ft CLASSIFIED HABIT Pll WjCtl)1 Bostpn Grill y; you need, adwrtto. for , ' 5 $ - Inrln StSd.y .Ight Cj:T THE CMSSIFIEO HABIT. X .f' ,W PRINCE vliv-i RUPERT vy A J . DancTlUll "or Hire a? pJ Accommodation tor nival . . . ... Parties ' tNortriern and Central British jolumbia'g Newgpaper I I'"one ij ' "' . .... " J , PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDA. NOVEMBER 27, 1928 T7 ' - JJ . . . CLNTS ' CANADIAN NATIONAL JOINS WITH CP Four Bids Are Made for Local Power Plant and Franchise and Opened by Council Last Night Uvsl Sum Offered by American Stales Public Service, Company of Los Angeles Which Will Pay $100,000 i i-ity "council, in committee last night, opened four r the purchase of the municipal hydro-electri-two of those boing accompanied by bids for th -it- system. The tenders were very lengthy anr. itcil and there were a multitude of clauses, all o.' ill be necessary to closely scrutinize before any-ihc way of a definite decision can be arrived at . I .'I i.-ision of the tenders brought to a nublic con- u-veys and negotiations which, in some cases, ;i nuing on for months. Tabulation and analysis paers snowed tneioiiowing figures: i 'on, Parkinson Co., London, England, $850,000 - '-electric system ; eu,UOU for telephone. J-orbes, Rhineland, Wisconsin, $386,000 for trie system. ican States Public Service Co., Los Angeles, $400,- H?leotrtc system; $125,000 for telephone system. tt, Thompson & Co., Montreal, $875,000 for fetne; system. Clark of Vancouver represented the American ' "Mic Service Co. at the opening of the tenders, '.. Dawson and L W. Patmore, Nesbitt & Thomp-The latter concern is reported to have recently it the International Electric Co. at Stewart. ! McMordie explained that the city had not toilers for the telephone system and did not con-soiling it. ity council will meet in committee next Monday what action to take. Must He Analyzed NVsbitt-Thompson tender includes a clause in f company undertakes to provide the city, at the v's expense, with a modern ornamental lighting nidughout the business streets. It is possible thai i of the tender might as a result show the Nes- mpson tender to be actually better than that of liornia company. This has, hoVever, not been i.v determined as yet. r McMordie stated this morning that it was pro- have the tenders analyzed by experts. This will - l)o done before anything definite can be decided basis of the power transaction is the sale of the 1 (trie plant and a twenty-five year franchise. If, CC A nru rnn QMtXVV DFU A T 17 MISSING BOATS OF DR. M'LEAN 'IK AX. Nov. 20. 'he failure of two rev- t find any trace of "(uprising two crew "in , the halibut boat "I Imperial, fishermen In- ( o-operatien of mer-i "il companies are out-1 t i vr halibut boat Sn-" "(led by Chris Ross, ( u ly today to assist in ARRESTS MADE ON GAMBLERS r" Y KR. Nov. 27. One "d one persons were nr- ' week-end raid on '"'uses and paid fine ' l'i in police court. VICTORIA. Nov. 27. The expansion of oversea" trade from Canada, imperial preference and pleas for confidence in the fiscal policy of the Mackehsle King administration. marked the speeches of three ministers of the Federal Government who spoke hre last nlRht in the interests of Dr. J. D. MacLean. Liberal candidate by-election. They were Mr. Robb, Malcolm and Kintf. LUMBER EXPORTS ARE ON INCREASE OTTAWA. Nov. 27. Exports of Canadian lumber increased sharply In October. The total was $0,480,000 or nearly three quarters of a million Renter than September. GAS SCHOONER I SANK ON COAST ' "I'rinr uf WoLu' UVrl tt irn m v nnivn iff.ui jlinil etj Miles South of Wrangell Yclcrdny UREMKKTON. Wjuh , Nov. 555. A radio me.iSAgc picked up here Uat nlzht taid that the gun schooner Prince of Walei sunk in 23 fathoau of water off Haceta GERMANHERO DEAD, AGED 65p' BERLIN. Nov. 27 Admiral ! Reinhart Scheer, who directed the I'robably ANXIETY FOR ! BOATS GREAT Outlook for Safety nf ISrunvol a ad Imperial Dimishc as Tim i lie Island, SO miles south of Wiamcell. i r.miiv yesterdftjr. The report indicated) TwP cutters huve leeB sent out that the crew and m,,i! were saved, from Ketthlkan to reareh for h, loss. Though there is still ho; ' ',..t the vessels may have broki-n um and become crlrpled, ti-J up a: ont remote ;oint in the nortli. 1 1 1. 'a low ittuak:inn witd cut.'-.t ! wo"td mi: .' saf-ty of the tWo missiflL' nicric.-i: h,'.iiiMt bwkU r.rUtio. nd lmpt riai. whi h h rtt ' 6 from for two wcc.s now. o t not n-iii veiy r- ! Lota! anxh'tv ii, felt part.cu 'u. iy or the Bruii nl, a mcmbc: oi tin rew of which its Kred Luii-louist, well known Prince Rupert lish- rman wno is tnarriea ;.nd i... ; ...x. . t wCle i.uvi nuasiimr vessels, it is reported jfeuntimc. word of thv faU' of me vbsmi was or ss ions rrossi ho i . uli.,. i i and plys in the fre Khtmall ran iWaJti. For taVnut i betweoWraaKell. Keait anat ftbflklftovfci S,tka. She ownd by the Neill reports. the weather ha, been Transportation Company of Ketch-jjrood in tne north. xArtMtn the i Kan, Alaska. I zlmiuK- jaL the halibut season. j however, it had been stormy. J. M, Morrison, local airent of the ;Dui Sea' Fiahermen'a Union, expects to be advised at once any- thinir i heard in northern ports the two veaeels. i TRICE OF WHEAT German fleet at the Battle of Jut- VANCOUVER, Nov. 27. Wheat land on May .".1. 191G. died here Was UUotMi nn lh Mrhnniu af yesterday, aged 65. $1.19'i. Canadian National Will Take Half Interest in Peace River Railwa Subsidiary Company Will He Formed, Controlled by Hoth Lines Jointly to Operate the line A brief Canadian Press despatch came through on the wire this mnrninir statinir thnt tVio rlirootnnc r.f tVm r.,.,.. 0 .... w..ftvw uii vvbuto w bliu Vcllltl dian National Railway at their regular monthly meeting wav in the nurchnsn and inint nnoratinn nf tbo PliTintv. V 4- ' ' Vjvi VIV4 V VI 1 V A-J tlivll VVIlia Dunvegan and B. C. Railway, connecting the Peaco River ...:a ii r r?.i i wnii uiu cay ui iUiiiunion. The offer of the Canadian Pacific? Pailwav t. thn Ah bcrta government for the railway was accopted about two months ' jointly, although thin haa not yet ra and ana President rresiaent Realty neatly oi of the me 7fE , the definitely . , decided , upon. Un- :o llway comirany then announced Tr I)Ian nei,ther lnT will that at the C. N. R. would have an vf a monopoly of peaec River opportunity .nortunitv to to take take n a h.ilf half inter Jnfor. bu,neM and th will be vitally est in the line if it was their wish to do so. Sir Henry Thornton was in Europe, 'so no decision could be arrived at just then. . Now he is home and it is decided that the two railways will co-operate. This is good news for Prince Rupert, because if the railways cooperate in regard to that section of the line there is a possibility they will also co-operate in making Prince Rupert a Joint outlet for the Peace River. It Is expected that a new com pany will be formed subsidiary to interested in getting the best possible route to the coast. ADMIRAL KEYES. IS PROMOTED LONDON. Nov. 27. Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. famed as commander of the operations against Zeebrugge and Ostend In April 1018, has been appointed eom- niAlxlnr In nhluf nt ln.l.....iL both companies to operate the line station of the navy CITY COUNCIL K; MAKES RULING No Expenses to Be Incurred in CallinR WitnettMM at City EnRineerV Investigation When Aid. Brown enquired last night as to the powers of the coao-t mission in the matter of calling! PEACE RAILWAY J1K. LAHA IS : Bi it..h pr.rnc minister and Mis. BuJ(i'.iu n of a new town hall, a war meu. major of Dudley at the opening Floods Follow Storm in Europe Causing Immense Damage both on Continent and Great Britain LONDON, No. 27. Floods today followed In the wake of a four-day gale which caused a loss of a score of Teasels in western European v . nossibly a toll of a hundred lives. Police, soldiers and civilians am wnrk- ! ing frantically in Antwerp to repair broken dykes. City St'sZm tCoTincur;r3 d f" pipes weri: unt,ermi" and gave way. The inai no exrjense was was to be incurred 8Bburbs of the city are flooded.- ;""Vr T SJ VL "r M Ostend. Belijrum, water from1 lion into the If the M ran tht. ,lreet(4 ertrineer a deamat alttodjKho,,, the floor8 of he chairn.in was given the au- bulldingg. A urober of Flanders thority to ln.vUe any epert jgjt- vJIUjrC)4 wvn .. by thrin. T" ai l "i'nt, as the sea rushed ho ttifl orMaftiURAdiak mad it. u .. u u .- .c. a.. m to the invefcligation, wight ask ( vrrt wJd . v , , j for. i i. o-u-i- .i i TEMPERATURE OF KING LOWER LONUON, Nov. 27. U wa an- After AJd, Brown and Aid. estimated a snore than a million nou need this morning that the Prudhomme had spoken on the. pounds sterling, including dam-'King's temperature w.is somewhat matter, M.iyor McMordie express- j a(rr t0 property, to ships and frry! lower, but conditions were other-led the opinion that a mountain ; boat service, and damaire result- wise uiu-hansed. He suent a rest- l was bang made out of a moJe hill, jng from suspension of trans- j ful night. His sUmina is under lie had not anticipated the incurr- ))ort ing of great expense in what, "c7r 7 'EBUSINESS GOOD i Aid. Collart agreed with the, views of the mayor, j Aid. Prudhomme resented the mayor and Aid. Collart describing the matter as trivial. To Htm it OTTAWA, Nov. 27. In the Imt seemed quite serious If no wit- quarter of a year Canadian businesses were to be called, the In- neM continues to move fit levels, MNP EXPECTED TO vestlgation would be nothing but exceeding ail previous records.! "nn MPin tmiiww farce. Taking a hundred as the index foi ! lit, ILLAK lUilllllil Aid. Collart referred to en- the corresponding month last year penses that had to be borne by this year would show: ... , , . Police Commissioner Fletcher in Employment 111. pig iron WaV31 A 1 Train at 1W Least h r.-ont nnlliw InvMtlmitinn alJ .-.! tmr. .l, J.kli. too ...i 'w Hours IWltu as UCSUlt j--. (n , nvc1 i t vtft can is. ,aeaf vs r Vancouver. He saw no difference loadings 107, building pvnMtsf as far as AM. Prudhomme was H4, imports 120, exports 1ST, okej ' concerned In the present ease. nsg, Coal llf). Aid. Tinker moved that no ex' !omg .a severe strain, owing to i constant pain from pleurisy and i ronsequent lack of rit and sleep. Although anxiety is not diminished variability of temperature and I he persistence of pleurisy is re-canted as normal and to be ex-lt'( Ul at this stage. of Derailment Near Uk Y tftltwny Offices sUted this mor-rnimr that it was esMioeted'ts wet traordinary expenses be incurred fUADl WIftnLW CC UA! "(CD f)C hi- line between Ralvus and in connection with the Investiga- . .ppppI KwitMn. following the train de-tion. .,.0. n This was seconded by Aid. I YiLlUKlA rAobliO' railment on Sunday, cloar some Greer and carried. It was agreed.; time tonight. Meanwhile, a trans- however, that the chairman of tht : VICTORIA, Nov. 27. Charles fer haw again to !e made today investigation should be empow- Walker, resident of Victoria for f pussengers, mail etc. from ered at least to Invite such wit- 34 years, who prospected in tjueen train No. r. due from the east at nesses as Aid. Prudhomme should Charlotte Islands. West coast t : :;o this afternoon, and tho stub request. Vancouver Isluml, Atlin and I il n- in. t'iiig consaquently sent The second session of the In- looet, is dead aged 77. . He was j out. will not be back here until vesication will le held tonight. horn in Herefordshire. after 5.:i this afternoon. "11