MEN'S AND BOYS' Khaki Outing Pants' A new line, made ifi England. Boys' worth $225. )B,;p;ke $1.25 Men's, worth SL50. 'r price $1.49 We have me wmderfal value in Dress Pants for men and roun mm and boys' knickers and bloomers at prices to beat the mail order houses. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 10-4. v.rjr fine quality. $1.65 Only 2 to each customer. Montreal Importers J. R Miller. Proprietor, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. RED'S Tr ansrer r Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell g kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and meaMires are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money ' and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20L Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roil Roofing Building Papers and Felts Eterjet Elastic Ialnt Plastic Elasligum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load &5Q Double Load $&50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.80 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. LINDSAY'S1 Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Diatributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniturt Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER MET 1 1 fT f mo "Y J (doubtJ S OH- I'M 'SO CLA.D If OEEM QUITE A FEW DAV5 rtNCE t LA5T SSlssV""'' j ,,,,!, I'M SO CLAD "YOUVE MY HOOANO-WE'VE oit&m lketabootJ FIGHT PROVED TO BE A DRAW a HtnillVO A Kit CLARK MIX IT IX TEN K4H ND BOt T H ITHOI T EITHER tserriKo dgtiokin With the boy from Calgary offsetting with bts (lugging aggramrencac any dvuiUgc Uut hla Betlingham oppop-i. oiay have bad In superior boxing akin the ten round bcut at the -Kxhlb'.tlon Ball laa: night between All Harding nd Ray Clark waa a lair enough draw. -bla being the unanimous call o tbt reieree and the two Judgaa The bald- beadad Clark bad a claaacr and mart .rauui action tnaa the n rugged and ahortet Clark but the tattr) in uaual ityle. eairled tna ngbt much I at the way. Clark could not mm u I ft going In the way that many lana were apparently expecting auC U waa only toward the latter roundi that be (hewed slgna cl toe style hi waa purpcrt; d to have. Be waa of tb direct hi tang type, a bixer. while Harding feapt up bla reputation as a figs tar. Ob the whole. It waa a tough battle with plenty of lively rarhangaa and the judicnoe of fana. pcrhapa not aa lane u the menu of the card Justified, was wall repaid for a good f Inga es tertalnmemt. RIH'MI BY ROI KII After waiting tor each other. Clark put over a few straight punches in the tint round and Harding responded with a couple of livery eluggtng attacks and. continuing to leaaL was pummelling Clark against the ropes on two occas ions. Clark ruit ta lack pep and Ibil was HaisUnes round. Clark UTened up a bit in tbe second round and delivered a few straight Jabs and missed a few. Harding went to his hands on the floor in one rush. Clark. Harm Mo. 13. Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPL TO riHCHAE LAND ta Prince Rupert Land Recording Oav "tat and ataU about i miles truss the atoutrr -or mra ws -im veef - . TAKE DOTICK that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. dv . occvpeuon saining company, intends to apply for permtnslon to pur-Fhaae the lolfowlnc described lands - C-dunenclna at a post d lan ted on iatn gwagt iron tne witneaa post on ne west sioe oi lot 172: inence esir T aOhalBs: thence sutherlr 20 chains thenoe easterlT W chain: thence nor therly 10 chains. a,.d containing 100 scies, more or leas. p. pardos wnaoH. Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co Dated lath April. IBM. For Six Years PIMPLES Covered Her Face Mr. Albert Etubba, Kcwbory. Oat, writes: -"If? fan vraa MrJ kith ; pimples aad was so bad I waa ashamed ; to be teea. I su2red in tail way for ( six years, tmtil one daj a friend told 1 me to usa snmBBBVsnamrmnmnemcEssBBBB ' and after I bad used two bottle, tie ; pimples were all gone and ay skin waa . aa eJeaa aad smooth a ervr. ' ' t I 1 Pot up ear by Tk T. VOTtara Oo, IJiarted, Teroata, Oat I JMyiJ L-mA HER DREVj AN' ORUH F'GU r j 2MOKlJG TO PLEASE. HER- 1 hf&f M'M fV. f tff' ' Immem fohcotto &hhadi i one waooeucmted ap U ' r, -.wt. Xm S . Utfl iW x J - " A 0-MO HIM AMD KEO ) if i ' lh jfi T : ' sl 1 V :f' '"jb G-13 ' """ - --J '.hough lacking finishing power, had he best of this round. They mixed more freely In the third round but then slowed up. These were few esehaagea with Harding doing tbe -nest Cf the leading Clean blows were ixarce In this round Sfhlch was Hard-JSt'a by a shade. Clark led oa in tbe fourth round bad the beat of the fleet and last if it with Harding dotac his stuff in "le middle. Honors wese fairly even. Harding launched a lively attack In m tilth and received a few taps In :tum. dealing himself a couple of good It waa Harding's round. Clark led o again in tbe stttn anc srding replied with slugging attack? lark yaa evidently having dUBculty 1: ttung down to hnsln s. The rownt m even. Harding starved to lead In Um vwnth ban Clark waa starting ta Oghi 4 ; beat. He rackasi Haagntg wiu uieroua rtghis sad lefU aad had Uu usd a a wMe maeetn Clark started to fight in real earns 3 the eighth but waa well stock, y Harding who landed avjne anapp? ses in Infigtillng. The round wa Tliey mated it freely in tbe nlntl uckf with Clark doing most of tb-adtog. though running into some sti: slsranoe It waa Clark's reamd. NLlTIIEIt COI LI) ttlX Both boys were kaokiaa for opening i the tenth but few presented tbeav lee. Harding attacked stNstuousl) i the early part of the round with lark rispiailUig fairly toward tht lea. Thta waa the round In wnlct .ther might have wan the flght but Tbe reset. Pete tagsjrU, and ta udgee. W. j. Rayaaand aad O. A Inter, tew newspaprrsaea, -bt"' n-7 declared tt a draw with three round o Clark, three to Harding and fou 1 Bardnag. 1- Oar. S. Hardlaff. . Iven. Itantlng. S. Xren. 7 Ceask. ClaA. At the ooaeaeno bout It aa annonnced thdk'' altsaftodWh "GOVEILVMHiVT Lit UQft ACT OTirK or tiivnoV ?10H CON KNT TO TrVKf4l(, ;hf lltf-it - I W tbft. on Kdt iih lis lnJo to apply to the Liquor Board for cc risen t to transfer LloeoAe Itumher MS. and issued , . . f" w.. UNI Ul juuoing anown as tbe Tounat Hotel, sit tiate st Terraoa. 1C tnxm th :tM!Lae Lot 1 aad a. In Block 11. Hap 7i Prtoee Raoert land RersttaUon n.str rt, in tbe Proviaat of Rruiah Columbia, from Oeonr Teener to Anoeeo gusiaccBK) and Urhano Colbachinl. of iwmaor. Bniam oojutnaia. the transfer CvM IMTBD Tetape. B C, thla Mb uy e ueavg;, tlOS. MWmm- UPBX) (08TACCHIO. TJRBANO OOLBACFUlft. AMjjcaau and TTanafereea NOTICE. EDWARD IION'OIIOC Deceased NOTrrrat ta HBsarnw nmu persons having otoanu afetost the estate of Bdward Danohoe late of Jlaaa Har-"xi in the Province of Brttara CoruntMi dd on tbe trd day of Usreb. lft r .-- uired on or before the 18th dav -i .'uh isae. to deliver or send by nre- d if .er post full Bertieulars at their m duly verified to The Roytl Trust ' Executor of tht estate of tb . lrtrd Donoboe. deeeaaed. et ltr -e "J8 Pender Street west. Vaa-v ner BC AMD TAKE NOTICE that tu r last mentioned date th Baecu-' ;r -i -.'.i proceed to dlatrvkwte the asset " deceased SBKng the persona en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which tt shall then nave Jud notice DATED ' Vsncnuivt BjC- that ttth "lav rT UT A D 10B8 ROBERTBON COVOLA9 At SYUES I,,. Soliettan far the Royal 144 Trtiit C6nptay. BY COLLY I'VE oE-"J MLJMNeS THAT LOOK , otTTBR "THA.Ni HE OOE.5- challenged the winner. ClOOIl PKCLItllKARItt There waa an attric;.re card of pre-iminanea. Use opening event being a lively exhibition between Toung Italy t Waldo AatoneUll and Toung 8cot-nd (Donald Kennedy i Italy waa the iveUer ahflt Beotlsnd stolidly slugged 't was a no decls.on bcut wiUi honort tout even. Pete Cbenosk proved too beary lot 'od Morgan In the second preLa Th -rmer dealt some beary blows in ii rst round and had bis opponent prett-ell on tbe run in the ssoond anc tint. Cheneaki was given tbe decision Nina Ounrlcb took a decision from ommy de Marco In a bout which wa ry lively In at least the first two nods. Nina won out In the third und on points when Tommy was ffjed and just waiting to be bit Rlna. waver, was himself so tired that be mid not rmish him. Quite a pace d been set. ' Jimmy Sims put up a fast and fierce bt against Jack Holroyd over whom led in all three rounds. Jimmy hit i aponent so often and so hard rha' ek waa wondering at th nd of th vnd round what it was all about ek was fame, however and took inialunent In the third round with no wer of resistance. He was out or. h:-et and Sims was declared the winne-fare tbe time waa up SEMI-FINAL in the semi-wind up. K. O. Blair o wtiaad. Oregon, started off in jreatenlng manner against Tiger BjuI ;r. Slow ta the wind-up and ver. til berate. Blair looked like a last ant ard hitter. Aa a matter of tact he r ble to bit about when be wantc-1 i. ie first round and had Boulter zueaa if- Blair stepped right out in tb fond and decorated Boulters far-Itb some vicious crack, tbe Utter', rht eye being partially closed In th tlrd Boulter suytng power held hit - good stead aad. Vblle Blair wa 1 swing up. he dealt bun some cf h. n meeuclne. Boulter anatched vtcur; u: of defeat la the fourth frame and isd It all over Bmlr. who was now red out and uaable to deliver, show-ng stgn of tTngglnaea. Boulter was Iven .the decision In the bout which,: VBsfnt have Jbeen falrty called a draw Charlie Brown was promoter of tbe card and Max HeUbroner and Harr rk!ii;g were timekeepers. CARDINALS IN FIRST PLACE IOOK LKAIH-Hallir Of' NATION Al u:ni r. hy mvMxn ovrr KOIIINH MII1LE MSHn MtT to (Spec la i to Dally Sews) MBW YORK June IS. St. Lcuu Cardinals assumed tbe leadership of the National League yesterday by winning jver the Brooklyn Robins while tbe Cincinnati Reds failed hi a tight struggle against the lowly Phillies and dropped to second plane, on half gam behind the Cards New York Olants. nth an easy 9-1 victory over Pitt- If Their rt- -h ar of touch lj B rcvt, 4 ti nketh-nihoid jM BA ihtirum ruiting cogs ur. jS ISA simomss -. tu saw oa. lto """' sr. jomn. a UJtJf IB YtV- I JU5 ME7T MR-AM' MR9 AHLNT THEV toUPLyTHEYVE BEEN MARRIED FoR TWifrrv OE.VOTEO DtvOTtD CT HOOPER "YEARS" HE f. .r At (A BEEM OfcfcM "JO J0 ArJD fcNtX mm . VN anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED .wuao W4TTB BT THE DAT Phone Sad t5 Itt .AID wAKTRD. APPLY Avenue Inst. jurg Pirates, and Clilrsgn C ba winning 4 from Bostcn. continued L third and .urth place and are atiP bidding -rongly for supremaey. 8U Louie Browns canflraaad their hold n third place by inflicting the eleventh -feat of the aaaaoa Upon the New Teak ankees in a tight a-t gaase. Tne . cond place Phllartelphia Athlttlas wan 2 to 9 over Cleveland Indians and -aton. winning from Chicago Whits oa. took sixth place in the American ague from Detroit Tigees who lost to ashint3n hens tors The latter, who tave been enjoying a long winning treak. are now menacing the Oeveiand Indiana for fourth place Yesterday's aoorea: NaJleoel League Plttaburg 1. New York t. Chicago 5. Boston 4. Cincinnati 7. PhOadeiphla 8. St. Louis 5. Brooklyn ft. iHftWii I mi tie New York 4. St. Louas . Philadelphia It. Oevetaod . Boston S. Chicago 1. Washington i. Detroit 4. vvalasVpJ lavrflM Uiaslona 4. Oakland S. Portland a. Ban Ptaanaeo a. Hoilraamd 4. aw cram into a Seattle 4-J Los Anfeles 3-7 IX.tOl E STANDINO Nafssotl lifOfoe t Lauls gg SI inclnnati at tt Jit ew York te at JCS ;hlcago tt as Ml Brooklyn M as Jit rafhjBtt H to .44 Boston ..:.?.TV.db St hiladelphla It M AnterVa League ew Yotfe It u 7M UadelifcBa M t. tojr tt md M aa va(hinpbn tt t .4M Boston -' U tt Detroit gt t4 "blcago SO 14 J7t FIRST FINALS C.N1TENNIS MR. IHII.TIIV WON I.AIXR' MM1I.IM YBK1EHD.Y AQ.U.NHT IB. ' MOOliC The big tennis game of the C N R ournament yesterday waa the final game ' r -.he ladles' slnglas which was won after a battle rovai by Mrs RoltUy (..rer Mrs. Moore', tb eeorea being 6-1. 4-t. g-g other gams, puyed yeaterdsr Mlaed Itewbles Miss Moaley and Arnott beat Mrs Holtby and MePhetw n g-g. 8-4 VI ea Deablea Wilding and MoRby beat r. Tooey and Skattebsl g-t. 44. g-t. rV-gers and W. Tohcy beat Waltnn a.- 'J Haines 4-g. 6-S. T-t. Arar't and VlfW1i. . v isyior a;.d T-r4: l- g-g. s-4 ladles- Marlea J' Ha 1 1 by tml Use. Haines 1.7, A VONOERBJL HAS ALWAYS - K By &f8ElM IM HOT iSjIni? '.- g WATER FER KJSl ' . 'fT F ' THIRTY tAR "W v vjoolc makea K ' Jjr RHIMOCERO NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for leas than SOc SITUATIONS WANTED TOUPK1 OIRL DCKTRW KaTTIOII AS clerk in store Phone Oreen 7fi. lee SITUATIONS VACANT WAjrTRO - TOt'ltO MAN POtt OC-Apply livery car Munro Brae. U FQ.KiAI.R FOR MUl-TIIBIel PIBOR field Suite, sat hots Monarch range kitchen cabinet. table. MeClary banter add vathet hoitsenold furniture. Pweoe Blue tit. Ml POK SAU. - 1SS ACKXS. 10 ACRCt cteaiwd and fenced, bouse, barn cfucken house, fine spring water Price tTWOO. Apply J H Perkins sasina Oroaaiag. Bx: OLD MBWBPAPBM MAY BS OBKD IB atead of building paper or ta lay be aeath carpets on tb Oosr. Oet ipectal prlaa on tare qu-ntlttos Daily or vuL-nmt BOAT. ready to ran. Real bargain. 141 OR SAia-arvVB PUCK DAK OAK Dining Room Suit, bed rmirti. smsll table. Apply Christie, Wsldron Apta. FOK KENT -1MB ROOM MOUSR POR RRMT. lost Second Avensj. Bulls! for rooming purposss. Phone est or ITS POR BRUT. nViiimisentui Rooms: aailtabte for aaarrled cecpl BBon Red sSt. OB RntfT. - IXAlnVsTTON iprjos Ittnth Avenue Beat, Rent nwsaisli Wy City Ttwaeuiat. City Hall. tf Oil RrT . PtAJKM. PLAYaW-PtAjao. - - - "OR RCMT. PVnenBrfSD POOR roomed apartanent with bath. Water paid. Pboeti HI tf T-AT POR RRMT -SIX BOOMS AND bath, on Sixth Avenue. V7. Phone t4S or Black ata ti POR RHffT PTrraNlaWBD HOUaWKBRP-Ing rooms by the day. week or mosth. Phone Bed 607. tf OR RENT. POOR ROOM APART -meat, net water heated. Apply Smith s(aHU. Ltd tf POR RtafT. PORNlaWBD APART! msau -Apply Muamllaaa Oroeery. 'OH ftsOT.-a40ORRlt HOUSC, BATH and rang. Phone Red S3t. Itt --SCiLOOJ.OFJ.ITHKATUKB Sell Your Imagination. LEARN' TO tVUITE HTOKIM te laformauesw Jcb-jl of UtattMre. 2U IIAIUIKKS XtTKNTION1 WILL LIARS FOR A PSRIOD OF PIVI yrars to responsible parties, my fir chair shop with lto furnishings and futures end three bath rooms, clt-uated on Third Ave.. Prince Oaorg. B c In the very heart and centre of the business district, together wiUi a three room house completely furnished, in the rear, on the end of the lot: for one hundred dollars per month. Exceptional advantage for nop and Beauty Parlor. Ones. 8. afar. Drawer M0. 142 George McMapiJg Artklet Lett and Found, 4c i'rince Kupert Salvaee & Towlif ' Co. UA. I HAS IltRI.l IN' l.tS BOtTI f tsnalt Bale and Typ- : Aaenu for -Raathtip E:... . - : ; PropeJIstn, artd T-.ix . Hoala ejf aH eWrtpllan lot httrt , eM lake I very. phase la ; SUMMKK RPJSOKTS IKKIi5H H0TSPHINUS LODGE saw m;n LAIM1HNT IKITrrRINfia IS I AMBI lUthla Water i Tret Pfhinjr on lale Lilt . naw opefl KNHI ACrtTljiliV(TION I OS f lHI lUllB ii BROCK JOHKtrTONf Mmsfrr 8.0 UBKD tMltS FOK SALE Pord Ton TTnrt panel body H"1 Ford Tor Tjrem Chaasi. ' :5oM starvar tf& Pord svaaiaar delivery ik;' good esjttMttn. Oakland MiJL- tttt. four braJsaa. aatasta Urea 51 Te' m BaMe Trurk tarea . . . ,'rVS71', .... . n B4,arrsnd Kiif iHHu r. Itfame it tCi)nopnACTiLt UK.' ('.. EYOir.lON r .Chteeprarler ; 4,TJtril Arena ranrfc -f-eJlaboinntrsvrri t ntie Bla at BvfbVe phone Bu t 2" Acute ass. fMpAlc Dl rds treated nawaSl libed 1f FUKN1TUJ1E AND BAWW, tmpurrc Ltint or Ntwnwm'tf la atock. beds, apringe Obktes roam uta. sultee: earpeU all aiarv 1 and linoleum rugs; ui cshitvata. d'vjaer. cbuTon"' arul cane. Our pri'-es " ret- onaate You are Invit.a w our store. A. Mr KKN'ZIK PurnKure Phone Til - AUCTIONREKA JPIIINXB Kl'PEKT At CTION Mt (- PumlHtre of til kind or exchanged Crating and pakli 1')M' Oood sold on Oomml" fi. J. DAWES, , Aurtloneer. Hf KESTAUUANTS, fiooii B.iT r.ue Mr. Unte. Propr1" Third Avenue, nett O.WA A. Oood Home CoOked MesU nl Bated Bresa , ,!-Kpeelsl Clilrken Dinner S'r EreulDf Iroui