Saturday. June 1G, 1928 I Vocal Waltz Cfr i i r sassssWBBa. z.ll I .1. Li So Tired Gene Austin Was It A Dream? Warlng's I'enntylvanians 2132) 21297 The "theme song" of the Motion Picture film "Itamona" Walu I'au. Whiteman antl 217U Ilia Orchestra Vocal Create Aitsttn 21U4 When You're With Somebody Else Fox Trot l'aul Wbttemaa and Hit Orchestra Instrumental SMIkm'a Khyth-Melodists Laugh ! Clown, Laugh ! Warlng's l'ennsylvsnlans Wain 3UM 2 DM 2I29S Little Log Cabin of Dreams Fox-Trot l'aul Whiteman and Ilia Orchestra Vocal Lambert Murphy 2U25 40M Alto the latest lied Seal records by fa mom Victor Artists Victor Talking Machine Co. ASK FOR YOUR of Canada, . limited ASK FOR YOUR NEW MILLION DOLLAR Valet Auto Strop RAZOR FKKK willi every purchase of 10 bludos 30-dav Introductory Offer. rmes IM. 7iv Pioneer Drunrists THIRD AVE. f. SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8?620O Wkat Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AliAIN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 cents a share; Silverado at 35 cents. What are they worth now? NOW WE HE('OMMENl) Silverbell Mining Go., Ltd. AT MARKET! Ldtcwt Vancouver quotation 15c bid. 26 Hskcd. Situated on the New Premier Hill und bounded on two sides by Premier holdings. H. W. M. R0LST0N & CO. Ltd. Stewart. IM'. Direct wires Vancouver Stock Exchanjre STOCKSj-llONJJS-RKAL KjATE Washes and l)tie Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line i M minutes-Washed, Blued. Rinsed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Local and Personal 4 a Taxi riione 4. Ulf 4 Taxi. ti Oentlei Or J. t. Ooess Phone 68t 'lfafl PhoniSBTT Cwctrr Hanson " li!K Ali., 1-11 ' ' . l Thlrtf Vnuaf picnic At ON R em ployee will be held on Sunday July 1 to Terrace. Hi Hyde Transfer for Bex Cutt:nt,, double load $3.60. Good value to: u money. Phone 59.' tl First visit or Charlie Chaplin In his latest and funnies:. "The Circus," Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Lady conductor or the boy's band will submit to be kissed by anyone purchasing from her a ticket (or the band draw this evening. Mrs. T. Ross MacKay sailed yesterda. afternoon on the Prince Rupert lo: Vancouver where she has been called o: account of the illness of her aged mother Provincial Constable William Smith Of Anyox sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon for Vancouver, having In his charge a party of prisoners lor Okalla. C.MJt. Constable George Oeddss arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's tram from Winnipeg to succeed Constable Alex Martin who has left for Sdmonton to which city he Is trans ferred. Jamas Jack, superintendent of construction of the Kalen Island Highway for the Vancouver PUed'rlvlng At Contracting Co., sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on business. Hon. T. D. PattuUo, minister of lands, returned to the city on yesterday sftemoqnjs Uaia from Terrace to which point he aeaoajsfaatod Premier J. D MacUaa afcls weir. Mr. Pattullo wUl sail for fftftam on the Prince Oeorgc Monday m tt' zr Y 8. L. fJrVwnir. engineer of the pr Irlnclal depawtaaaett of public works in ichara of Ota Vacating of the Skeena WfltBM kswond a allows y Rapids, and fjk. ESUaaksr arrived in town on yestetta. aMaraao n's train from the surra asrsp which is now located at Phaiaai jjtoew. Mia. i. at Bawle. accompanied by Mia Jeato Tork of the Omlneca' Herald I staff, ajMaad In the city on yesterday IsiteraOMV wW r Mr Kaaeitoif to uneet aEaja Jean urns who is returning to new IssaMtasi from her studies at OoliiinHHsu OnlHaa and with whom they I proceeded to the interior this morning. A. C. . Oerhardt. managing director of the forte mine, sailed yesterday afternoon cat the Prince Rupert for Vancouver feaatwtng a- visit of inspection to the property st Alice Arm. Mr Oerhardi. who came Into town Iron, Alice Arm aboard the powerboat Awake wss accompanied by William Main-warlng. British Columbia manager of the Northern Electric Co.. and Mr- Mainwarlng who also went south. A N N OUN C BSI I? NTS Picnic, June M. Pioneers' Picnic July 8. WE HAVE T1IE5I SLEEVELESS DRESSES All shades. ULAZKNS AND SWBATER COATS HATH I NT. SUITS "Bemers" Dr. Alexander Smith Hlncs Phone 575 DENTIST Fo.- Pratt's Baby Chick Food nnd Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley liny and Grain, Seeds. Fertiliser and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. 22. TITE DAILY NEWS PaWC TTTRElt Church Notices "Now don't forget to bring me Dr. Chase's .Nerve Food. I am feeling so much better I don't want to miss a single dote." Andean Church Bitaar. November 141 Uommion ConsUhle E. O. Newnhan. ; Kn.r(.!ilh is a visitor m the city, havlnK arrived from the Naas River on the Cardena this morning. Miss Florence Smith of the local Royal Bank staff sailed yesterday afternoon aboard the Prince Rupert for ancouver on a holiday trip. W. H. Tobey, divisional cuperlnten-ient of the Canadian National Railways, retained to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip over the ce on official duties. Inspector William Splller, provincial police, left on this turning's train for Prince George to attend the session oi ' the Supreme Oottrt Assises which wiU be held there next weejt.' Mrs. O. A. Woodland sailed by the Jarder.a this morning on a trip to Van- ouver She will be Joined at Bella Bella by Mr. Woodland wbj went as far s chit point on the Princess Royal last night. ., C.PJt. steamer Prtncaeaf Royal, Capt. Thomas Cliff, spent yestefsy afternoon nd evening unloading freight at Skeena River cannery points asjd it was 10 o'clock last night belqae she arrived here. The vessel asnetfoi 'on ou:h at midnight. her return Andrew Poortsnan ani P. P. Koppers .I i tie Princess Alldl this aftaraoon for Vanoonver whence fthey wUl pru . sed to Montreal wlteP) on Awe M :cey wUl embark upon the OJfOM. liner Montrose for AhtwWp eXroute t. their home city of Ronerdaaa. Holland. Mrs. J. 8. McDonald sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Nanalmo where he will visit with her son before pro ceding by motor to California where he will be the guest for some tlmo of her daughter, Mrs. William Relth icrmerly of this city. Mrs J J. Little, wife of the eupertn- t'.rdent of utilities, left on this morn ing's train for Montreal where on June 32 she will embark upon the steamer An tenia bound for her former heme at Berwick -on -Tweed. England, for a holiday visit. Mrs. Little wUl .return to the city In September. MUs E. Nightingale, principal of the Port Simpson Girls' School left on this morning s train lor Montreal where she will embark on June 0 aboard th (earner Letltia bound lor her former home in England on a holiday visit Miss Nightingale expects to return to this district in September. Mrs. Robert Duncan left on this morning's train for Montreal where she will embark aboard the steamer Antonia on June 22 for a visit to her former heme in Scotland Mrs. Duncan, who is being accompanied on the trip by her daughter. Miss IKJpuean Duncan. expects to return to tie olty in Sep tcmber. C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt Thomas Cliff, is due at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Skagwsvy and will sail at 5:80 for Vancouver and Victoria, rassenpert embarking 'hare tor the KUth on the vessel wUl Include Andrew Poor una :i. P. F Koppese, S. J. Parkinson. J.ihn Carroll. Mrs. J. H. Maccy an: child and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kemp. HOTEL AKHIVAU) Print IWprrt Mr. and Mrs T. W. Baldwin and family. A. O. Caswell. W. H. Benolt. 8. W. Walker. C P. Ballentine. Walter B. Trump. R. Hughes, F. Lobb, Miss A. rcrvlk. F. Anderson. 8. P. Parkinson and A. Johnston. Vancouver: J. W. Mrrry and A E Dindatt, Winnipeg: Miss C. Sheehan New , York City; Mr. and Mrs. O. Q. Mnrcy. Hawthorne, Oa.'.: A. M. Barff. iJfictorla; L. jE, . P44itM, , Salt Lake MM Wait Sawle Ne Toronto: eminent r QaV Wl ieBai'-'ieBr nI9: H B. A,.,VVk,iCbwteJ t&aUghegty.'Qov Danlson, Porcher I-in I'd: O. P. Harris, MU1 Bay. Central v. II Donaldson and C. Robinson. Vancouver: F. Tuylor and J. Watson, city; a. Erlcson. Port Esslngton, CI Mi -Lsughlln. Claxtcn. F. M. Jones. C.NJl ; 1-'. G. Newnham. Nnas River. Smoj A. aniN. scuttle: S. Nutter, H. ('.urns, K McKiiimm and O Mcintosh, ii rnuvet : l),u Nelson. Terrace; W. H TlH i'iH' C N K . Miveawl Mrs. J. 01.uion, city. ST. AMIKEW'H CIIL'KCII i (Church ol England) 1 ' Rector, Archdeacon Biz. ! 8Hcrament of the Lcrd's 8upper at 8 i cloclt. Sundsy School st 10. Morning j i prayer at 11. Evening prayer at vao Baptisms by arrangement. llltlHTIAN NriENCE KOC'IETV 6ti ncf eveiy Sunday morning In ! bt Hay Block, 24S Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday, "IS THE UNIVERSE. INC-UDINO MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" Testimony meet-on Wcdnesdsy evening at 8 o'clock. PKESHVTEItl.tX Cllt'KCII Minister. Rev. J. R. FrhBeU, B.A., 1X3. Residence, The Manse, Telephone 463. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sublet i :"MTBTTCIBM." Sunday School at 12.15. Evening service at 7.S0. Subject: THE INCOMPARABLE CHRIST." The senior members of the Junior choir will make their first appearanoe In the senior. Anthem by the choir. Soloists, Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. Messrs. Teng. Lincoln and Clspperton. A real musi cal evening. Congregational meeting in the church on Monday at 8 p.m. Important business. ST. I'.iriH LI THEKAN t ilt Ktll Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor Residence 48. Eighth Avenue W. Phone Black 170. Morning worship at 11 o'clock English) Sunday School, Confirmation Class at 12 noon. The Bus will be st Emanuel and 6th Street at 11:80 and at Ridley Home 11:48. Children please be on time. Xvenlng service at 7:30 HKHT I'MTEl) Clll RCII Rev. A. Wilson, B-A. pastor. Miss t. Haddock, deaconess I Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Infant Baptism. Subject: "THE PALM TREE CHRISTIAN. '8unday school 12:15 Evening worship at 130. Subject: "WASTES OAB8B." Wednesday at 8 pjn. Pre-wmtnnnkm service. R H. Worloek left on this mornlnz's train on one of his periodical visits to Prince George and other interior point l Aavenw in in Dalit News. COKPOitATION OF THE CITY OK PJHNCE HUPHHT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Olty of Mince Rupert intends to com true t a concrete sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side of Sixth Street irom the north side of the lane Block Sectlsn 1. where it Intersects Suron ettreet and extending alone the west -Oe ci ducth emaet to Use north side or Ttktra Avenue, as a knaal improve -ment, and intends to soectallv aasaa the cost upon the land abutting dl-J ccily on uj wora. except such portion!) oi tae ok as is incurred at street uw wnscuiua. 2. The estimated cost of the work is mti.oo. oi wnicn ssae.00 is to be paid by the Corporation, and tne estimated annual sneelsl rate oar foct rmntiM i SJllt. The special assessment is to be paid In 80 annual Instalments a. Persons aestnne to netltlon aaatnst undertaxiug the were must do so dn or oeiore tne wra day of July. 192T E. P. JONES, City Clark Dated this 16th day of June. 18SB. Form No. 18, Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE Or' INTENTION TO APPLY to pukciiam: lami In Prince Rupert Land Reoordina Dis trict and situate about 4 miles from the mourn or kauum Kiver. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mininx Comnanv of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Mining Company, In tends to apply for permission to pur chase the allowing aescnoeq lanos Commencing at a noat nlanted one foo' south of 8.W. corner. Lot 304 thence southwesterly 100 chains: thence easterly 10 chains, more or less; thence noriaeaateriy loo cnams: t hence westerly 30 chains, and containing 130 acres, mora T. PAR DOE WILSON. Aaent for Detroit Western HlnttH Oo. nemo i gtn Anni itraa LiNI) ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY Ttl I.K.SK LANK In Prince Rupert Lend Recordln DU net ana situste sa scent to Ainrora Say. Mcresbv Island. Skldaaate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. take notice that Pacific Mills United, of Vancouver. B.C.. oseunatlon Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends to aDDiv tor a lease oi tne louowuu or icrlbed lands: Commenclna at a oost olanted on the h:gh water mark of an Island; thence following, the hlxh water mark around the Island to point of commencement. mo containinK one acre, more or less. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant Donald Wilbur Hodsdon. Arent fcr Pacific Mills, Limited Dated Mav 3. 1928 .WAS SO NERVOUS, and SHORT OF BREATH COULD HARDLY SLEEP Mrs. Louise Bsglia, Golden Lake, Oat, write For several years I was greatly troubled with bt heart I was so nervous and short of breath I eoald hardly sleep at night, and If f did sleep for a while I had bad dreams. "I managed to keep at my work, somehow, until I began te have dinr apt Us which got so bad I had to give 1 used many kinds of medicine. it found no help ar'i) I jot a box f After the first box I found a great change, and after two boxes I was as well as I could bo. "I told ay mother, who had choking seasatioaa, about them and they helped her greatly." Pries SOc a box at all draggists sad dealers, or mailed direet oa reeelpt of pie by Ti T. XUbarn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat A SMOOTHER, quieter motor that sweep you along at high speed for hoar after hour in perfect comfort I Acceleration that shoots yon ahead at the traffic line I Power that conquers the steepest hills I The positive braking action of big, non-locking, 4-whecI brakes t And the delightful handling ease perfected by a ball-bearing, worm-and-gear steering mechanism I That's what you get in the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet a, type of performance that brings an entirely new order of motoring enjoyment into the low-price field I Come take the wheel and aee for yourself what a great car it is. Drive where you will through the traffic of downtown streets and note the instant response to throttle and brakes. Head for the steepest hill you know and tee how effortlessly the Chevrolet rilve-ln-head motor will carry you over the top. Drive over gravel and deep-rotted clay and delight in its amazing comfort and great readability I Truly, the proof is In the driving and we want you to have that proof. So now, drive it . . today I c.i.-:ic T G.11.A.C. . . . Gtmml l!rf era Stfrmd pjmat ft iis tkt mutt ctnmm'umt tnd umkS ieJ tf yt your CknrtUt (mis. Toariag . Caaft . Ctxck NEW LOWER PRICES 1623.00 621.00 740.00 740.00 SI 1-00 Imperial SWan -Cofttcrtibi Csbmlct Cmnrntul CfcMis - Tw Truck Chusis - - Bassbur Expms .... S&S0.OO AHjmt a ftdory, Oraswe. Gcvtnmtt tua, Bumfai ssi tysrs Tea itrs. WALKKIl & H08S, Prince Rupert, IkC. 8X1.00 S6S.00 470-OO MM CHEVROLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE TIIE SALE HABIT, The Acme Backward S easoo IS A UKAL SALE AM) APPRECIATED AS SUCH BY OUK CUSTOMERS REMEMBER! We sell Quujity Merchandise only May Belle Lingerie TIIE AmyafAY Tailored LjjtJPh;i with JRiiWst Speotlffl per pair fAY IIKLLK IIKLLK HOHETTE HOHETTE HL003IEU I1L0031KK adfs of SkAilst. Uuvil, rMt0B- rabapple, trim. rim fE3HA 51.50 OUK SPECIAL 3IAY HELLE IJLOOMEU In Bobstte and ordinary style, beautifully finished with double V crotch. In shades of Sky, Nile, Peach, Crabapple. Coral. All sizes. CI 9? Per pair Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.