PAGB TWO I to be but the THE DAILY NEWS ,.-uiJ . Orange Pekoe tea Is very 'delicious If high-grown, J 1 ; TERRACE well blended and scientifically packed "SAL-ADA"-Orange BOARD Pekoe Blend Is all of these. 'Try It and you will realize the difference 43c per OF TRADE MEETS $-lb. At all grocers. The flavour will charm you. MMHKK OF MATTERS IHSI'I SSEII, INCI.l DINU ltO.U AMI i(SXU Al. . Ills PIAV - ixluci n m mm FtKut mm m m Trntm DAILY EDITION more. Wll FREE T IP? HssH BflflHH HbH sBuH The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1- ARM LO ANS be much interested ich has hi ,,ppii..-(l farmers in Ihhtiiw no enable them to clear RTuHeuTi 308 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue, II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Trantient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Friday, March 9, 1928 FORCE SOMETIMES NECESSARY Force is still necessary, especially in dealing with backward nations like the Arabs, Indians or Russians. Nothing else counts with them. They dpise the weakling but .they respect a regiment of soldiers with (tuns ami ntl, 1 equipment. , We all look or. peace a- tile jrreatesl lilessfng that could come to the world hut perfect peace i- a Ioiik way off and must not be expected in our day. We have t,, prepare i,, deal with such people as 1 nose now lunnmp' riot 111 Aralu Peace principles d. They have no world out dominion of the Moslem.' precepts with the sword measures failed. Ill la. par! ii nl 00k except it . The 1. ader and it proved irly appeal to tho.e people, lie perhaps a vi.-ion of world of their religion enforced hi-efiective even when peaceful in the pas-inx of the by the Legislature of ney for the extension of land and increase their !l Uelieti! everyone, have motlev. evervbodv has motiev Thov sra producers and the development of Central British Columbia depends largely on them. With the development of Central British Columbia is bound un P Central B Furm Loans lu'li wh ii.C. It will enable operations and will production This wi If the farmers a large extent the future of Prince Rupert. Railway service can improved if the country i more dosely settled, and the farmers NORODY SURE OF TIME Nobody can say just when the general election will be held tne opinion in the south seems to' be that it will take place In fall, according to advices received yesterday. Probablv some announcement will be made by Premier MacLean before the legislature rises, which will give a clue as to the possible time for the event. Under our elastic constitution the Premier, can decide when he will appeal to the country as long as he does it within the time specified In the law which provides that a legislature shall not sit for more than five years. We suggest that in any case those not registered should be busy and get their names on the voters list at once. GRAIN SHIPPING ACTIVE There is rather sudden activity here in grain shipping, due doubtless to some economic cause which makes it advisable to route the grain this way. It is nice to see the big steamers in the harbor and to feel that this is really a grain port which is proving its value to the country. uu vjneni uuys grain once more we may look tor gfeatTl ueveiopment in the grain business here. Just now all the shipments are being made to Europe. SETTLERS COMING Once more the spout has been opened and settlers are coming to the country from Europe. So far the movement has jjst begun. Men are needed to help put in the crop arid they are being brought to the prairies by the railways. Those wishing to take up land are encouraged to do so and the pro;pect is more of this claas than ever before will come to the country. Large numbers of men are being employed on railway construction and mining this year and that will tend to make labor scarce so that Canada will be in a position to absorb a good many and some of them are anxious to go on the land as soon as they have made enough money to start. 731 "snrtn sd2Btiff you can win your way to Niagara Falls "The Home oE Shredded Wheat" by writing winning essays Write far full particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Lla. Niagara Falls, Oat. meeting of t: wa- he-id t! day evening. ji mum ETwIbHVv.-m council fmflBc BtHof Trad; Correspondence arising from action taken by the railway committee showe. the seeming discrimination against local merchants. In the matter of k lower freight rate from Prince Rupert. for way-empljyeos, was shown to be brought about by action of the employee the.nselves, who annually voted where they wished their cheap rate to apply trcm. As the rate carried with it a Ire pass to the point designated, it was natural that the larger centre thculfl be chosen In moat instances. In this connection the secretary was asked to write and ascertain whether the half rate allowed was confined to only one point, or whether, if the employe requested, he might hare the privilege of the reduced rate from more than ;ne point. Correspondence also showed further weight being brought to benr on the departments crmcemed. in the matter ot platform extension, inadequacy oi waiting roam accommodation, and insufficient way freight sen-Ice. It was also suggested at the meeting and the committee were asked to take up the matter of having a passenger car attached to the way freight during the winter service KOMI OI'.sTRI CTION The obstruction on the West Hill Road and the continued inactivity o! 'he public works department In this matter was again brought to the attention of the meeting. It was suggested that the secretary write the department asking that, in the event of a pile driver being brought in soon for the Copper River bridge It be first uted In repairing this hill road. On behalf of C. Gordon of Alyanih President J. K Gordon brought up the :itat.?r of requesting the government to trulld a r;ad connecting Alyamh with Terrace, thus giving the fcrmer a connection with the raUway and thus facil itating mall and freight delivery. It was pointed out that aDout thirty miles of ffce total distance of approximately rventy miles was already constructed It was the general feeling of the meet-hat this road should be built at 1 ' 1 N .1 in opening up a larg; :. 1 nd give the set-much more con-:i offering some .-pecttve settlers. It ' ..g the matter to the public works the people of Aiyan.h the matter. of the public works :i.:;..itee was drawn to th? almost lm possible condition of the road leadlnt to the ranch of W. J Goodwin at Klt-sumkalum and also to the desirability of having a trail constructed this year jn what will later be the cut-off or shorter road to Lakelse Lake. MINERAL lilMPl.AY The mining committee reported that the mineral show case to be placed at the local depot was ready to be set u: nd some splendid specimens of ore were on hand to be placed tn It. with more prrmtsed as soon as prospectors could get out to their claims. As a means of advertising and publicity it was suggested that an attempt be made to have the district mining engineer look over a' number of the prospects in the district and make official reports At the request of the hospttal board to appoint a representative from the board of trade to the hospital executive. A. H 'Barker was named to act In that capacity. TERRACE Mrs. D. O. Munro arrived from Smtthen on Tuesday and will apend a abort time here with friends before re toratJsi the interior where stae plana sa'tpenn tna summer. - D. M. Gibbon of Smith rs la In the district looking after property interests here. McDonald, mining man of tJsk. was a business visitor In town during the week Mr. aad Mrs. O. W. Blaaonnette and children have spent tho past few months In Vancouver, returned to Terrace at the beginning of the week. A J. Curaon. Prince Rupert, was a business visitor here during the week Winter is paying an unwelcome return visit to this district this week After enjoying warm bright sunny weather with clean, dry streets, this week's storm la not appreciated Considerable snow fell on the level, but in town waa accompanied by strong wind and motor traffic la moving with difficulty through the drifts. Mr and Mrs. Reginald. Ilogan of Prince Oeorge are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hogsn's Barents. Mr. and ur, Ouy Taft. R. E. Allen, dtswlet forester arid E c: Manning, assistant chief forester of Victoria, arrived In town on Wednesday, to conduct assistant ranier examlm-Uoas at this point. Thrar candidates Dunran Ksrr and M. McDonald. Terrace, aad J Oraham of Dnreen. J Thnmsfon on Wednesday i.f Remo was In town A. T. Little returned on Wcdnrtdnv from the Prince Rupert Hospital, whin-he hn been a patli-nt for wvcimI nl. Willi txnli wrKti broken. Hi- U. w alight use of the right hand but It win be some time before he la fit for duty again. Dan darker returned on WednesdsT from Prince Rupert where be has been spending a holiday. Mrs B. T Brooks returned on Wed nesday from Prince Rupert. 8. fljoetramt Who anent the earlv nart of the week m Plinoe Rupert, returned on Wednesday. Man in the Moon THE per , who H becoming rich without , . in makmR 911 Jg. . nJ - ,isf H always in Line hers that much poorer. UONtT talks but it does not do all .lie talking. There are people who are paid to Ulk. THt fit teat survive, as pretty fit. Yea. t knew 1 HI tried to tau fcltntfeif -As fit sa fit could be: And then he threw a fit That waa not fit to are. THE Conservative newspapers m thl south suggest a Judgeship for MsJnaon and a job in England for PnttuBo Doubtless theae are two of the men that Interfere with their party aaplra- '.tons. IT is explained at the elevator that the Ring Jsmea parrot which caused ucii a sensation by its language among 'evator officials, sawed too many wild i ts there and hrd ri be sent away. A TRAVBLLINO mar. arm In 1 'rin-e Rupert recently an it is as Id r.e put oter several good ?rle. Kb I in t tell them It r.ould not do to 'ell travellers' stores here Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert T H McMillan, inspector of "Vroswi the St. Andrew's Society last iiVht. his subject being "Oeology as Xi'lilled to Mining." 'f rge M Hiinsnn. United State eon--nl sdflr.wieri the Hons of Canada last 11 iht. ul.jrct bring "Colonies. East lnl WK' " , The exer-'tive mmmittee of the An-l'::"n liooc f of Caledonia met last 'ntng a the home of Dlshop p h. t)U v-rnet The members present, besides ntsiKip. were Canon O A Rlx. Rev W s A t arter i, M nrOex and C W 11' UH T. S . it . . -- - r-"-' ; ' -J--J ,-l-"i-ssv 1 n h 1 ""1 1 IN answering Fashion's call this season, the May Belle designers have surely achieved the ultimate in creating perfect-fitting, smart undies that really meet the demands of the mode. Emy gdrmeiit tt truly exquisite! Erery. tiring that goes into theif making is of the finest possible quality expert designing perfect tailoring and lovely trimming And all May Belle Lingerie is made fmrn our own superb lockstitch Rayon, of softest, finest texture and carefully dvcj in a host of charming pastel shades that will really outlast dozens of warm-water washings. There is a smart May Belle undie adaptable to every figure, every frock, every fancy, and all are perfect fitting, long wearing and very inexpensive to buy. When shopping rhis season ask for the undie with the litile May Belle label inside. 1 Knitted, dyed and tailortLby Ontario Silknit Limited, Toronto Lstgftt Mtktn ttf Rnjorl Fstri: 1 tnJ Rayon ( tt in CW. mm the mode Ladies! V I a (if Ladies! SPRING COATS JUST ARRIVED TWEEDS. CHAUMKENS. I'OIKET. TWIM. Idlest Designs Nicely Tnllorcd Ronsonnbly Triced H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. , . . I'hnne' " .J t - 1 sr A 4 3rd Avenue nnd Fulton Street. F! AN AD IAN NAILQNAL CTlit Largcfl TailmX fyflun in Am STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SBBVItfU 8alllng from PKINTfv KlTEIlTfor VANCOI VKR. VHT;R' and Intermediate polfita, 4ach HtllAV, BOO .' For STKWAKT and ANYOX, eh HEIINKNU.W. 10 00 p ?M. P6r NOKTII and SOUTH Ql'EEN MIAItLOTTK S'4N)",;, " I'ASSKNOf.n TRAINS I.HAVB rillNCB BL' t'BT rgpf r Bath MONDAY, M'liUNKSIMT and "ATfROAY at II SO m . , OtORdi:. EOMONTON. WINNII'DO, all poInU Bastern States, AOBNCT A I.I. OCfcAN HTBA.MSIIIP UN" c,Ni Vii Canadian National Etpress fur Monty Older. r'" etc., alto for your ntt llilpment. r"1" CITT TICKET orriCB. R THIIIO AVE.. PRINfE MTTMr