CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ad If you lose, advertise for it. It you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise tor It OUT Tlllv CLANSIf IKll HAIIIT. be uu time . ' XVII y. "0 , 0. " -U. JVGIM Leitees Break in Rivers Flooding Large Areas Great Mississippi Basin Mo., June 16. Despite all night effort of three KENNKTT, thousand volunteer workers, the St. Francis River levee, nix miles from here, went out early this morning, driving hun-ui' ds t families from their home and flooding thousands of acres riop land. ' NEWPORT. Ark., June 16. Nearly 600,000 acres of land in (ltd in the White River valley and more than 600 families are mt U'v as a result of the breaking of the Steven levee near here i night. SHAW EXECUTOR ESTATEOWNING j i ABAWDYHOUSE ! i I THAT W i .(IKNTEII AT VAMOL-VKII I'OI.K INI IKY Y KMT Kit-HAY: MAUlMTKATi: TO AITKAU VANCOUVBR. June 16 "Would It T.i..- vou to team that thu owned by the LeFurgey estate r Maaiatnrte 0h ta imiBW McOeer asked Chief Long at the inquiry yesierdsy. referring to a ri'. house on Keefer Street. .vould be surprised." declared ttM i i McNeill. K c commission coun-(l lie had aunie personal know-t :le LsFvrgey estate. He knew oruther Of decerned was in town probability wo handling the A an executor Msglstrate haw Hi all probability have nothing with that. Tlw magiatratc wUI : on the ataud Monday. ; McOraer " the tact that Mirr of the houae who perr.itUed 'mine to be uaad a a disorderly ftr notice of conviction had renin tared against a tenant. ba i nponelblr, an a keeper. LOCATES CAR ACTIVE PASS AITO THAT WKNT VKU IIIO.U ritIM I.HN Mll liti: IH LOfATKIl vicrOKIA. June 16 A launch tiled late yaaUrday in locatint an m .mobile that dipeared from the ! "k of the etaanui Prlnceas Loulae In :x- Paaa on February aceordlnt .. wire leu meteaxr received here 'Hi.' car will be raleed when the injury urroundliig the disappearance P ter Olaen of Oowlchan Lake and '"iin Nlcholaon of Vancouver, occu-"in.s or the car at the time will be iU'd lip. VANCOUVER PROPERTY SOLD AT HIGH PRICE VANCOUVBB. June 16. The ien f orty Pacific Coaat Fire Building on Ilowi street built ln 1013 has been sold n tli.' Uranvllle (states Limited to H. i Biciiiner. The price la reported to uc fcW5,0O0. GEORGE PEARSON IS CHOSEN BY LIBERALS NANAIMO. June 16. Oeorge Peafaon oi Malln received the Liberal nwmua- Hon in the convention here last night ' n Uw second ballot over W. IUU okI T. B. Booth. MINING IN l'KAlim: rlCOVINCB While the Prairie Provinces are for ill" most part agricultural In oharacVer, niiiierato, inejudlng coal, equal In value io ii bout twelve and a half per cent of 'he total mineral production of the dominion are produced therein. This afternoon's train, due from the 3:30, was reported this morn - vrr KaelMinge (Courlsey of D. Johnson Co. Ltd.i rVOMflV of by i 1 In The Letter Box of il saw MANKUVW UW.KITION Port Simpson, June 1 Editor Dally N. A nn i the item In paws of the lash inat. head ad "Ittrt Simpson meets Sen-i key it la ahaoruuly Incorrect to aay that he mat with a iwuatac laaapuon and waa embraced by the BMet. The fact la there ware about fifty white of and Indiana on Um wharf on arrival of he steamer, which it uaually the eaaa. many of them awttd ag enttosny lead aeo feeOkf adhMinta ftgen Army to which aoaaa of hb family - - r coupte ef i (not eiders) who sang the Uiaifeuaiate ! hywtn menUotted in your Item. JOHN PfcBWIH vi;atiikii kbiokt. Port Simpson -Clear, calm, tamp tiaysport Clear, calm. tamp. 64. j at Terrace. Partly cloudy, calm, tamp 30 Rosswood Cloudy, calm, tamp 60 l Alyanah dear. calm. tamp. 00. Alloc Arm. Part cloudy, ealai, temp. Anyoa Part cloudy, calm, temp I a. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, temp. I Haselton Part clear. Mtnp. 68 mlther. Cloudy calm, temp 66 Bums Lake. Clear, calm, temp 69. Boko Lafee. Cloudy, calm, temp Twtagraptl Creah.-Clear. calm. Atlln Clear, south wind. temp. Whllehorae Cloudy, south wind temp. 63. of Carmscks -Cloudy, calm. tamp. 4. in Dawson. Cloudy, calm. tamp. 4d. of STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon (Wine. ITUes TwUy on tnwuUong was held in the Church Army Hall Bid Ashed 1J0 1J0 M xn j MW M JeMfe JfT M SM M0 40 j06 Ml mk M .MM m M m .tat .it m m M ' .16 1M WW M .08 .If MV, . m M J4 .lSVk : up ,. 19 M M .70 MV, .40 106 1.10 M B.C. Silver ... Bayvlaw ...... Big Mama . Cork Piovlnes DunweU George Copper Oiadstone Olasalr .. .1.. Independenee Indian Kcoteuay L. L. . Ukevlew . Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot HaUonal Silver Pend OrleUe .. Premier Porter Idabd Richmond Rufus Argent Ruth Hope Stiver Crest .. Silverado CUlreramltb .... i- Suiitoah ...... TarmlMOa ..n. j, Whitewater Woodbine ...... Cotton Beit .... Grandvtew Duthie Marmot Gold .. .07 .oett Slocan King 63 6 Topley Richfield 87.60 8780 Norandn WINN I I'M MIIKAT High Lo done IM 186 Wheat. juiy.. Oct... H74 MH IWh"1 Spilt Northern and PRINCE WW Cft4 BISHOPS ARE GIVEN FINE ' ' RECEPTION liHLKiim'H NKItVll'liH AMI OTIIKU litENTh AT KINCOLITII Utl : KWCOIJTH. June M. The TlUaa of Klnoolitli waa highly favored by 'having with them ArchbUnop De Pancler and Bis, Blahup-elect of tbe dlaacae. lhe Arehnlah p. with Archdeacon Rut and Bar. O. Thorne. rectjr Xtncullth. arrived on Friday evening and waa received at Kincollth whan the chlel man of tbe Village and the vUlaga band. '.he Ch Amy Hall an address 'J. wew 'rrx n presented to the Arch-tuihsp t Jantar Stuart on behalf of tbe mayir and eiitels of the village, to whlcli hm Oraec maaa suitable reapnao. At On Sahaftlay aftamoon tbe vial tors ware enurtained by a pregnan of aporto and on Saturday evening the Arch- basbop iad an Informal talk with the young gMn and woman about to be confirmed , On Sunday morning at S, His Oraoe. assisted by Um rector, bald a oewbmtlon h Holy fltamaauakm. At to o'ctaek ha fonnrmad prtvataly a young woman lying var St. Ha than aeaived tan uajdl lg ond reaaon- IU af eh irfth mM berahlp when His Oraec laid hla bands upon tham and frayed Ocd far his blessing At vih o'clock tbe people of the vll-! lage weir hosts to His Grace the oiahop .Ar-bdeacaii Rut and their friends a uniue terved ln tbe Jubilee Hall entries Barton and He v. O. Th.rn? 'spoke on behalf of the people and chut -h vxprassiuf the unswerving loyait) or tne people to tbe old faith and taachinu i their ptoneer mission - , arias suu : grant honor ci navmg ! their guests Archbeahop De Pencwr the Metropilitan of the provlnoe. and also Archdeacon Rut. Buhop-elaot of tbe , diocese. PRINCE RUPERT Central-British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT, B.Gi, SATURDAY, JUNE NEARLY TWO HUNDRED i lIllHIS.iND rojflbS OF 1 HALbM SjU lUD.iY! Vices Nine to Blrven nil fur I'tral CW r lh Including the farts of two small Can adlan veeii which d.d mt accept I yeaterday'u prices jrmt held over uutll today, halibut sale at the Pish Exchange thia moruiiig tjtalled i98,SOG pounds. E.kht Ahxr.can vessels re- oeived lr,m ft.Sc anJ 6c tj 11 5c and 7c for las .000 pouiidW aud a similar number of Canadians wer. paid fram 0.1c , and 5c to 9.4c and fc tor 66.500 puundi. Sales ware as follows: Asurrlvaii N'rth 23.0C0 pounds. Pacific Fisheries. 0 3c and 5c. PoUrls. 33.000 pcunds. Royal Fish Co.. 2c and Js. Bsiel. 26 000 poundc. Canadian Pish ac Cold Storage Co.. 9 2c and Sc. LansliiK. 14,000 pounds. Canadian Pish S.arageCa, and 7c. Flattery. 9J0O pOwnH. Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co.. UJc and 1c. shireka (Taun(, ijno pounds . and Viking, e.000 pounds. Booth Plsneries. u-ac hd Tc. PHrce, 13.000 pounds Atlln Fisheries, 114c and 7c. C'anasatn Volunteer. UNO pounds. Pacific Plan-jrias. 9.1c and sc. Jo Barer. SMwrnnda, Booth Plah-irlea, 9.4c and c. f. Marrla H.. 10.oepounds. AUm Fisb- 9.4C UMl Ci ' , Mavaaaar MBwrCi' Ac Cold Storage Co . B.Je and Sc. White Lily. S.ooe pcunda. Booth Fish 8-2c snd 6c Nuba. 9.000 pounds, and P Dorreen. 10.000 pounds. Canadian Flab At Cold i Storgar Co . 9 Jo and 6c. Hcn II.. 9.600 pounds. Atlln Fisher-, tea, 9Jc and Ac. RAILWAY BOARD AT EDMONTON SITS AND HEIRS FEW COMPLAINTS BDMONTON. June 16. Charges by 'AlasUlr Prase r. counsel for the Cans- Pacific to tne enact t net tne latter inienas to miun a muco mm vfiiiuiH- don south towards BeagewicK next year featured tne session oi tne ooara of railway commissioners yesterday. HHIItH'.KI.KrT jdlan National, that the Cauadlau Pacl- Archaeooon Rlx then spoke. Say tag tte Railway waa flouting the authority feow thankful lie was to with tham on "t the Dominion Government In ex-that day and to worship with tham landing It line from Wllllngdon to Kd-in their beautiful church as one of monton. and the statement by K F. K.C . counsel for the Canadian them Tbe Ar. hblshop brletty spoke Fllntoff. the grant o rk that h-d been dons the by the missionary pioneers the If,,. Hirer and aald be waa quite confident of the t future of the people. I In the afternoon abort service of when both the Archbishop and Arch deacon gave short addresw. The Church Army band aasiated at this service Mr. Thome, assisted by Mrs Newn-bam and Mis Green, entertained at lortanioon tea when Mrs. Walker, Mm. Ortffen of Araaodale cannery and other friends met the Archbishop. At the evening servloe Peter Stuart lead Bvenlng Prayer. Archdeaeon Rat tbe Lessons, and ArchbUhop De Pencler gave an Inspiring and thoughtful sermon uu tbe home as the basis of a complete 'life. The viHaae choir, led by Godwin Stuart, sang an anthem. "A Song of Praise." and Mba SaUna Rum of Green- vine aweetly sang during the collection of the offertory. On Monday morning the Archbishop wtth Archdeaeon Rlx left by a. Oatata for Prince Rupert after expressing Ma great aatgelaetron ft tbe admirable manner in which tbe people of KtneoHth had moelved htm and hoping to be again lavMed to come to. them During his visit Archbishop De Pen-ctsr stayed at the Mission House white Aroaetoacon Itut visited at tbe home of Dr. and Mrs. McDonald. SHELLY LIKELY TO - V RUN IN VANCOUVER jyime win g.. iirrarf Nominating com - ill ii ire oi t oiiMTVuin rs on iiinuuj VANOOUVKR. June 16 W. C. Shelly. i former alderman, has consented to al- I low his name to go before tbe Conser- vatlve nominating committee Tuesday Wightman Trophy is Won by English Women Tennis Players at Wimbledon Against United States Ladies Today IMIll.EDON, June 16. W the Wightman trophy four matches from the United State today taking out of seven. After two victories yesterday against one for United States, today's results were us follows: Mrs. Holcroft W'Htson defeated Mrs. Molla Mnllory 2-C 6-1, 6-2. Helen UII Is defeated Ailecn Ilcnnett 6-3, 6-2. , Helen Jacohsen defented Hetty Nuttall 6-3, 6-1. Mrs. Holcroft Watson and Eileen Rennett defeated Helen Wills and Penelope Anderson 6-2, 61 St. Louis Cardinals Take Lead in National League Baseball iw a Thrilling 14 Inning Game KW YUlifil JuneVlG. J)efeatini Ilruoklyni teen inniSg:rtJttle(l e bt. lead in the. National rtiiwnYhyAeiiinttM was losing to Phil- adefphia. Bnttomley.'s thirteeht teehth I bases in the fourteenth inning decided the issue. , T,je Ciimtk eM dtfwted Pittsburg aided by their stellar pitcher Aldridge ataiii8t his former team mates and three hits in- eluding a homer. With Manager Hornsby suspended for five days for talking baok to an umpire, Boston continued her alump. within eight and halt games of V! and It la practically assured that lie Despite Ruth 34th homer the Yankees will head tbe Vancouver city tioket. .auccumbed to St. Louis In the Amerl-184 I can League and Philadelphia climbed to Advertise ln thr Dally News It pay I 1C, 1928 SEMI-FINALS Li" I I IVTKUKHTINfi (IA.MKS PLAYED LA NT KVKM.MJ' AM t'l.VtLH I TOMOIiltOW 1 Qii It a number of spectators were: -ut lost evening at the AerouoUs Hill ' l.'rrunds to watch the tannia aemi-iinaia , j . Hco proved very interesting. The I pinaiH win be played tomorrow ccm - l meaclrg at 1 JO and the last one at 5. j The iai game is expected to be the ; real oi trie aeries ano atjuotiess i:n 1 will Ln ih it Vetkrdsys games follow: Mixed IfcMiMe ' Brand and Miss Mitchell beat Col. id' Mrs. M9Mordle 6-3, 6-3. Hen' M'hrIw Brai.d beat Marcntette 6-3. 7-4. i: fp-j kf3t Clync 0-8. 7-6. IIUWVH Kilt TOMOItllOVr Men's singles: Brand vs. Howard 1.36. I?dics' Blnjics: Mrs. MoMordle or Mrs. Shedwell vs. Miss MItchcU. 1.46. ladles' Doubles : Harvey snd j Miss Oavtea vs. Mrs. Shed well and M!v Mitchell. S ptn. alas 'a doubles: Clyce and Howard vs. Marcntette and Brand, 4 p rn. Mured doubles Marantta and Mrs. -.had well vs. Brand and Miss .Mitchell at 6. LA80RR10T Mncrnii tit Attempt of Police to Disperse Demonstration Led to Hood-shed LONDON, June 16. A din-patch to the Daily Mall from Warsaw quoted Moscow mes-sageM saying eighteen workmen and twelve members of the ttecrct political police were killed and 87 workmen and 40 police severely injured in a riot Thursday, the result of attempts of the police to disperse a demonstration of unemployed. HOWE IS nWiNATED BY CONSERVATIVES VANCOUVER. June 16 8. L Howe, a prominent businessman . was nominated as Conservstlve candidate for Richmond and Point Grey. llritish women tennis players won in a tnriiang i four- r at 'leal.' LouisriliiimHttJW'y tM hotfW of the season with two on leaders by trouncing Cleveland. Miss Rose M Da vies had a bad ac- cldent with her car today whan she went over on to the musket near the Church. Happily she was not Injured. Boston Grill Tolmie Scores Liberal Government for Alleged Effort Mislead People " 7 ANCOUVER, June 16. Addressing the Richmond-Point Grey t Conservatives last night, Hon. Simon Fraaer Tolmie announced v tjl4il ne woui make public his platform in his own riding of guttnk'h. Dr Tolmle gaid the government was trying to mislead tlw iwopte into ueneving rae provurce i.n.i.i.. ,.f 1.a ..MASAnt n.A.nh. and the wonderful development of and Quebec, which all contributed '.t.iuda. 9 The Coii'.irvatlve leader accused the government of over -trending cn Its e-tunates and of being n nc too particular ab.ut the way eleetlrns were run. mn-tlcnlni? the "scandalous absentee ballot." He exprwued soeptlcuan of the Prem's P.O-E declaration and he B C end Albkrta railroads ware all ln the same condition. He claimed tbe credit for tbe return of tbe railway belt . and Peace River lands belonged to tb Conservatives, stating that Premier I Dunamulr had started the Saaaand and it had been brought to a conclusion I- Hewing his cwn motion ln parliament two ye&r ago demanding a Royal Commission. He concluded with a promise to abolish patronage. ROSEIMNIYAL : HICK HI MIHtll ITSHMINH l'KKSKNT AT NOYta Ft Nf-riOX IMIEIt Al SPK ES III' I.D.D.t. The Rose Carnival last night In the M c Hail under the auspices of Muni-1 clpal and subsidiary chapters of tbe Imperial order. Daughters of the Bm-1 pire. was a picturesque and highly sue- I cessful event, some four hundred per-' tons being ln attendance at the event, j Roses of varied hues predominated In : tbe decorative scheme of the hall and booths which was very alUactwe and I roses wore sold from one of the booths I .'or butisnholes and nosegays. A well arranged and enjoyable vaudeville rr gram took up the early part a! :. c evening after the carnival had been duly opened by Mayor S. P I UM rd.c. During tbe remainder of i the evening, dancing was enjoyed to th ... . . tuneociue .,nuic of Al Small's orchestra Refreshments were served from tb ! booths which were ln charge as follows: j Hot dogs Mrs. Frank Moore (convener), Mrs. Thomas Andrew, Mrs. A.' Haines and Mrs W C. Aspknall. Retrrihments- Mrs S V Cox. Mrs. W. W. C O'Neill. Mrs Bert West and Mra C. Brewerton Novelties Miss Huldah Graham. Miss Jean Stalker and Miss Alberta Hill Ice cream and oft drinks Mrs. Robert Davie. Mrs O. W. Abbott, Mun Wtlla Dyer. Miss Frances Cross snd Miss Caroline Mitchell. ; Raffles-e-rs. Robert Blance and Mrs c j. Norrlngton. i Rom bocth--Mrs Ben Self and Mra Thor Johnson. Oames J. A. Teng 8. Darton. J. W McAuloy. A. Haines, Ralph Johnson sndjlMtplav wlnoows and Joe Scott Jr The general committee responsible for the success of the event consisted of Mrs 8heltord Dartcn. convener. Mrs. D. C Stuart. Mrs. John Manson and Mrs. I D Orchard McLeod 1 Mrs. David Thomson ' had charge of decorations: Miss Huldah Oraham, advertising: Mrs H. L. Landry, tleketa. VAl DKVILLK l'KOrUAM I ' The vaudeville program, arranged by Hill 60 Chapter' entertainment commit - mumRTi lifuiuvro a ling uviu wj wv nupiu of Booth MemoriaL4hoe:rdatit by little Sheila Richmond, ac eompaniet companied by little Miss Rosamond ' . Brady at the piano: dance, by Miss Edna BMand: doll dance by High Jchn A Tinf 8 j HunU(r and Alex. Clapperton: club swinging by oiris' Dtiu Team; vocni solo by Miss Jean Burns (New Haseltoni; Irish Jig by Misses Jean Grieve, Lorna McLaren and Winnie Thomson, and dance by Miss Myfanwy Campbell. Accompanist were Mla Marjorle .Lancaster. Miss Blance 1 Curtln and Mlsn E. P Orassle. all the LA HOE CAHAKKT Special Dinners Thursday and Saturdays panting tvrry Saturday night from 9 .to It. Danse I tall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. 1'hone 437 Price Five Cnt wan iiruaperuuB. He said the .was Attn t n UjliAat I.WIM the mines and those in Ontario to the general advantage of LINK FORCED EMPIRE CHAIN HEAJI tVlltCLBM U8TWEBN CANADA AMI AtHTIUlUA 1H (II'KN II) U lllMlMjtW MOrfTRXAL. June 16 Another link of importanee to tbe interchangi of Bmptre news waa coinptetad Friday with tbe inauguration of a Marconi direct beam service between Men Weal Australia. The service went into for tbe Press eervlee and ooaa- IVeTClal atNtrUa. Vfltn-ln t I Of the servawi uetweaii j Australia, the great dominions of tbe Km pi re will be Joined up ln direct struct with each other as well as with the mother country. Messages will flash between the transmitting and receiving stations at the rate of ,300 to 336 words a minute. CANADA TOOK MOST SETTLERS TIIOI MAMl AHEAP OI' Al HTIlALI.t LAST YEAH ACrOKIUMi TO IIKITISII KKCOItliS OTTAWA. June 16 Canada continues to attract more British settlers than 'any other country, according to the of ficial bulletin Issued by the department ln London received British records show that during 1037 'the number to leave tbe United King- .. n. r, Malila ml. at aa a? aiNUM vmsm , . ... . iwiw m wamu M,WW viiw w mihw North America. The next largest was to Australia which took nearly 81 MO. ROTARIANS GATHERING FOR BIG CONVENTION MINNEAPOLIS MONDAY MINNEAPOLIS, June 16 - The vanguard of a gathering of more than 10,-000 business snd Drofesstouel men from ev9ty o( ttM worid bad reached Minneapolis today, beginning th. ...-,, of th ioth Annul Rotarv In tenia tlonal Convention starting Mon- day. Flowers everywhere. In atop the ornamental lamp-posts. ln commercial In (Very other avaUab ible spot dive tbe streets lleadini ling to the mammoth aew municipal auditorium a wonderful garden see tie. The vivid rainbow solars of nature, rather than the bunting of tbe nations represented ln Rotary, have been used in deck the city, snd the vast reaches of the auditorium Itself. Another outdoor garden has been transplanted Indoors, ln the exhibition hall of tlw auditorium, where fountains and flowers grace the House oi Friend- the informal gathering place of Uv Rotarlan visitors. numbers on the program being rendered in excellent -tyle. mQlllM nd fcn , , H L presided at the door. John Moen was the winner of 4 110 bill for the lucky admission ticket. No. B4. The raffles were drawn by Miss Sheila Stuart and the winners wen: Cut glan bowl Mrs H. F. GeMBsy. Fancy bag. Mrs. William Cummlnga. Buffet set. H. M. Daggett.