wines Ltd. THIRD AVE.& SIXTH ST. DRY BIRCH JACK PINK AND CHI) Alt Single load $3.50 Double load $6.50 Ijarge sack 50c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts t $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 ' 139 Second Ave. Canadian Hlic largcft 'Railway STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE Mill! from IMMK HI TIKT r..r VANCOt'VF.K, VM'TDKM and UliATIIl:. TIHKIAVH aul M'NHAVS, at II p.m. far 1KVAI(T. w:iM.lns. 18 p.m. fmt ANVUV ami KETCHIKAN. HATl'ltH Vf. 4 pin. For MMITII ami MK T II tj I F.K.N CIIAKI.OTTR ISLANIM. Iiirt ntKht I-AMMKM1KK TKIN I.KAE I'KINCE KlI'tHT imi.V KU.M M'MIAV at II W a.m. Ir MUM r GMiKtll EHMONTON, UISMTMI, til pol l-trn 'Mnada, Unltfd SUtra. MICM'T l.l MI.N ittKAMSIlie LINM. ritv ticket oiTirr.. Ma tiiimm Hf piiiNcr Bi'ftKT. riop ten B.C. Coast ft Alt Mr A V To Krtrnlkan. Wranrtl. ami kiiwy To Vanroiivwr, Vlrlmta. and )raltl( ri!IN('l Fur llalrdalr. Kat Ih-lla lUlla. Poinnbfll Itltrr and Vamoum tnry lr all MramMilp Llnra. W OIU'IIMUI. ffrr of III. Mrrfl and Ird .Hn.u. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kitillnea from TrllU' KUpfi h.r VANrOLVFIl. ViriOHlV J- ",,,,(llf' Ho. For V.rN.VF,H'"'vi(TOKlA. '''". '"' X&'&'-'Jffii' "iXs tl.MI lI.AM. F'tUI MI.N. I'M M.U l'. AMI. AVIV SIF.H AKl. WAI.KK NAAN IIMEIt, KllodJV, H p.m. I.1 ttd AMi.u. M AI , K?" Tliri(ih IM krU Mild i irmri 4iiroiia.ii In UfMhullur ?3B1SF ('.'iM':!;:iHIMI Specials! TELEPHONES 8?, 200 58 National Syflcm in America f Steamship Services Sr.tnnlr l. 9. Oclolwr 10. to. Witrnihrr 23. Ihlobrr S. I J, 14. ROYAL Orran Fall .Vamu Alrrt lujr. rry Itlday. Ill P"; ' IMurmatl.n from- Ofnrral Atn'. Frlm Uuprrt. II C. Fbon. Jl ''KI,;,. ,d itiMtt -" - " City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) i ; , , , I'hone iC5 '.ird Aenue MEAT. FISH, VEiJETABI.KS AI.I, KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PROnUCK"' at low prices, and Immediate ii-llvery Observe-All articles are af supr!or quality and absolutely fresh, ' SCAtR of charges 4 The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: , nirth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4 a Taxi I'hone 1. Hlg 4 Taxi, tf Dent 1st. Dr. J. IL Come. I'hone C8G. Chiropractor, C. 0. McKay, I'hone 134. tf Mr. O. Guelia and two daughters will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George for Victoria. David Taylor will sail tomorrow night on the Prlnc George for a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria, Frank Parnona arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prln ciw Royal yetlerday afternoon, being on his wfty to Anyox. J. C. K. Sealy, well known p0. neer interior rancher and one of the principal owners of the Prince Rupert Hotel, arrived In the city from Smlther on yester day afternoon's train and will be here for a few days on busl-i ness. I G. A. McNieholl, C. N. R. gene ral passenger agent, who arrived in the city on ymterday after- I noon's train, will sail this after noon on th Prince George to make the round trip to Aynox and Ketchikan and wil) proceed to Vancouver on- the same ves sel tomorrow evening. There Is an opening In Port Simpson Hospital for two probationer nurses. The course consists of two years at Port Simpson and one year at Vancouver General Hospital. Applications sould be directed to Dr. Large, Port Simpson. B.C. 264 R. A. McLeod returned to the : city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Hays- port,. He was in charge of the work Of clearing the right of way ' Provincial Gonstable William Smith of Anyox arrived in the citr on yesterday afternoon's train following a trip to Terrace. Mm. Service and family have rrlred in the city from Terrace to join Provincial Constable Sam Service who has been transferred to the city detachment here. Dr. W. G. Wilson of Victoria. President of B C. Conlerence of the United Church of Canada. ,i, ... ....... :i win speaK ai tne nrst United tnureh tomorrow at the evening terrm at 7:30. C. W. Tourtelotte. assistant to !tne Pacif,c Coast i manager of juinaaian national .steamships, was an arrival in the city from Vancouver on the Prince George tn'8 P. W. Baldwin, local auditor Upending the last few weeks with for Canadian National Steum-,her daughter, Mrs. E. A. G. Al-ships, arrived in the city fromilen. sails tomorrow niirht on the Vancouver on the Prince George ! this morning, being here for a brief visit on official duties. Guy R. Balloch.district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city ob yeaterday afternoon's train frara a trip to Terrace on official duties. t Having completed her caJNs In the Skeena River, Union steam- j f t Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, j arrived in port at 3 o clock thim morning from the south and sail ed at 4:810 a.m. on her return to Vancouver and way points. Mrs. Griffiths will leave on Monday's train for Biggar, Sosk- atchewan, where She will take up residence with her son-in-la v and .daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dunbar, who recently moved from Jthe city. . , I for the Skeena River Highway Motorship Belllngham, Capt. J. -u' , day, St. beyond Galloway Rapids. The I R. Anderson, arrived in port at C avorat oae. BHag a ra advancement work'has now been cloned diwn o'clock this morning from Ketchi- rnunuffeHVp-for the winter. ;kan with one carload of frozen- n withstanding any .train or po-1 I, halibut .... and , salmon , for , transship- . , . ".".iment East over the Canadian Nat- s now reduced to $6.30 per case -5) tins for $1.1)0. This is not a special" but will be our regular, l.lfu AiiMinlnna nllnlltv ail li. marine pries on all groceries at Ph.tlliM Grory, Kighth Avenue ional Railways. rXs,;'. Wpl, ami Gpi-dou'a Grocery ami Arthur Graves, the RriyalV irardwitaV SeXonih' Avenue Bas'lir -ptirser'U?fitfcte4( la 2H51 Vuy next '.W.Jten hili'iin iWikntr v J"T ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of Mooseheart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, first Friday of every month. Hill 00 Chapter Hallowe'en Ba-aar October 27. Fair Board.' Carnival. Oct. 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 8. Mcose Baiaar, November 8, 9. .Y. M. S. Entertainment, United Church, November 9, Armistice ' py banquet, November 12.' t Baptist Annlveraary Supper, November 15. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 22. Tuxls and Trull Rangers Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov. 22 and 23. St. Andrew's Day Scottish Dance, Moose Hall, November 30. "utter 45c lb., Milk $5.25 caws, all Hrands at MUNRO BROS. tf. Forjfirst class Shoe Repairing see B.'M. Simpson, corner of Fifth and McBride. 256 This afternoon's train, due from, the Kast at iltfo, was reported this morning to be ontlme. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meeker, who have been on a trip south', returned home on the Prince George this morning. Kenneth Morrison, regularly of il. in....-j- i .iu.,i... for one trip as purser of the C. p. . steamer Princess Royal, j regu- i!ack. onr hti oeen ' iasfiore in' Vancouver r for three weeks on holidays. ! r K ,, -. prin- r.nro- Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived In port at 10:15 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Ketchikan, returning here at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening and sailing south at 11 p.m. The condition of Douglas Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart whose illness caused him to return home a week ago from Vancouver where he had started studies at the University of Brit- !Uh Columbia, took such a turn yesterday that it was necessary for him to enter the Prince Kup-ert General Hospital Xor treatment. A number of local people are Interested In the result of the drawings at the Catholic liaiaar at Prince George. The $50 lond was won by A. P. Dea with ticket (112. The tea wagon by Mrs. George Abbott, ticket 1392: buffet scarf Mrs. Walter Flynn; Fanrv Cushion, J. Wold; Standard Lamp, Miss Rosle Wood; iNil pn-ad. Mrs. J. Anstey, candy rabm, Mrs. John Hill. Church Notices Christian Science Society Service every Sunday morning in the Hays'. Block, 245 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Probation after Death." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 "o'clock, Owing to other events being on, the meeting of the Native Sons of Canada, which was to have been; held last night, was called off. The fire department had a call at 5:80 yesterday afternoon to the residence of James Weir, Graham Avenue, where a chim ney fire did no damage. J. Armstrong and Miss Arm strong arrived in the city on thei Princess Royal yesterady after-j nonn from Nnnnlmn in v-lalf with : itheir na rents who recently took . ' up residence here, Mrs. M. Graham. Federal Block. wil leave on Monday morning's train for Saltcoats, Saskatchewan where she will take up residence .with relatives for a year in the hope that the change will prove .beneficial to her health. Mrs. M. Mutrie. who has been Prince George for Vancouver and, after spending a week there, with her daughter, will proceed to her home In Victoria. Mr. and lr. George W. Mor- 'row of Vancouver, who have been on a trip to the prairies, arrived, 'in the city on this afternoon's' 'train and will be here for a few Idayr. Mr. Morrow will attend the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Hotel of which he is a director. i i RUPTURE EXPERT HERE P H. Seeler. of Chicago and Ffcils lei-1 ph nationally famsua ep?rt. will htai- eelf ponally be at the Vancouver Hotel wui wnin in vmcouw tun Tu- d'J' TTuoJ i'. ' uJntnmn ail. to t pjn. daily. Mr hj U!. "m SpermaMe Bhiw win not only re- r " n mi w-i -r i ' i or ' Larfe or difficult casea. or tnctatonai 'L- "i.tlLi:A . i iu Bngiand and in spam. ,...u. witn auungutaned personal pa- ou. oi or an an aui aanooa. "Hla method hsa alwways been most aat actory." Lata Dr. Edward snippy. nffi.ntTuJ .up- plied led to to Son. Saw. O Oenla. Bumu U S. Naval j HoiUPfhlK ... TTVHy .erw, nTJ to-gld Vdttaonatra'le; xit out charge tar fit UArt tf, deanwd Buii-naung w dnJ, p, atopplng at any other place In thla Mctlon. ! N B- Every atatement tn th't notice baa been verified before the Federal and State Oourta. F. II. SBBUTY CAUTION All oaiea ahould be cautioned agalnat the uee of any elastic or r truea wlUl underaUapii. aa aame ret where the lump ta and not wnere tn ocenlng l often reauntng in stranfruia- Home Ofjlce, 117 w. Dearborn si . Chi cago. III. Oct 27-30 Specials ! Friday and Saturday 6 Boys' Overcoats, sites 22-26. Special $1.95 Boys' Pajamas, good quality Flannelette, Special .. .. $185 . Boys' Nightshirts, same quality,. Special $1.15 1 Boys' Flannel Suits, slies 2 to 5, Special $2.25 Jabour Bros. I'hone CIS 3rd Ave. & 7th St- tday,, Vber27, 1K2& PACK TUKBliSi, Local andL Personal News In net Specials! Ovaltino, regular $1.50, now $1.25 Ovaltine, regular 90c, now 75c Minty's Shaving Cream, regular 35c, now . . . . . . 25c We have just received another shipment of Vacuum Bottles, settling at 50c Teas from the world's finest gardens are unaltered -.3 In price although a glut on the market has caused iv a reduction in some of the poorer grades. Ta&l From the world's finest gardens Phone 45. Phone 574. B, C. Butchers & Grocers LIMITED YOUR "SPECIAL" LIST for week ending Saturday, Oct 27 dire.t to you by Mail If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone, us B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574. . Phone 15. H. S. Wallace Co. LIMITED SPECIALS! for Saturday only White Flannelette, nice soft quality, 6 yds fur 98( Broadcloth Dresses, in a nice range of sinpe; arv figures, regular value to $3.50 for $i.j)S Lace Curtain Panels, fringed ends, 2 1-4 yards long, each 79c Boys' Navv Blue Knickers, heavy Irish Serge, pr SI. 45 Ladies' Sleeveless Vests, nice soft yarn, each 49C Boys' and Girls' Turned T,bp Hose, pure wool, sizes Gto9, pair . . ........ . i 59c Crepe de Chine, 86 inches. ;fn Pink, Sand, Black, .White, P&clvand $rcJiJi ;i.,Tigular $1.50 for ryai-a; 99c Third Ave. and Fulton St. New m K ayser nose Slipper heel, half heel, twin heel and lance heel, full fashioned. Phone 9 rrsear-sssi -iiiaui '-- In all the latest shade-88x slipper heel, silk to hem, same service weight, per pair $1.W G4x Chiffon Slipper heel. Silk to the top. Per pair ... . $1.05 Lance heel and twin heel, per pair $.'1.00 FRASER& PAYNE Universal Trading Conwny