The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published lOvt'ry Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prlnct Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. 1'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUnSCWlTipM ..KAIjBS. City Delivery, by maii or carrier, .yejirly period, paid pvarft-i5.0 For lesser period, paid in advanfjgjjfiigV month . . . .9Hg . . . $ By mail to all parts of Northeri. and Tntral IlritlBHPJmbia3 paid in advance for yearly period . TZM Or four moutiw for 51 Oft By mail to all other parts of UritJuh Columbia, the British Empire and United States, p,M tn' advance per year .... $0.1)0 By mail to all other countries, per. year . .'. . f .. . .$7.5.6 Transient Display Advertising, per itich, per insertion 1 $1.40 Traaslenj Advertifciug on Ftont Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, -per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line' 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 5J8 Editor and 8G Reporters Telephone .- - - . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION New Yoik lmereots have taken a.i option Ummrih A H .trln.ll, -iti the 8'. impede group ol claim In Ih Rain;. Hollow count r (orti inllea back ot Haines. Alaska The owners are William Bunting ot Stewart and "S'.ini pede John'' 8temirann The sum ot Mil 000 u- now available for the development o.' th, two projie--ties of the Silver Crest Mining Co the Sllvei Crest a! Stew irt and the Saddle on Hastings Arm near Anyox A aniline on the latter pro)MT-y Is exjieeted to be erected th spiii.g It is hoped to haie development opera'ions under Way at the Salmon Rive: In thirty dais The Bevfaue Mining Co. of Vancou lU S.uinie. D ,v.:' Tuesday, May 8, 1028 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Daly-Gerard Interests Plan Big Things at Stewart Activity in Portland Canal Continuing Extensive Survey at Alice Arm tn be Made Thai the Daly-Gerard interests are going into the Portland Canal section in real earnest is evidenced by a deal consummated last wei-k whereby they have acquired all the holdings of a newly incorporated company known as the Bear River Mining Co. which owns several groups totalling some thirty claims and fractions in the vicinity ot Stewart. According to the terms of the deal for this additional ground, the purchasers are committed to an expenditure of $10.1100 per nioiiiii. The Daly-Gerard interests now control 3,000 acres of highly mineralized ground ut the head !' Bear River upon Winch they ; end 2. 000 pe. Otolith. It t wild .!:..: it i the ,,,.. Mutton to llioi iitlilv expU. ' h( hohl-iiib with a tatT o! ue .loi.ts and engine! Dly-Urard already have control of the RuiilH-Aruenta and Ki-ci Top In the upper Beur Hiver section A compressor arrttctf hut mailt a! Stewart lor the Engineer Mine Hwul;-cate h:i'h clt inn h large amount ol cciihti uctuin work (V rje. H Bin n Is OiHiia'-'e: ot the nymina:" vnMii,' repairs are ,. lie made t '.ne tr.,.1 leilUinn to the property Under the duett ion ot William Bnnt-Ulg. eight men aie now Working on the Cascade group f the P-em:t B"i;ri Mining LV which Is incorporated th!. spring i'h Winnipeg c.ipl'.ii.Ms in control A camp i I'en.ji h.u;: o.. th Cascade urnind and a compi'ci' i being moved over Irom the Virginia group Tin.- Kill lie in operation within two week :. with the objective of tapping a big ore time later :n th' season an ambit tout program ot development will he opened on ai: the company's lioldlnus n in '. ' '. S.illlull: Oiler n o! Corrtii;, .iiiii RcwhiKan h!.-work to ije done i amji hii:ld!ng. J The '.e Teaaa Pm section which William Finn I'cay Lundtrum of partners. The flrt II be the erection ol x.i.M-: M dm Ltd. h elctd n .s toi;, w-: president. Matthew 1'niiiip.- N v. Westminster; secretary. Stewart : treasurer. ,! A Hull. Hwl.jr; Ool. Wllltam T 'kip.. Se.nie Chrtatophet Rem, K n Haddon. Hjrrter. Ten men Aft being ptti to work this w or on t i' Northern Utfht frtMtr tu i I' : . .ad Canal district. One of the - i,:.:muit road camps will ba uatd as hejdi,ua ten until the mice camp Is ion.-t: -i, red. O. R. Bancrcft Is manag i u ( ...hieer and Angus McKenale has fvi: Mjcured as superintendent. i Joe Tackaon ha arrived at Stewart ttom vancouear with equipment which nil be tiMtf tor operating propettlts don.i the aaaal traoi SUwart. The pro-m m.h. tetaiUog aightn claims, m-. ...o.i the Jeax. J J. J. and Luoky Strike e"'Hg locate) between Marmot and George mnm. A coenpany has been no ?ci;ted known as the Portland Can. oold Mine, Ltd. Complete surveys of the poaalMlltlea i f tlM' mlnerallaed rone around Alloc Arm wHl be undertaken by the Oeoiofl-: a I .survey of Canada this year In oo-1' I., .ion with the provincial Department of Mines. Engineers will cover the entire mineral field area tributary Xo Alice Arm and the survey will r mnr.fnce as soon aa weather conditions permit. Despite ita well known mineral wealth, the Alice Arm territory haa not been as active during the peat few ytas aa conditions would seem to warrant This survey is eapected to ver, which s active at Khutxe rnle''trtii. atHaioj Jes, O. down the'ooast from here, has shipped a diamond, drill to Stewart to be used on the Independence mine which . wax Diamond drilling on the Topley-Rlch- lield mine at Topley started at the end recently tajnaed by the ooncern. Work ,of the week. Before summer. It la ex-wlll be started on the vein system at pected. mora complete report as to the an elevation oX 1800 feet value of he Topley properties will be 11 iavaUaWe. The first drill hole will cut John I) Kfndall of Toronto and sa-itbe mlnerallaed aone and will reach aociates anpouaoe that S3S0.0O0 pro- oontct about ISO feet below the pre. gram will be shortly commenced on the sent underground workings . The mln-Bush Consolidated property at Stewart, .lug machinery, camp and supplies are ArraugenMata have lien oampletod i now m condition for complete opera-whereby a New York syndicate haaitlon. H. L. Batten, consulting en-purchased a large block of stock on the Rioter, states that work done to date wwiwauui tnai toe amount referred ' haa been very encouraging and to would be dlaburted over a period of shown the mine deposit to be a haa months. The Kendall interests retain large mlnerallaed rone with high grade oontnl property ore. Additional claims have been ob- jtalned to cover the vein which runs W 8. Sullivan is starting wwk this over 11.000 feet. Big developments are week on the Star Pointer g oup of espeeted this season. Story of Mining in B.C. and Particular of George Copper Is Told Most Picturesquely KenneolJfirVof Vlcforla I'uVlllhes Interesting Tale of Discovery on Bear River That .Mnde District Tamous Britidh Coiurqliia has gone mining mad according to Konneth Cbarle Drury of Victoria who, la an article entitled B.C. Goes llinink?, in the May 1 Untie of MacUan'a Magazine, tells us that the ejeited welter of speculation, has completely eclipsed the land boom of the early part of the century. Western newHpaperw flash the news of the mining market on their front pages; Toronto and Montreal papers carry on their financial pages special dispatches from the coast. Radios are broadcastinif their mininsr hour. Shutter at so ;M.p and Hps have taken precedence lu uciJii'twaat'on. broker' qMIobs blaze under full Minnhiatlci) until after midnight. Oe.lcu'y In s be.?om popularized; teehnkal terms .such as greenstones, ar-gylitia and bath.litu are bandied nb3U,t JD eiery street cjrmT with professional authority. Sporting page fans have deserted bojkir.alitvs taking Uel on tnp daily racing ai Tla Juana and are de- voting their, talen si.. vvMWd,-vv the Ju 4. ST t& andcoln ciety teas has assumed a new interest and significance since mining! Advertise m the Daily News to the Is pourf east and Hlver mini' has beHrgelV TTlnanced in Amsterdam, wblla tffp In March the Dun vl Devoihlre ani,'soffie of his a-iociates in London West Ind clubs Invested B50.000 In a Salmon River property. Mining profiteer are wonderful tickings for automobile salesmen. with the :$ult that- Hutt'ts cf new cars, paid for bj cheques fvam brokers' cashiers, are helping to make more serious the parking problem in downtawn Vancouver and V Ictorta. But back at all this welter 'of feverish speculation Is the stcry of the tabulnuly rich Portland Oanal country and Its dla caverer. "Bll! Oe;rge." As Mr Drury tell it. it is an enthralling story. In 1909 Mr. necrge was sent by a group ol men to report jii a certain mining property on the far-off Portland Canal. His report was ths he didn't think much of this particular property, but the country there was the beat lie had ever boan in. go promising, tn fact, did it appear to him that h decided to remain thce and exjtlotw tar blraaelf He went up th Star lvr to the up-ping grouada of th Has. WpUo paasing through the qaroi Qspar Bear Valle. batwaea the U4Ujtwin that raachad to the glacldra, he stumbled on a boulder Of oopper that had apparently rollod down, from above. j marked the spot and book la th apring to find sut aiaetly inhere that boulder had oom lrom- lie worked hi way to the heights of the mountain on th aoutb bank of th river, and. that above the timber line and bdlow th glacier, he found great topper vein, running a high a thirty-Hv per cant oop!r with high ggld vluaa, VfDlch Uaerally formed th whole top of tM mountain That was the start ol the Coats Qold Copper Seventeen ptui ago that was and "Bill" Qeorg aa to hyre a long, hard struggle betas hg gpliH raoognitipn lor tu dUcovory. fi pjaaparty was far up tr an unknown aoupM ajut tkoe w no aeon t it es kf a erttdt In dian trapping trail tbywugjl th oortkem aiiy jungk gzowtn . But Mr. do urge bad an ooough to make htm a believe la. spta of all difficulties. He aorlflMd, rt)Mng b had or hopwi to have yo saak) ggod with hi dkcovety. A lttttt group of old friends In Victoria,' including P. U. Mnklater. a merchant, atSd Richard tone, a government official, believed in his man who told them of hi great .nine proapect in th north. They helped him now and then With fund, wtyt ht vnt Ahead to show, up what his maun. Uni'wap niad . ' Per ye.-rs he plugged away, without reward, but never with the thought of Tlviug up. He betted out of the perpen-.Hcuiar. soild-rock mountain side, a zlg-ag trail, which enabled hone pack trains to climb with tbelr load-, to the 4.000-foot elevation. Then he toUowed along the great veins, open-cutting them every roup of hundred feet and exposing th bonanza ore. The showing md their extent were amazing. But still after dcd and a half of th hard-it kind of physical labor, be wa a Ung way from having a producing mine, as It required capital and lot of It to handle such an immense development. "Bill" Oeorge persuaded th engineer o.' the Consolidated Mining 4 Smelting Company to turn their attention to the Portland Canal, and ipacifloaUy to hi copper mountain, which h had ben fathering along lor seventeen lean and lonely year. A a result of what engineers saw the Consolidated at once In th spring of last year took over from Mr. Oeorge controlling Interest of fifty-two par cent of th stock of hi company. Then through th Bank of Montreal, they got enouia mort undet option to make total of ninety-three per cent of the stock, leaving only seven per cent scat- the few old friends of the prospector who had stuck with him and hi discovery through the years of struggle. A soon aa th now had receded from the altitudes. Consolidated diamond drill crew were sent up by hor pack train to the 4,000-foot level. " They drove two exploratory holes Into the bowel of the Oeorge Mountain before wintar cam on and forced thm from the height. The results were ao confirmatory of what had been anticipated that this spring enlarged crews are being sent up the hill to drive a whole series of hole to cut the big vein at depth, and over a quarter of a mil from the surface, and thus be abt to form something of an accurate estimate of the millions of ton of high grade coppr-gold ore awaiting the Canadian miner In this one massive depoalt. Foreseeing the Immensity of th development involved, surveyors were sent up the river, where they acquired for Canada's greatest mining organization all the ad)ent otalm Into which the Oeorge copper veins would likely lead, and- also th townalte olalms In the river valley flat, thousands of feet below the diamond arm working. Atogetfief . t. 2. m hi ionune ortune OQggagLEBstiR WiigTWHr fclTigB dgaK will rank aa one of ui utwsbw wa maoe ana bo was the start of another large Canadian milling centre. s 3ndmtr Wilson reports that th program la now completed for Hit vaudeville concert which win be held nt week In M of the Boye' Band, The plan will be opened at Orme'a drug store on Thursday of tli'a week. A heavy sale of ticket., I reported. It payil rag tbAU-T NEWS FISH E R Man in the Moon on't dose a Childs Cold Continual dosinc uosets children's delicate stomachs. Vicks is applied externally and therefore cannot disturb the digestion. It acts in two ways: ' (1) The body heat releases the ingredients in the form of vapors, which are inhaled. (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like a poultice. asr&. VICKS VaVAPORUB Orut Million Jars (JsioYtARLt ... UuU.. i- ih the new Pontile Six, Fisher proves its un rivaled ability to endow a car with beauty and value beyond comparison in its class. Acclaimed the world's finest low-priced six from the hour of its first appearance, this new Pontiac advances far beyond even its own previous attainment. More than ever it satisfies the Canadian desire for artistry of design, fine finish and consummate good taste in an automobile. The new Pontiac Six is such a car as the public has learned to expect when the body is by Fisher. i; If you are a true patriot you will insist that your teeth be filled with Pore her Island gold. There's one advantage in a used car. Th mud does not show a bad at this time of year. The difficulty with a flat tire 1 that le never seems to know It I nt. At the office a man may be A noiae as feud aa a airtak. But when he gwtt horn with and kids He' only llttl squeak wife What about getting up a In favor of better weather. Jake says he's lettln In bad because the Man in the Moon mention him so ! often. If J a It e would keep from being n n i JL bad he would not t mtn trouble. eW 'Ilk the people who in to th 'dltor wnttng their names kept out of th news columns. Jake ssys there are many different inds of air. Prinstance, there's hot ir. ioui ir, pur air and millionaire People who are cocksure about what :ey know, are mostly wrong. Truth is rgely a point of vtw . An umbrella Is Ilk a Jackpot becauat ' of no UM until - y w mum i -es not necessarily baton to the mat rho open it. Teacher -Johnny, if your fath. ;rned HO a week and gave your mother r-tlf what would ah hav Johnny -Heart failure. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Th theft of provision from th gas-boat Hcat on the local waterfront wa lrported to the police thU morning They belonged to poor man who wa .Jing to the hot iprlnga at Ketchikan Mr. P. R. Alexins - and Mrs. K. Phillips will have charge of the Red Cross sale hare this week. Th fish packers at the plant of the Canadian Pish ft Cold stoma, rv. are out on strike tjay for higher wage ana anorter noun. Negotiation for ' ttstepent are in progress. Subscrlb for the Dally New. MINERAL ACT (Form r.) h a "V;R- rwii . -Lrjx It .5 ' Mlner.l Clalaia, .nuauTn thi AtiiV JS? ng Dlvuion of CaMlar Dtatrlct Where anfeNprIl?,-r Record lor rrffi ' "ml"i mnu, for v.i mTr nf u'v..,.'Sfl:0V- Crown Ortmt of th ahov. Z'"" AUd 'Ul-f'.r-r , -" tiu.m 1, aetlnn nmmenced wore trie ue of su-h trtinr.i."TJ improvement Date ti. sth day of Mjreh A D toaa ... ncn, I ItAMIlH A-nt. GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI , SHIPYARD QpfrilhBr(f.T.I'.,2nkO,00 Ton Fluatlnje Dry !)ck KMneer. Machtolsts. Ilollerrnukers, Hlaclmmlllis. Itl makers, Founders, Woodworker, Htc. ELECTJIIC AND ACETYLENE WE!.I)IN(.. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. I'HONKS 43 and .186 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST I1REAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlnre Rupert. n.C