7 UP" fa sr-k r. found it perfectly splendid a very auuiuacioqr hh, (Original tetter on file) PUWUbK - F . . . AVI A run, u. v,., ' Says--"I ued Malkin'i Bert Baking Towdtr for Making Powder btapuit and DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers 1 & TUB DAINTIEST mtBAKPAST KOOI-Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Sage (a IX Prince Rupert. D.C. Canadian National Steamships Co, L;mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock KnJneerH. Machinists, HoilecmaVers, Blacksmiths. I'allern makers. Founders, Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WKI.MN.S. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind. of MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Wkat Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AfiAiN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 centa a share; Silverado at : centa. What are they worth now? NOW WE UECQMMEND Silverbell Mining Co., Ltd. AT MARKET! latest yancouver quotations, 15c bid, 25 askVd. Situated on the New T -emier Hill and bounded on two aides by Premier holdings. H. W. M. R0LST0N & CO. Ltd. Stewart, I1.C. Direct wires Vancouver Stock Exchange STOCKS BONDS HEAL ESTATE Sailing of S.S. Princess Royal 10 p.m. Fridav 29th June HAS BEEN CANCELLED S.S. Princess Kathleen will nail from Prince Hupert nt 5 p.m. Saturday, June 30th to Ocean Fall, Vancouver, Victoria nnd Seattle, - . . . ' I'orTcservntions or Information, appiy i"rr- . ' ' " CANADIAN PACIFIC. 1Y, PP,. i "7 " '&rd Avenue. .,,., i i i in i UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prlnre Hupert. tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Hwaiiioli Hay. liutedale. Alert liny, etc. l or Va'ncYhIVeVlN'ICTORIA. Ilutedale, Alert M. etr.. Saturday, 7 a.m. for PHUT SIMPSON and NAAH RIVER l'l.TM. f rlrtajr- ,,.. ON OUT BIMIbON, for ALICE ARM. ANYOX, STEWART. WALKS ISLAM". I 1! m&K!1'- R. M. SMITH, Agent. XJi Throujth tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle, and bastafe clieraeu I (iron th In itrstliiatlor. Advertise in "The Daily News ! EIGHT TIIOIHAND ,MI THEY j ARE INCREASING 'KAPIDI.Y feedim; chess and hice -MARKETING WILL COMMENCE NEXT YKAIt WHEN MMI11I! OF PELTS Will. HE SOLI) From a start of twenty pal: tw pyears ago. the population of A. D. NHallett's musHrat farm neur M.iasett has now increased to an estimated eight thousand, reports Mr Hallett Who has tjfren In tlie city fnr the past few days. The little fur bearers ha'e multiplied bj leaps and bounds under cuimuions wmcn seem to rj aito- jgether favorable, each pair mainlining t least an average increase of thirty-i u and the new animals breeding a , few months after birth. To supplement the natural feed on the ground Mr Hallett has planted his half wci;ou c,f land extensively In water cress and wild rice The fur farm is about three miles from Masaett iiD the Qtlkutla side and the rmuMtrate run at large In a aort of natural amphitheatre, ic-w If any having ever ? t rayed, away. Next Ma;ch Mr. Hallett eapects to start pelting a large number. Then he wUl, begtng to realize on an Investment which he states haa now' stood him something over til, 000. Subscribe tar the Dally News. UTEH NOTICE clvmjixv ojitysis TAKE aOTICK that X. O. Judson, Ltd,., whose a4ress T Terrsoe, B.C., will apply for a ltqenae to use the waters ot Kltsumaallum Wnac near Terrace for "Clearing Streams" purpose, namely, clearing and ljBjDtcvlng the stream for the driving, hapnmtt. w rafting of logs The potnta os the setwam between which It la propoMd to clear are frcm the point where Qm KUaumgallum River intersects the North Line of Lot 1400 to the South Line of Lot 1419. Range 5. Coast District. The estimated mileage between the said points la 4 miles, more or less. The term propter! fur the licence la 21 yean. This notice was posted on the ground on me 30th day of June. 1028. A copy of this notice and an ao-pltcatlcn pursuant thereto and to the ''Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C., The petition for approval of undertaking and an application for ap-proval of the Schedule of Tolls will be heard in the office of the Beard of Investigation at a date to be flaed, and any Interested person may file an objection thereto In the office of the Comptroller or of the Water Recorder of the District. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water recorder or with the OomptroHer of Water Right. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty das after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper The date of the first publication of this notice Is June 19, 11126. S. D JUDSON. LTD.. AppUcant. E. D. Judson. Agent. Short o! Breath t Dizzy, Sinking Spells COULDN'T WALK FAR Mrs, L. A. Oliver, Oranrffle Ferry. N.S., writes : "A few years ago I had duty, sinking- spells so bad I could hardly stand np without taking- hold of something to support me, and I could not walk any distance on account of being- to short of breath. "I had taken a lot of doctor's medicine, but it did me no good, only for the time being, so reading in the DJJ.B. almanac atx-ut I decided to try them asd found them to be just what they are recommended to be, asd I feel that I owe my life to them." Price 50c. a box at all drnggiste and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. llllbnra Co., limited, Toronto. Ont at June 2S, 1928 irsday, H3QS DAILY ffiiWtf 'i.ilu? vi.y mxvPiKwzm.- rMassMinafcrii 11 feK? FfomuHparfs oF-British SKRAT FARM Columbia say. AT MASSETT I7A r- M; -MAUMN5 dLo IiTIMATEI) POITLATION N O XV mo. inn sirnnaa CLOCK SALE AT THE LOUVRE MOXTILEXIl BELLING EVENT AOAIN UtTlsE I AM) EAOEKLY AWAITED HY INTENDING BUYERS The monthly Clock Sale instituted by The Louvre) early this year la proving to be one of the most popular selling event and a each month passes, the Clock Sale attracts more and more customers. In fact, each morning of the Clock Sales, there baa been quite a crowd awaiting the opening oi the Louvre doors at 9 o'clock, and the selling has been fast and furious. And our oust .men got bargains they know they did (or eaeh month they came back for more. And each month, The.Lqne Clock Sale bargains bsve been Increas ing in value. As our turnover Increased, we have been able to buy better and In larger quantities and so we have beep able to pans these savings an to our customers. The Clock Sale prlcet last from 9 to 1 but even after that and until Saturday night, bargain prices will prevail on Ladles' Coats. Hate and Dresses. So between the one and; the other, it will pay you to visit the Lcuvre tomorrow. But be In time for the Clock Sale! II Advt- NEW BUILDING NEAR FINISHED RO HHt): STHI'n KE ON SECOND AVENI'E C'KEDIT TO 'ITY AND TfiBTIMANV TO ll ILDEIi I'HOGKrJSMVENEHH Fencing was removed yeeUrday from around the new building of Rosa Bros, on Second Avenue Just west of Sixth Street, revealing another atructure, of concrete' construction throughout and fireproof, which will bk a credit to the ?rch;tFcture of the city as well as a testimony to the progresalvenesa of Its ...a:ia Ccod progress has been made I ' '-'.i:"!-?i bv the contractors, Mitchell ft Currie, snd the building Is ! re ready for occupancy about August 1. Ixterlor work fa practically computed, attention now being devoted to the interior. Measuring 100 by M feet, the full sire of the lot the building la one vturey In height with fifty toot bae I nu nt The main floor, oontlnlng bll-I llard hall, cigar store and 'taai stand. : has a foui teen-foot catling and the , basement celling Is nine left. The , billiard hall will contain elfebt taovea. r.i large and six small. y y qui e y y y yf y p r.y BiidwIser Real Quality Malt Syrup Mali Syrf increa: food vlu1 D Its finer flavor comes from constant control from rayv materials to finished product by America's foremost maltsters. Plain and hop flavored. Strictly union, made. ANIIEUSER-BiUSCH, St. LouU FRANK H. WILEY- Dlitributqri 1114 Hamilton St. Vancouyefl D. C. ON FRIDAY MORNING FROM 9 to 1 Our monthly Clock Sale is being looked forward to each month by our many customers there, ia. always a crowd waiting for our door's to open at 9 o'clock. So come early! For our Clock Sale values increase every month. - 12 only, Ladj.es' SilJf Dresden In Crepe Back .SatiriK and (Jrepe de Lulne. uegular values to $17.50. Clock Sale Wee Third Avenue. aaMMssaiB STEWART Some M 000 has been subscribed by Hyder cltlaens for proteeUon of the town against the encroachmenta of the Salmon River. A breakwater la being put In which will leave the town 1h :.erfect safety. On a lot Just weat of the Marnot Hotel which he has purchased from the Stewart Land Co. W. B. Tooth has fpoieunenoed the construction of a two storey building which wilt attires downstairs and offices upatalra.' Mi H. Plnd'.r of Dridllngton. Inc-land. Is visit in i; here wjth her brother, SUpendlary Magistrate J. ?. Scarlett. She la enroute to Auckland. New Zea land, where she will visit with a son. H. A. Hallum. owner of the Last Chance group, adjoining the Cantu at the foot of Salmon Olacler. baa arrived from. Seattle, arrnmpanled by K. Bergman, a (eonhyslcal engineer, who will apply this new method of ore finding to Mr. Helium's property. Howard Campbell, well known muting man or this camp, has returned from the Bast to take charge of operations tor the Coast Silver Co a Interests which include a group of claims adjoining the Silver Bell on the south. Money will be spent on this property with a view to future development on a large scale. SKIDEGATE I. Martin, forest ranger stationed at 9ueen Charlotte City, went to Maeeett on departmental business. N, Newman of Ilawiton, teaoher of the Qipon Otjfflotte CUy school has returned to Ifoaflton. It is hop4 tie win return. C. W. Homer hss been covering the Island! In his office as assessor. D. Dam paey of the HeUullo school at Skidegste is leaving for his home In VancouWtt1 '- 2.95 33 only, Children's Hats, trimmed. Traveller.' samples some worth up to QCn' 16.00. Clock Sale Price e 3 only, pure Wool Knitted Dresses. Regu lar value $12.95. Qn Clock Sflle Price 3 qiaiy, sxUes' .Tweed Sujt, crepe lined, sites JO, IS and 20. Rular $24.50 value. CUk Sale Price J() Bathing Cajw, 12 only. The latest styles-some worth $1.00. Clock Sale Price r V 34 only, Lcdjes' Dresses in Printed Voiles arid polka Dot. Sizes to 44. (?n Qff Clock Sale Price '. Va3ee7J 12 only, Un'derskirts in all sizes. Clock Sad Price, each . ; . . . 25c Pure Silk Stockings, silk to the top. Clock Sale Price 95C Three-cornered Handkerchief Scnrvos in Georgette and iij all colors. QCo Clock Sale Price Vr.- 4 only, Middle and Navy Blue Skirts. Clock Sale Price' Qf for two jfT.rmen)ts :''Q only, Ladies' Summer Hats, some valued up to $10.00. QCf Clock Sale Price tJAeCO Children's Stocking in Rayon Silk. Clock Sale Price, Q4 (( 12 pairs for WiUU ilaybeUe Priacess Silps, in heavy quality. Clock Sale Price j i ." only, Ladies' Navy Bltie Suits, Crepe de Chine, lined band tailored. Q-f ( Pt Clock Sale Price ?.iU.eJU Spun Silk Blooraers in four different colors. Clock Sale price Qgg 50 only, seta Lingeries, Hay belle, and Hoodie's. In botwttes or bloomers in all shades and all sites. Cloek sale Price, two garments for 1.25 SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATUlUUY After 2 o'clock on Friday all our Ladje' Coat$ will, go on, sale at less than half price. - AH the Hats in the store at half price. AH our Dresses, a quarter off. FOR FRIDAY ANU SATURDAY ONLY One one article to each customer. RICHMOND Cash only. ' 'S LOUVRE No. C.O.IX Prince Rupert, B.C. Ran ad ian National Qfo Largefl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PltLNCE Ill'PERT for VANCOI VCtt. VICTOIIA. IJEATTLH. MONDAYS. Tlll'KSDAYH. 4.00 p.m.. SATLKDVYS, 6.00 p.m. tor ANYOX and STEWART. MONDAYS. IKIDAYS, 4.0 pJB. For MASSETT INLET. MONDAYS, 400 p.m. For SJIUTII qVEBN CIIVULUTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. ,,. . JgAQjiYAXf AVEIl.VESlilVS. 4.00 pan. PASSENGER TRAINS tB.tVE PKINTE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT St Ml AY at 1LS0 a. in. lor PRI('K GEO ltd E, KDAKXNTUN, tyiNNIPEG. all points Eastern Canada. I'nltMl States. AOENCV All. OCEAN STa.MJW.I.C tlN'4. CITY TICKRT OFFICE. 5t8 TIIIHO Atr. PRINCE KUPrltT. llcANADlAfJ PACincJ Phone Z Canadian Pacific Rail way B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Vrnfll and Hkagway June II. 15. 18. (I. H. t. To Yaneouvrr. Victoria anil Seattle June . 18, W, S3, IT. 30. BP&f a PRINCESS ROYAL 'For Uiilrdsle, EaH Bella Itetu. Oreaii Fall. Namu, Alert Ray. Vamp.urn Hirer ana ancouvrr every iriuay. iu p.m Agency tor ail siesmniin une. Corner qf 4th 'sirrtt'lria'sVd Vnue! Pr1n"ee'RupefC i ' - Full Inrirrmallon from rhoneBI LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear li now here. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose fthat spring suit tailored to your measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Po II Today THOR JOHNSON a 1 t 3j li