Ncair.bur 27, 192 Specials! Specials! NjftTO'nillwdmgpf Klenzo Shaving Cream and I'nPfiay &Vtt aclcage of Gillette Razor Maries both or ... W'th each $1-0 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 134 Xmas seals and tags given free, Onues Ilci. yfte Pioneer Drutjfistsi THII1D AVE. V SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?,200 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phono 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAK Single load $3JS(I Double load $6.50 Large suck , , . , , 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg , . . , $12.00 Pembina .Washed Nute $11.25 Alljeria Sootiess Large Egg $12.50 AllKirta Sootlosg Egg $12.00 AllMirW Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of col. ' PUjo anU Furniture Moving. Bxpress and Baggage DayirMNi);ht Service. 13? Second Avenue Ran ad ian National Q7jc Largcfl Railway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE -nliiit. from ruiri; HI I-I.KT lor V.tM'Ol'VEII, VICTOItlt, SKATTIK, aiul intrrmrilUtr xlnt. nrli HtlDAV. :(X a.m. Ir STKWAKT and ANVOV. each WKDNtSKAV. 10:00 pju, l..r MIIITII AMI MIl'TII 1)1 K IIAUl OTTK lLAM. ort nljtht ly. IMSSEM1EU TUAINH I.KAVK PIIINTK Kt TKItT 1 pi. h MOMtAV. U DNKM) miO SATI HIIAV at U;30 iijii. lor FIIINTK Ukitltlli:. F.ltMONTON. UINMI'M), all miIiii Klfrn Canjila. I nllr.1 Slain. AdENCY AIJ. IK'EAN' HTKAMSIII LIN EH it Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. B.C. Coast 1 Canadian) VPACinci -'1 Steamship Services lrinbfr 1, 15. to. Sailings from Prince Rupert T" K' Ki-li Irlilkan. liikan. Wramrll Wranirll anil anil Xkanv hkacway ,iii,miri, llori. anil hf.lllf hullli' IV, r,niilirr 5, 19. -Notrinlirr .oriniirr ritlTK!H HOVAL l or lutfdal. Eat lirlla lull, in ran Fall.. Namu. Alrrt IHr, I'amniirii Hhrr and Vanroutrr tfrr; rAj, to p.m. A(rnr.T lor all Mlram.hlt l.lnra. Foil lnftrmllon from W. l . OKCIIAKU, llritrral A.rnl. ( nrnrr of 4lh Wlrr.t and Iril Atnior rlnr Kiiwrt. II (' rhonf .11 UNION 'STEAMSHIPS LIMITED T Halllnti Irom ITlnr Kuprrt. EfANCOIIVKK, VICIDKH, Swauron Ha;, llMl4lf, Alffl Maj, rtr. Tlltul'iv 4 Ifl la laa iirmij,. d.Aip ll.lll. Kur" VANCODVEII, VICTORIA, liultdalf, Alrrt Tta), Hc Krlday ntldnftht lr AI.H'E AKM. ANV11V. MTKWAIli. WAUX IMaMl, l'"UI U.MIo. VIU Il1ll..f UMMll.. U tl Ml 123 Ind SMITH, .If Avrnlif. rilHr. K. aV, M. OI. D ' Thrnueh Ultmt uJit kai llrl..rls Hi much to drftllnatlor 60c Aol. Prlne ....... Ku-rrt. -1 Iltl alld MaHlltlC. And iMfLMIt fhrfslfll tifTVteat Market (SEI.VIG BROS.) 3rd Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF 'NOKWF.filAN I'HODtlCE" v at low prices, and Immediate dsllvery Observe I All articles are of superior quality and absolutely V frosh. The, following la the of chafes made forrMln not lues: lUrth Notices .0c -olri.w Srnkii : Funeral Notices $1. , Funeral Flowers 10c per name. II Marriair MurrlAm .ml nml h,..( nom a. announcements Sements 'Jf1 $2. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Hig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. K. fi0sse. ,'hone 68C. .rTli ri.'.'r') mttT3 mop TtinRp " Local and Personal News In Brief cipai business for the first nine 1,1 aItr 12 o'clock. 282' Duller 15c lb. Milk $3.23 case, months of thin year was filed at j all Hrand. at MUNHO IJKOS. tf. night's council meeting after D- p- Knowles, superintendent' . -' , having been allowed to lie pn the of the Dig Missouri mine, and I Celebrate St. Andrew's Day by table for two weeks. Mrs, Knwla, are passengers ab-comingtothe Scotch dance in thei l0ard the Catala going through to uino man; rridav. NovmhUi- , o inins vriuiaap, aianson health trip, has returned to the! The local unit of the Hoval SftWl1.. " b,M,,f D. (north and is now located at Fras- Canadian Naval Volunteer lle-.arell was read at last night's-ar Lake where he in identified ' serve had 1U wekly shoot last 'XL-mnVi9tU'". titKt vriih lhe Industrial School. ieveing-adetllhment headquai- he city, return to the appllfntj Iters, rfhtef Petty Officer YoZr the cost of the coitatruotion of a : The agenda of last nijrht's coun- will lecture on Friday night cement sidewalk on Third Av- cil meeting rali-d for the reading i enue in front of the I toy si IJotal of report from 'he board of works ' Harold Parks, who has recently ion the basis of the city's coat in to the been respect application of on service in Egypt with the tT !rV Mr7rUt M fw ',de,k Ar Force, KrrWed fn !SJU.f!l '".u, Pr?Pfr P" n 8,xth Avenut" Me- the city from England and ma" IUCH, improve- ment bylaw covering the work in this block. The matter was referred to the board of works, city engineer and city solicitor for reiiort. l P.J.r T t ANNbUNCBMENTS - ' WoVn' ttf Mooaeheart Legion i Whfrst Drive and Danee. firat Frfday of. Vtir. nuHitb ' , .h Rupert EaH United Church :t 1 ' '841 'Andrew's Day Seettkh Dance. Moose Hall. November 80, , i t. AmlreVi Seettty Auxiliary Sale of Worfc, Deeeraber 4. United Charon liaaaar Decern br 6. I'rince HuBert Pkvers' Club ! presents The Saving Grace" at jthe Capitol Theatre, December 10 and II. Christmas concert. Booth Memorial School, December 18 and 19. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Saturday, December 22 from 2.30 to 5 p.m. , Dr. Alexander , : P phone yis HKHVKK ItlDCK DENTIST EWART LYNE (Piantat. Capitol ThMtrel Tcicher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated lkwirjl of the Royal Academy and Hrlyal iiUi?4f Mu'T Kxanflmt tions.- ' ! 100 prt cent buocmm during th pa thirty yara. Studio: 2nd floor Federal IJlk Phone Keit 701 tommy s i axi (Phone an. nounces the placing of a second uooge aeoan car in business, tf ' !. " " og ',7 TT T at gro aUn,?e er t.lfretilK Tellefbn Red! ' 298 l A au, bjrUw P"1'" 'or the tern- f"". inry utprnm.iiig ""m U0m the the .loyal itoyul WMK pen - ""t viin'n ui taxes was m- ) .trodueed und iriven Initial read- iings at last inVht's meetlmr of! the city eoontil. The- report of George Iiorie C. A., city auditor, covering muni- ' acurstn u. 1 jM. I, who left here several j niuiiiDB i i jraron on a jJrWe street and the Booth Mem- orial School. The report on the matter, however, was not read, A local improvement initiative bylaw providing for the construe- t'P of a 15 foot pavement on Vanarsdol Street between Atlin -w ana Graham Avenues was given inwiai reavoing at last night's council nsceting. It had been do- cided two weeks ago to introduce sncn a t measure. Th ialiiiii la at nkritt nf (lan 8iiwilw' Mnny Younr ' Peoole's Legion took the form of a social evening which proved very en- Ijoyable. Next week there will be a get-together of 8,1 all members be of f.,", . the Legion and an attractive .pro- Fam 18 under arrangement for ,1he caslon. Aid. Dibb covplained at last nigbt's council of what he termed iiwonsistent methods of deliver- 1 copies of the minutes to the aldermen. Some times they were sent through the mail and on other occasions laid on the desks of aldermen before the opening a of meetings. Hjis week he had received no copy at all. City minor damage in a fire in the Solicitor Jones ascribed the mat- rooms ovw the Empire Baths. ter to misadventure ip the mail and Aid. Liniey facetiously re- On recommendation of the fish marked "We should get u new eries cmmittee the city council post office." The upstart of the' last night upprevetf a resolution complaint was that the minutes recently submitted by the North-of last council meeting were readj ern.' Dritfth Columbia Salmon for Aid. Dibh's benefit. . FfsbermenfliJSsociation request- Heart Palpitated ii n iL J it Nerves Bothered Her si ill n.i oieup was uroKun Mrs. Fro) A Pulley. East Southampton. N S . writes: "1 was Ixithercd very much wuli my rjerv.'s ami (utlpiU-tion of the heart, ami my sleep was broken at lnpht. I deridnl i" try and after I luut taken nix found that tlipv had (tone me on n.ui h pHut I will glmllv rtvoiiiineml thcui to all llit who an- troubled with aleeplt'saiuw cstMwl by their heart anil iterxes " Price AOe !' box st all druggist i ami dajdera, or mailed direct, on retipt of .price by The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto, Oat. iS.' E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if deir:d. Advertise In The News. Boxinir TWAmfiPr r. nta n. . vich vs. Eddie MeGooty, ten round in Mpose Hall. 28G ..T'rtS to ie ctty ini morning irom ,,u,lne "Ip to Stewart. , Owrge ftrosvenor, Eovan, Sa- katchewan, farm whan arrived, in the city to spend a r. extend!.! "uay wiin wun his his brother- brother-nrlaw n,law .and sister. Mr. and Mrs. u'eorge e- Reservations for "Tht Savin Grace" open at the Prince Ilupert Pharmacy Monday, December 3 at 8 o'clock a.m. No reservat- i'on8 cn he made by telephone un- Vancouver ami other iu.nn. " ithe south on a vacation trip locate here. Ife is a brother of, L. Parks who fa in -.i,... of the Canadian National Rail- ways here. , . J. U, Cameron, assistant general manager of ithe Canadian National Railways with " T mvmiuiiihiID lit Vancouver, is expected in the city on this aftornoop's train in the course of a tonr nf u.. - r- wtt rwiiuii. n: will probably proceed east again toaignt. Tho Slnninn a i. ... hb manv riillaT tk. ....j.. articles of clothfno-. nnrtiVnirK- children's. Adiutant William Krr stated this morning. The Armv ! would would L be r nv is vi es ii v i wil tributions of this nature that ' could be made by citisens. Adiut- ant Kerr said. There were four fire calls dur- ing the month of Otober accor- ding to report of Fire Chief D. H. McDonald presented at last night's meeting of the elty eoun- HI. Th nvu a-u... was done in a fire which traM -H hau ing to George James. Ther w.. imprtytib regulations ovWnl f Canadian w .a-Hrrf.Aertean """ 'ww. After having already occupied srveral days of the court's time, the Carlson vs Hanson $200 damage case from Kitimaat is still proceeding before Judge F. McB. Young In County Court this afternoon. Hearing of the Pickering ft a) vs Dument-Emerson and (iavigap lien action is awaiting the completion of the Kitimaat rase before being proceeded with. Eddie MeGeety, Seattle boxer, will arrive in the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from the south and go into training immediately for his ten round bout with Battling Dido Gurvich of Prince Rupert on Thursday of next week. This boxing card, also including a number of attractive jirejlminatiesj is to be held under ' thV atiitnVes of the GroU(Atll, cub-ELKS' CAHD TOURNAMENT At the weekly Elks' Lodge bridge and whist tournament last night. Mrs. G. E. Gullck won the bridge prise with P more of 3627 while Mrs. Walter Shitw carried off whist honors with -02. NEW KIP-TONE Buttoned and pullover style. Pair SI 50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novelty cuff styles; assorted shades. Pnip $1.00" and 1.50 FOWNES CAPE GLQVES-Wool lined, fur top. Pair 2.95 FRENCH KID GLOVES Novelty cuffs styles; assorted shades. Pair j2 95 FRASER & PAYNE ! INFORMATION WANTED Anvone knowinar the where. abouts of Curtiand Schwalbe from jDuf field, Alberta, please notify his grandmother, Mrs. Harnlsch, ' 10 Ninth Sti-eet. S. W., Puyallup, Wash. 278 Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years Mra. Mrv P..i r.....'iu n. write:- -I am writing i tell you that I in suffered .th awful pimplea, ail over my fan- and ntefc h,r f. years. I had trecl everything, but got nc rel.Tf until one day a friend told m al iv:t and advised me t.. a It . T MM! Intl.. bottles and mv face hi now completely lanufactured onlv by The T. Md-i.uru Co., Ltd., To6nio, Ont. Ladies' Coats ANOTHER SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Small Price Nice Quality Navy Chinchilla COATS . Sizes 14 to 20. Double, breasted, h tic belt, inverted uleat in back. ROOMS FOR RENT WALLACE KLOCK PIIONE9 H.S. Wallace Co Limited Third Ave. & Fulton TRAPPERS Get every cent your n are worth. Ship them or bring them to 1J0YD YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Felt SLIPPERS What is more comfortable than a pair of nice, warm and soft Slippers when keeping house? We have them for men, women and children, at prices to suit everyone. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Silverware TUB CHOICE GV THE PEOPLE KQR XMAjj V. h-ve 28-piece sets in ca n- r" Iff" ; $10.00, as above till- T:'ir.t. 0vr ".r .'id It'JOO, We are pka.sed to show you. John Bulger Limited THE JEWELLERS Christmas Jieve kWE GIVE YOU 10 PER CENT OFF I Ve Still Have a Few Special Liner of FANCY DRY GOODS C 'lne and Look! Mussallem's