GtarrnJnv Vagliano ami for election. THE WOMEN'S AUTUMN FOURSOMES AT RANELAGH quartet of French eomiptitors. From left: Mme. Monier, Miss Diana Redmond. Jlrae. the, Duchesse de Mouchey. BUCKAROOS ICOLD STORAGE LOST GAME STILL LEADING i . VANCOUVER. Nov. 27. The Prince Rupert Hotel Second and rel i .1 I Portia ad Buckaroos went dewn to third straight defeat here last night. Red Hardaker, custodian of the Portland goal, saved the team from a much war defeat Vancouver scored in the tijpt and thrd periods, j!' ! . MISTOOK MAN FOR , BEAR, IS CHARGEB4;;J ' fit Jtd) mm thin uaverUhetiiei.i s iu; puo-M.Hheil or displuyeo by the Li'iuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Canadian Legion Third in Cribbage League Cold Storage is maintaining its lead of the Cri stage League with the Prime Rupert Hotel follow ing close ia aeeond, place aad the Canadian Leglto far betted ill third. Last nighlf fixturea resulted as follevw: Oraage Ledge 17, Knights of OolabiM 10. Native Set f Canada 9, Cana- WVITU NFtt ir.PMPP dian National Operators 18. nun m-uwuiiuyii priflce Rupe.iutel 16, Moose 7Z' TMLl,,' Lodge 11. William Scott, chargfd Unlb. . CanediamNetfana) Mechanics 2. causing bodily injur ' through ,Coid storara.l 8. negligence to .lack IfoSon by Grotto 9, New Empress Hotel 18. shooting him hp mistake for a Canadian Legion 19, Eagles 8. bear in the Bowser Laie' country he league standing are as fol- north of Stewart on October 21, iowg. was brought to the city from the north by Provincial Constable CoW Storage .... 138 Lance Potterton on the Catala p jj n0tel 119 this morning. Ifavingbeen com-vCanadian Legion.. 114 mitted for trial by StipendWy 0f Columbus., ill Magistrate Scarlett at Stftwart, q N. Operators. . . 108 Scott will come before Judge grotto 108 Young in County Court tomorrow Native Sona 107 lloose 105 New Empress 104 Eagles ....v 07 L. O. L. 107 C. N. Mechanics. . . 93 L. 98 97 102 105 108 108 109 111 112 119 109 123 STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oeurusr ' 8- D Hayview, Nil, 4. Reaver Silver, 12, IS. Big Miaaouri, 57, WVt-CWeageff, Nil, 90. Cork Province, , 26. George Copper, AM, 5.00. Gladttone, 4V?, 8. Golconda, 76 Vi, 7S. Grandview, M, 56 Vs. Independence, 9Vs, 10. Indian, 4, 5. Inter. Ceal & Coke, S6, 37. Koetenay Florence, 18, 18V. Kootenay King. SS'i, 80. L. 4 L, Si, 7. Lakeview, lVi, Nil. l ucky Jim. 26, Nil. Marmot MktaU. 9 Vs. 10. Marmot lift-. Gold, 8, 8V4. Jlohawk, 7, 7Vi. Morten Woolsey, 6, 6V4. National Silver, 16, 17. NoMe Five, 80, 50' t. Pend Oreille, 9.75, 10.00. Porter Idaho, 56, Gl. Premier.- 2.26, 2.27. Wnfn Argenta, 19. 20 V. Ruth Hope, 58, 58 V4. Silver Great, 6, 7. ' SilveradOj OB, 70. SilVersmlth. 8, Nil. Slocan King. NIL C'2. Snowf lake, 30, 32. Sunlock, 2.10, 25. Terminus, 8Vi, Nil. Topley Richfield, 49, 49V. Torlc, 1.50, 2.26. White Water, 1.36, 1.30. Woodbine, 5Vi, . Oils Fabyon, 5, 6. SPORT CHAT -tt Players' Club, which has won but one game so far this season, will go up against Part Simpson, which is yet to be beaten, in the Senior Basketball League tonight and a real good game should be the result. Should the Simpson-ites win, they will have a long lead on league honera and will take seme displacing. It would seem that the Dramatists wjll have to step them tonight if the city is to figure at all in this season's -running. In the Inter mediate League, High School will take on the Naval Reserve which is in second place with but one Iasu ani tKa Nnvva airancrth The annual meeting of the Om- ineca Ski Club was held on Satur- Klncolith 4 2 Native mm .-4"!l '8 Players' Club 8 1 2 Ladies League ' 1 Maple 'Leafs 4 Drill Tiaant 4 Hirh Sofeool r. c. n. v. Toe H dig Four . Eagles , . . . C. Nf R. . lllfh Colts Intermediate R. P S 8 t S 4 4 Juniwr League W 4 0 W 8 2 1 0 CRASHED INTO WINDOW For Month as Far as Sports Are Concerned day night at Burns Lake, being--at 11 o'clock this mowing ma tage several carnivals through- eluded Co.. Ltd., The foMewtng tetatlos wen b'd and atked. rait thn winter season. leneigh pany. GRAIN CARGOES LEAVING PORT PITTSBURG, Nov. 27. Albert iWagner, brother of the famous Honus and himself a diamond fitar of 30 years ago, died today aged .58. COAST LEAGUE HOCKBY Vancouver 2, Portland 0. 4 2 2 Pt 6 4 4 4 2 Crashing into a window while piayinsr last night at the Prince Rupert Badminton Club, Bill Mitchell sustained a badly cut wrist which will pot him out of commission for a month as far aa aportx are concerned. The Playera' Club, playing basketball tonight in the Senior League ag ainst Port Simpson, will no doubt feel hi absence. should be well tested. Toe H. PASSENGERS HERE ON ami Uig four win meet to break the three team tte for second i position., STEAMSHIP CATALA Union steamer Catala, James Findlay, arrived in Capt. pert from I Prince Uupert Liuii ueai n.u1a i WTi Pt' Z. Peter, Sam Jabour, vs ioc ji. E. and Regiment Rent -Cathedral Club The Prince Rupert Badminton Ir'luti tnnl- aarh nf thrci' irames 'from the I. 0. I). E. Hadminton r i Club at the courts of the former in their regular weekly tourna ment last night. Owing to an un fortunate accident to Will Mitchell the mixed doubles had to be aban doned after the I. 0. D. E. had won the first game and Mltchel and his sister had almost clinched the second. George Bryant tool Mitchell's Dlace and started ovei 0 again, winning both games. Shad ford and Harrington ware rat lereee. The scores steed; . Mixed Double George Bryant and Mi cheil beat Bob Stuart a lf, 15.10, 15-6. Indies Doubles The club Hans Oman, K. Nakaya. J. Brado. -Moose Knockout wnm. 1U( , ,.,, . i.i .1 . ur..i. 1 1Ui.t V V. Vnrria Con is aniiiaieu mio me ncsiern -- nl Ski Association, the Canadian Ski atable Petteiton, R. A. McCul-. Association and, in the first year !augfc. T. Williams and William ,7 of Its conception, staged a sports ;Scott, from Stewart; C. P. Jehn-j no day whkh showed ski-jumpers son and Bam Lattice, iram aiiee . . I VI.. n lUriuu ianu eross-countr' runners iaei . to compete' in any com- George Joy, J. R. lloneyman, iir. j McDonald and E. C Nevieon, I from Anyox, and Mr. Kujtei Oto land Mr Kushujama, frr n Arran-dale. Coing through to Vancou- ver on the veaael are: Mr. amir Mrs. I) P. Knowles, Mr. ltd Mrs, iMcCiiff.-rv. Ralph Anderson I Peterson. Homer Ficklin, j Evans. A. Grant and ReJhert Rockpool to Sail Wllh full Largo; rt f Stewart, and A. Tomorrow and Carperby on Thursday The British steamer Roekpoel'ls expected to leave about noon to morrow for the United Kingdom or continent with the second full cargo of grain shipped this season from the Alfeerta Wheat Pool's Jruil(i. from Anyox. KEPT HIM FROM WORK FOR A MONTH AT A TIME Prince Rupert elevater. j t , c:.1. n c: - r The steamer Carperby was half uevernauaiJiCKuavuim.c loaded this morning and this ves- Taking FruUa-hVCS sel is expected to get away, also 6 with a full cargo for United Kingdom or continent, on Thursday. No further grain ships for thi- port had been reported up to noon today, elevator offices announces Grain is expected to start moving in from the prairies again to- I night, following the delay on ai -; count of the derailment near Kwinitsa on Sunday. BROTHER OF FAMOUS . DIAMOND STAR DIES M. THOMAS CRAIIAM Of the thoustsds and thousands of men ami women who have been restored lu perfect hetlth by "i'ruiW-t lives," noao are mora gistrful than Mr. Tlioa. Qrshan, &3 Mssson Kt., Oshswu . "I am 00 yesra old and was treated for years for a trouble between the bowel and the bladder, which kept mi- home from work far a month at a time: until I started to take "rit-.l-tws.' Since then, I have worked ateadOy for four years and have never had a link day." Trr this wonderful medicine: mads fmn fruit ieiets ceaMoed with the noest nu dieinal ineredienu. ye. sou COc. a box at dealers everywhere. lit- Mrs. Mrs. Shadwell and Miss Palmer ont Mm I.nnir and Mrs. Thor PLAYING BADMINTON Johnson, 15-5, 15-18. ! Men's Doubles Frank Russell and W; : ,.. n. r' 111 1 1 II 1 11 IIC I 1UI u aosiv- a r w a. Ill pi, oeai o. uanon anu jm oiwum 9-16. 15-8, 15-2. In the armories the Regiment tbeaat the Cathedral Club although a number of the games were very close and the result was in doubt to the end. The scores were: Men's Doubles Clyne and Bartlett beat Nfch Fireside Club held last evening. Clifford GUker presided and after devotional services a voeal solo was rendered by Miss Beukh McKinley. This being the monthly literary program was a lecture by Rev. f . o i. .lyr. tyr; ni his- i ii. r. rn on join nuflm n. ells and Youngman 11. 16-M.: Tinker. Soldier Preacher. Auther. 16-- .. v iSaint and Martyr." .Mixed Doubles ' The i opened wJth Mrs. Evltt and S. D. WohnetiMi ,crlptlon of that immoi boolt beat Brand and Miss Crossilvt.,f.rhe yigrim ti progress" next to IK"- I .: Ithe KiMe the moat remarkable Ladies' Doubly 1 ev wrjton: toTe4 aBl Mrs. McMordie and Mro. rWtt(BWt winery Vea'd! me that has beat Miss Ellett and Mrs. art: jrhu, .into at least 160 lett 9-15. 15-18, 15-14. i . diff.-nt languages. It must have - J ;:- V'rtrfrW&i- ven' extraordinary SPORT HXTURES nun Ju n )rwiliiM . ush,.an- extra- ordinary .hoftif. and such ji man fOK lilt WbhK ""''J held in remembrance. . Jh).jtftai;.tfai. war!) i BeJebraW Pta.,r,."ru.. :.?ZLrnrjr-ZZ?trr- .d other m.rth- . the SOOth anniversary of Ban- 1. :V. 7. k ,:,r;u' 7Z rr-mu and .m a.11 at - 8.80! Tuesday-Basketball: Senior m jkLwd feg tbat.the 1 119 rv t-ru i . a iitv asv iu uu niii nviu nviu s ih w m- , - r r ,T n n. , ri..u !.. L 4 FW-r, .4 ,d.'ttU--f.enf--th-K.U, i- R- .ZjJ&i ... D. 114' .. -, iL ..K..i,n k.r. frnm Simpson; Intermediate, Naval 'lie- , , , worxmg in ronjunciion wun me ... , , -y... ... c, n. jr.KS'T.'AJr..ivSii n.-it T"ourrster thai 111 n t-1.. tf .!.. oi-.u nur n th .euel in- sene vs High School, Big W Is onTyTming Baptist m e aa. V hat aptit Mi iv (people should take a special inter TIIE DAILY NEWS ,( tilt.mueT, 9 TAGF TWO ews and Views In The World of Sport iii.ii.... r7"' !BASK . 'LEAGUE GAMES' ii"M'tTTitninir'ITfi'"T"',T''v''ir""'"" dlHIWlnli lUiiiil ! Senior League AT BADMINTON 1' W L Pt Vrt NiBon 3 S 0 6 Hubbie: "How careless of that man to drive that lcrr ... corner like that." Wifie: "Yes, it would have served him right If we hu.: into him. Table Talk. Melbo irn" LECTURED ON inUA DTTMVAM fturar ihn proceeds! t th great conflict that a uaaged in Ehgland ('-,, in Len'f of both . , iMlgIouJnl6etty, the ti-txJ tempt of King Charie t Fire, out democratic goven t side Club on "Pilgrim's the equally tyrrannai PrpgrM .-jnd.'IlH Jhe rallglous authorities ; . ,Uhip the fierce pcrsc I There was a lare Attendance Raptlsta and other: w t. uimoioiat the regular meeting of the differ from the Sf , and the cruel suffer; n. heroic souls who Et conscience. Then followed a tb teresting account career as a tinker a s arrest am! i:r I for twelve yearn m: Kc i hie bnly crime being tj a tb preach God's truth . it And when Ttlig.c . was happily won, how travelled throughou ' preaching the gospc ' of people crowding messages. After fr.'i; count of Bunytns ate ters rlir wrote and puLL. boks-the lecture con : the pathetic stor- days and death. At the close of th : !: chairman,. and Rev i I expressed the tharik-i !em IJer the great en v had received. Refreshments were : Miss C. MnsMllem an est in the celebration. The lec- Therrien. an author tv I I eZ .tTi A 1 3rTi h'2W2Sob Plain Ends . BLUE package yiEL I It VJl ,HUW rf I VJ I I they cat1! -ftM H1 faJL at'., u h. crvt