yn Jlnglkan, llesldenllat and (Day ScAoo or Qlrh Fully graded up to Seniof Matriculation. under the direction ot a ,tuiiv ouaniiea prepared tor depart meat up-to-date building. All studies it ti i sian. . rupus uar ii., eii . . enrollment, ittly to itemher THE MOTllR SUPERIOR. 949 27th AveottCitVest, SIIAUGHNfelpfy HEIGHTS, VANCOUVER, B.C. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - B1UTI8II COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managnsr Editor. 4- Transient Display Advertising, ptr foci), per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday, June 16, 1928 PREMIER MACLEAN ui:T(r to the crush of advertising it ha been difficult to find i!!( i in thfa paper for editorial opinion during the past day or iw i Tin i. suit of the delay is that it becomes clear that the impression marie by Premier MacLean was an excellent one. He is n o oi.itor mil neither has he that smartness which often is acquired liv politicians and which enlivens their speeches. He sets oiii to fell lii- tory of the work of the government and of its prospect-; and he does so without varnish or embellishment of any kind, lie is tlh' sort of man who does things instead of talking about them, the M I'd oi man who is needed in this province just now. It is vary clear from reports which come from other parts of the entimry that the Prime Minister has made a good impression everywhere and that just now the general idea is prevalent that he should in; given at least one term of off ice. to allow Kim an opportunity to prove his ability as head of the government. INTERESTED IN NORTH Conversations with the first minister make it very clear that he is intensely interested in the north, seeing in the development of the mines and other industries and the filling up of the vacant lands of the interior a means of increasing the general prosperity of British Columbia. At heart, the minister is a financier. He was minister of finance so long that he sees the financial aspect of most things. He realizes that it is good business to develop the north and he thinks the south should realise this. While the Premier is keen on education, on health and the personal development of the cititen, he also realises the advantage f keeping the finances of the country JtUct so that money can be.secured for the necessary expansion which he sees about to take place. The visit of the Premier was looked forward to by a good many people with interest and they were not disappointed in him. HOOVER AS CANDIDATE It was expected that Hoover would be the Republican candidate but such things had been expected before and' not realized. The U sited States has been fortunate in the type of men brought forward for the high offices of state. Hoover is one of the best of them, lie is able if not brilliant. He has already proved himself in the position of food controller and as secretary of commerce in the cabinet. He will now have a wider opportunity for his talents. On the Democratic side it looks as if Governor Al Smith would be the candidate and then there will be a battle royal for supremacy. The campaign this year seems likely to be a bitter one and there will be many defections from party lines. Smith as a Catholic and an opponent of prohibition will attract many Republicans and will annoy many Democrats. It will be the most interesting campaign in many years. DR. YYHINCH NOMINATED MtfaofoiryHnat the Liberals of-Skeena have chosen Dr. Wrinch once more to be their standard bearer. There was talk of other candidates, the, vlna being made that a younger man would have been better. WhiTf we need ypiyiJi je4)Kwe also need steadying influence of the wisrheHds. There is nothing slow backward about Dr. Wrinch. The very fact that he has been pressing the need of a health insurance measure in this province i. an indication that he is right in the front row of the progressives. I' i" to he hoped that he will be given an opportunity to work ot:' plan and brin it to fruition. LOW EXCURSION FARES EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON CALGARY JASPER Tickets on nle from May 22. Return limit October 31 Full information from Cm TICKET OFFICE , rao 28 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 2G0 Canadian National- OMCERS FOR SKEENA RIDING 11 UK It A I.N KI.IXT IT 1.1. 1.IHT FUK ' t1 It H'T AT COM EN HON MEET IXi Till MEEK TERRACE. June it6. -At' the 'datrict Liberal ik minatinfc''eonvetition held here on Thursday afternoon' officers for the current year were elected as follow Hon president -- Hon. Dr. MacLean nd Rt Hon. W. L. Maekensie King. Hon. vice-presidents Hon. T. D. Pat-tullo. Dr. Wrinch. M.L.A.. Olaf Hanaon. President E T. Kenney (Terrace). Vioe-president L. L Dvotn Smith -art), W. W. Anderson Haeelton t . Secretary-treasurer 8 Mayer (Smlth-ers). Executive -Mr. Perktna (Esstngton). H. Halliwell (Terrace . W. Orant (Haeel-tan). P. Corrlgan (Skeena Croaatag). A. Mapleton f (Telkwal. J. MeKetuMe and J P. Dawney (Haielton). Votes of confidence In Uk MacLean government and in Dr. Wrinch. the local member, were passed. Delegates attending the convention Included: Sm I there -J McKenaW. I. M. Sales. j. p. Da wiiey Ja Buenan e. c. uourn. 3. Mayer. E Hann. Chss Wilson. Harelton H C Wrinch. Geo Benson. F. A. McNab. Was. Grant, Oeo. Hanck. w w Anderson. Louis MeTD. John wu l.n n Hall -""' Telkwa A. Mapleton, Mrs. A. MSgee- ton. Kit manga Boy Moot. Woodcock -W. C. Little. Rema C. W. Sweneon. Laketae P. Mlchaud. Ccpper City Can Mason. Terrace E T Kenney, H. Halliwell. W. Klrkpatrtck. F C. Bishop. J. Vlger. A Holm wood R. W. Riley, v. Boueie. EIGHTYATTEND PARTY BANQUET M'OMFA OK CANADIAN LKOION AT TKKKACE (' ATEIl TO BIO IIINNF.K IOR VIirMI THERE PREMIER INDISPOSED TEMtACE. June 16. Following the nolitieea meeting on Thursday evening the members of the Terrace Liberal Association wet boata to the visiting minister and convention delegates at a banqu.t held In lower O.W.Ti. Hall. Severs kere laid for upwards of eighty person and the splendid supper put up by the W A. to the Canadian Lagton was much enjoyed. The occasion pro pleryaicl opportunity for a general talk Wrlct matters. Short addresses were riven by Hon. T. D.PattuUo. Dr. Wrinch. E. T. Ken r.ey. J, I. Barge of Queen Charlotte City. J. K. Oordon. J. P. Downey and J MeKansJe. Smltbers Hon. Dr. MacLean. who smfortunately suffered (a severe nose bleed, thereby having to somewhat shorten his polltl-al addressV was unable to be present. Hon Dr MacLean. Dr. Wrinch and Edward Morcross of the Vancouver Mcrning Star, left Terrace about MO i.m yesterday on a speeder to eatch the way-rrelght at Pacific and go on Haaaltori to hold meetings there. Hon T. D. PattuUo returned to Prlnee Rupert. PKINCE GEOUGB Messrs Joreeneen and Met have opened up a new restaurant her which tbey have named the Little Oem The Canadian Forestry Association's moving picture car was here for se-eral days at the end of last week and was well patronised Charles A. Pyne, president, of the Cariboo Automobile Association, has launched a campaign with a view to nrolllng one thousand new meMbers la the Association. at. Hev. w. L, Adans, BUtom of MMfridbr he aervireK in Prnv Oeonre last StUMhty. Sydney Perry. Harry S. Taylor and Cora Andrews were wuwera of an es say contest held here during Pbres4 Protection Week. Rev A. W. Trlrrklem eenducted services in Oonnnught Hill Lutheran Churoh here last Sunday. Hev. 8. T Oalbralth. United Church minister here, will be shortly leaving for new post In the south to whlett hi' hsK been transferred. The monthly meeting of the Ladles' Auxihury to the Canadian Legion was j :-'Ui on Mondev afternoon. The Eastern Star Auxiliary met last I Friday alteraooa. at the heme of Mrs. 1 !) Deneen. M:s Inga Andtismm, assisted by her Mi.'iif. gave dttnoa' recitals in the Capl- "u Theatre at tlie and of the week. Hiram A. Carney,. psemlnent cltlren of rMnct,Qeerte,.and Mia. Carney and fsil1y4 laii on suodlyir vtVaaeourvH where MMf, wkU-rWHa upfleratdeoeeMr. Carney oaeomlng Wenttlled with the i m h r ' InHiiamtrv VANDEUIIOOF Mrs. J. H. P. Laeey and d-a tighter have returned from a twelve months' visit with relatives In England. J for P. Tener and R. W Tener have left gtteka a prospecting trip Into the In- River district. Joseph Murray has returned to Van' derhoof after spending the winter trap- The "tbmusl tWflSSIBK fSfK9Z2H "WaJlWa.. CSBSS K an plcnir of the Nechaka The iim. Traffic Officer If every car owner used Champion Spark Plugs there would be fewer traffic jams due to cars stalling. Chatnpionittheberteripark plug because it hat an exclusive 1111- manlte lniulator ipe-clally treated to with tan j the much hieher temperatures of the modern hlgh-comprts-'iton engine Also anew " patented loll Jcopper a gaike(-seahhtremalaI t ' absolutely gas-tight under high com pre Ion. Special analyili electrode whlchassure a fixed sparlo-gap under all driving conditions. Champion SpcirlCPhtfp WUdsor, Ontario A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT In Prtnce- Rupert Land Recording Dls-tict and situs is on Moresby Island ad-jioent to Alllford Bay Skldgate Inlet 9dawn Charlotte Islands. TARS NOTICB that Paetfle I united of Vancouver, B.C., occupation pulp and paper manufactmwrs. lntandz to apply for a lease of the fellow in described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the 0 W corner of B.T.L UflP: '.hence 73 jagreas 30 mlnues Wast Astronomic I 1300 It . thence North St degrees SO Minutes West ( Astronomic I IMO ft.: iienee North 33 degrees SO minutes Bast i Astronomic i 800 It . tMnoc North Sg degrees west I Astronomic) 3BB9 ft.: nance North 00 degrees Bast f Attrane-uiici goo ft. more or Mass, to an later" af:tlon with the high water mark Of 'Btford Bay: thence fottowlnx the said high water mark Southerly to the point oi commencement, save and eteant on island containing one sere more or leas .-mi another island containing oisaefws. more or tern -the whole containing 112 ares, more or Mast. PACTPTC MILLS. LlaiTim. Appiiaant. By Parker Batauel BoMkey fcat wu. 1 T I lan WATBH NOTICE DIVKHHION AMI VSK. TAKE NOTICB that The Detroit Western Mining Co., whose address at U4-8tandard Bank Building. Vanootiear, H.C , will apply for a licence to take tatd use ISO c .fa. of water out of Bast Fpek 'ot Khutaw River which flowa westerly unci drains Into Khutw Inlet. Ora-hnan Heach The water will he diverted from the stream st a point about 1400 icet Earn or the Witness Post on the vest side r( Lot 173 Prince Rupert district and will b- used for mining purposes upon the turners! oroup described aa western Copc-r (plana on file in surveyor oeneral's Ofi:rei. This notice was posted on the i.'.;-.nd on the 10th da, of May, 1938 A copy of this notice and an appllcr.t'in pursuant thereto and to the 'Vtter Act" will be riled in the office of the Wst-r Recorder Kt Prince Hupert. Obtectloi. ; to the application may be filed with the said ater Recorder or with the Comptroller ( Water Rights. Parliament Victoria. B.C., with: a thirty dayi me iirst appenrance "Btrlldln lldlnga. a after of this notice In local newspaper The date of the first fiubllcatton 03. of this notice Is June 11. DETROIT WESTERN MINING CO . Applicant. By P. ardoe WllMHi.Aaent LiNIl'ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITI.Y TO , JB4iACJl In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate adjacent to Allifnni Bay, Moresby Island. Skldegate Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific MM Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Pitpcr Manufacturers, intends u apply for a lease of the following described Iinds: Commeni'lng nt a noat planted on the high v trr mark of an Island; thence following tlv high water mark around the Islftji l to point of commencement and con'.a'' :n 0.35 sere, more or leu PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, AliDK.-nnt Donald Wilbur Hodsdon, Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited Dated May S, 1933. IjJlicnQulRTCiij qcbTiuffii v i "tt m WL G AT ffl CI IX Pi S IP ; j ping in the Pinter Lake district. He had a good season and disposed of his day catch readily at vary satisfactory prices. Arthur atMlford of Wistaria. Conservative candidate for Omlneca. has been a visitor in this district In the in-teiests of his campaign. Mr. and Mm. Albert Varley and I daughter of Wllmette, near Chicago, j were visitors In Vanderboof hut week In the course of a tour of Canada. Mr Varley has property near Tatcht Lake, Mouth of Tandsrboof The federal government has appro priated the etttn of Se.000 far the build ing of a wharf at Fcrt St. James. The matter was taken up by the Van derhoof and District 'Board ui Trade. The local drain and Hay Pool has elected Oearge Csmeron. WUIiam Evans. WUllatn Bwsn, John aoldle. A CMears. WUIiam Smith and George Bnell as directors The pool will continue In operation for a not he three yeari provided It renMvas siiffl ieat support from he farmers' df the district. Institute was held last Thurs- aftetawon em the fawn of Wflllam Smith, there being a vary larrn at- ! trndance. One of the features ot the proceedings was an address by R. O. i-ifon ol Prince Oeorge. dutrlct LAND ACT VOTICK Of I N'T UN 1 1ON TO APTLY TO I.KAPE LM and liis guns Icginto tarlo anitkc Ugkts go oul - and tullets cKip your luliLSrjs. Intke darlo Ukcalke lady lhouaas Jou, Ike lioock no longer serves fill ijourflfje ujltk 03den5 it will calm ajour jumf)U- nerves. 9 SAVE THE valuable "poker hands" For Pic-nics For Pic-nics bM Elect o nc read keeps soft longest TIIK BEST TIIKUB ISl The Hlectric llakcry specinlisos in cutlinjf bread for Sandwiches I CURE DRPKCTIVK VISION, DEFECTIVE HEAR-1N. CATAHKII and other oriianic troubled by natural methodi. Dr..C 0. McKAY, D.C. I'lionc 1.11. Wnllacc Hloch. Open Evening UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ., . Huillni from I'rlnre icuuerf. . lor VAXCOt'VKU, VICTORIA, 8tvanoil Hay, Huleilale, Alert I- "'' riiesday, 3 p.m. Jor V( oiiVKIt. VirroillA. Ilutedair. Alert Itay, etc., SsllifiWf. ' m lor I'OIlT SIMI'-tON nnd NAAH IUVKU IOIMN,' frlilsy. lor ALICE A KM, ANVOX, STKWAIIT, IVAI.KM ' IMM, PORT BIMI'fM"-Sunday, It p.m. 13 nd Avenue. It. M. SMITH. Agent. I'rlnre lluiert. Through tlikets sold to Victoria anil uraltle, and bnr.ir.are rher' thruugh lo deatlnotkir