Prince Rupért Daiiy ? i A tt Daily Nevis —~ = > & i ( Ss i Saturday, December 27, 1952 “4 amines ee ; mh ; DIRECTORY |} Pieaa ——- ete * iB services in of ‘ : . E 748 FOR HELPFUL CL Uf ia'"S30" p'm. ‘Sunaay setoot net | | DEADLINE ¥¢ ASSIFIED ME ie: : lay Seiool acy) y) i DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED abver’ AD-TAKER on H] 12085 except as shown, ‘ - anc vei TISING 4:30 P \l """lNdlicAN caAtubpEAL | htetltnetti hae G 4:30 PM GLICAN CATHEDR: He ; aa \NNOUNCEMENTS ‘ OU et ria roto! PREVIOUS ' Holy Ce cee Drmeanir St 1 TO KETCHIK, * 7 Coram tinion 4 = j 7 Variety Bhow. Dec. |/PUBLIC aeneanre | : . i cane, Behoo aan 1 : shia , pip oes SOOUNTANT : S . te’ asil &. Prockter, B.A., B.D MONDAY | . oo specialist ee 1X in § ‘| Yt ge EE Ns ; Rector (Blue 700}, F ' v WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | way Christmas| me Building, Red $93. (20m) * FIRST BAPTIST Te Departs Prince ‘ i '’ 5th s ¢, December 29, | BATTERY SE n ‘an By EAS ee eee a po . i =| ROP: eee ection - By EASLEY BLACKWOOD mister: Rev. Fred Anuobus 51 . Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m Card Party Jan-| “UPERT Battery —_— (Green 612) 5 /§) * oN oe | Bp attery Shop, 244 Kas ‘ Ex iC : ; cai nl ard _“‘Ave. Phone Sace sak Fast At Curlin Rink - ee oe Will Help PST FIEESDYTPARIAN t ROUND TRIP . —ceaceencoinary 8, recharging 3 ett ost on ‘ 1 h Avenue Bast fA ee a in Wi git. and rebulid- g penin Rev. E A ‘ . . FORGE _— eee in| Six rink r So much is written abc : —c j i-—— we (Green 82) i 4 | Bice FOR SALE ~~ | Dace ite A Gf the vtmee | 0% PUBHt gain thet nut the opening lead that} hime. xine | ik | FOR SALE_! Rupert Gdblin le Prince |” e impression there isn’ 636 Gth Ave. West at ELKS a yon y cedar. kindling an pay a i Club ehampion- of importance in the defence - e isn’t much else Rev. L. G. Sieper | Contact QCA | oa Gativeny bn Lom: [over tte theumlal to tl turned! Actually, the killing defen ——e ee ne - Pho a travel agent j 640 very. Phone TM.C.\ine yesterdag 7 « skdt- on . ‘ BREE | eer inn i SALVATION A ae a one 4 j : i yesterdar most hands, if it is d me ‘ RMY i ia i iirc me i ¥ R | ETY } il on ¥. 4 " 8 discovered Friser Street Sea an Be ia. A FOR SALE--Tendet P)| Tied Are: Byolfsen, Greene at Gl, is dincteeced Mart te) aatn” Soetet CO. Sr. Capt. George Oystryk : a Cis celved by tr gust will be re- | Matthew, Mettenme ( ae pe , opening lead. Both sides vulnerable Sunday School 2:30 pm ; oo | 1C)\W | felved by the undersigned up| Stewart eke , Moore and Phe * North (Bjack 269 ‘ d sth see Thursday, Jan we yer cenk ee Oi with a 66.7 yorite ee . is the fa- (Mrs. Keen) ST. PAUL'S LUTHE y LS ° 4 ‘ | of fur a a the purchase The Waren hive iia ee canine cae writers © . ‘ eis Sth Ave. at araat ee j adsainess — esston " | under as described here-| per cent @One lead 7 778 neat chaaniticesane, po mod : D365 ' Pastor: Rev. Il. O. Olsen . at” rey One Persi tion B # in sec Nie se : mpact C-AG4 oe (Black 610) yo mas an Lamb coa } charts ca | wee . ue rt ¢ 28 j One Muskrat : A oat Followhig: in pared, listi n be easily pre- ie t - Fast { ST. PETERS ANGLICAN DELUXE PRESS | Gime Maceo sack coat Hollister )seotion A 4r¢/ings in — the various open-| s_9 puny (Mr. Champion) | Seal Cove “Gestet ir JOHN H / . i Seal coa ASy Pe gs & ‘% x < “aS ‘ 2.00 p.m itediie Gls tee ek a Oe on [Miller with 656 sirability 7 Past of their de-/ H-Q 943 * ox 107 Rev. J..8, Twining, B.A, UTM, tetner : ; — must be submitted at | eoulter ‘nue. per cent; be labelled ( ok opening can PA KY. -Q 962 Sunday School 11:00 Duplicating = { : t the Fet ms strictly cash per cents a We eases 375 ity) as a nee ees avthor- 5759 C3109 Evening Prayer 7:30 oa, Cirenlar Letters < Maoathty Bn. f “ ighest or any tender “33 por pail Bd Skalimerud, 4 ening, while ; (Blue 827 Bulletins — i 4 THEATRE | Méccauarily. accepted. cent, Tit RoerOn, 28:6 per | "Phe opening leat is blind S AQIS | | | cian fed Bivoet onal ' - Arrangemen cent, and |. "Phe opening | ae Q3653 REGULAR BAPTIST iness forms. Direct mail / , 3 ne | ee rengecnents to inspect i ect ae per cent. | that the “uae a is blind in . 5 j oe School 11:00 a.m || advertising, ete. 20 - 40% so a, omelvist bs vailable at row aks Imay be made witt COR By Warren is fol- hg as not yet seen >—-10 4.3 { ‘orning Worshin Service 12:15 |] than lar BF re: ‘ a 4 owlle & Ruttle Lid 908 ara. : the ecards in dum CK Q 2 | 629 6th Ave. E apes’ | regular printing. a8 a 9 Taxi Ave ; 1., 328 3rd co a tag and Row- my. After the The bidding HE Pastner: Ave. E. Blue 323 f ° ! ave West Prince Rupert botham per cent; ‘Bate- os he has seen North ie oe ne joi Pastor! Rey. Leonard A. Thorpe §) Phone-383 ‘P.O. Box 99 , 2 Gite an, Tia : 2 se cards and the nee ae) 2 H Pas . 4 Fiinog AS . voc hese | uf res, nn: lia Catteni ‘STeceen it. fe Re John Bulger Lid they bias t Administrator. Adminis- | Meight 5On,' mental picture he had f Pia eee uns ” First Presbyt i i any Hee Third + elivered ator of Estate of Narcia Nel. | Laurie, fe f Ford, 444; | based on the biddi ad formed,| ——————————— > erian Church) ~~ We do the rest. Thira Avenue , le srlan rela Nel- | Hh iy : e bidding. He maj | : x1 Nellie Se : oe a tile ee have had it in shied Magda iat — therefore led! | ‘ — Prince Rupert, B.C. irt House, Two-thirds of : certain suit the ne as 1¢ 13th diamond at tric i i 4“ 7 > nce Rupert, B.¢ scent Abana’ ces the club cham- ‘ next time he hg aad at trick four, | shipping aad Gener. - Sei |Dondhin kate Mek aan ae ee ee That was the killer. if M ig Moving, Packing. coer John F..L. Hughes, D.C i Ess FERSONALS FOR SALE. lowing the season holidays, a oe eo = the entire play to cena ruffed a Mr. Dale| 4 . Martage-and Storage 4 CHIROPRACTOR Ne i tf Two trailers 91 t |" «i novelty ; ro os irst few may show tha sd win with the . juit Smoking ae 6 ft George Muma ‘tna held to opal aes tae ie be abaehiciety eotlean” go spades. If ‘he ruffed con Nic, Complete, Reliable and Effi- wea agetbednte i Eliminator Ave. and ilth St aoe, the curling season Jan. 5, 1983 then turns his attention to some Sa not avoid losing a trump! —— Service. Also agents for |. 21 - 23 Besne ada keep that New FOR BALE Tenders will be Meanwhile, the rink bids been other possibility which, however rick Wake. Ceegion. aoe Liquid Alc Co. Ltd. Phon 1 : = es Sees Ges Gr das carina r - turned over to public Meatine remote is eppaete chemestor| map to Acetylene and all e Blue 442 for free booklet to Noon of Thursday, Jat ' during hours from 1 to 4 ‘p.m nee still offers she only ; welding ‘supplies. tt ta. tex Sth 1953 for the purch cs and 7 to 10 pam. There is | ope n any case, the latter P a i ne oe Oo Hy, Of miscellaneous beauty p kating on Christmas Day To in ‘based am penemne ‘eo hl) | : wes Ny pred H. G. HELGERSON . nur equipment . 3 8 - | |and hard thinking about a spe- & “STORAGE LIMITED ; torthlana Dairy, artaneements witaspect| A ase and thelltie te cific sitwation: | Ox mdided Pork ED LIMITED very exeept Sun- 5 Gealenelt may be wadc|With bescom rilling battle) In today’s an w baoedl Park Avenues *|’| a tade | with baesoms a’ ste ; ay’s deal M » © i e extend @ Est. i REAL EST. k w n leek ones 1. coe oe Room high en ger in the |opened the king of grime Erte life and erat 'to visitors to oe _— 1930. ‘Phones'00 arid 68 Pho ATE & INSURANCE cool. All cuit pert, B C muse, Prince Ru hips ended in a 5-4 sieag tae — Mr. Muzzy would have to any occasion — Ff 231 Fourth Ave. East t ce ime 96, Ev 2nings Bigck 899 me Hiab . trictly cash "a Bell rink over Bateman on seeiaine Se SLEDS PEELED ork ee aoe ? ae Age. ti = a, » alee ighest. or env tender at!* onday and award of th “ = rganists: Mrs, E rigk ns | “ities ee ; ~ iALK~ “Pert % erpasarily § t ho : e Alan ap rs.E.J.Smith | and Contract ; ed with oe, ’ ett e nes grea trophy an rs flashed the PRINCE RUPERT ee : ous Construction, Repairs ae Thee remaranale disso ruenert <3 Forbes, Off ell's final roc i an r. Dale continue SUND 1 ; ResRoofi * Taitori ' ae "ieee ae vie est Aeneas poten the that had cocauae te anes with the ace and ‘: tied. din: DRYDOCK Mo: a jena diay i 78 | ia, Sansa a fo kill the Fool’ ic Sth: ‘tate of Nareia Nelo ends, two ends . mond, Winning th ‘ ver Morning Worship 11 o'clock fro ig AS 909: | - and . u 1 F lie Parl ee . vis being scoreless. ; g e third trick . ; * PF. . i : a no cue iene sega known /Tie playoffs climaxed the first with the queen, Mr. Champion AND SHIPYARD Sunday School 12:15. F.0,'Bex 731 Abas Clothes Made-to-Measure Granville, — Prince Rupert 'p rt yga porte half of the high school's \eurl- paused to think. For his jump SUIPB Evening Worship 7:30. sensilla casein, 7. ‘Stati’ st. Phone 649 ) H) ing season between the ‘follow- bid in spades, Mr. Muzzy must = UILDERS AND* ~ Minisier at both setvices ~ POR F Sania - MowO wero | FOOTHIL'S (aaptiess) ony ine tinks Phave “a six card sult. He had ENGINEERS a ih oa LUTHERAN CHURCH |@ announced Sunday evenin 7 Dec. 3 (303p) Honest grading. Prompt pay- quired with regard to interpretation | } g as j i - ere : ment made ate I bs a . f plans and speeifications may be 5th Ave. at MeBride St i EVERYONE WELCOME a9 ' nee Rupert group Metal . 9S a ptained from the aforementioned ; ¢ REV. H. O. OLSON : ig “For the wages of si i Anonymeus tb Ltd., 250 Prior St, Van- | Dist Airway Engineer He ° . “The J ON, Pastov (| ceath, but the gi sin is PO. Box 151! couver, RC. Phone PAcifi Each tender must be accompanied | these ess105 Cc ust Shall Live By Faith” His eti _ e gift of God CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ert i it 6357 (H) A Bee lo ee equal to ten) : See See yan ee Jes ‘nn eo “ ao night ; Lh} eee per nt (106) of the tender price, 5 SUNDAY SE aa sus rist our Lo Dec. BIRTH NOTICE n the form of a certified cheque on Chop Suey * Chow Mein DECEM aaveUeS Ro ee ‘ 24, Jan. 7 and 21 ‘ Canadian chartered bank, made Siesind 7 IBER 28, 1952 m. 8:23 FRANK J. SKINNER % Mr. and Mrs. L. B payable to the order of the ‘Recetver Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. on Sertien th as aan. Pastor C. W. SINCLAIR Prince Rupert Agent Ys ine the arriy a ™ 7 at} se nm: ” 5 ro vt Thi j . . yp _of of ¢ anata, bonita, at par, or bonds of | Guen aig To Serve. Listen to the rd Avenue Phone 568 ‘ ale, ki he anadia Na . i Prince Manest Ten. , ts aoesukaen conn Mme e ee Service— 7:30 p.m | nenin ee, —— ae : Dec. 23. Thanks to } tionally guaranteed by the Govern-| HOLLYWOOD : FE unday Scheol 12:15 pm. : } Sunday, 9:00 AM 8 and R. G. Large ment of Canada at par which secur: | CA ' - aon i : ce r : QEALED TENDERS addretsed to che | eet forfeited in the }}dter Outside Order: : ar rennet é DEATH N ip) Shinderamnad am ender, "TEN:) fa cotrat The mus of ais] vee pean 1 N P | YHARF REPAIRS AN cages ® at » s ‘ OTICE een ts a 5K IDE G ae —_ it oes ae « Ba . ee ee FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH George 3c will be ived in the office failing “© ® y complete rere . ! the Lidine Abad: ot the secnetaty, ‘ental +00 PM te : pyaar sre ag . SUNDAY nee Same _ ono 'paT). WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ee ends ee ais » DEC. 28 Wednesday, 10:30 p.m ; ert, passed 21, 1953 | a a.m.— cate oon « Prince Rupert Gen-| eta seen ak wantrens ent 1 aie | Security deposit as described will not) fre Morning Service. WATCH-NIGHT SERVICE | on Friday, Dec, 26 ifeation can be seen and forms of 2 ea | 7: pm.--Swiday School. We invite you to gather with Funeral will be held vender obtained the office of th lest re cae oneen pore 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service us in this service of praise “ ef ne tment 0 wie ms . ” «* : : : Dee, “29 Gayvine wat ee as ts of Pub: |tender HIDDEN TREASURES” prayer and testimony, to FUNERAL WN ‘7 lthe District Engineer, Post Office F. T. COLLINS. the fifth in close the present year, a OTICE nd : | Building, New Westminster, BC. AN4 | nepartme tt Bectetary. ‘SERMONS FROM SCIE ‘ usher in 1953. EN—In the city Fi. * the Post Offices at Vancouver Loepe teri eae se TENCE WEEK OF PRAYER OLEA 7 1952, Arthur, wo Rupert and Skide- | : " (3080) je SERIES Jan. 5-9, 1953 ; SU : Hrs 1. ee husband of| Tenders will not be considered un- | oot roduced by The Services each evening IN a Me St. Roy tredesen, 836 Bor-| less made on printed forms supplied | Moody Institate of Science. will be held in this church; SPAR - ey, MeO, “Olson will °%,2 Me fwaitions se tots sere The picture will be shows) #2 churches will combine for RARCLING 2 rViCe@s a e a ans set for yere= = : — ‘ Chapel att oe ke A | Monday Evening at 8 pm rapa g mem omg prayer, GEORGE DA’ : SURROUND! L> 24 . - rach tender must be accompanied | : . begin the z J Bhs joes Interment to fel<| by a certified cheque on A chartered | also. in 1953 rd’s work AUCTIONEER , irvie * : Phene ye ew Cemetery, Gan-~| bank in Canada, payable to the order | Black $46 and Red 127 a a O anes please | of the Minister of Public Works, Or | ae ' - = } “ Inderts ‘i. Bearer Bonds as specified in the form | ame, My i: 4 ois orteaemene ae of tender, for 10% of the amount} Human incinerator 7 ‘ tof the tender | : REASON By CHIC . Reckneseaieeerd HELP wan sia a Note: Upon application to the} “hg ANS ah v) FING WANTED.~.PREMALE undersigned, the Department will} “To - "SURRY a supply biue-prints and specifications | SEEPRR: wanted after of the work on deposit of a sum of | ss “Ww Year, 2 Xi after s9o00, in the form of 4 certified | Phone Green 480. | pank cheque payable to the ordér} Nt (304) | of the Minister of Public Works, The | t ‘. deposit will pe released on the return ; LOS] en nttiiomanie Sof the wlue-prints and spec ification | Pa Ocr aap FOUND lwithin a month from be date of! ' Une -~itwaieiierasitnsoanine | reception of tenders If not returned | : Ney hocks mployment insur-| within that period the deposit will | < A-590630. Finder | be forfeited | ROBERT PORTIER, | turn in to U ul nemploy- “uranee Commission, (303p) Acting Secretary at Public Works | 1952 Department Ottawa, December 18, (ite) |