PAGE EIGHT ''urport the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre Monday and Tuesday nt 7 'pjn. MONSTER DOUlJLE KILL At 7:30 p.m. "Blood Will Tell" At 9:10 p.m. Monte Blue, in "THE BUSH LEAGUER" ( ilAITEIt "RACING BLOOD," "THE ARABIAN. FIGHTS." AI Cooke, Alberta Vnusrhn and Others. COMfiDX "TWENTY LEGS UNDER THE SEA." COMEDY "BLONDES BEWARE." FOX NEWS Orchestral Selection "The Geisha," (Sidney Jones). Admission 35c and 10c. ANXIOUS ABOUT LOCAL HOLDINGS l)u-h (icn: I.U'.I ':irn. and Enquires About Possible Future International' Penn 4 Trisdin Co. of Tmjter Holland, which has exten di c r Jty ho'dlngs in Prince Ru-, -I. had before the city council h.M night for its approval a me- ONTARIO BENEFITED Vegetable Compound Helps Run-Down Condition Siww, Ont. "For several years I have had a run-down feiine, caused from overwork. One day a neighbor came in. I told ber all about what was wrong with me and she told roe she had suffered the same as I had. She said the only medicine she tried was Lvdia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound and she advised it to me. I sent to the drug store and got a bottle and now I am on the fourth one. Where before I was dizzy, tired and 'all in' in every way. now I can eat and enjoy my meals, am gaining in flesh and able to do more work. You may be sure t hat I will tell otnei s who are suffering 1 ke I was." Maa. Gilbert Ball, Box 108, R. R. No. I, Simcoe, Ontario. morial in connection with development of this port, which is, being presented to the provincial 'copies of the memorial are being made for each alderman. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors HKJGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size, for Every Use A Hundred Use for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY HOTTER QUICKER " CHEAPER Liiilb're ajii Prices' 'on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED llruncli OffkM Nurthern l'urlflr I rrljlit ltulldlnc NrlMiii Krlouiu SW Matlun tilrrrt Nurinuu C. t'riilckkluiiik. I'rliiie (Irvrnt VAXCOUVEIt, II. C llt. Maiwirr HOLT 'CAlPlRftM BEST PRIZES FOR 'TESTIFIES TO GOOD SLOGAN GREAT BRAVERY Jewellery Offering $1800 worth of Good for Catchy Phrase The jewellery trade is looking for a slogan. It is willing to pay1 the winners well, four prizes, be- j ing donated totalling $100. The1 first prize is a diamond ring' valued at $1,000. j Tn .nrlHitfnn In tha rllnmtrwl rlnuf Miss Winifred CAP! ROBERTS Injured .Man Converged With Divisional Engineer and Told How the Accident Happened JURY FINDS ACCIDENTAL One of the features of the in- there js offered, as second prize. fluet he,d. i on th death f Frederick A Roberts wbowa. a Colonial .table with a complete ! complement of flatware and a tea kn wnen a wheat train ran into spt nnr! tp.iv. tho va 11.. heinir a nCK m jnf neigfluornwu S.W, no Thin nrlip U n aii'rlincr KwlnitSO, WM TVVV,VV. ....... I' - - - - . . n , aflvor fa Rft of fmir niorpa. with A an E. P. N. S, Renworth. who """""y r""- 'lived in Prince Rupert as a small girl in the early days ' with her parents, parents, Mr. air. and ana.Jirs. 'Mrs. r rrea red Kea Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax in connection with sailings for the Old Coun-, try during November and Decem-:ber. Full Information from City Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue, j rrince Rupert. Pnone 2C0. 282 W2' A Thousand Dollar Diamond Ring . . Silverware . . Watches . . these wonderful prizes axe being without obligation by the Sven anadun Jewellers Association for th most expressive Slcsan aptly descriptive of thehuhcuss merchandise sold by jewellers. Come to our store for an entry card and write in your slogan. Do not delay competition closes midnight, November 30th . John Bulger The Jewellers of the tribute of M. government. The communication! of th, jeweiier'a service to the tender and looking over the engi- stated that the company was de sirous of obtaining from the most . reliable sources possible informa- Company Makes Sugges-, tjon with fespect to Prince ' Ru- i or lrtveiopmem oi ion D0ib1e future. in7 order: Bur bank to the wonderful bra- irsv v.ilnnd at very of the man. Although Mr. n . a aii mm 1 $205.00, while the fourth reward Kouerts nau one tool cut on anu it, a lady's or gentleman's watch, the other leg badly mangled and either pocket or wrist style, in a hi" chest injured he conversed solid gold case, of a value of $150. -vith Mr. Burbank and explained At present the jewellery trade how he thought the injuries oc- has a slogan, "Gifts That Last," cured. He ld he had been stan-but this Iras been criticiied be-i ng on the apron covering the cause it features only one phase joint between the engine and the community. With the hope of se- neer's shoulder he saw the rock curing a catchy phrase that would ahead and stepped forward jus' emphasize the quality of the jewel- as the impact came. The fore ler's Wares and their dependable- of the loaded ears behind crashed rnaa. and ihp fnet that he offers the tndr intn the locomotive that decision might be made as to', iPWt,rv. watehfn. silverware., ifc .mmn tr1etitlv lifted and it whether or not it should continue ciockg etci merchandise not only sharp edge severed his foot. The haldimr and tmylnir" tnv unnn ..... . !. i ....... . 'iiA-nlmm ' " ". 7 - - pieasmg irom an armuc bvaiiq- other toot at ine same lime mw ittrf her' W:h.5'h ' PT I Point, but essential to every home, to have been caught in the re.' i"wu!" anu vimcn aiwuyjtbe Canadian jewellers' Associa- 0f the apron and he remaW have stood it considerable ex- tion ,g oftering four pihm of a there ,mpaled untu ased. At P"8- 'total value of $1800 for the best the time he was struck he wai lhc memorial refer.e'i to trUs8Ugiregt!ons. 'evidently thrown forward and hii- port's favoreole position with re-j tt js 0pen to ever)' Canadian to chegt injured and ribs broker spect to trnde with the Orient, ask hbi or her jeweller for an en-' Mt a corner 0f the locol-and urged that development of try card and write of it a gug- motive. such trade should be backed up nation for a slogan, mailing it Mr Burbaok said a watchmar by the provincial government and to the Toronto office of the asso- patroid the stretch of line twic the railway company. It pointed Nation. The contest will be open ch d and y,e foremar to the elevator as the only accom- an of this month, closing at mid- , OTer ,t once a plishment obtained in recent years night on November 30. and the "At th'e Ubw of the acciant th: oi m original uiuntr pmiis lor names of the winners will De an this port. The document also sug- nounced on December 15. gested that the Pacific coast out- let to the Peace River country was .... nnnmnn t nil I I ntnf a matter oi utmost importance to t-ytvllltK LUIAL UlnL The matter was referred to the finance committee for report, and at the request of Aid. Prudhomme ACHIEVES SUCCESS IN MUS1CM WORLD watchman was on his way there and arrived wry soon after th accident The rock waa half a big again a the city hall desk. The jury with George Munro ar foremen, took only a brief period GEORGE AYLETT IS PERFORMER I 'are Musical Treat Given Capitol Circuit Star I1st Night by One of the finest entertainment since the opening of the 'new Capitol, made possible by the stellar rforinance of George Aylett visaing banjo artist, whs enjoyed last night by a large audience. Mr. Aylett, who has earned the name of "The Hawaiian Wizard of the Strings' gave an appropriate selection of musical numbers on banjo, uke and guitar and won his audience immediately. "The Foreign Legion." feature nicture, with Norman Kerry and Lewis Stone, "Vhoe Wife," com edy, and Jack de Juusserand and his Rupert Capitol ians complete a bill that should not be missed by lovers of high-class entertain ment. GOOD LOOKS BETTER THAN INTELLIGENCE ilted Church Vouns PcopfeHud 7 InL.lUi. l) ' i Last Evening Members of Rupert Kmt Uniti "hurch Young Peonte's Rocietv vert the guests of First United 'Jhureh Young People's Society 'ast night at a social evening, the 'eat u re of which was a debate oH the Ritblect, "Resolved Tht Good Looks An a Greater Asset Than Intelligence." The judge. Rev. T. II. McAllister. Rev. A. Wilson tnd George II. Stocks, gsve the decision in favor of the sffirmn tive team Irom Rupert East, consisting of Miss Betty CanstirV rnri Miss Edith Brewertoe. The Fi-1 Vnited team argtrlngin favor of intelligence consisted, of W. Gair and Duncan Miller. A general dlnrussian followed to decide that Mr. Roberts came ;tne debate and then.gnmes were to his death as a result oi nem cirrhaire and shock, caused by ar Jobn RutterMhe first witness raid he wm the engineer on th: umitivr at the ntilnrit :. t,. (wrecked train, bringing , car nee-, , , , ... I "Mose. dey is one nreachah in' wort ha. achieved j JJSJ He w WB traveUin f :di. tbwn dafs pow'ful angry atjin ithc musical world in "'ornla, hoUr when h ' tonibt,,' ILhlh" S TmJ: the rock ahead and immed- "How come?" ! anr, ' t" i Tj V TJ in , bo stely applied 4he bnskes. II. Iganist at Melody Lane T'' 7.J V . "Ah done hired him to p'fawm ABgd6iJ and previously was chief thf ln de obsequies at mah weddin', an' orani8t in the New California without strikiwr Ah didn show up." Life. Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD" Operating G.T.l. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers, Iilacksmithtt. i'attern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. and it ha( slowed down to about four mile- worth will move to Vancouver W? "t next spring residence owsrw w rm to take up with her parpnte, THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE oer, ine place - wmre nc have been. Roberts he found had been caught between the engine and tender and it took form an hour and a half to two hours tr ; free him. The brake and door of the tender had to be cut a way The Canadian National Rail- j in order to do so. ways have made arrangements to j In answer to Inspector Splller nnratfineeial trains and through witness said their were allowed slninir cars from the Pacific 20 miles an hour at this fcoint but were running slower than that Dr. Carson told of going out to meet the incomiatt train with the iniured man aboard and of the steps taken te alleviate pain He was doing well at the hospital when suddenly took- a bad cum and died. He found on ex amination that there were injuries near the heart and some of the ribs were broken in addition to the injuries to the lefts. Harvey O. Church, fireman on the engine, corroborated the evidence of the engineer. He said they saw th? obstruction when aboot 400 feet away. Their speed was three or four miles an hour when they hit the rock. He thought -Roberts waa caught when trying to jump off. If he had i : i ...i - if i rinaniru wnere ne wh viamiiua Ihe would probably have been all right. Mrs. Roberts- gave evidence of Identification. Mr. Iturbank.Rvas called at the request of Gatorae Monro who wanted to kn what steps were taken if any to avoid such I Inspector Kpiller Conducted the examination of witnesses. Deputy Coroner Tannofck presided and the jury was composed of George aiunro, wiihnihi, Sherman, Jr., Max Heilbroner, Joe Brown. Malcolm McArthur and Steve King. City u'riiiiiits Mulling $M,381 for the two woks eniiiur November 25 wcit '.nsscd lor payment I nt last nij'tit council nn itinjr- played served. and refreshments were V mm FKATl'RE I'KTUUE TONIGHT With Norman Kerry and Lewis Stone. Foreign Legion s ex, Thrills, A powerful, otioiial drnitvi i. ion at d.rhing Strife Passion romanti of loo a dtert out nnd colorful a fight for the woman VAUDKVILI.K GEORGE AYLETT The Hawaiian Wizard JACK Dli J.iUSSKUAM) AM) HIS KUl'haT CAI'lTOLIASS First Show at 7 p.m. r,0( Coming Next Week "HEN 1IUK." an GREAT SALE OF IKS FUR COATS, JACQ! FTs .CAPES AND CHOKIvl S All Coin? at Bargain l'rp s R C FUR m t ! Third Avenue ADVANCE PRINCE RUPERT There are a great many improvements that might b mfttie to Prince Rupert and district in order to make this part of the country more prosperous. Some of them may be easy of attainment and others difficult. Here are the suggestions: Trans-Pacific steamship service. A large hydro-electric power dorcJopinuut. Erection of smelter in vicinity. Establishment of a paper mill. Establishment of a shingle mill hero. Establishment of connection with and development of interior coal fields. Securing direct connection with Peace River. Joint operation of railway to port by C. P. R. Establishment of local steamship service to nearby points, making Prince Rupert home port. t Building new post office fit Prince Rupert. Improved d ocking t f lourist road to top of mountain. Completion of highway to Terrace.