ce Rupe * BUILDING PAGE x‘ Se WALTER KOERNER SUCCEEDS BROTHER IN TOP POSITION Monday, Dece CONC niger we ND NORTHWE TC STRUCTION LID. T VOY ING Ws nber 29, 1952 the GENERAL CONTRACTORS r.0. Box 128) Prince Ru COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS FLOOR SANDING CABINET WORK Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 969 ~Ist Ave. We P.O. Box 721 FOOTHILLS (SOOTLESS) COAL th Be Sure of Your Winter Fuel Stock A Supply Now! \ We Have Ample Stocks of Lump - Egg - Nut And Stoker PHONE 651 OR 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT, & Co. Ltd. “For Better Buys In Builders Supplies’ i ene AB gE a eres When RS inihing Fundeiies Don't Skip Any Processes Home Heating Costs Reduced picked up a cash box containing y ul £15, and walked out again. Said June H 7 _ er - " nsu a ing the manager, Hugh Bramsdon { is u re i met the thief as he left the taty gnain vp ug main entrance and I said @ood ee Th A housing contract house, climatic conditions and night.” z ae border eviden er factors—-this New Jersey Br L nevertheless shows (thateon-. 7 f ROTDOM, Binigiand young Man entered the i0C8) A} ihitc , branch of : the legal aid soclet: ne Ca! Oi Hieraoie ZsaViINkA Sig anes aw ef GRANTHAM Electr = Flectrical Contractors planning. | SAANICH cai wore “==! | PLUAABERS For all your Plumbing * NEW CONSTRUCTION ¥ Phone Blue 846 REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS | | Cor, McBride and Fifth Ave. 844 Summit and Heating Needs Phone Blue EES WEN YOU BUY ‘ spkirkt cet bee e eee tn SEMI~ cours, AUTOMATIC ‘sen One @ woul insuistion do nat always ron | SANE SéUE-FEED Home Ecomon S$ ' } gh--dep u ¥ SU a. art HEATING WAIT furni r ‘A mt De t rem 4 ike rot wer +i mark tk : yA pet a a Lear G Se wood, Di urf intil it Re wit! nd irfa rain of Warp ult t é quire use box tours a . ; ' thi T \ pairir i th AT {ft g c d ye that need it to ensure a tight fit. Old glue is remove’ with hot vine@ar. Be sure that he vinegar wiped off a the weod is dry before conti:uing work. Warm new giue and apply to both urfaces when 3 re place the pleces Deep erawhes and holes in the wood should be filling with stick repaired b’ can be purchased in t f all natural wood lastic woot is not atisfactory beca { will not take a stain Spending up, Prod/uction Down in B.C. VICTORIA © Proxtaction in British Columbia's basis inslus- | tries this year fs lagging brnind 1951 achievements * con- sumer spending continue higher level The quantity of fish ianded during September down | 82,77 per cent from the amount | |landed the previous ‘enth, aig 12.58 per cent down from Sep- tember, 1961, Prelirmminary figures for cist ber show that the landed value of fish was $1,572,000 corpared | to $3,511 000 a year age Strikes in the fishing industry (Continued on pese 4) HANDY MAH HOME SERVICE Painting and Deesorating at al Was General Contractors , Building and Ren of all kinds. P.O. Box 1670 Phone Red 894 males ant Geet | net AT REGMLAR PRICES ” Here ft inthe greatest money-saving offer of the secson! One ton of « famous Booker coal VESTA, BLUE FLAME or ROGELYN..Tree when you purchase the most eificiest coal-burning unit available twoday-—-the Booker Selideed Heating Ynii, There is a Booker specially designed fer your home engineered 6 give you the greatest beciing sotisioction obtainable under B.C. weather conditions. § hours trouble tree operciion--no coal te stoke, no ask to remove. Select the Booker of your chelice today trom your dealer, Get The amount of costly fuel furnace can waste is your free ton of cool. Start enjoying maximum beating an inefficient satisfoction a! minimum cost This OLFER GOOD AT ANY amazing, Are you r¢ ceiving the utmost in value from your i DEALER heating plant? eee ; S OFFER Be sure’ Call us te- Hh find 17 modede of apace hnaters, huramces amd omerweni: THIS membele © Ciba cents heme cat Beosatbaer bw 4 EXPIRES MIONIG! day for a free check! —_ nee “ ‘a =e iss AMUARY 310, 1M pasts to go # a hewt, tree trom wt ane fi wd henee—powitively sale Booker ands com be tthed wth ebectre: oF mum ebectrw Phone 174 YOUR Plumbing is OUR Job-— (Beacon stal) contiodn r ~ PATENTED B00 ER SELF FEED SOFT COAL pe kM kid HEATERS end FURHACES bike AA aie VOUR-HEATING NEEL Ore) eee qi Mer ae Pree as a R, J. “ELLIOTT Lith Ave Vancouver Bo. Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 a ane oe 2403 W Authorized Booker Dea'er ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD., Prince Rupert, Fervece, B. Y. PROVE i TO YOURSELF! that BOOKER HEATING Mears $$$5$$ In Your Pocket For Uniform and Economical Heating See Us Today and Heat Your Home "THE BOOKER WAY ISLAND CITY BUILDERS SUPPLIES 620 505 McBRIDE STREET pHONE: BLUE