¢ 5 ~~ cal, ORL , a Caton _-— a oa "T"soute *aOM . A REFLECTS : Scientists belived tess er p een) ae - BUCKINGHAM PALACE T ° Hfe ‘ Hany 2 Prince Rupert Dai y News ——\{ : on"; \\\\ st Rts -~ o \ WESTMINSTER ABBEY | } On Earth ha existed | Massie \Guo8 A | and REMINISCES | More than 2,000,000 sar Monday, December 29, 1952 ~ Arch ) , \\ j es “ RETURN ROUTE SHOWN | = : cn vareprndcii daily newspaper devoted to the upbuliding of Prince Rupen | ——> gems \\ \\_ SLO 0% \ it Idea of Instead of a bed, the gr | and Northern and Central Britis? bia \ ‘A Today we have no idea of | instead of a b the ground for Sgember of Can res: / yur f Circulations , hat may Pe developing floor, and stars for a roof Daily Ne ne “ep tern Cangyla. Last Christ - Published by The. Prince ! Daily News Limitea ‘ ss ae tl ; ; tf Not quite New Year but , J. PF. MAGOR, President G. PERRY, Vice-President foot and ith al se ¢ t j I a ) we oe , ) ; a sii iis couldn't ee foreseen either e nevertheles beginning to b: Rates ; ; ae the faint touch of 1953 ith $ per year, $1 During la Novembet ving | ime to think less of the spirit- During task »v wr Lvin : : ae es Post OMco De 1t, Ottawa ts advanced one tenth of a * and more of what's directly} 2 int. Not much, but the cost!" aa That ® where the live _ * iving for aoat of the next interest | or shortly will be Réal Future on Watertront a vous © le Ga gering Churchill, announces Down : : . . ing Street, will visit Washington om % vom ’ fe Dinka bee + oc th} , { rt C ELECTION of Prinee Rupe } as point ot CEES oe ‘a theists bea Inauguration of the Re — departure for grain to Korea will confound aaa ok nth that a couple of Michi- PUblicans, the coming of Biser A FAULTY FURNACE } -ant y y 7 let who are unimpressed ce Park CONSTITUTION wa were arrested f the howe: and the going of Truman CAN MAKE YOUR ht seeptics In our mia VnoOo are Un | xuer>. ( : C f hacen from torage Great Britain's premier he FUEL BILLS ‘ hihi ethic 1 toe 9 maior shipping \\ //> Ui) “ < nig picked an interesting hour in SOAR. hy the possibdl les of is port aS a Major shipping ‘Ass Af . . +3 ther words it never } ‘* | ' en ri <> , INGHAM U) i VADEA : td which to hang up his hat. H L U centre. So scornful e some of thelr arguments (C Praiey ALACE di on ps4 | 7 rty ‘ rly in dan et Us Overhaul Your . 2m \\ \ a. WE Wifi Housis ot | tf 4 P that it st appears t are paid by Vancouver ar’ ft Wesriainste YpyPrnis se DO IT NOW Furnace Now t | irs. ; ABBEY i a} Queen 3 beth pave h } ++. 80 you'll be ready when ry | nines “Tt t i and akan. ihidaipccgnccmaal i cobsbeitmate - ; a litabet! “av ‘ : : ll Ms vend ’ a‘ } : ; firat oad st December 2 The hardest thing about mak the southeasters rear, weer Ann , THOUSANDS MORF SCHOO! CHILDREN will be able to see Queen Elizabet! rT 1 ‘ ated forty m mn noney last is making it ee a) . . Buckingham Palace to the mation in Westminster Abbey follo the } a he Her Male sty hag first Th It » the ! shame of the community as S t ATt¢ Trafalgar Square the procession : w wi by ‘ ith, health, and a high, cle om ee ela m i] at 2 ords have been allowed to pre- embankmer i Bridge street ead of WI t nd distin voice. Bo — 0 * oa ionger in LiMiTED : . oe n thi oronation ne one ean if ther can in a ~ ie ; vail to an extent where there is ONy MCARTS CONCEET | nn rrr follow the June ceremony | week.—Lif lay jes First Ave. Phone Biack : tivit > oY "27 »] ‘ ' integish way off the operation and acti ity OF oul gram el€ valor, j S it : , we - COC oR owenere SNCS OEE W CECH CEK TEI, SO even seem to think of it as a nuisance which As ee Nn FOR 1953 y * j } » +} itr? IyYUIPS vw week before Christmas @ makes annoying demands on the citys services _ a oes . a . ig Seay Re Ma elag ink ' . : ae By LARRY STANWOOD a ft it of the house == Yet the truth is that the elevator represents the by r ; rhe fami at scurried ¥ FCTRIC ae : . is : } +} ea vier “te mot ) ! i ared mouse ¥ , Pan £ hicinese which could make Prinee I hump re-echoing even more @xaspt ot scarce w foundation of usInNess W ni l could make I r Ie on Geeks cee ; Rupert a great-and prospering elty. Comparatiy p the “let-down” or tr pe nt casu : ¥ a . ‘ : , i 9 : G more é 1 Christmas. It hap-/a th ration Oar int in Korea ppreciates the ever-inc reosing sriall ough the flow of grain through here 1s al ' " , _ : : ee : ” : Rig HOt i ne L1iOwy Ms, s i ene e t is time with | f: be mot a war Wired oy ' er nae it has : - F ffi te to $2900.600 i d : aa yery- t ” MaTrONage | aS enjoyed in | sent } alue of the traltic amounts tO ocvv, ‘ be ‘ nuch every oe : ve polly ih a : a } j 1 } sa + polt where acti after the y and extends to all Friends ond Cu tomer a month. The regular monthly payroll at the ele- | : elias led last-minute f T 1] art. of conversatior z vator is $6,000, w approximately $2,600 more in : hoppir is gift; Mo kes @ a 2 e Hens i ¥ : 1 hi} rer vatay icq | France Warns Us PI nd m turkey t! hat gift, in v ut ; ‘ overtime. The power bill alone at the elevator is “ee se ffir ie hours of ‘ ; eat nsaid the ¥ thing at y 5 ; L? “ aw r\rTY . ; ne Selig tir " Ex & $1.400 a month, and this year a local contractor ANOTHER = government Dad have bull ® ge : : 1: : ; ah y } reaction is a yen t e take : . ; ¥ performed a repair jop al the dock which cos! Nas fallen in fk rance, as ecuperation, r probably <« i tumbie, or thai her Kitch Re in ¥V oe hospitals © Be { i P..1} | < urately termed a strong allowance will be tri . have gone up a whole dollar. # $50,000 ae _ 80 many have fallen be set aerate wena” Wee & Gaae ctor tie t few | But BA the sort of a prov- 3ut these figures are only small indications of (fore, The chief difference days almost everywhere, and for} Back at work, Dad has some- ‘nee where many @ fellow has § , : . af ee Prinee Ri ryt could ° 4} ‘ — 2 m a generally, the thir » think about, too he een comfortable with a DIANKC( pgvpaece see Re De WR eee ee ake" the kind of waterfront activity Frince hupert cout is that this iast ONO Te-\ eae ie news doen ta a he motion Po rs expect if it took its rightful position among the nained in office several sembiance of dormaney c ul nile 1 . a : : eo j ‘oximity to 43 . ck dee r general reaction conres Most of a husy ports of the world. Although proximity months, not just weeks. Sciam ak Yaa Se a Q Asian ports is often emphasized as one of its Cangda should take warn easonal decorations —how long; week off. Like the . ££ 1 : , 2 tan Fran It d h t ! do i« t have ; ba heol ’ ‘ : “ » "6 “al « ‘ ‘ xc there is 2 equ: important : ttevling silver coffee pet by natural advantages, there is the . ju ally . | In } plain! they b : ‘ ’ i os Thomas Moers, Englend, 1757 Coy sideration of its position on the Alaskan trade i h I t rt car elr rhere no doubt that child 7 A volved piece, cow in the y re i ¢ ¢ n pe te f ha n too e affe d by the af ¥¢ ' ©. 6. Aller collection, Varcouwer Ube, d j r ) S § ey ' h Oniy t j ai # ¥ fy ‘ ° . ¢ 1 a in , j r * - Dur ne iast War the Americans diseoys red rs in IN BUSINESS ion prompted by the desire coho Bt. . ‘ t I oe - retel i Christmas as long a en more economea! was to Ship tnro. oh k a Pir ation failure of imanly possible, and longer : © x Alac t rough Seattle. Those ré- t { o a Me = a anop They war to se the ef s i P : &* , na 1, i With only day sep a ’ i : ye 2 ; “7 Vic i nen peoy ah ; : ‘ 5 Dur gm ioreve Keep up S. military supplies found the rail gin hae ; ur hese helidays, mas npations into mam f nal +-s4008 J a —_ heannc rg A raed tn Saturday : ile 2 stern man ACLL ring centres to I rince — : mualiy is the money-maker of » eannint Mg ; : 4 o. - . . _: ‘ if ; fie rk repairing mec ai wy v4 = 9 ¢ in to Seattle, 600 miles to s Fr h low he week Senadniie,’ tte ath hela . grit : e stalt rip Was eliminated. ‘esi Pp pares oe s attacks 1 whooping midget tai: Ul os : ' ecent dé lex } a I ef urmy bt ist firearnm fron ' - 100000 tons of U.S. ‘ i It look Ke a ¢ ; 00s vil 4 to i ONDON DRY GIN ty t até ingiht tenon and Whili igs ' } t m ¢ gu 27ST FT - S n nD y : ; g ansit to Alaska, and F ilip a sac ae erathnas "oui aceite S 4 y Lb alt F ; nrovised car 7agce “ So with exception of fe eaten sie nant hn / fe 4 Briggs s improvised cargo vessel | yo maTTER hov ic ce weaie ik ote > lhe Hallmark of Git ly g betwee ere and Alaska, was causing ani cn aetiahaien dam - poll DRY Cin . aan . et or ae 9 big Seattle shipping firms. a q ‘ But h rr ot j Beli » ee eatery Sener . ft : pet U at aan : 1 A. A he two pa at Ay is. the ‘ W anticipated in both the Alaskan | °°* sh io ie itself Chi » h e nation SY -Pacifie trade, Prince Rupert can look ushing forw hroughe mark wrogre welfa A distinguished product of , . ‘ a" ‘ : nt f f sor pra : i t a o - fovea ncreased activity on its waterfront, a a ll THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. : . 1 £ . in fie ‘ lo ff . = . i¢h is where its real future lies. With encour- | people. TI me : “sh ; A yer, M New Westminster. B.C ia . Dp » + tism i Tit : : ree agement Irom transportation companies and the ays. whoa. no se declare and Da mit th ney Z } j ial , in ! 1 nic i What as the} re i . at ! ovricoret iG Peed gaesitelinatee giayed Wy the Lager Cantegt Gaara or by the Cerernmnent of Gritieh Contes federal and provincial governments, Prince Rupert | Party rn Wh : te ’ et ; een , : ave we whol y wner } other Christmas ever cliiinibesbiansine 4 en ean expect the day will come when it will be a head- en 4 os ements Clearance sales—with excepti ety mnarana tar Secent Naas and 9 “ain compnanie f ; nd f yf food stores. Some may thinh quarters Tor Shipping lines and grain companies, nd sees ta oh it 1 pity ich sales couldn't when new elevators will be erected and the drydock | tp, : ay tuum 4 rs come up before instead of af ; ‘ -msks ‘ . 4 ‘ Christma he in ful spatior PL ata in etrine uil I n h né will be in full operation. ffiliate d indus tries will é ea pitied me snving up to fill out a picture which is no idle dream. | WHEN you have two + p his cards pretty close to the v¢ , ™ ‘ : : 4 1 2 . . n or recisely what his custome: the hank « the hook is 417 writ2eY i¢ t Bri 1 OF pre y ' i's In the book, and the book is being writen | |< A sou cam ‘alnave be sireiébite.-iiemesinesmeen Hie I right now that d of public issues:is slowly overcoming the s@asor1 Ww f if irgued. You al depression S . low f we g out of one A month's salary and wage * criplure ~assage for oday f the most, powerful principles | have filtered through the hands . , of all human life that “It’s time | of his customers by this time to Teach us to number our day Psalm 90:12 for change People get tired | start them thinking of spending ome 8 86Cf oing ahead too far too fast gpain They get even more fed up wit OTTAWA DIARY at’ Mecuzop. je ee ghee’ ait "ox nme some M. MacLEOD * + Mom and Dad are so thankful IN CANADA ur own rY here Boxing Day after Opposition members of Parlia- the job to an independent com- t seen t that the Lit Christma In most cases, the me: t : vane ring G mignon. But the y won't Oppose | erajs never hould have eft| would welcome three or four (Chubby) Powe! air past W year he Ms ; . ‘ ’ : For the _ fe "an, arS, NE NAS | a+ jeast by the CCF party. Oppo- | SU“ h as trade unions and farm | thing else so they wouldn't have \ n urging t ada ( 4 - } aie ’ oa urging tha anes & ©eC- | sition members are waiting for a | OTganizations, would never have | to try explaining its meaning at b 2 % Bh ones ~~ mn He ry YY | statement by Mr. Power on the} felt the need to form a neW, breakfast. Besides there may be} | \ io - , f ge beer eahe: rie i section relating to “the division | ™ore leftist party of their own boys in the family who take the my... : ed Me omar tea gts : ohn of the provinces of Canada into, Likewise with the right wing name of the day literally and | & ee mittee. Mr, Power has had the ste alti vets n outstanding B.C ac “rT | 5 gett ; ; electoral districts,” because it Parties. As an outstanding B.C.| pegin pounding each other into support of both the official Tory | oyears to rejest. any protective oil company executive has told } a the tiving room and tale ; DWNMEAIT AL THE DP NCE OF BRITISH COLUS BIA—1953 opposition and the CCF party in device te revent a rovin ce from | the USA the Social Credit pibp ' ” . | EX ECUTIN EK Col NCIL—GOV ERNMENI OF THE 1 Re IVENG * his bid. But spokesmen for both}; na ee : ee *h further on the | UMder the Christmas tree, Heading left to right) ities sarties contend that : losing a large number of seats party is mut i : urther on 1 Mises Ghee hetme i | ‘ oil ied - = tra . eo “7 conservative side than is the : . eer | The Honourable W. A. C. Bennett, Premier and President of the Counct!. résolution now on the Commons OPPOSE PROTECTION party headed by Mr. Drew. I around the house; Mom finds, is | x bert W. Bonner, Q.C.. B.A., LL.B order paper in Mr. Power’s name COW menahers enid the wording | think all Canada will soon see The Honourable Philip A. Gaglardi, Minister of Public Works. The Honourable Robert - oF ers si > WO . ; actually is “watered-down” a version of his original proposal The resolution proposes a par- that there is not room for TWO conservative parties occupying the same field of the resolution indicates that Mr. Power is opposed to the pro- tection given to Saskatchewan at the last session. Under that pro- ‘ : tective device, Saskatchewan lost WHEN the Rejtish Liberal. party three seats, instead of five. would not move ahead as fast liamentary committee to “in- quire into methods of bringing about the adjustment of repre- sentation and a plan for the i as the great ‘mass of the pro- division of the provinces of Can-, In addition, the CCF members panned wenkal Vs ty move oo ada into electoral districts in|complain that while the resolu-| sinoiy voted the Liberals out of aveordance with the provisions | tion apparently rejects this pro- : : ' the picture, and Labor became the great champion ef the com- mon people left of eentre The British know by an un- tection for Saskatchewan, it approves protection of the same type for Prince Edward Island At present a protective device ef section 51 of the British North America Acts 1867 to 1951, as en- acted by the British North Am- erita Act 1946 ‘ SRS states that no province may have c anny Jnestinet that ae mocracy : —— fewer Members than Senators, |* % two way road, and that SUPPORT LEGISLATION 3 : -,; mere than two parties event Conservative and CCF spokes-| Prince Edward Island has four | men take the position that it’s| Members as a result, though its | not negessary to refer the ques-| population doesn’t warrant, two, | tion of redistribution to a com- ually stalls all traffic has atrived for the government |the thorny problem of redistri- | it is licensed io introduce legislation to give! bution. | purposes, aN ae ama When the resolution comes up,| The Letter K before the licence ready caused some increases, but mittee now, They fee] the time | look for another lively debate on} Number of an airplane means | a large part of these increases for experimental | London Fogs Killed 1,500 LONDON (AP) —The recent record fogs that blaeked out London killed up to 1,500 Brit- ons. Health Minister Ian MaeLeod ‘told the House of Commons deaths in London during the foggy week which ended Dec 18 totalled 4,703 compared with | 1,862 the corresponding week of | 1951 . “The cold weather had al- must be attributed to fog,” Mac- Leod said. tary and ey General. ae ie codes Wesley D, Black, Provineial Se Minister of Municipal Affairs. Heneurable Rarer = pty a ‘ore nd Minister of | *. wounentiae Lyle Wicks, Minister of Labow Honourable Erie €. F, Martin, Welfare. The Honourable W. Ralph Chetwynd, Minister of Railways, Minister of Trade and Industry, and Minister of Fisheries. The The The The Minister Lands @ The Honourable W. Kenneth Kiernan, Minister of Agriculture. , f Health and The Honourable Mrs. Tilly J. Rolston, Minister of Education. Minister © The Honourable Einar M. Gunderson, C.A., Minister of Finance. A Happy New Year The Best Wishes of your Government, inspired by the abiding faith we share with you in the future of this great Provinee, go out to ” and all in the confident hope that your earnest endeavours will be rewarded with the blessing of A Prosperous New Year .