THEY ARE HERE 1 COME IN YOUR VISIT WILL i.H SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF. SAVE YOU MONEY. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue . r rm 1 1 ALL OVER CANADA rt-HERE in all the British Empire in all the world U OXO more needed than CL right here in Canada? It might liave been made for us alone. On the Prairies and in Ontario and Quebec, how unfailingly welcome it a steaming, nourishing, fragrant cup of OXO In the Maritime and on the Pacific Coast, what rare protection OXO give again dull and damp how bracing the concentrated goodness of the prime, lean beef which it contains! In 6-oz, Flasks and Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes rrr MMit TltE DAILY NEWS IVGE FITI PARTY VISITS NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. PORT CLEMENTS mm rw- jmf r ymkw ar 2... i y 1 a iUMii' - ' y J vl 1 1 ai lib. u 1 evr n i. 1 it. t a i 1 --a mm ir - a Oj r- MtlVV-. ft tcr rajy. -a rait 1 1 r ; u The !ver-ronular Rhinestone Come to he Fore Asjaln With fashion turning a watchful aye oner arain on evening modes, rhinestone ornaments claim their share of attention. On this attractive dreaa rhine-9tone form the jewelled band that outlines the V-neck and tv rather low waist, at which point the trimming assumes importance. Whilr this particular aadej is f n finely ribbed chartreuse cireen silk of heavy quality, it IH hp n.i smart in white with "biriMtones . The skirt:.(V 1pjiu and full, with tne greater icnfxn i back. MTTftfD HIS WAX, "What, Bill in financial dif ficulty? I thought he .waa on Ensv Street." "So did he. but I guess ho tur- ' ned the wrcntr corner." Boston , Transcript. mm COUCm.COLDS TEHUACE FT. E. Nicholson! who spant 'sbiTie time here and at the Anwa-btiry mill several yeara ago re-Iturned to town from the prairieB on Sunday and purposes spending the winter here. Mr .and Mrs. T. J. Kirkpatrick have moved into their new home ton Lazellfc Avenue. Sir. and Mrs. F. A. Lowary of 'Uak were visitors here during the I week. George Little is at present on a trip to Alberta to procure more horses for his winter logging op erations. E. I. Jienney returned on Tues day from i business trip to iSmtthers. vale waa back in town durinir the week. Mr. Davis has spent the past few months in the south Where he took an active Dart in Che recent pienidentMl election campaign. Mrs. T. .1. Kirkpatrick was a visitor to l'rince Rupert at the beginning ol the week. S. J. Parkinson of Vancouver was a business visitor here on Monday. Paul Bro.iin was in from Kalum Lake on Tuesday. J. R. Honeyman of Vancouver was here duri.,i; the week on one of his periodical visits. Th? P.. D. iiridjte Club met on Tuendiiy evtiniii" at the home of Mrs. George Little. Mr. Alfred Attn has basn I Mr. A. h. barker was an af- choaea rector's warden of Oierneon tea on Monday Anciiaan Tfturch to take Hbe i Tuesday of thin week. (place of Wm. Sims who netnftv " ;, , movel to Kafen. . , li , . . " fvisrtor in tne n.nrici aunng ine On Tuesday awnitur at a intat- jln of the local Conservative )Vs-j ' - soeiation Jaa. Kalana ave An ra- SKIDEGATE .resting report on Utt jjrovfnelal.. Conservative cowantfon "wldt lie : ; a nn attended recently in Vancouver. " - . iSaturd.iv niicht to Norman Watt, 0. I). Utterrtrom of Kltwaiiim jrnf ,nt J"" tteie 8nd Alien, d s tr.ct for- . a visitor here daring was waek. Hill yTived Jam Erl.nd.en of Rmo u in town Wednesday. - -if-" ! oy inoi'r vitr num run icmciiw and rcturne:! th same w.iy Mon- SKIDEGATE. Nov. 30. A party from Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate motored to Port Clements, arriving there in time for super. Later in the evening the,)(! visitors were entertained in "Has.-.,, tie's Hall by the people of he Port. Refreshments were served & at midnight at the Acme restaurant and it was late when they retired at the Delmonlc Hotel. Mrs. Cavelier and Miss Stevens were guests of Mrs. Cicconi while 'there. j This was the first large party i to visit Port Clements from the 1 other end of the islands since the I new road has been completed and the Tisitors were much pleased nt the hospitality shown them. It was through the generosity of C. Miller and Captain C. Valley of Queen Charlotte City that the visit was made possible, they providing all the cars for the trip. T. A. KELLEif VISITS HIS LOGGING CAMP 8KIDEGATE. Nov. 30. T. A. Kelly of the T. A. Kelly Logging Go. arrived in a private boat at Lagoon Day a few days ago bringing some new men with him. They all gave the camps the once over and returned direct to mainland last week after a successful season seining around Albert Bay. I On account of the mild weather I rlaiato and Hnnriplinna are in A number of new books haw I They were visiUiw the dis- bloom aKaln recently been donated to the G. trict on off,c,al dutie8- :W. V. A. library by local real-' dents. The six month period for Mrs. A. L. Mallory of Port Cle-th novernment travelling iibrarj' ment "wtoreo oown from Prt has expired and the books will be Clements Saturday and after vis-'tttarMd as soon as all have bean Mfltf M l uwn turned in to the librarian. Charlotte City returned home. of x, 14 les NB wAS E: -Governor D. W. Davis of j Capt. C. B. Haan of the seine the D. V. Mines Ltd. of Cedar- boat Saaifte H. arrKed from the j A bachelor supper was given at the Igloo. Queen Charlotte City I last week by J. Simpson, the -proprietor. The supper was prepared ifrom products of the lslahHf amf i geese, ducks, clams, salmon and shrimps. Among the guests were G. Jolliff. R Pahul. R. Ritchie, r. Miller and J. M'tnro. ' v - - f m-. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. aran Fri ay and Saturday LADIES' COATS and DRESSES, HATS ? CHILDREN? COATS, UMBRELLAS : These are genuine reductions of seasonable merchandise. LADIES' COATS Finest Broadcloth and Veloiir, trimmed collar and cuffs of genuine Possum, in browns, greys, black, navy. Value to $45jOQ. SPECIAL 29.50 LADIES COATS FiiV trimmed icollar and cuffs, handsomely lined and tailored, in navys, fawns, etc. va! to $240. SPECIAL 17.50 CHILDREN'S COATS Slsee 0 to 10, Fur Coallr and Cuffs, lined throughout, in Fawn, Blue and maret, ureen, eic. xveg. w ia.uu ox 4 0 MISSES' COATS Fur Triwmefcstes 12 to 14. Value to $14.50. SPECIAL $10.50 KIDDIES' COATS In a big range, value to $6.7Q. To clear 3.75 IJIDIES' FELT HATS The balance of our Hats, va'ue to $8.50 TO CLEAR . . 1.95 IjU)UE' UMBRELLAS IrriBittclcoriljVwh 95c, 1.50, 1.95 v i;f jKRoim windows ' Phone 9 ? 3rd Ave. & Fulton St.