TWK DAILY NEWS iturdav. Jun f AGE SIX tu Worth Checking j Up NO matter what amount your budget sets aside for washday expense, you will find that we offer a laundry service comfortably within it. And, more important, a checkup over a period of time will convince you that laundry-washed clothes last longer. Hare money, guard health . . and are cleaner! Call us on the 'phone . . . we'll gladly help you arrange for this new-era methd of handling the family wash. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT IJBST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 PICNIC SPECIALS SEE OUR WINDOWS Read this ad. and you will find something you want for your outing. Reindeer Cocoa in large tins 2.V Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. . ."() 2 lb. for O.V Lump Sugar, 2 lb. pkg.. . 2."5e Icing Sugar, 2 lb. pkg., 2 for 45f? C. & B. Jams and Marmalade, individual jars, 2 for 2.- C. 4k B. Pickles and Chutney, individual jars, 2 for JMf This is one of the best I known lines on the market. Wax Paper, real value, Vi lb. pkgs. 2(t 6 for , $1.00 Envelopes, 50 to package l? 8 for I Of While they last, get your requirements. Lunch Tongue, '4 lb. tins, 3 for $1.00 Meat Wich, lb. tins, 5 for . $1.00 St Ives Meat and Fish in glass jars, assorted, reg. 25c per jar, special, 6 for $1.10 Veal Loaf, lb. tins . . 20 f 5 for $1.10 We have just received a shipment of Keelers' Swig? Fruit Drops, this is a real candy. 1 lb. tins T.lf 2 lb. tins $i.:r We have a full line of Cooked Meats, Ram, Roast Pork, Jellied Tongue and Veal Tongue, Salad Dressing. Sandwich Spread Olives, and Soft Drinks. We would be glad to suggest anything for your convenience. Prompt attention to outside trade. Try our Service. Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 18 Phone 8 1 MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. GOOD FOOTBALL IN TEST MATCH IlLtrKS AMI OKEKN .U H ITTEIl THEMSELVES f'KEI)ITAIll.Y IN OA ME PREPARATORY TO II.MA IllRKAS VISIT.' The test m Si O I mi SSJSaSaSje) M.' lgp Between teaau lis Hill going under Um nuames of utacu and Green tbe'game being played for toe purpose of trying out prospective member of a lecel soccer team wntch will meet an aggregation fsstn H Mis Durban next moath, was .productive or some very good football at times The score was one all. A gcod-slsed crowd of fans was in attendance. The first goal was made by A. Dickens, the pick of the forward line, for toe Greens in the first half. Camp bell had fisted the ball out but Dickens persisted and successfully headed it In. The equalising goal for the Blacks tu made In the second half by A. Maddon from Wilson's centre. Tot the Blacks. Campbell kept a good goal while Sammy Cunie. at centre half, played a fine game with P. Russell and A. Had don the best of the forward line. Por the Oram. Ross played n effective game at back with Harris and Wood stars of the half backs. W. E. WUliseroft was referee while John Murray and Alex Half presided on the side-lines. Around The World With Sport Fans (11 Tbe Tramp A duck tagged in one of the south ern states was recently ahot in North- era Alberta. The aluminum band taken from lu lea la being tot warded to CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To Brifat. Uirrpool and (ItsMew Antonla June 23. July X. Aug. 17 Letltla June . July 71. Aug. 34 Andanla July 6. Aug. 3. Aug. 31 A taenia July 13. Aug. 10. Sept. 7 Tu n)meth'llatre-Loeefl Ausonla June 23. July 30, Aug. 17 Auranla June 39. July 37. Aug. 34 Acaanls July 7. Aug 3. Aug. 31 Alsunla July 13. Aug 10. Sept. 7 From New York To (nrfwten and IJterswnl Key this . .June 33 Prancsnla . .June 30 Te ( hertwurc and Setilhameton Aqultanla . . June 30. July 9. Aug 1, 25 Barengaiia . .June 37. July 16. Aim g. as Aug. 1 Msuretania . . June so. July uly 36. afi. At To liHndmidem and ntstfew Transyleanta June 33 Camercaia June 30 Tu Pllftinilth.llnr.fA4MlMi Carmanla . . June 33 Caronla . . July 6 From Boston Te Leetdendrrrr and rilasfew Caledonia July IS Transylvania Aug. 13 To OtteiKtewn and Uterawol ocyima . . June m Locnia -awssi-wr ; its fiM beautiful Fisher Bodies alone cannot give rS you the complete picture of the New Series Pontiac Six. You must see the car and drive it, Low.swung on the new, long wheclbase are the superbly styled Bodies by Fisher with their graceful lines and richly appointed interiors. Pulsating beneath the new, high hood Is the unproved Pontiac Six engine with its new G-M-R cylinder head, giving smoother, more silent performance and greater operating economy. Four-wr eel brakes give added safety . , Lovejoy Shock-Absorbers provide the ultimate in riding ease and comfort . . a score of other refinements contribute to Pontiac's completeness and luxury. The New Series Pontiac Six leads in VALUE, not merely because it is the lowest priced six . . but because it Is the ONLY six . . In its price class that possesses all these distinct advantages. You cannot conscientiously buy any car in the Pontiac price class, until you have weighed Pontiac value. r-u.s.tic Ail lour ifltr about tht G.it1.C. DtJtrrtJ Ptjmtnt PUn which mktt buying taiy. , WALKBIl & ROSS, Prince Rupert, B.G, "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance arc demanded. .... Literature and Pricee on Request SOLE MSTRIHUTORS FOR U.C.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited 1320 STANDARD HANK RUILDING VANCOUVER, IU holt best DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST HREAKPAST ViMW Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., li Prince Rupert. ILC ' m A- 7licJs(cu Series pqntimi six FfiODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED I Washington. who was at one tune on the around staff at Lord's He hu nnar ' Rscentlr arrived Enaluh naners show qualified lor Worcestershire. Re made ,u,y 8ltht Hallows u leading in cricket aver- 100 against Kent at Worcester and fol- Irnnnrl th World Tnil 'aes In the English county games with lowed up that with another 100 against rrancoais ....Jan. is. twae , . r, , .hi. ih oaao hi. uu mtmn ni r . n.i nt w uu " i-i-' . . - cana at Plymouth, Kastbound Money orders, drafts and Travellere' Iowa got his tilgn record by being not 146. and made them before luncheon. Cheques st lowest rates. Pull Informs- -.ut in two games. Be la obvtoutly a very quick scorer and wn irocr. local agenu or company? Of- 'la salt! to be a beautinu cutter and a Ices. 633 Haatlnas St. W.. Vancouver. ... . . All angiana u tauang snoui w wwimj nut ar.ver. vcuni encaet proiessionai naaasn ww- - :s HI It u a pity that there is not a local cricket team to play Hilt Durban on their arrival here. They have a strong eleven which defeated the Eng lish Public School men of Victoria a lew daya ago. e s Vancouver Island racing this year opens August at Colwooo track for a week: a week at the Willows from August 16 to 36 and commencing Kept. 6 the final week will be run at Col- TWO LEAGUES FOR LACROSSE 1.4 HA 1, IMIVH .lltl'IVU IT MILL AMI MJtll'.Mi:T AKHIVINII MONUAY st S. Wood, who Is organising the local boys for lacrosse Is very enthusiastic over the result of bis work so far. He expect that two leagues will lie formed, senior and Intermediate, and some of the lads are nbaplng up well. The equipment ordered Is expected to arrive Monday fist purchasing of this was made possible by the contributions of a great many local people who are Interested in Ms game and who wish to see It go ahead. Practices have been arranged for eleven o'clock tomorrow morning and 640 on Monday at Acropolis Hill grounds and it will not be long before the teams are seen In setevn in real lacrosse matches Mr. Wood Is.a former New Westmin ster man who has played in the teams there and Is an enthusiast for the game. rbsaaVssV iffflbtevarsiobt mk MtrjrjTHaael 1 Cove is . onen boat for ton preepector. who navigating Kll a i u p. alto outbosrd motor Is to be installed. Janrla atcLeod's gaaooal Klesnor Mac has been on the McLean wsys this week for copper painting. A. O. Watt, divisional master mech anic for the Canadian National Ball jwsr. arrival m the city from Prince Oeorge yeitrrday a beard tbe special Klwanls Club train and returned to tht lut-.-riLi hu niornlug. TERRACE John L. Barge of Qaeen Charlotte City is a visitor In Terrs oe at present. H P. Olasaey of Prince Rupert was n town on Thursday. Mrs D. C. Btewsrt of Prince Rupert to Uk suest of Mr and Mrs. k. i i-clntosh. ' lira D. C. MoRae. Miss Mary ud Master Duncan tacRae arrived freei Prince Ruert on Wednesday to visit a the home of Mr and Mrs. John alias Mary Uc"k left again on hursday on a hoi. day trip to Ootaa Like Miss Brutnmltt of Vancouver 4rrled 'n Wednesday to spends bolldaf with er brother. Dr. Brummttt. Mrs. W. H. Watt returned on Wudnes- cay after spending s few day in Prince lupert. J. Edward of Norcroas. a repreeenU-: of tbe Vancouver Morning Star "as hex on Thursday in Use course of trip through the country with the premier's party. An artistically arranged "Welcome" bannee was strung all OSS Kalum Street at the beak corner In honor of the premier's visit. Many of the vkstUng gelegstes spent Friday morning on sight seeing trips around tbe country anal viewed with 'n teres t some of the beauty spots always much admired Base, la the rcw of oeauurui ansae trees stone utaeise Ave. Mrs. J. B Colthueat and David left Friday to spend a few days in Prince Rupert. Mrs. Was. Vanderlip and Arthur left on Friday for ParfesvlUe. VI. to oin Mr. Vanderlip and eaeee their home there. PRINL'R RUPKirr TIDRS X iw of Massett is hollday- ng at the bosne of her slater. Mrs. Pted 8rNI.T. JI'NE II TM M.-Ct jHWn.W. JllMl 16 ........ 1:16 a 14 :16 in. te 1:67 a.m. 16:66 pro TllsHtlV. jim: I Sigh 3 06 am. 16 6 pm Low 6 a m 30:46 pm HKIMltV. JI'NE High 3:60 am 1 5 55 pm Low . B 3 a m 21 38 pm 33.0 ft. 1 - 4 " M " 4 ft. la - 03 " J " . 364 ft .T- . 1 M .4- 333 " I 194 " 01 - f 70 ' CMDMCIHC SAILING TO EDROPJJ MAKE BESESVATlOffS NOW FROM MONTREAL To LIrrNl June 30 Meltta July 6. 'Aug 3 Montcalm July 13. Aug. 10. .Duchess of Bedford July 30. Aug. IT Montclare i Vis Olasgow Te IMfsv-(lUew July 13. Aug 6 Mlnnedosa July 36 MellU To Chirbeiiri.Ewetliampten- AMtttffp June 30 Montrose FROM QUEHEC Te t.'bffhoBff-SwMthainptefl June 37. July 16 empress of Scotland July 4. July 36 Empress of Australia July II. Aug. 8 .Impress of France Te (rlovri-oiithampHi-IUmtHiri: July 4. Aug 4 Montnairn July 30. Aug 16 . Montroyal Ooss to Cobb H Apply te Attati rrarrwatrt or H J. J.VORtTEfc. Tal 1.6. Ctneral Psu. Agent, SI C.P.R. Station. Vsnsewvcr. Mf Ttlephont jSr Scyisour 1SN JLT LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue . Figurecm GYPROC lift pYPROC walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive, crr.tort, able and fire-safe. Gyp roc takes any decorat ion a perfect material with which to line your summer borne. ' Write for free book. "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," on borne planning with Oypcoc, Hoc baud and Instil ex. CANADA OYPSUU AND ALABAsTlNE LIMITED, VANCO' vkr '" Siuct hwi to Ormik CoUm'-ta Cypum C omfiamy ,1 ,,, t "EMPIRE" Fireproof WalTboard For Sale By Albert & McCafTery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 John Gilbert and Greta Garbo Lo w A screen prewntation of Tolstoy' fani . "Anna Karenina." (JKOItflB FAWCUTT, HHANDO.V HUHST. I'HII Ui E W ICY. KMILY F1TZK0V and many others 18th COM HI) V "TUB LinilTRK THAT K All 1 I M FfTHO-OOLDWVN -JtKWS Admission - oOc and 2oc Anniversary Summer NOW IN FULL SWING OUR HANDBILL NOW HEING CIRC 1 1 ATKD TKLI-S THE ST0UV H. S. WalaaCo. W Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Full Advertise in "The Daily News