-13 St For Ittc it Government Uqutr Store and Deer Parlors. Delivery Free to aay part of CKy. a" - eta ik t i Nil VlCTORUi-Pttf VICTORIA-PttCENIX BUG. CO. LTD. advcrt;-,-nvnt is not publish.:! ut displayed by the Liquor irtrol DoarJ r r by the GowrriTrv-nt of British Columbia. City Meat Market (SHI.V1G IJHOS.) 'rJ A,enuo 1 .,L hone 76j MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN I'HOPUCE ( at low prices, and Immediate delivery ownoi-AU articles are of superior quslitv nnl nhaolntelv frosli. i5jB5lsaB8i.KP ,flav, .Tune 16, 1928 rena daily nhwm PAOB F1VB MADE IN CANADA Waterfront Whiffs vet? 0 4 JI SETTLE IGIUCULTURE depends on a MARKET IAKKET depends on INDUSTRY VOI R GREATEST , INDUSTRY is TIE PRODUCTION Tit. PRODUCTION depend on GREEN TIMBER Between Frager Lake and Terrace During Winter 1927-28 There were produced 850,000 Tics Valued at Over Half a Million Dollars Distributed thus: Payrolls and Profits $351,000 Supplies and Equipment 107,000 Revenue 52,000 Everyone Shares in this distribution, (an you afford to have your share burned? No. Then Prevent Forest Fires BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE , fthc Largefl Kaihoay Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE - rmm rillNCG m i'V.nr for VANC'Ol'VJfjH- ITO'tlV StATTI.15, MONIHYS. Till ItsVvVK, 4.00 p.m. MAT! oTnf' AM'OX mid HTKWAUT. MONHAYS, IHIOAAM, 4 00 p.m. MAw;lT IM.KT, MOXIIAVN, 4 00 p.m. SIM I'll MRUS CHAItt.OTTK SI.AM. Fortnightly. MiUlWAY. WF.IKMI.IYH. 4.00 p.m. -turns aaa day to ' Hith. ravelled. PASrXNOEIl TRAINS LEAVE PHITE M , ,' v MiMONTON. "Alf V EXCEPT SI NHAY ut 11.30 a.m. for PIUNC'K OKORfll.. WINNlrF.fl. all points r.aMrrn Canada, lulled Slate. AGENCY AM, OCEAN "TEAMSIIir TICKET OFFICE. 538 TIIIHII AVE.. PRINCE RlTERT. rbone ISO Sockeye Season Opening Next Week Naa Hlver anil "23" Figure In Deal Iloats Chartered for Fish Packing Alt the preliminaries to the opening of another salmon canning season afcrnrdhight next Tuesday whn sockeye fishing becomes permissible are now practically complete at the many cannery plants in this extensive district. With optimism expressed as to the probability of a generally better run of fish than prevailed last year, it in expected that fishing during the forthcoming season will be as intensive as the considerably amended regulations will permit in both gill net and seining areas for all varieties of fish. While no reeord is anticipated, it is hoped, nevertheless, that the pack may ' compare favorably with thos of forme:-' yean and the prospect la for a season here from four to five months. The aelneboat Bertha a., alao be longing to OWmmon it Watt, baa been chartered to toe Canadian Fishing Co. and will leave shortly for Lookeport to engaf In aalsaon packing to the can nery a that pptnt. Cnder charter ifor six weeks to a sur vey party of the Department of Indian Affalra, Prince Rkpm Salvage & Towing Co. power tbg Pachana la at pre sent on the Quten Charlotte islands and should .return, to port about the and of the month. The Prince Rupert Salvage tt Towing Go 's amall seine boat Mefcetehum haa left for McBrMa Bay. on the weat coast of Vancouver Island, to spend the aa. ion sngageal in packing ptleharda. The snappy looking little trolling boat Molly O. arrived on Thursday morning trosa Vaaomiver and la tied up at the floats of the Prince Rupert Salvage Se Towing Ce. Cape. Dan Lerson, well known local halibut flahermaa. returned to the city recently after spending the winter In Norway and haa taken command of the Meesett Oannera flea packet Jvdway which will be operated eJ of the eojn- pany't cannery st Maaaftt. After tawlMapeaAJfcSi at tr dfy Wot here, the Maeeett Oannera' service boat Derpiilniom left at S o'clock Thursday night for Maanett where she wlH be operated during te coming flahlng season out of the company's cannery. In charge of Skipper Shorty" Haitian, the veaael took over a quantity of cannery euppllee. lllUTE 1, WAS IN With a load of aalmon for delivery to the company here, the big fleh packer Bruce I., Capt. Brandy Newell, arrived la port from Hippo Island op Thursday afternoon. The Bruce I., which la under packing charter to the Canadian Fishing Co. for operation between Hippo Island and canneries on the mainland, returned taw Islands the next day after (Heche rgttrg her eftrgo. The old tree tie structure used for years by the Imperial OH Co. to carry lta fuel mains across the railway trick between the tanks on the Hays Cove hillside and the company's dock haa now been demolished, the pipes being now carried underground. The last of the debris from the old landmark waa ' being cleared up this week Lighthouse tender Blrnle and snag-boat Bobolink, the former being out on the pontoons, are now tn dry dock where they will receive annual Irupec- Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely Rrllnrd by SANTAL MIDY Bold by All DtuiiUU itktn at the hands of Albert Farrow, 01 mucn ecuvuy. as moicstea in a , wbo ,launb0Bt rnepector. arrived In the previous survey of the situation, pree- clty OB ,he pncees AUee UlU after. ticalty all the forty or more canneries , noon tmn the tUr harlng nt In the dUtrlct. Including the fifteen j tne pMt montn to me yBton TrrUor, on the 8kcna Blver. wUl be In oper- on omcU, autlea atlon. veeuy clow aeaaona win be tne 1 same aa lat year with the department having dlaeretlon to extend the forty eight hour period at the cod of each week when flahlng mutt oatne If It la deemed advlaable to atop It. Patrol will be carried out. aa alao previously announced, by three airplane, the flrat cf which tnould be here within the next week or eo, aa well aa by departmental and chartered powerboato. The only aahnon flahlng to date ha been tor aprlnga and conoea by the trailer, there having been a better run thla teaaon than waa experienced lat year. The opening of the aockeye aeaaon wiH once agam be the signal for salmon flahlng and canning to commence In full awing in thla district. The halibut boat Hoodie. Capt. Peter Wold, haa been on dry dock thla week undergoing repairs to lta taltahaft which was bent when a log waa struck m Herate Strait while returning to port 'rom the flailing grounds. ftrwer cruiser Bthelda, belonging to Wright St Hinton. waa on the Ward Waya thla weak having a new M-94 b.p. Alls Craig engine Installed to replace the 34 hp. Monarch with which the veaael was formerly equipped. CIIAItTERF.il FOR PACKIXO Oimnvm M Watt's aelneboat Zanardl. already under charter to the Prince Rupert Salvage if' Towing Co.. baa been lechartered to Bradbury & Telf and the Canadian Piahlnf Co. for pilchard packing cn the weat coast of Vancouver la-land and left on Tuesday morning for Queen's Bay, where the newly Installed reduction plant of Bradbury Sl Tlf Is located. The veaael wUl be away from Halibut boats VTktag I Toodie and D.8.T. are now on the pontoons at the dry dock or general overhaul Earl.er :n the week the Fredella, having a new keel Installed follow tng a recent stranding on Zayaa Island, halibut boats Margaret I. and Aiken, and fish packers Anna S. and Ogden ware up. The local bsltfrvt butt Margaret I Capt. Oeorge Frits, ia about to leave for the weat oataat of Vancouver la-!and to be engaged In pUakard packing charter for the summer. The local nelfvfeoat Aasta'tfl'J. Capt. Ell Skog, will leave neat was for points down the ooaat to enfagsW In salmon packing for the summer. Skipper M. M. Stapnens has been spending moat of thM week on an electioneering tour to tho smaller points along the coast In thla riding with Janes H. Thompson. Conservative candidate In the forthcoming provincial contest it waa the tint time f.:at the popular Jim had bean subjected to such an ordeal but ha looks to be standing the strain all right. A week with M. M. should make him hardboilM enough fcr the toughest of elections. V Ill'Y- FORI) EXfllXE Parker'a Oarage announces the sale thla week of a Ford Marine engine to O. Muagrave who will Install the motor In a gill neUer. The engine wja shipped to Inverness on Thursday. The Inverness cannery packer Alberta a. haa been In port this week lor the purpose of having cylinder patching and valve work carried out at tha of the Star WeMtag Works. Oeorge Frtawell haa had 'his cralaer Laura F. on the grid of the Prince Rupert Salvage St Towing Co. thla week for the purpose cf atraighten-Ing out the vessel's tails haft and propeller. Oeorge hit some kind of an obstruction while on a recent trip up the Beatall River, the result being that the boat shook eo badly that, when Oeorge waa pouring hla dailly rattan of grape juice, the glass waa vibrated clean away and, alnee Oeerfe never drinks cut of a bottte. the hltnkln' flask Is in the boat yet off the racing honors at the forthcoui- I cluded the aelneboata Moresby II., Oahlo II. and M. Lewis (Kltkatla) and the trolling boats Nancy Lee and Oladys. Capt. Khort and Skipper BUI Schellm, both wen known local t toilers, have left recently for the North Island fish Ing grounds where they expect to spend meat of the aummer. Their advent Lahould lend culture to the Queen Char. Ictte Island atmuner fishing colony. The local halibut boat Kalen, Capt. Tom Hansen, her trip partly completed and with a catch of 1,500 pounds which waa disposed of to the Atlln Fisheries at private sale, waa forced to return to port on Thursday with R. Johnson one of the members of the crew, who fell victim to a strange malady which Cawed eerkma awelllng of the bead. The man waa placed tn the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment soon after arrival. SatejfetrepotfedeMjl ktoowpretu 4vf ' Hmr0D4bj.4to" the P vage St TbwIrHt Co. 8om STTlt-byi e Morty-rWl w B - H W H Ed ONLY ONE WEEK MORE ,1 Sale Closes June 23rd 5T TM SINCa , 5IOTHER NEEDS ONE What it home without a MOTHER, she is 'the keystone of all happiness and home life. She has to bear most of the hard knocks, the worry and the troubles of the children, and the monotony and sameness of every day. She deserves all the relief that she can possibly get. The hardest job of the week is washing. The weekly duty that saps the strength, ruins the temper and often the health. Buy her a BEATTY and a he has a present ever fresh in her memory every wash day. Parkin eVWard Electric Prince-Rupert, B.C. BUY A BEATTY BANK THE BALANCE .veaael to the Interests which have no v. purchased her. The forestry boat Alpine Fir la at Me- The Naas River will replace in th. Lean Ways st Seal Cove for hull work, ausnaser ferry service to the Salt Lak. Meantime, engine repairs are being ear- and other general harbor work, the rled out by the Star Welding. smaller vessel "33" which baa done yeo- imaa service for so many years and. Alex MacdonaM. (general factotum of which it la reported. wUl now be ac- the Prince Rupert Rowing i." Yacht quired by Darby in the deal which Ctsb, haa haa his cruiser Vaoquero out lakes the form of a awap. on the grid thla week lor Installation During tie past winter the Nasi of a new propeller of a smaller alt River, tied up at the dry dock, haa bad and less pitch which It Is expected win considerable lmprovementa and alter- glve the boat the necessary pep to carry atlona made to her upperworks. ing club regatta. Coast freighter Famous, Capt. R. B .-; !nnctt, was at tha dry dock Thursday The flan necker Alfred D. of Oceanic afternoon loading s cargo of Terrace Cannery haa been in port this week for trfveral overhaul, including snctne wortc ,'TrJe vessel wont up oh the WwM Way' ' ON WAltll WAY')' Doata recently going on the Ward Ways tor minor hull work have in Cottonwood loga for delivery to tne Laminated Materials mUl at New West minister. - lens feet letig and powered with a 300 h p. rnglne, the Naaa River waa built two or three years ago here by Darby for the purpose of engaging In freight and passenger carrying on the Naaa River The veaael had not been long tn that service when she was rather badly damaged when she became out of control and was dashed walnst the rocky r -' "wlnaha canyon. Tlie vessel wus Hmvht bnc.. . ' ' ; r"1 laat The aalmon packer Ogden, forme fid the American haflbut schooner Lincoln and now belonging to Capt. I. H. Simp- ton, manager of the La nasi Flahlng Packing Co s cannery at Maasett, and J. W. Moore bo use of Prince Rupert, waa In Prince Rupert during the week tot a general overhaul at the local d.y deck. The veael arrived from the la lands on Tuesday and returned there on Thursday afternoon The steel working department of the local dry dock la engaged In the con struction of twenty large steel tankr varying in capacity up to 8.300 gallon: for the Canadian National Coast Steamships These tanks will be Installed In one of the company's vessels for fish oil carrying purposes. The vessel which will receive them will be here later. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the present season up to and including yesterday stood at ll,- 148,400 pounds 7,879,900 pounds American and SA86.SO0 pounds Canadian ae ; compared with the 1037 total at a liar dare of 10 6TMO0 pounus .660' Bound American and 381,700 rtonmjCSMafllMl, ., ,' There was more fluctuation in prices In prices during the week of Saturday to Friday inclusive than had been experienced for some weeks previous, bids In some i'iiw HOlng up to refreshingly fair levels. The high American bid of the week was 15.3c and 8c paid the Wabash for 5.000 pounds while the top Canadian bid waa 13 3c and 8c revived by the Marnnllce for 4,000 pound Prices went n low miring me week as 8,Se and 4c American year waa under chatter a harbor and 8c and 4c for Canadian. nan HURRY! fU THE NEW GET HER ONE NOW. The can't afford alibi in most ruses is just an excuse, a put off; with our easy payment plan everyone can get the BEATTY Electric Washer .and complete FREE Laundry equipment, make up your mind now, and buy her the only present that keeps on giving. HOW? Come in or phone for one of the factory representatives to call on you. Pay a small deposit down and the balance in small monthly payments, and we deliver the w9her and equipment NOW. Co., Ltd. H 173 a r r H3 s o w The Sensible Road to Health No matter what your ailment is, do not think your case is hopeless until you have tried Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, What it has done for others it will do for you. Do not through ignorance of this wonderful science, shut the door to your ultimate relief and happiness. chVldren can take adjustments at any age without pain. An adjustment at the right time will prevent many so-called children's diseases. Consult about our Electrical and Ultra-Red-Ray treatments for all diseases. W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. 6 and 7 Exchange Block Phmes: Office, .Green 24k ItWffdenec, Hkck 23 Royal I SECURITY FIRST nsurance PRINCE RUPERT. Co., Limited Liverpool, England Established 1815 Total Funds Sj5 1 7:1,1) l:l,05.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. . . uanaaian ratine railway .c&tACiAfiF r r' rrt.f (PACIFIC kiaiiear Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrnngrll and Skagway a aid ltd I line II, IS, 18, W, U, SO. To Viiiicoiivrr, Victoria Seattle Jane , IB, 38, S, 87. 98. Kiffttf 1 " PRINCKSS UOVAI. . ror llutedsle, East Hells Helta. Orean tails. Nemu, Alert Hay. Cainjibell Itlvrr and Vancouver every I'rldsy, 18 n,nt, Agrnry for all SteainHhlii l.lnea. Pull lnfrniUen from W. V. OltCHAltll. Oeneral Agent, Cornrr nf 4tli Stmt and 3rd Avenue, Prlnre Ituprrt. ILC. Phone 31 53 O n o H O o o in