. BES RARESR AR CREB EAR REERANRARRRERREREARRORRESEe ve ii WN they| Note ing the flurry of | 20 assist: he league. His 1 ta i I NHI ffici itistic Met Prystai, 2 and Alex Del ier Act 5 Ch ma I 10W | Vv h 2 the Red Wing Wally Hergesheimer of; Red Kelly of the Wings wa ’ % = i with 33 nan with 22 px ints ogee oa : 2 a satan : F Th ; Win} wit 39 pol ‘ Architects Appointed to Design issn sis5sinai ace Cana: Sports Stadium for Vancouver tye slipping Chicago Black 00 Br E r Rat . wink on A ; 7 SUL) - meV ok For a Fine yor Selection of “ Christmas Cards See ahis aN se puSlisuec or displayed by Ge ool Dibb Printing Co. Soard or by the Government of British Columbia SRR ERRESE eee SREP RRR RR AAO KSEE ARERR! 2 THanks A MILLIOW A Happy Prosperous 1953 To You! WALLACES DEPT. STORE Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form oveennesn. anew umtnansnan—enetenttanngnncatnnsteant | Prince Rupert Daily News tie i ill aa a. 1952 _ SCREEN * Canada May Improve Recreation PADDY STONE Canada Outdoors * FLASHES Facilities for Troops in Europe in esate OTTAWA €P) — Improve- , the army and head of \ ment of recreational facilities | fare services Vietes One “Operation Secre the dra for Canadian troops in Europe | ade twice Te wlan i bri matic story of a U.S. Marine on) may result from the visits of | tlsh some ate to ext ian ey a dangerous mission, comes to) Defence Minister Claxton part to the U : nT, "TT + . : I the Totem Theatre on Monday Before leaving for North ganization. ot Thee Cornel Wilde plays the lead Atlantic treaty meetings, Mr. Col. Wallis role in the Warner Bros ilm Claxton said he planned to go brigade anata og Visit ts which headlines Academy Award into the whole question of February ' IN January winning Karl Maiden, Steve welfare of the Army's 27th It was recalled Cochran and petite Phyllis Thax Brigade and the Canadian | Maple Leaf Ge a ter in central roles airmen at North Luffenham, | dians in Tokyo was Wilde, one of Hollywoo pre England, and Gros Tenquin, lished on Mr. Ciax: vier stars, is the N ne who Trane r rene mier star: i he darin wt c France mendation following hie because of his knowl dge of lan Previously Col. John Wallis to the 25th Briead: 14 guages, is handed the desperate director of administration for | along with other amer . ~~ S| assignment Risking his life daily ua he moves about in disguise he Marine meets with Phyllis Thax ter, a lovely lady engages a TODAY CLIFTON WEBB - RUTH HUSSEY 6:30 - 9 “STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER’ same sort of work. Togeth } Skirt danger, ii¢ap, from trai and fight courmta®-agent the climax uncov hh rut —Teehnicolgy Sunday Midnight Only identities Based upon experien ‘ “16 FATHOMS On the Same Program Twesled DY Pe TiLiz . ’ ” fornidn win spent ‘wae of DEEP” AFRICAN life roaming about the world Ansee Color TREASURE” half a dozen Uffferent ar b fore coming..h@me-46 join the - er. and Belita. British star, Marine Operati Serre has WITit THE BLACK FLAG NAILED TO THEIR MASTHEAD ive feature es in the ,been reported in advance 4 They Sailed to Scuttle the Pirate Fleet! Invitati Dance of he seasor hiro 3 , ore he ‘ Aw i t ‘ ee + + * \ " ems | ares nkee Buccan aCe oe : New irs ago last Sunda e cur February tal rose on (he fi Lor performance of The world Color by Technicolor famous farte- t0tariey Aunt JEPF SCOTT SUSAN Twenty theatre hroug? — Britaly ag CHANDLER BRADY BALI Alberta Sets Pace With 2! No Hunting Fatalities 3°58" By GRAHAM TROTTER Royaity Th Pre rv EDMONTON (CP)—A have closed the books on one of their big tL nunting Hoyt Wilhelm 22.2 —¥ Sets New. Mark |: sx ste cere ae Ot Ome oo lel ookies mim Se a eailsanranen | ee 43 E.R.A; to fini Cee RRR ERR 3 end Cincinnati Bids for Negro Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; cost, /%c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if bot number required Address ..... Sed os a PE iciueewscanntwnenee oocevbe>eadendss Phorie No. Pitcher Pass | $50,000 Mark and Boston Red Sox the $50,000 mark in an effort to outbid each other for Bill Grea- | son, highly-touted Negro pitcher with Oklahoma City | The Red Sox are | to go as high as $100,000 for the | | right-hander games and lost one in the Texas League last year | ‘The Yankees and Red Sox are two of the dozen major league | j;ers on their squads. eee ane Sashion Footwear . i 4 — : "Try Daily News Want Ads | femme de ae.Ds Be BB Bi De BeBe bee Bee Bese Dei AM DDB De By Dep Ha Bd dd diamond | Monday to Wednesday CAPITO, ee ee eh rt) ~- Also “Brooklyn Goes South” The first 1 Cartoon - News Shows 7 ~ 9:01 Charles jaugnter LOOK. ) Longor i 1.466 performa cs It hi « ENDS TODAY MARGE and GOWER CHAMPION 1 en translat 24 jangu 7: +9 pam “EVERYTHING 1 HAVE Is YOURS erta and Saskatchewah ¢ Alene ia vas that eat” nt rom ral os) LO iy BS Tomas’ children. now old Ut A Le thowen compete figures are ductions mart conform tothe | A(R 4a a mERS i t re ence There have vw 40.000 1 Or " years + 4 + © th tal w 000 ANCHORAGE, Alaska A ate t 3 . ie “nit 4 rs aN ‘ They unt ie} VEET 25 O00 rc nt ' T ? Las Au ‘ a6 ' ri vu pe was t Saxk a ~ f WEVA NER BROG sicee ns ES Se ARNE MLE RARL MALDEN: SINE li oo od h Pe ee ae he tof ; rip. tneh “Monday to Wednesday TE n e too thin to make the las, Jan Sterling, Waiter Pidgeo EVENING SHOWS TO They pln 6 show 7: = $: pum. 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THE Ide Ling re- f the troop ulti f and They were dres mer rains heipead swt Al- milder ciimate ‘ x 2 jon. Brood landed ir Al count young hatched in the cramblec provinces increased 80 per cent attir: ove 1st ir Fur trapping setting into H k $ fill ‘sink, ded th S800 trap ockey Scores per i following 3 ne rk ¢ , wing & Heewo WHL-Tacoma 6. Vi t Hines covering pore nat p ! t RP PTGAMHS 63 katoon 7, ¢ ary Seattle O00 squi miles In Sas) ‘ Wave hewan's -northland.” Albert ve p See , oe OSHL~-Penticts K i “ ‘ imated 3.400 trapper Kamloop . Me on. 6 who last year trapped mor WIHL— Kimberis 1. Trail NHL ‘Christmas’ £ A ronto 2, Montreni 0 The lots of furto t n rh re is lots of fur 4 rap in NIL SPANDINGS both province Prices are re wy oT 5 “ ; 7 \ i , , ported unattractive in Alberta . than 2.000.000 wild animais va ued at $1,765,000 Detrolt ms 7 9099 G13 ithouch Snebkatohews th iithough in iskatehewal h atnninne °9°979 67:35 expected ‘to hold up fairly - ne : teeiay We PICagO 73° i7 8S 34 yell, with initial prices slightly ‘ * 2 : Basto mS it 7 13 above average ens uh : , : Toronto 12 i4 31 A bie muskrat ilvage opera tion is in progress in Saskatche wan, aimed at harvesting a sur jus supply which may. die in p pp WTAE a aie IT PAYS frozen shallow water unles harvestea now ; TO ADVERTISE Rega seen oren$s SOME EOC ITN OR ee CEE New York 417 10 67 101 18 You have to be good to get into the top league’ You ; have to be just that mitt better to be the winning ; team. In top ¢ anadian re HARWOOD'S has the ee extra quality, too. ~~ ’ . leader 4t consistently the lead p . recognized by peel who know 4 winner a8 Canada’s Finest: Compliments of the Season OOO OLE S PaWeBe Deed. De Bs Be Deke Be Be eH GA FB KR RI BR > MME EME NEE MEAS *«K | Prey \ ladle * CY the Aiquor This advertisement is not publishes or display, by olumbia Board ot by the Government of Britise RARARRS Hee” Cont" wy * aya ity,