~ae - espassing Whe . ; f Prince Rupert Daily News Overtlow Crowd Hears nee _ rene ene x Elks Variety Concert 7 Chen Charlotte eaROUS COWICHAN Indian Hand-Made é SWEATERS } will keep you cozy and warm ‘ and wear like buckskin. $27.50 ‘ on money back guarantee. te Sardines and chopped ripe [, if ornuiica ¢ >» generosity : . ee - olives make a bid for acceptance “ou 7 ere Because of the generosity of hundreds of in these “Ripe Olive Sardine ‘ bia . : * 4 , ive . : * FANS ‘ vw * Oo : ” . > San riches” r 7 . a . | rince Rupert citizens, many children in Europe usenee that cannot be de AL ( Didi: 1 ° ‘ open-faved sand- will be able to wear warmer clothes this winter and wiches make eye-appealing, pal-. Mr. and Mrs. Frea ia Sette of atabie 3 a’ /res Queen Charlotte City are spend- receive e ri Oot atable hours d’ouevres. Que n ps an extra helping of food. Ripe Olive Sardine ing the holiday season with Mr Al Overlioyv, ‘TrOWd iast ages. ; Sandwiches and Mrs, John Linney, Summit : , “ sered = - lus ; " 2 tte se +e ce , » vi ‘ ‘ 3 large canried sardines Apts. Their daughter, Miss Anne §} Direct from knitter to you. ‘i the great Elks variety show in D f t N % cup cres heese La Sette, who is attending Crof- ‘ di ; pa : : ; r W 2 Cup cream cheese — a ’ 9 1S allending Crof woul _ ; nan Tr ee ae 1S IC € Ss ‘4 cup chopped ripe olives ton House School in Vancouver DA Se? See i! f local people entertained “4 cup finely chopped celery {s also spending the holidays that ete ee : : from the show zo TERRACI 4 teaspoon salt here. She will be returning to her are ti fio the ve The Chile Yo teaspoon lemon juice studies January 11 Try Daily News Want Ads 5 ‘ Pund and the throng’ was thank- ‘1 entertaining evening w Dash paprika 3 DCI ed their support by Arthur presented by the Drama Club 1% cup mayonnaise SERENE SEES TEE HC CCLRC EE. SSS rere ik Santa Murray, a leading member of the at the Civic Centre 4 tablespoons pickle relish z a a Tr in t Club and Two one-act plays and a skit Buttered toast ” S naster of ceremonies were presented and the Chora] Cut sardines into halves: re- : a; R Ey mber was well-receiv- Group pleased with two selec- Move bones and skin: Blend ; be & n hen the curtain rane tior 2s did the popular Miss cream cheese, ripe olives, celery. ¥ OF } 1p T i le} ii i> 5 down everyone went home xy Lorna Melvin, with two+ piano 4alt, lemon juice; paprika and ik ibe hat + + + 1 up mayonnais: Cambine ¥ : - truggle to save the thou } ning d with “Oo pic ke relish and remaining may- Z & 4 on Christmas f children in Europe whose Ca ‘ i by a melo- 0@Maise and biend Place each % a n in Eur wh nac fol : ey 8 eee wig ewe ere & 1€S were broken by wat crama called The Blackout re half pile of tpt vc e O e 3 the feel of it | MADE IN BLACK AND WHITE Cashmer: fashionea | The concert opened with the stery,” which concerned the ‘red toast. ase oe oe a Ke . ‘ nee | of the Mational ‘si i . of a $35,000 heirl fam- ‘ure on sarines and top with the ¥ a k “ y é I de b ving sleeves and rollette coll pi 1 the National iLnem Sale Of @ $35,000 heirloom fam : ; at tne “kle 3 & irked and you've |, aan me ada b Shrine Band unde : lw dtisktenimene blended mayonnaise and pickle | 2 et senate me pula London this season the sweater comes in many i, Pe tad, Ci ee eee relish Makes 6. open-faced ¥# eason ‘ : , lifferer e Britiat lia ‘ : . a G of Peter Lien. The 16- Director Larraine MeColl tk 2 & come rain ‘ ne wOInet © totowing the North eze band . rendered ¢ Cast—F ‘ as eatin head sandwiches z a Ame ' i Knitted fashions and business is brisk in . S peiag . _ et Seer ey, eer ae a “oes musiness is brisk in arches, “Salut ” and “Am -|Heek, Gail McColl, Tom Rich- # 4 weet shek little i Scan Patro} ardson and Don Gillanders 4 & Then followed the singing of! Miss Lorna Melvin rendered y onus : r| I were) Rupert Girl Among First [s=mrwasaescs Sor Seen ; x ee | i | on alee cree Jack David-| “Minuet,” by Padere Payments | ° rugh mat thi [¢ lau hrillingly i : birthday ‘or his rendi The were followed by a ¥ a tit q ; f - | Mi nee TO Work on Flying | vig led eh coat 'wrien. | S@t Record |: i i Mike Colussi a ected an presented mem z 4 : Mi ind M | Leema e trip too r and the ©°'dion Band pi d two nun be of the local Dra Club Special to The Daliy New ¥ e q : eeniest babies to 915 pourth Avenue East are w to Ak oO} ecently °€T to the enjoyment of the! The skit depicts a look into the VICTORIA— With payments zg as ton a .are tenia proud of ~ ius { where a ype of de-icer for “* i Art r ver futu 19% } an “| totalling more than $24,000,000 z j ’ i ' =? rhe me of th f he plane was installed There °! lat n f sel weer 1952 set a record for Family Al- §& a ‘ pla } yy the RCAF be a ¢ iber she made front-page news in the ht well-deserve; , iat }lowances cheques issued in Bri- S#0ivuaaes2eRRIeReRaaRsReeMR Daa Ra Beh owe a ; ; p ¢ iOWaNnces i 1 C n r Ale the Rockclif lee n Beaco l, recount- 1 id hi The Civie Centre choral group |tish Ceiumbia, according to W ‘ i ; . 0 calle inte lhe Ice Wagon | North & g her Ar xperiences, ‘ad ‘ ’ > } ssembled on the stage for theirip p ne. regi ; tor ‘ \ rer Late } ibject of a 4M Italiar ‘ men first selection had drawn In 1951. $22,805, 959.00 was re- aborato 4 kes expe arti Cc ‘ Mi Col i ak breath. when a goat cast ae “sa ern . a a ae wante & ero rote . - sail ae Herimoi, corded while in the current year n your threat ’ ” a or science Moni me PAYING 1 ODRGINEN |, | ] 324,092.465.00. De- sallow ee eee Ane G i the ney f pro the pitch and caused quite ces totalling $2,- ren comes Up : i Hadn't war o trade iol “ae sir 03 rd to 342.665 é ough; oo . . : ‘ i any afler eight month Next were tu ol i I ; ; ip rallied how- dre IT2.W%z ses : no child's been weak t 3 "' A f thi W dh i rdion, foliow ‘ nd presented their first ce ’ si 173 famili A aftawoma t Cla N ry } nit ‘ . e ' Li ring io2 id families ii i : ~ “" WORKED FOR Cu-OP. a 9 mic Frank Ri who | number Throne alinekinns sinkiee- ' it each has his Leeman + re se , Bef f demonstratéd a policemar i } of C. J arora of the allowance ent . : ce —— a Leeman ' : sek . Germany; the United State Clarence Lucas’s ar- | Briti 1 Co lumbia compared with PCAC ' ee ee Ita ffic. He got a The Bells of St.! 4.627 ch left the province for il teat tell you only wor ce Rupe i ” ther parts of the Dominion. In ee: oe oe ee Se 0 3ennie Ep A ) on the program was December the comparative fig- faces all lit up a { h work : cl : eis G M om OI 1» ba : : Man in the Bowler Hat ures were 576 and 398 ariy in tl ring and her mn 3 nditio : : pring lait : : ci i “omedy " k at that Holster JOINED IN 1951 et en — : ‘e : A A Lot of Smokes —— Hh clups i i fh hn aes 4 inet The L : i Muriel B ; OTTAWA ®—Value of cigar : ae a ae ees RCAP for a thre 48 ndergast. ettes released for consumption in om, ‘at vom 1951 a Mr. Leeman is a wo vor a Mario ' Canada last year was about + ¢@ - wep go igs an agg cies d Mrs, } e Scha ; Bud Me- ¢$315,000,000, State Secretary " 0 ang t ' yn c rm Sam- Bradley said in a reply tabled in ' : { k ¢ on Be the Commons for Rev. E. G. i he Iee W , nber | Me Brock Norb vas master O° Hansell (SC-Macleod.) } red @rs I and Pat Bolton wrote | ceremonies He said the excise tax on cig- ¢ ay Ba . T? nis to the two-hour show arettes was $79,812,000 and the ‘ Tree uh ie dee shia ee: : kd g Bulger’s One of the two hangars “T= excise duty $94,193,000 but was 7 : - a eo o ace airport w f unable to give the sales tax i I . iden es i oe h by Campbel figure $ I i y ¥ ick = be - nv S = , ) | your Mew Yeer tekets! Raed Cross tructic or ; : ing and shelter of construction : i efi fiyt Greet 5, Blue 610 or Black c odnitiiicimet i. ‘ : quipment Ns age) All OYE : ei o0 303 Excee $ Major William Colburn super- FOR 5 part 3 & CAhy rome a © ineid by thal? vised moving of equipment : Rupert blond SPER ihek of Bat tee 52 ‘2 t promt in ty. tee edlapene’ toe HIGH DOES COOKING * Balloon Dan Jan 5 UO a building the Canadian Natior + + A ‘ ge. an Frolic: 3 6 i to 7 Daily News Railwavs link between Terrace per ; N St type p Merchants of Me and Kitimat CLASS . Gusiest into a flying lub works perfectly, all-Merchants of VANCOUVER — The Canadian MAKE SURE * } M le spe he ime King Red Cross Society in British Cx r PRINTING & rid Arie sO} : ha ec un has agai xceeded it -WA } f 1 Petée Lien eading or dozing ® a ‘ en = " umbia has agair exceeded its STEWAR # . vi ) Monday, Dec Chri qt in the 1952 campaign for Bs ‘ : 4 . 6 ; is Tree rty at 2 p.m. Dance, funds rhe Parent-T < : eee IN 1953 7 Calle tht a > i wr tion plaved he to 105 children ; 0 pm. R shments. Music by; Hon, Eric W. Hamber. cam played h c i i » ir } amber am ‘i © oe Weather Delays Mike Co issi. Everybody wel- paign chairman for British Co- °%t the community Christmas Please return your billing notice with your : nee oa ‘ T ; H panne (303) lumbia announced today that tree in the Moose gs as pnt premium payment directly to: 4 a : the $580,000 has been surpassed Vee Le ee A Al : nuseevery- IFIP Mere pgsznty @ Attention Moose |CiSeine fieure po a, SuRpaSseG. | 5 AlWays : B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE : mas. Neith Ty 4, Members and Chap- onne enn oe By ne ‘ 1 the ar- Victoria, B.C : mon From Scotland ~ : is $506,386 oo he a | » BC. om ait i 4 te Member h fie . ; ; ne at. at Shae he sise | In officially declaring the 1952 rival of Santa the nois it Se u's Eve party. campaign closed, Mr. Hamber | cradua inere intil it K or make payment through local B.C.H.I.S. e in many Second relative of @ city resi . poe HE BE thanked the thousands of volun-| reached a final crescendo with ™ or Government agent. 7 celebrated dent to.comes rom Scot i i icing Wil be con —_ do “ teer workers throughout the pr th rrival of the old man of © ray of the rived in Pr Rupert De ember and escort only. invi vince who had helped make the the north with his bag on his T COST 26-—-a day late i anne i Stainable at Moose Club ‘ampaign a success along with k end the sleigh bells jing PLACE ORDERS NOW LOWES iON « baliny the She t M { es Mil 1 (305) ‘the gene ral public, press and) lin There were a ae ee . PROTECT of ay 10% s K A ; verven s Sar § lis tmas day Andy G ; b F © W B Clinics will be a : ; eee . a ‘h ae . 8 28 AGAINST CRIPPLING 4 1 above : he Leg : elled at tl fealth Unit shows the continued great n mus assistants Dibb rintin 0 LS! 4 bov G Ayre ‘ : ; : 4 , or Conrad Confidence the public has in the the gifts. Bold . Bose BIL ize! r hust -— S pe ge ons Sa j thy activities of the Red reached cut eager - : Ze! shool on Jan. 1 lt) SS TTR arden ved (wo weeks ea ican Cro%s,” said Mr. Hamber. “By ex-. present aan ols 2 rard Mra, M ! ‘ @ Skeena Grocery will be clos- ceeding the campaign quota, Se renre Fred ; Fuller.plucked a rub t Ist Da , ed all day Friday, Jan. 2, for services su as the tre € blood Sp iid i b al r Christma del ( V couyv ! be stecktaking. Picase put your or- transfusion outpost hospitals, thouch t o1 was al- . # Mitchell pped i ‘ ters in early for delivery Wed- services to the men in our fight-) most unmask His mask - a t \ Andt} I f Mr. Glover 304) ing forees, Junior Red Cross,! caught on a projection and he \ y 1 his vir ‘ ver ‘ nesday : . ‘ b 7 i her t ‘ t : disaster relief, will be carriéd on was saved in the nick of time yh a er from Ga n. The @ Mi Barbeau Hat Shop ¢o the fullest Mel Genge, president of the pie ea Mr. and M 1 Becquet losed Jan y and FP He said the 1953 campaign will association, and his committe: ‘ © mere oO Glov noved to {( 1 (304) open on ee 1 3 With a Pro- deserve credit for a job w me ee eee ton in 1924. H é ' vincial objective of $610,200 done 7 : ver from his ‘rom Gali Oe : @ Attention Northland Dar) . ¥ j h Pri R ert 10 ve i - : TI ‘ ll be ne ’ aS he : ; a < i At ervi ivery New Dat ¢ — nex the Sec ad W 4 supply i pent five year - \ ’ Wednesda ‘ [ eremonie C a Lei } . : ; nh ane i (304 arta pretty high Te be ft eturning I : click the Rupert in Apri 1950 to tal ~~ ween eer & ey should at charge of the newly aa: 8 Weather the wi nter e Show last ‘lub bar i ) and re vee ina Be neat Used § Ser : ch in these 7 di na h c hrisiimas spirit : i the jam- oung st vs / fay Tr Drv any of this setec ; on of priced-right u “a ‘ 193 ford wa JE biac: 4 rer W Mil. i fenitinc 1951 Pod Fords -™= Me , Heate Through our shop ; lel Thompson : o € impefso ¥ / / . { QO $2175 i nt j ‘i PTL in the last ~/#an a. , : i851 Pontiac Sedan, One own ie Some even Youngste played musical er i well driven. A good bt Pat Bolton a whix on games valtlig Santa on $2175 ; wus Chris E ‘ the plano, | pe a : aateaie ad 959 Ford Pordor (2). Good as ie "4 ‘ party for chilaren of 8 anit ; loo - _ Daniels the Ladies’ Oran; Benevolet l look $1825 j vu 1 LOp- Association ,.. 41949 Plymouth Sedan (2) . ie The party took place in ? Sound as they con $1425 l H E : H Oo U S E Oo F : helped put Oro Ea’ . e were [We have a compicie scl2etion dak for... fi “wy. but the The committec hal a ees id trucks u rt the milton. Mrs. W H if qualify used cars end truc fte; ‘ Mrs. A. 8. Hamilt< a hen Christmas chopping §, uy? ets er the coats Hill, Mrs. W. Fields, Mrs. V ( mit : ee ‘truck | ay yt Capito) ‘ is > # N. Gladish, Mrs for a food Used Car i nh. p o Irs. Morrison, Mrs. I ae “Fagag try your Aql dealer | a 40.9 Live most W Tiomson wVa mi ere. She did a | Evans Rob Parker ltd. | C A g N E 8 F 0 ¢ 0 $ : 4 in de . a ee oe MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTISE MODERATION TODAY ‘ —— en sveiIng 1 was the first passenger rau rene 9% i 4a ‘ment was re- | poad to start in the United States rie Fone if Priendiy Service") eee This advertisement is not published or displayed toy Sea ik Seabee Doar op by tao Gaverenter at haan conan 4 ght owner Ge OC A NT TTT - + ;